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Synergy: New Adult Romantic Suspense (U-District, #1)

Page 14

by Ashland, Jodi


  JADE FINISHED STEWING in her chair. It had been four hours since the kiss. She needed to talk to someone about Bryce, and there was only one person she could call. Aleks was totally going to freak out.

  Jade picked up the phone and dialed.

  “Jade? What’s wrong?” Aleks asked.

  “Why do you think there’s something wrong?” Of course there is.

  “Well, you’re calling me in the middle of the day. Don’t you have to work?”

  “Yeah, I’m at work right now.”

  “So, what is it?”

  “Bryce kissed me.” Saying it aloud sent a guilty thrill through her.

  “I told you. Didn’t I tell you? I saw the way he looked at you at the picnic.”

  “I know. I totally didn’t believe you.” And how wrong she was. “But he has a girlfriend, and it’s not right for him to kiss me.”

  “Maybe he broke up with her.”

  Her belly fluttered. “I—I didn’t think about that. But then why would he be avoiding me? He left the contracts with Roz, won’t pick up his phone, didn’t show up to our meeting, and his emails since then have been so short they almost aren’t answers. I can’t get my work done like this.”

  “Maybe he feels guilty because you’re his boss.”

  “So how do I make it right between us again?”

  “Try talking to him.”

  “He won’t give me the time of day.” Jade twisted the cap on her pen.

  “Well… maybe you should do something unprofessional back.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. Grab his tight ass at your next meeting.”

  Jade laughed. “I can’t do that in front of other people.”

  “Then do something else.”


  “So you’re as guilty as he is.”

  Hmm. Jade liked the idea. “It would put us on level ground.”

  “Exactly. If he still has a girlfriend, you can rub it in his dirty rotten face. If it’s because he feels guilty for being unprofessional, then you’re even. Hey, I gotta go. Class is starting.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know what happens.” Jade hung up and placed her fingers to her lips where they’d been assaulted by Bryce’s glorious mouth. She’d never felt such passion in a kiss before. And there was no way he could deny that he’d felt it to. His hazel eyes had darkened and he’d been breathing heavily when he’d pulled away from her.

  What would it be like if Bryce let go and lost all control?

  There was nothing in this world she wanted more, as long as it was over with his girlfriend. And if he had ended his relationship, she liked the idea of putting them both on a level playing field. He’d acted unprofessionally, so she would too. She was pretty darn sure the disagreements they had were unprofessional, but that didn’t seem to stop him or make him feel guilty. No… this had to go a step further, something like… Oh yeah.

  Her lips spread into a wide grin. That would be bad, so, so bad.

  BRYCE THRASHED AGAINST THE SHEETS. Jade had just fired him. Now, his lips were on hers. She tried pushing him away, but he was stronger.

  “No, get off me!” she screamed, fueling his anger.

  The more she pushed him away, the more he wanted her. Somewhere deep in his mind, he was aware he shouldn’t be doing this; it was wrong, but he couldn’t stop. He yanked the pins from her hair, letting that sterile bun fall in sensuous waves below her shoulders. He took his mouth on a journey down her slender neck. The scent of strawberries flooded his senses.

  She struggled to get away from him, his body pinning hers to the door.

  He needed her. Didn’t she know how much he needed her? He wouldn’t let her get rid of him. His mouth found hers again, and this time she succumbed. What his mouth asked for, she gave. A burning ache spread through him. He wanted more. No, he needed more.

  His hands found the lapels of her blouse, and he yanked, ripping her shirt open, pulling it down, pinning her arms behind her back. His mouth trailed to her breasts, one slow kiss at a time.

  A noise behind him caught his attention. He turned to look… Gloria was sitting at his desk pointing her finger at him. “This isn’t the way it was meant to be, Bryce.”


  Bryce bolted upright in bed. Sweat covered his entire body.

  Guilt overwhelmed him. The shame of forcing himself on Jade, of having vile dreams about her.

  Am I capable of doing that to her?

  It scared the hell out of him. After what he’d done to Jade today, would he take it further if she made him angry again? She knew how to push his buttons, how to make him mad, mad enough that he couldn’t stop his anger. He needed to get control, distance himself from her, not let her fuel his temper. Bryce headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Kenzie had just gotten home from the night shift. “You’re up early. Do you want—hey, you okay?” She wrapped an arm around him.

  “Yeah, just a bad dream.”

  “Want to watch some TV with me?”

  He knew her routine, how she needed to unwind from a long shift. “I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on. Since I’m up, I’ll just go in.”

  “Okay, you eat my breakfast, and I’ll make more after I watch my show.” Kenzie finished buttering a piece of toast and placed it on a plate full of scrambled eggs. “Eat before you go, promise?”

  “I’ll grab something after my shower. You eat it before it gets cold.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and took the plate into the living room to eat.

  Bryce placed his hands on the counter and let his head sink between his arms. Kenzie would do anything for him. He wished he could talk to her about what had happened. She was his best friend, his confidante. But this wasn’t something he could confide in her. Besides, he was never, ever going to touch Jade that way again.

  The shower was the worst place to be when he was thinking about Jade. He took a quick, cold shower, changed, and didn’t bother getting food on his way out the door. He wouldn’t be able to stomach it.

  Bryce cursed when he pulled into the Synergy parking garage and spotted the BMW. Jade got in earlier than he did, but he had no idea she came in before six a.m. There were times he would leave after six p.m. and she’d still be there. She was putting in twelve-hour days, at a minimum. No wonder she was so edgy.

  Jade was just like her grandmother. His shame floated to the surface again. He’d disappointed Gloria, disappointed Jade, disappointed himself with what he’d done. There was no way to make up for it, other than to distance himself from Jade, to let her know he wouldn’t touch her that way again.

  Bryce waited until Roz got in. He would drop off the McPherson contract with her so he didn’t have to see Jade. He’d taken it home last night and written the verbal agreement into the contract when he couldn’t sleep. Now, after that damn dream, he wished he hadn’t slept at all.

  He pushed the memory aside, instead thinking about the contract. It wasn’t that Jade was wrong—it was better to have the deal in writing—it was just the way she’d handled it.

  Was it so easy for her to fire me, to get rid of me, just like that?

  He was going to get angry again if he continued to think about it. He reached for the contracts as Roz walked by. Damn. He’d left the McPherson contract at home.

  Could the day get any worse?

  He’d give Roz the two he needed signed now and go home at lunch to get the other.

  Bryce handed the manila folder to Roz as she sat down. “Can you ask Jade to review these contracts and sign them?”

  “The boss is in her office. You want me to get you in?”

  “No. I’ve got a meeting. Can you take care of this for me?”

  “Shuah thing. Does this have anything to do with Jade’s rumpled look and foul mood yesterday?”

  His chest tightened and his mouth clamped shut. He deserved criticism from Roz, and it was clear he’d upset Ja
de, but he wasn’t going to respond and give Roz something to gossip about.

  Bryce somehow managed to avoid Jade until he left at noon to get the contract, which was about the only good thing that had happened that morning. Fighting through Seattle’s lunch-hour traffic reminded him why he went to work early and left late. As he sat on Pike Street and stared at the red light, his phone rang. He wasn’t going to pick up if it was Jade.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, honey. I hope I didn’t call you at a bad time. What’s that noise I’m hearing?”

  “I’m in the car driving home. I forgot some papers. Everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. We just flew in last night. I wanted to let you know we’re home.”

  “How was Palm Springs?”

  “It’s too hot this time of year.”

  “Ron get his golf in?”

  “And then some. I played a couple of times myself.”

  “It’s good exercise for you.” Bryce turned right at the next light.

  “Not when Ron rents a cart.”

  “You planning any more trips soon?”

  “Not for a couple of months. We want to enjoy the weather here, now that it’s finally quit raining. Ron is getting the boat ready. When are you going to visit?”

  “Uh, I’m not sure. Work has been pretty hectic.”

  “Since Gloria passed?” There was concern in his mother’s voice.


  “I know she meant the world to you. I’m sure it’s hard getting a constant reminder every day when you go to work.”

  Bryce let out a bitter chuckle. Jade was definitely a constant reminder.

  “Is something wrong, honey?”

  “I was wondering about something today.”

  “About what?”

  “Did you and Ron ever think about getting a divorce?”

  “No, why would you ask that?”

  “Really? With all the fighting you two used to do when I was a kid?”

  “Fighting? I don’t remember us fighting.”

  “Okay, arguing.”

  “We argue all the time. It doesn’t mean we want to get a divorce.”

  “Why do you argue so much?”

  “What else would we do when we disagree?”

  Huh, she made it sound so… normal. “You could talk through it like two reasonable people.”

  “We do talk about it reasonably. Just because we aren’t quiet about it doesn’t mean we aren’t reasonable.”

  “You always get so furious with each other.”

  “Well, we rub each other the wrong way sometimes. It’s been pretty much that way since the day we met. Why are you asking me this after all these years?”

  “Uh, well…” Did he want to tell her about Jade? “There’s this woman.”

  “Go on.”

  “Well she’s young, immature, very irritating. We argue a lot.” He wasn’t about to tell her that he’d forced himself on her.

  “And do you make up?”

  “Well, yes.” Except for this time.

  “So what’s the problem? It sounds like you finally found someone who’s passionate and who brings that out in you. Frankly, it’s about time.”


  “Life isn’t worth living without passion. It makes a relationship that much more irritating and exciting, all at the same time. Besides, making up is half the fun.”

  “Okay, Mom, more than I need to know.”

  She laughed into the phone. “You said she was young. Is it someone I know?”

  “No, you haven’t met her yet. She’s eight years younger than I am.”

  “Oh, she is young.”

  “Too young for me.”

  “Why do you say that? Ron is twelve years older than I am, and it’s worked out for us.”

  “Yeah, better than I realized.”

  “Has our arguing been bothering you all these years?”

  “I guess.”

  “I’m sorry for that, but Ron isn’t your father. He’s never raised a hand to me. We disagree all the time, but we have no plans to divorce.”

  “That’s good to hear, Mom.”

  “Oh, Ron’s at the door with his hands full. I need to let him in.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, honey. Come over for dinner on Saturday.”

  “Okay, bye.” Bryce inched the car forward.

  Something his mother had said brought back a memory of Gloria. He’d just signed a new contract, and she’d asked if he had any special plans. He’d told her he was planning to work late. She looked directly at him and said, “What you need is a passionate woman. Someone you can celebrate life with. Think about that while you’re working late tonight.”

  Bryce hadn’t thought about it that night or any night thereafter. He hadn’t given it a second thought until now. What had Gloria been trying to tell him? Why was his mother telling him the same thing? He had passion in his life. He was passionate about his work, which is why he was damn good at it.

  But it was a woman they were referring to. Had he had a passionate relationship with a woman? No, because he wouldn’t allow it. He liked calm, sensual relationships, and he liked being in control. Exactly the opposite of his father, who yelled and hit.

  Bryce didn’t argue with anyone, except Jade. He didn’t have uncontrollable passionate feelings for any woman except…

  He leaned on the horn. He really needed to get out of this traffic, and he really needed to stop thinking about Jade.

  NEAL ACCEPTED THE COFFEE Mackenzie, scratch that, Kenzie Ballinger had just handed to him. He liked the name Mackenzie. Did she shorten it because she had a mildly rebellious streak in her? “You weren’t wearing the stud in your nose at the hospital.”

  Kenzie sat down across from him at the kitchen table. “We’re not allowed to wear jewelry when we’re on duty.”

  “Guess that make sense.” He glanced up when Radisson walked in.

  “Bryce, what are you doing home?” Kenzie asked.

  “I forgot some paperwork.” Radisson stopped abruptly and glared at Neal. “Did you need to see me, Detective?”

  “No, I’m here to see Ms. Ballinger.”

  “For what?”

  Kenzie frowned. “He’s just asking me some questions, Bryce. He’s still looking into who attacked Jade.”

  “And you think that Kenzie or I attacked her?”

  Neal noted Radisson’s agitation. “I’m just asking the standard questions, Mr. Radisson. You’re looking a bit disheveled since the last time I saw you.”

  “Yeah, well you’d look disheveled too if you were working the hours I’m working and not getting any sleep.” Radisson walked up to the coffee pot and poured a cup. He looked like he needed a strong dose of caffeine.

  “Things bad at the office?” Neal asked.

  “Things are busy at the office,” Radisson said. “I’m spending half my day answering Jade’s questions, and since she fired Stan, it’s taking me longer to get the contracts wrapped up.”

  “And you’re not sleeping.” Neal took another sip of his coffee.

  “That’s what I said.”

  “Care to elaborate?”


  What aren’t you telling me? He probably wasn’t going to get any more out of him. Radisson was careful with his words. A man in his position had to learn how to say just the right thing to win customers.

  Radisson leaned against the counter. “I’m assuming you haven’t found out who’s behind the attack yet if you’re here asking questions.”

  “The investigation is still ongoing. I’ll be meeting with Jade to give her the details.”

  “If you don’t need anything else from me, I need to get back to work. You want me to stay, Kenzie?” Radisson placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m fine, you go. Are you okay?”

  Radisson’s jaw clenched. His smile appeared to be an attempt to ease her concern. “I’m fine. I’ll see you tonight.”r />
  Neal waited for Radisson to leave. He’d run a full bio on Ms. Ballinger. She’d been a nurse at Swedish Hospital for fourteen years, had worked there since obtaining her nursing degree, and had no outstanding warrants and no driving tickets. She was clean as a whistle. It had been easy enough to check her schedule at the hospital. She’d been working when Jade’s laptop had been taken, and the waiter at the restaurant hadn’t recognized Kenzie or Jade from photographs.

  Neal had figured out that Kenzie was Radisson’s cousin, and during the interview, she’d confirmed that they’d grown up together and didn’t have a romantic relationship. So if Radisson were involved in what had been going on, Neal figured Kenzie for an innocent bystander.

  Radisson’s record was clean too. For that matter, all of the management team was clean. Hard-working citizens who paid their taxes and didn’t have excessive income. A couple had driving tickets but paid their fines on time, none switched jobs regularly, and most had been at Synergy Technologies for the majority of their careers, which gave them all motive under these circumstances.

  It didn’t matter that none of them had records. Stress from work or home could cause any regular Joe to snap. The question was: which one was the culprit?


  TIME FOR PAYBACK. Today was the day Jade was going to make things right between her and Bryce again. She was tired of how he’d been ignoring her and not making eye contact for the past two days. She hoped her plan worked. It was risky and completely unprofessional, but it was necessary and would be so much fun. But first, she had a meeting with Purchasing.

  “Good morning, Patricia.” Jade extended her hand to the senior buyer.

  “Hi, Miss Buchanan.” Patricia glanced down at her own clothes. “I forgot we were meeting today, or I would have worn something more professional.”

  “Call me Jade.” It drove her nuts that her grandmother had required everyone to be so formal. “And you look fantastic. I love the blouse.” The brown and black diamond formation on the classy button down was something she’d pick out for herself.

  Patricia beamed. “Thanks, I got it this weekend. I know it makes me look heavy, but I just loved the pattern.”


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