Calthraca: Secrets And The Sea [A Calthraca Novel]
Page 3
Kate took a deep breath and stuck her chin out defiantly, despite her inability to move any of her bound limbs.
She could hear someone speaking close by and concentrated on listening to what they said. It wasn't difficult as they were coming closer. Two sets of boots stopped before the door to the dark little cell where she was held.
"This one has a strong resistant streak, Captain. I do not think she will suit your needs.” It was Abdallah.
"I do not care if she is truculent; I simply need a wench for the admiral. It will be up to him to subdue her. I only want to bring him a woman who is disease-free and not terribly hard to look at,” the slaver's companion replied. His voice was deep and he had an accent, which sounded somewhat Spanish. Blessed relief flooded through her; it wasn't the scarred man.
"Well, she is clean, and her face is lovely, but I still do not think she will suit."
"Let me see her and I will decide."
"Of course, Captain. Let me bring her to you.” Abdallah opened the cell door and stepped inside. He reached over her head and unhooked her hands. “If you attempt anything, I will beat you, and then give you to the guards,” he whispered. “Do you understand me, Altyn?"
She glared at him, narrowing her eyes. “My name is Katherine,” she hissed and he shook her hard in reply. “Yes, dammit, I understand,” she gasped.
He took her by the elbow hard enough to leave a bruise and then walked her out into the corridor.
She blinked at the harsh daylight and lowered her eyes. Sharp fear, so strong she could almost taste it shuddered through her body, and she nearly turned back to the safety of her tiny cell, but Abdallah held her.
The captain wasn't the man from the night before, but still she couldn't bring herself to look at him. He stepped forward to where she stood and she cringed away, hating herself for it.
Undeterred, he reached out and took her chin, forcing her face upward. She squeezed her eyes closed, trying to tell herself that this wasn't happening again. He turned her face to the left and the right, using his other hand to gently smooth her tangled hair from her cheek. Kate, taken off-guard by the tender gesture, opened her eyes just a crack, but still couldn't look into his face.
The captain narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, considering. He glanced at Abdallah, who had a distinctly uneasy look upon his face and wondered what it was that could be making the slaver so nervous. He decided to make him sweat a little more.
God, he hated the slave markets.
"I have several other girls you might like better, sir,” Abdallah said quickly. “Commodore Romanov has made an offer on this one already."
"Have her turn,” the captain said, ignoring his comment. He stepped back away from the woman, crossing his arms over his chest, and appraised her openly.
* * * *
Katherine shuddered. Despite her fear, that voice flowed over her like warm butter. It was low and full of restrained power but soothing, and a small flame of comfort flickered within her. It almost felt as though he was trying to calm her fears.
Abdallah pulled her around to turn and then yanked away the filthy rag of a dress she was wearing.
Unable to cover herself, fresh tears started to fall and she took a deep breath, attempting to regain some composure. None of the other prospective buyers had ever asked to see her naked before. Once they saw she was blonde, they always said no. This new humiliation was another blow to her already bruised psyche.
"Turn,” Abdallah ordered.
She turned slowly, holding her arms out at her sides as he'd told her to do, trying desperately not to cry harder. The captain did not seem to care and merely examined her, running a big hand up her side and feeling her ribs, then caressing a breast, ignoring her outraged gasp.
"Is she a virgin?"
"Our physician says no, but she is not well used either."
The captain took her face in his hand once again and lifted her chin. “Look at me,” he commanded softly, and as much as she wanted to, Kate could not resist that voice.
She raised her eyes slowly and looked at him.
The man was simply drop-dead gorgeous. After being confined with these dirty, smelly, violent men, he was like a breath of fresh air. He was tall and lean with dark skin and long hair, a short beard and mustache over a wide, full lipped mouth. He had a strong jaw and high cheekbones, but what made her heart stutter in her chest were his eyes. They were blue; light icy blue—utterly arresting and compassionate. She swallowed hard, hoping her heart would start beating in its normal rhythm again soon.
She blinked, tearing her gaze from his and recalled exactly what her position in this little endeavor was. She narrowed her eyes, mentally daring him to buy her, because no matter how handsome he was she planned to make his life hell if he did.
He worked hard to control his features, but Esteban was just as stunned as she obviously was. When Abdallah had suggested the blonde girl, he had been less than interested. He disliked the slave markets and intentionally avoided them. He would not have been here at all had it not been for Admiral Fargut. The man wanted a slave girl, someone to dress him and wash him and basically be there to relieve his lust when he was at sea.
Many of the high ranking naval officers kept a woman for such needs. It was an entitlement that came with rank. He could have kept a girl himself if he had chosen to do so, but until now he'd never wanted to.
Her form had appealed to him immediately—those curves were dangerous to a man's control—but he hadn't missed the silent challenge she'd issued with her defiant look. She was different from any other woman he'd seen, and that made her even more intriguing. He'd already decided this woman was not going to the admiral.
Her body was perfection, large firm breasts, a high round ass, and long, tanned legs he thought would only look better wrapped around his waist.
Ultimately, he was won over by her eyes. They were green; deep jade green with flecks of gold. The lashes that fringed them were as beautiful as her eyes themselves. They were blonde at the tips and dark at the root making her eyes look even bigger than they really were, and still wet with her tears.
"Cover her,” he said quietly and the slaver moved to put the wrap back on. “She is terribly thin, Abdallah.” Esteban struggled not to appear too interested.
"She has refused to eat, Captain,” the man floundered.
"The admiral would like a girl with more flesh upon her bones."
Abdallah nodded miserably.
"She gives you trouble?” Esteban asked.
"She has been nothing but a burden since she was brought from Kirn."
Esteban rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You said Romanov wanted her?"
Abdallah nodded again.
"I will make you an offer, Abdallah. Bring me a nice, plump fahise. A clean girl with dark hair, and I will take this one as well. She will serve me and if she continues to be resistant, my men will enjoy a light-haired girl. An Andalosian will make it sweeter for them.” He paused. “I will give you twice what Davich offered for her."
Abdallah's face lit up when Esteban offered to take the blonde as well. Two sales! He knew he could ask anything for the girl now, but he dared not take advantage of the captain's generosity. Esteban was known for paying for all of his goods promptly with gold, unlike the commodore who insisted upon credit. For his part, Abdallah was only too glad to finally be rid of her. Blondes were bad luck.
"Have them bathed and ready to travel by three. My ship will take the tide at dusk,” Esteban said, turning to leave.
Katherine watched him go through lowered lashes. Serve him, what did he mean by that? What the hell was an Andalosian?
He stopped as though he could hear her thoughts, and turned. “Does she have a name?"
"It is—"
"Katherine,” she spoke before the slaver could use the hateful Altyn.
Esteban walked back and looked down at her. He tilted his head thoughtfully and cupped her chin again. “Yes. Katherine.” He smiled at
her and she swallowed hard. Esteban looked back at Abdallah; the man was scarlet with restrained rage over her impertinence. “Make sure she is unmarked,” he added darkly.
He released her and left.
Esteban made his way back to his ship through the cobbled streets of Mucevher. “Katherine,” he said under his breath. He loved that name, it fit her perfectly. He knew the slaver called her Altyn, he'd heard him say it earlier, it meant golden. He also knew she hated it, and he smiled at her courage in speaking up.
She was willful and proud; he'd seen her humiliation at being examined naked before strange men, and that bespoke modesty in her former life. He liked that. She obviously was not some trollop Abdallah was trying to foist upon him. The fact that Davich Romanov wanted her made the deal that much sweeter and he would have paid triple for the girl, just to know he'd taken her from the Andalosian commodore. They had unsettled scores, and Esteban relished every opportunity he had to make Davich's life difficult.
He turned his thoughts back to Katherine. He could barely wait to have her in his possession. She had a body and a face made to be loved and he would be happy to oblige.
The more he thought about her the more aroused he became and he laughed aloud. He wasn't some green boy who'd never touched a woman, yet he found himself eagerly anticipating having her in his bed. Being Silanian, he had no troubles over her hair color. Tarks were an odd bunch with many strange superstitions, but for him, the thought of all that beautiful blonde hair spilled out across white linen pillows, her perfect body writhing upon the bed as he pleasured her made him half-hard already.
He shook himself. It would be delightful.
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Chapter 2
"You are incredibly lucky for all that you are an ill omen,” Abdallah said as he guided her away from the tiny cell.
She did not reply she simply hurried as he nearly dragged her along.
"You will allow the bath women to clean you and dress you, and then you will be sent to your new master.” They stopped before a set of doors which he pushed open.
"I am not a slave."
"Tell that to Captain Magalia.” He sneered and shoved her inside. “He seems to think you belong to him now."
The door closed behind her and the bath women hurried forward to her.
Kate looked around at the bath and sighed with relief. After being bound for days, she was grateful to be fussed over.
They first brought her to a steam-filled tiled room and removed her filthy wrap, then rubbed her with warm oils to remove all of the dirt from her body. As they poured warm water over her, she watched her dirty skin return to its normal color, and was amazed at how filthy she really had been. They then led her to another room with several large marble tubs, they had her step down into a deep tub of hot water and she sighed with pleasure as the warmth soothed her sore muscles.
"It feels like the day spa at home,” Kate commented to no one.
The ladies looked at each other but said nothing.
The other woman in the tub with her was younger and a bit rounder with a dusky rose complexion and exotic brown eyes. She had long curly hair that reached nearly to her waist and a lovely smile.
Before Katherine could speak, the girl spoke to her. “Are you not excited to be going to our new masters?” she asked.
"Not particularly,” Kate replied.
"You would rather stay here with Abdallah?"
Kate laughed. “No, I guess you're right."
"My name is Aria,” the dark girl said, smiling.
"I am Katherine."
"They told me you have seen your master already. Does he look like a cruel man?"
Katherine could hear the fear in Aria's voice. “He doesn't look cruel, no,” she said. “He's quite handsome."
Quite handsome? He was incredible! She knew his body had to be as nice as his face, not that she had any intention of finding out.
"Anything is better than Abdallah with his rotten teeth,” the girl said.
"Ugh, no kidding.” Kate smiled, already liking her.
The bath women washed both women's hair and then helped them from the tub and to a pair of benches where two young eunuchs began to massage them. “Oh, this is nice,” Katherine breathed as her masseur worked out the tension in her shoulder. “If I'd known about this I would have come here a long time ago."
Aria laughed. “You are a strange woman, Katherine."
Kate turned her head and smiled at her. Stranger than you know.
She closed her eyes then and let the servant continue rubbing out the knots in her muscles. She was lulled until she was nearly asleep and roused only when a little girl approached and began to brush her hair out.
Aria was already gone.
The ever-present bath attendants led her to a room where another woman waited. The lady looked her over critically. “Blonde ... humph. Well, let's see what you look good in,” she huffed. She held up a swatch of green silk. “No.” Next came gold. “Definitely not."
She paused and narrowed her eyes at Katherine and then turned. She left the room and after a few moments she returned with another garment.
It was a long silk caftan in dark sapphire blue with gold embroidery at the hems. She slipped the keyhole over Katherine's head and let it fall nearly to her knees. Kate put her arms through the armholes and felt the rich fabric, luxurious and infinitely more comfortable than the rags she'd been wearing. The lady then handed her the diaphanous pantaloons to match. After Katherine had put them on and tied the strings at her waist and ankles, the woman had her sit down and then braided her hair. She tied it off with a silk ribbon that matched the caftan. When she finished she handed Kate a pair of kidskin slippers done in the same blue as her clothes. A long scarf and veil were brought out and covered her head and face.
They brought her back to Almah, whom Katherine hadn't seen since she left the ship. Almah placed a cloak over Katherine's shoulders. “Now you are presentable,” she sniffed and Katherine smiled at her motherly tone.
"Thank you."
"Good luck, child,” the woman said and kissed her cheek.
Katherine was led to a litter and helped inside. Aria was already seated inside as well, wearing a black cloak similar to hers.
She smiled at the girl who looked a bit scared.
They were carried to the harbor and they could hear the sounds of the working waterfront, men shouting to each other, wooden ships bumping against their moorings.
The litter was brought directly onto a ship and they were ushered to a large room and then left alone. Katherine waited and heard the key turn in the lock. They were prisoners again.
She took off her cloak and veil. “This is just ridiculous,” she muttered throwing the garments aside.
Aria did the same, pulling off a silvery veil. She was dressed in a violet sleeveless bolero jacket with darker pantaloons and silver slippers.
Kate looked around and saw the room they were in was large and well furnished. There were several low divans and tables, and a large desk with a leather chair. The room was paneled in dark wood, but oil lamps swung and glowed, making it warm and inviting.
Against the back wall was another door and she walked over to it, and then pushed it open. It was the captain's bedroom.
She walked in and looked about. A big bed dominated the majority of the floor. It was placed with the head against the windows, which overlooked the sea. In the room there was also a tall dresser with a real mirror and a genuine sea chest. “Just like the movies,” she said.
"Katherine? Please come out. He may not wish to have you in his room!"
Kate sighed and left the room. “You're right."
"It is a big bed, though,” Aria said thoughtfully.
"Stop it,” Kate snapped. “I am not sleeping with him."
"Who said anything about sleep?” Aria giggled.
Kate shot her a quelling look. “I mean I do not plan to have sex with him."
"Well, I would
say his plans are probably more likely to be followed,” Aria remarked slyly. Katherine opened her mouth to reply when they both heard the click of the key in the door.
Esteban opened the door and entered his wardroom. Aria dropped to the floor in a submissive bow, but Katherine remained on her feet looking directly at him, determined to stop being afraid, despite the now familiar rubbery feeling in her legs.
Esteban stifled a grin, amused at her defiant posture, though he wasn't about to let her know it.
"Aria, please rise.” He extended his hand down to her. She got to her feet and moved beside Kate. “You will go with Quima. She will show you to the women's area.” He indicated a small woman who had been standing behind him since he entered, but had been blocked from their view.
Kate couldn't tell if Quima's wrinkled old face was caused by her age or by the sour countenance she seemed so comfortable with. The unbroken relief map of crevices and canyons was marred by a large port-wine stain. To Kate she looked something like a combination of an apple-face doll and a muppet.
"Quima is the headmistress upon my ship. She manages all the women, from the slaves to the whores.” He looked at Katherine. “You will obey her without question."
Katherine crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow.
"Go now, Aria,” he ordered, and Kate wondered if anything ever came out of his mouth that didn't sound like a command.
Aria nodded and left accompanied by the venerable Quima.
When Esteban and Kate were alone he moved behind his desk and sat looking at her.
"What do you want from me?” She was glad they were alone. Now she'd see if she couldn't convince him that he needed to free her. She wasn't exactly sure what he wanted from her, but she had a pretty good idea.
"Sit down.” She opened her mouth and he spoke again. “I said sit down. Do not make me repeat myself."
She quickly sat upon a nearby divan. Undeterred, she began again. “Listen, Captain ... I don't belong here. I'm not even from this land."
If he could at least leave her where she'd been abducted, she might be able to find a way back to the mountain. “I'm an American citizen. I know there must be someone looking for me by now and if you'll just bring me to an American Consulate or Embassy..."