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SEAL by Fate (Ghost Hawk Ops Book 1)

Page 13

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  After the dog did her business and the area was patrolled, he got back inside the car and, although it wasn’t heated, it felt a lot better than outside.

  Spreading the larger blanket over Stormy, he covered himself with the end and settled his arm on her hip possessively. He felt her jerk slightly and turn, her eyes on him. “I fell asleep,” she muttered in a sleepy voice.

  “Are you warm?”

  “No. I’m cold.”

  Without a thought, he said, “Scoot over. Your seat is bigger than mine.”

  She stared and he thought she’d reject him, but instead she moved. He lifted the blankets and climbed over the console, his boots hitting the dash. “Sorry. I’m beating up the inside of your car.”

  “Don’t worry. The first thing I’m doing is trading it in for an SUV.” She laughed.

  As large as he was, the seat wasn’t big enough for the them both, but with some creative shifting and bodies pressing, the fit wasn’t too bad. At least he didn’t find any complaint in snuggling so close.

  She reached over, grabbed his arm, and pulled it over her as she turned with her back to him. The gesture reached in and brought his body into overdrive. When she nestled her bottom into the spoon of his hips, he swallowed tightly and clenched his teeth. This was complete madness. She was going to drive him wild and he didn’t have the resistance to deny her.

  Her hair smelled so good. He inhaled her scent, wondering how it was possible that she smelled sweet, and he had a feeling he could fend off wolves with his body odor. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind because she wasn’t sending him back to his own seat or plugging her nose.

  Pulling the soft tresses of her hair aside, he kissed her silken neck, thinking she would resist the intimate act, but instead she pushed her bottom deeper into his spoon and parts hardened. He dragged her even closer, making sure no space remained between them, even if his erection couldn’t be missed.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered. “My body has a mind of its own.”

  “I’m flattered.” He couldn’t see her face, but he could hear the telltale quivering.

  “I’m also sorry that you’re in this situation. A lot of people would be complaining, but you, you’re a trooper.”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m a trooper. I feel as if I’ve hindered your assignment. If it wasn’t for me, you’d have caught the bad people, or at least gotten off this mountain. I guess, though, if you hadn’t almost killed me, we would have never met.”

  “Okay…” He smiled. “At least that’s one way to look at it.”

  “I meant it in an appreciative way.”

  He could make love to her right here. To allow his hand to caress her body, underneath her clothing. She had to know that he was hard as a rock for her. Each sway of her hip sent a wave of desire through him.

  He kissed her ear lobe, suckling the flesh. She tasted delicious and he was a starving man.

  She turned and they came nose to nose. He couldn’t make out her facial features because the moonlight was blocked by a cloud, but he could sense that she was working her bottom lip. “Mmm.” The sound vibrated his body.

  Here it was. If this wasn’t an invitation, he wouldn’t know what was. The heavy chemistry between them came over them in a blanket, and they kissed. The one touch brought alive what he’d known from the very beginning. They were hot for each other.

  Would she stop him soon? Think he was a bastard because he was making a move on her when they were stuck in a car in the snow in a dangerous situation? He wouldn’t blame her, but if she wanted him to quit he would too. “Am I wrong for wanting this?”

  “Something so right can’t be wrong,” she whispered.

  He reached down and circled his fingers around her ankle, lifting her leg over his hip so he could nestle between her inner thighs. Rubbing his bulging zipper against her core, he felt the heat reach his cock through his jeans. She was on fire. “I want you so badly, and yet…”

  “What?” She cupped his cheek.

  “I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “You’re not taking advantage of me.”

  He laid his forehead against her shoulder and she rubbed his scalp.

  “I’m used to my world being turned upside down, but this…you, it’s nothing I’ve ever experienced.” His voice was strained. Lust swirled around them.

  She kissed his forehead and said next to his ear, “You mean it’s not every day that you almost hit a woman wearing a wedding gown in a snowstorm?”

  “There are a lot of things going on here that I’ve never experienced.” He pressed himself deeper into the vee of her body. “Do you realize how much I want you?”

  “And I feel the same.”

  “As much as I want you—as much as I want this, I can’t throw caution to the wind. I must protect you.”

  She touched his jaw. “You are protecting me.”

  “I want to be inside you, to feel you wrapped around me. I want to hear you cry my name as you reach orgasm. I don’t think any of that is protecting you.” Her chest rose and fell in a quick pattern. “Yet I can’t keep my hands to myself.”

  He grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to their shoulders.

  “What’s happening? What are you doing?” she asked.

  “You should get some sleep.” He kissed the top of her head. His body was aching, but he had to dig deep for restraint. “No worry, sweetheart. We will make love soon and when we do it’ll be an experience that’ll be an everlasting memory for the both of us. When I can take my time, explore your beautiful body and make you come repeatedly. A quickie in the front seat of a car isn’t enough. You deserve to be cherished and I’m the man to do that.”

  His words must have made her think because she melted against him and sighed. “Your words say one thing, but it appears like something else has a different idea.” She grazed her hips against his erection.

  “That part always seems to have a mind of its own, but it’ll behave. As long as you behave, minx, and go to sleep. Tiger will go to sleep too.”

  She pulled back slightly. “You named your penis Tiger?”

  He chuckled. “I just did. Now go to sleep and try not to wiggle too much. Tiger is a hunter and might think you’re prey and pounce.”

  Her laughter sounded like a melodic tune. “The humor should have eased the sexual tension some, but it didn’t work if that was your intention.”

  “You just have sweet dreams and anticipate the moment when you and I are alone in a warm bed.”


  Stormy relaxed in the protective circle of Gray’s arms and, although she was tired, she couldn’t seem to sleep. She could hear the heavy beating of his heart. He was still, but she knew he wasn’t sleeping. Every now and then she’d hear Lola in the backseat shift and whimper at the whistling of the wind coming through the nooks and crannies of the car. It was cold outside, but inside Stormy was wrapped in the cozy cocoon of Gray’s warmth. Although this wasn’t a desirable situation, she was grateful to be here.

  What had driven her to think they would make love, here, in the front seat of her tiny car? And why was she conjuring up all sorts of positions to make it work?

  Oh hell. She needed to stop

  Lust. That’s what had provoked her to practically throw herself at him.

  No doubt, she wanted him and knowing he wanted her too made her excitement grow by leaps and bounds.

  But could she invest herself knowing nothing could grow of this attraction? They were from different worlds. Two different people with different directions.

  Keeping things platonic between she and Gray only made sense, at least until they were out of this perilous situation when emotions were at a high, and yet the fact that he still had a hard-on after ten minutes didn’t help convince her that they should keep their hands off each other.

  Catching her breath, she knew if she made a move…touched him, kissed him, pushed the act, they would have skipped all foreplay and jumped right int
o hot sex. As limited as she was in skill, she would have ripped his clothes off and forgotten everything outside of the car.

  When it came to Gray she didn’t want to behave or be responsible. She didn’t have a clue what would happen tomorrow, and maybe she needed to allow fate to take the joysticks.

  Was she overthinking things? She’d been known to do that a time or two.

  He stirred and his arm became heavier on her hip. She laid her hand on his chest, right over his heart, placing her other hand over his, mesmerized over the size difference. His hands were very large with wide, square fingers with calluses. Just like his body, they were strong and powerful.

  She swallowed hard. How would she ever fall asleep when all she wanted was to satiate the desire in her body.

  Stormy must have finally drifted off because when she opened her eyes again, it was light outside. Gray was still next to her and his breathing was rhythmic and slow. Sometime during the night, she’d rolled over with her back to him and he was snuggling her close.

  Lola growled and barked which caused a spiral of events.

  Stormy looked up and almost jumped out of Gray’s embrace.

  A scream fell off her lips and he came up so fast that he hit his head on the ceiling.


  HE HEARD STORMY scream and he freaked out, jumped up and hit his head on the low ceiling of the car. Automatically, Gray went for his gun from the driver’s seat, ready to shoot to kill.

  What the hell? He blinked through fuzzy vision at the ugly mug staring through the passenger side window.

  “Who is that?” Stormy’s squeaked voice echoed off the walls of the car.

  “That, my dear, is our knight in shining armor.” Gray climbed over into the driver’s seat, which wasn’t any more graceful than last night, pulled on his boots, hat and coat and met his buddy and fellow team member, Jamison, outside. He gave him a thump on the back and a strong handshake. “What the hell are you doing here, man?”

  “We got your message. Maybe I should ask, what have you been doing?” He jutted his chin toward the car where Stormy was still inside, probably recovering from having the bejeevies scared out of her.

  “It’s a long story, bro. How the hell did you make it up the hill?”

  “Hell, it’s a heat wave out here compared to how it’s been, and I brought the tank. You know it’ll make it through anything.” Tank was his nickname for his HUM V.

  “Damn. I can’t tell you enough how glad I am to see you.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Jamison jerked his chin.

  Gray followed his buddy’s stare. Stormy had climbed from the car and, although she was still bundled up in layers, the way her lush hair laid around her shoulders and her bright eyes shone made Gray’s chest tighten. He noticed how Jamison stared in appreciation and something swirled through Gray that was a lot like jealousy. Clearing his throat, he took several steps toward Stormy and waved her over and introduced them. He’d have to go into details later how they met.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” Jamison held out his hand.

  “Nice to meet you too.” She shook his hand. “Sorry about the dramatic first impression but I was caught off guard.”

  Jamison smiled. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I came up on the vehicle here and I looked in to see if anyone was inside. Low and behold, I found the man I was looking for.”

  “And thank goodness you did,” Gray said.

  “Maybe we need to debrief.” Jamison swiped a hand down his whiskered jaw, looking from Stormy to Gray in question.

  “It’s okay. We can talk in front of her. After the hell we’ve been through for the last few days she’ll want to hear. Tank still warm?” Gray already had Stormy’s hand and was leading her toward the vehicle. She climbed into the back with Lola and Gray and Jamison took the seats in front. “You have a map?”

  “In there.” Jamison pointed at the glove compartment.

  Gray had the map spread out as flat as possible in the space of the front seat. “As you know, I was on this mountain because of the informant’s tip. A lot has happened since then. Phantom tried to kill me, or at least he wanted it to look that way.”

  “You saw Phantom?” Although Jamison’s tone remained calm, Gray could see the shine in his buddy’s eyes.

  “I didn’t see his face, but I’m certain it was him and he’s not alone. A woman is working with him.”

  “Can you identify her?”

  “Never seen her before. They knew I was here, so my guess is that this mysterious woman is the informant and bringing me here was a ploy.


  After listening to the two men discuss the situation involving some guy by the name of Phantom and a female informant, Stormy’s head was swimming. She’d faded out of the conversation ten minutes ago and barely heard when Jamison said that he would drop them off and return to look for Phantom, although he was doubtful he’d still be around.

  Once they were out of Jamison’s vehicle, she looked at Gray who seemed irritated. “Why didn’t you go back on the mountain with him?”

  He gave a short shrug. “He’s capable of doing this on his own,” he grumbled.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her toe. “I heard you talking about how dangerous this Phantom man is. If I wasn’t with you the outcome would have been different. You’d be back up there helping Jamison.”

  He blew out a long breath. “I’m glad I’m here. This is where I should be.” He didn’t make eye contact with her. He started to walk across the parking lot toward the car rental shop, but when he realized she wasn’t following, he stopped and turned to face her. “What is it?”

  “Don’t lie to me. You’re going to be in a foul mood now all because of me.” It wasn’t nearly as cold off the mountain and there was only a thin layer of snow remaining. She felt a sense of relief that they were away from the immediate danger, but that was thwarted the second they stepped onto the concrete and Jamison pulled away, heading back to the mountain.

  “Come on, Stormy. I’m where I want to be. Don’t think for a second I would have dropped you off here and expected you to find your own way.”

  “You say that as if I’m not capable,” She placed her palms on her hips. Lola must have sensed her frustration because she whimpered.

  “No, I’m saying it exactly how I mean it. We’re off the mountain, but there’s still the danger that Phantom and his partner could be on our tails.”

  She crossed her arms again, her heart skipping a beat. “Do you think they’re following us? Is that why you didn’t go with Jamison?”

  He sighed and scraped a hand over his buzz cut. “Jamison went back to try and catch Phantom’s trail, but I know this bastard. He won’t let up until he gets what he wants.”

  “And that’s you dead?” Dread filled her chest.

  “Apparently. I’ve shot him twice. He won’t let that go.”

  “Tha—that’s awful.”

  “Yeah. I should have put the bullet in his head.” He swiveled on his heels and marched toward the shop.

  It took her jogging to catch up to him. When she finally made it next to him, she caught her breath and said, “What will we do?”

  “We’re going to Silver Carlisle. We’ll be safe there. Jamison will investigate. I gave him the location where he can find Phantom.”

  “Then why do you have that look about you?”

  “What look?”

  “The one that says you believe he won’t find them.”

  He smiled and his jaw slacked some. “You think you know me that well, do you?”

  Now that was a million-dollar question. She didn’t have a great answer. “You really want me to go with you?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. With me, you’re safe. Out there,” he jutted his chin. “you don’t have me.”

  “Why do you think I’m in danger? Phantom doesn’t know me. He has no clue who I am.”

  Gray stopped and swiped a hand roughly dow
n his cheek. “Well, if he didn’t before, he does now.”

  “Where is your family ranch?”

  “In a town called Reservoir Springs. Heard of it?”

  “Hm, yeah, I do. I live twenty miles from it. We have lived that close and never saw one another?” He smiled and her heart warmed.

  “Sometimes things happen in their own time.”

  “Would it be okay if we stop at the storage unit where my things are? I’d like to gather some clothes.”

  “Fine by me.” He opened the door to the car rental shop and allowed her to enter first. While he stood at the counter working his magic at getting a car at the last minute, Stormy sat close to the door, holding Lola on her leash.

  She had no clue who owned the dog, but she’d have to figure out how to find them. It bothered her to know that someone out there might be missing her, and yet Stormy couldn’t have left her behind to fend for herself.

  Hearing Gray’s laughter, she watched the twenty something woman behind the counter flush and twirl a strand of red hair around her dainty finger. Was she flirting? Stormy focused on the conversation.

  “Anything you can do for us is appreciated,” Gray said, flashing a smile. It was a good thing his dimples were hidden under a whiskered jaw. Stormy sighed and it wasn’t because she thought she owned that specific smile of his, but it did make her a little jealous to watch him offer it so easily to another woman and have her eat it up like custard.

  “I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news, but most of our rentals have to be booked twenty-four hours in advance,” the redhead said. “You understand.”

  “Listen…” Gray leaned in. “It is Rylen, right?” She bobbed her head, puckering her crimson lips as if she were ready to take a seductive selfie. “We’re in quite a pickle. You see, we had a little accident on Whispering Mountain and spent the night in a dinky car. So as much as I’m sorry I missed that twenty-four-hour timeframe, you’d understand why.”

  Yeah, this was a side of him Stormy hadn’t seen. The suave, flirtatious side.

  The woman’s brown eyes twinkled and she plastered on the fakest frown Stormy had ever seen. “I don’t know…”


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