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Callie's Secret Revelations

Page 5

by T. Jones

  The woman was there suddenly, standing at the counter, smiling and looking down at her drawing. She wasn't exceptionally tall, but so slender, even in her floor length coat, that she appeared taller than the five-four that Callie guessed her to be. Her short brown hair was swept back, just long enough to hook behind ears. Her hair was laced with a touch of gray, and the corners of her eyes had small creases. Her eyes were blue, but a much darker shade than Callie's, and her lips were narrow, narrower still when she smiled fully, which she was doing now. She looked from Callie to her picture.

  "That's a very pretty girl, and you're quite the artist. Is she a friend of yours?"

  "Yes, a very good friend. I didn't hear you come in. Can I help you find something?"

  "Oh no, I'm good. Just kind of looking around. It's so cold out there. What's her name? The girl in the picture, I mean."

  "Jenny, Jennifer Mconvil." Callie caught herself, why she had volunteered Jenny's full name? "She's actually my girlfriend, and I love her very much." What the hell, why was she telling this woman her life story? But she couldn't stop herself. "I knew for a long time I was in love with her, but it never really dawned on me that she might feel the same way until just a while ago."

  "So, the relationship is new?"

  "We've been friends since second grade, but now we're a couple. She's so great, but I know I don't deserve her. I've done some really shitty things along the way. Thing is, now all I want, is to be good enough for her, and make her happy."

  "Everyone does shitty things dear. Finding the person who makes you want to stop, that's what's important."

  "That's the thing, all I want is for her to be proud of me, and love me, always." Callie tried, but she couldn't stop talking. "And I don't want her to ever, ever know some of the stuff I did. I'm afraid she couldn't forgive me. That's the thing that scares me the most in the world. I think if she ever found out what I did, I would probably lose her."

  "What did you do, dear?"

  "Something so selfish it ruined lives. I didn't mean for it to happen like it did, but a boy died. Jenny's baby died." Callie's eyes teared suddenly and her hand trembled slightly as the older woman gently covered it with her own.

  "But that wasn't all your fault, certainly not the baby! Jennifer looks like a girl who could forgive you anything, and I'm sure she loves you very much. Someday she'll find out, and I'll bet you two will get through it. You really need to try to forgive yourself, too."

  "I can't, I always have to remember, so I don't make the same mistakes. Actions have consequences, that's what my Mom always says. I'm never going to forget that. I think if I can remember that, maybe I won't let Jenny down again."

  "Your mother's a smart woman." The woman smiled and stepped away from the counter, pulling her coat around her as she walked to the door. "It seems like she's raised a smart girl. Stay safe Callie, I'll see you again soon." Callie leaned against the counter, feeling a little weak. She frowned, had she told the woman her name? Her father walked up from the back of the store, standing behind her. He watched the woman walk to her car, then glanced at Callie.

  "What did she want?"

  "Just to talk and warm up, I guess. She didn't buy anything. Why, do you know her?" He looked down at her quizzically.

  "Of course, but I haven't seen her in here for years, that's why I asked. That's Madeline Rice."

  Chapter Four

  Callie followed Danielle into the dining room of the Golf Club. Snow covered the fairways, and long icicles hung from the edge of the roof, but it was warm and cheery inside. Teresa, and two other women were already seated. Callie noticed that, like Teresa, both of the other women wore expensive looking jewelry. The waitress handed them menus, then left. They were the only people in the large dining room. Callie appraised the two women with Teresa quickly as Danielle made the introductions. Both were well dressed, both sat straight in their chairs, shoulders back, undoubtedly coached to do so somewhere in their privileged lives. Jane MacDonald held her chin a little too high, feigning a royalty she didn't possess. Deeann Long wore a vacant smile, as if aware of some wry joke she wasn't sharing. Callie caught her eye and winked at her, and the smile grew slightly as her cheeks colored.

  "So Callie," Teresa started. "Danielle tells me that you've moved into the loft. It's a great space, isn't it? I hope this means you've decided to join our little group. You've certainly shown that you have some amazing abilities, you'd be a real asset to the Sisters. A place to live is just the start. Our full-time personnel also receive a generous stipend to meet expenses. And of course, if you have to travel, there's an expense account." Callie frowned.

  "Slow down, Teresa. I'm not ready to go all in right away, not without figuring out some things first." Callie caught the concerned look that passed between Jane and Dee, but Teresa continued smiling.

  "Of course, dear. This isn't like joining a sorority, this can be life and death stuff. I know you're upset about Natalie, the poor girl was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

  "Yeah," Callie said dryly. "Fate's a bitch, I'm familiar with the concept. My problem is the fact that you knew about Eliot, and did nothing to stop him."

  "But we didn't know, not who he was, for sure." Jane MacDonald interjected. "We were hoping you could identify him. We were looking for a twin, Eliot lived alone. We looked at him, but since he had no living sibling, we moved on." Callie sensed condescension in her tone.

  "So now it's on me?"

  "Oh Callie, not at all." Deeann joined the conversation. Her tone was warm, disarming, and she was smiling brightly. Callie felt like they were playing her, their version of good cop, bad cop. But Deeann seemed considerably more likeable than the other two, so Callie went along. "This isn't an exact science, Miss Fisher. We do our best, all of us, to try to save the lives of innocents, but bad things still happen. Please don't blame yourself, we certainly don't."

  "So, tell me Deeann," Callie turned her blue eyes on the older woman and smiled warmly. "If I join the group, would I be working with you? Everyone always says we, like there's a committee or something. You seem reasonable, I think I could work with you."

  "That's very nice." The blush returned to Deeann's face and she squirmed uncomfortably under Callie's gaze. "We've always just kind of figured things out together, but Teresa usually is the one who actually meets with the girls."

  "Why is that Teresa?" Callie turned to the shorter woman. "If I'm going to be part of this organization, I need to know how it works. I haven't made it a secret that I'm unhappy about Natalie being killed. I'll take some of the blame, but I'm still trying to figure out the details of the group, the day to day stuff. I get the idea that if anybody runs this outfit, it's you. The Sisters, there's what, thirty-two women, right? And they all give you information, psychic hunches, then the Elders take that information, factor in their own thoughts and visions, and sometimes, try to tweak fate for the benefit of everyone. And of course, sometimes you tweak fate for the benefit of your own pocketbooks, is that about right?" Deeann cringed noticeably. Everyone turned to look at Teresa. The woman smiled, but her voice betrayed her anger.

  "It seems to fall on me to make the difficult choices, Callie. To whom much is given, much is expected. The three of us here, are willing to do what is necessary to change the course of history, unlike the other members of the Elders. This is important work, and yes, we use the group to our financial advantage. But it's for the benefit of the cause, not our personal wealth. The three of us contribute to the fund that allows the Sisters to intercede when necessary. Sometimes that means buying a stock, so someone else can't, sometimes it means sending Danielle to Washington to seduce a Congressman. It can be a very nasty business, Callie. I have taken the reins by default because people like your mother don't have the stomach for it."

  "Maybe that's changed, Teresa. Maybe she sent me here to get rid of you." Callie's eyes had paled and she started to stand. Danielle took her arm and eased her back into her chair, speaking calmly.
br />   "Okay, please, let's not get excited. A young girl was killed, and we all wish we had seen it coming and could have stopped it. We need to concentrate on what's important, how we can work together." Callie continued glaring at Teresa, but softened her tone.

  "I just think that matters of life and death shouldn't be decided by one person."

  "Certainly dear." Teresa said flatly, staring into Callie's eyes. "None of us wants to explain to the people we love, how our actions resulted in someone's death, do we?" Callie wasn't sure if the others understood the thinly veiled threat, but she didn't back down.

  "I'm just saying, if I'm going to be involved, I need to know what's going on. I know better than most that things don't always work out the way we think they're going to, no matter what our visions tell us. I'm not going to share what I see of the future, then let you three or anyone else decide what to do about it. If people might live or die because of a vision I had, I'm going to at least have some say in what happens. The Elders make those decisions, right? So how do I become an Elder? Is there a vote or what?"

  "It's not that simple, that's out of the question." Teresa barked.

  "We've not had a new Elder in fifteen years." Jane interjected. Callie was surprised when Deeann spoke up.

  "Maybe it's time we thought about it." She looked at Callie thoughtfully. "I can talk to Grace and Teri, and you know Madeline will show up, if it's important." Teresa glared at Deeann, but surprisingly, the woman didn't back down. "Being an Elder has always been based on ability, on final clarity, and Callie has the strongest set of skills we've seen in a very long time. I say we put it to a vote." Deeann caught Callie's eye, gave her a small smile, then turned back to Teresa. "How about this, we bring her in as an Elder, kind of on a trial basis. We won't put it to a vote, yet. If things work out the way we hope, maybe some of us will retire soon anyway. But we need the Sisters, and the whole group to continue. Callie's right, these things shouldn't just be decided by one person. The Elders have drifted apart. We used to all sit down and hash things out, now it's usually just us three. Grace and Teri don't want to get involved, and Madeline is too busy doing her own thing. Frankly Teresa, when it's just us three, you usually get your way." Teresa drew a shaky breath, obviously furious.

  "That was a wonderful speech Deeann, I don't know what's gotten into you. Are you falling for those pretty blue eyes of hers? Jane? What do you think, honestly." Jane looked at Teresa cautiously.

  "Things did kind of go sideways with the girl getting killed. That should never have happened. All things considered," She glanced at Teresa again. "With everything that's at stake, I think we need Callie and her abilities to take down Ozzy Marsh. We know how dangerous he may become, how his activities could undermine our own, and we need to be sure he is neutralized. Callie has the same goal, we should be working together, not squabbling amongst ourselves."

  Teresa and Callie stared at one another for several long moments. Callie finally spoke.

  "Look Teresa, I'm not trying to undermine you here. I've been told that all of the Elders kind of do their own thing, but you seem to always be the one making the final decisions. Maybe that's good. Danielle has said a lot of wonderful things about you. But I have to be able to work with the group and know what's going on. I don't know if we could have saved Natalie if we had all been on the same page, but the chances would have been better. You and I need to find a way to work together, and a way to trust each other." Teresa continued staring at Callie, but the tension in the room seemed to have passed.

  "I could work with her, show her the ropes?" Deeann suggested. "We could meet some of the girls, and I could show her how we help people, you know, just little stuff. When it comes to Ozzy, you two could collaborate, through Danielle, if need be. Like Jane said, he has to be stopped, and he needs to pay for what he did to that girl."

  Callie was surprised that Deeann had stood up to Teresa. From what her mother had said she thought both of the older women would go along with whatever Teresa said. She gave Deeann her warmest smile.

  "I could live with that. You said you want me in the group Teresa. What do you think?"

  "You are a surprising young woman Callie Fisher. Just be sure not to push too hard, dear. You won't like the way I push back."

  "I think you made that pretty clear." Teresa smiled for the first time.

  "Be sure and say hello to Jennifer for me, won't you?"


  "That went well." Jane MacDonald lifted her glass, smiling at Teresa Blackburn. "Callie Fisher thinks she pulled one over on you."

  "She's a hardheaded little bitch. I'm starting to wonder why I wanted her around. I just have the sense that she and Ozzy Marsh are connected somehow, like we need her involved with him. She did charm the shit out of Deeann. I was surprised she got in the middle like that, but then Dee always had a thing for young girls. She may be married to a man, but she never minded diving under the sheets for the cause, if the woman was good looking. I don't think she'll spill the beans about our deal, and maybe she can distract Callie from figuring it out."

  "That girl wants Ozzy badly, it's just going to be worth a lot more to us. When the money starts rolling in, Callie and Dee can team up and run the Sisters, for all I care. I'm going somewhere warm, find a boy toy, and live the good life."

  "Dee can use her share to support the group, she's the one talking all the shit. I'll be sitting in the sun next to you." Teresa raised her glass again.

  "Amen to that, Sister."


  "Holy Shit Callie, well played! I expected Teresa to try to run you over, that sure as hell didn't happen." Callie and Danielle were in the Camry, heading back to the loft.

  "Deeann really stepped up. I was under the impression she would just go along with whatever Teresa said, but she jumped right in there."

  "I think maybe the old girl has just a little crush on you. She kept staring at you the whole time." Danielle laughed loudly, something Callie hadn't heard before. "I might have to come along when you two meet up with the girls, just to chaperone."

  "Funny, I just felt like we clicked, right when I walked in the room. She seems more open, not all sneaky, like Teresa. Jane's just in it for the money, I'm sure of that. They've got something up their sleeve, that's for sure. Did you catch what Jane said, about Ozzy undermining their activities? Somehow taking Ozzy out of the picture is going to help sweeten one of their deals. I hope Teresa wasn't willing to let Eliot kill Oz just over some money. I was under the impression he posed some future threat that the Sisters had seen, like torturing orphans or something. If Teresa just wants him out of the way for her convenience, that's just plain murder."

  "People die over money every day, Callie."

  "That sure isn't what the Sister's want. I wandered around in their heads enough to know that. They're mostly just really good people that want to change things for the better."

  "I'm afraid Teresa's lost sight of that. She was always so driven, always telling me we were doing things for the cause. Looking back now, I wonder." Callie glanced at Danielle.

  "Yeah, you were her biggest fan, not too long ago. You're not playing me right now, are you?" Danielle laughed again.

  "Hard to play a mind reader Callie, and I remember what those crazy eyes of yours are capable of. I want to get Ozzy for what he did to Natalie, just like you. If doing that somehow makes Teresa stop being such a bitch, great. I don't want him dead, but he doesn't get to go around acting like a hero, either. There's a dance club he goes to in St Paul, a little bird told me he'll be there tonight."

  "Teresa wants you in on this?"

  "She doesn't trust you to take care of it alone, I guess. I may have to sleep with the scumbag, I know you're not going to do that."

  "No shit, but you shouldn't have to either." Danielle sighed loudly.

  "I've done a lot worse for Teresa. She wants me to keep a close eye on him, watch him every minute she said. Easy to do that if he's sleeping next to me, right?"

; Chapter Five

  "So, you're sure he won't recognize you?" Callie and Danielle had parked half a block from the club. They were both dressed conservatively, partially for warmth, partially to avoid unwanted attention.

  "He might have seen me for a second at the rally, but he'd just figure I was there with you. There's no way he saw me take down Eliot, he was too busy running in the opposite direction."

  "Yeah, don't remind me. I really miss Nat, she was kind of a handful, but she would have turned out okay. She just had so much baggage, and Ozzy took advantage of that."

  "It won't bring her back, but we'll take Ozzy down a notch." Callie nodded.

  "I still like the train idea, flatten his ass. But that would be messy, and it's probably what Teresa had planned all along. I guess I'll just be happy to ruin his run for congress. Are you sure this fake ID will get me in? Actually, it looks pretty real."

  "Just bat those pretty eyes of yours, nobody is going to say no to you." There was a small line to get into the club but it moved quickly. Callie did get carded, but a dour look from Danielle sped the process up. They wandered through the darkened room for a few minutes, then made their way up to the bar. Danielle looked out over the crowd of dancers. "Maybe he's not here yet, let's just sit for a bit. As far as he knows, you think he's a hero for trying to save Natalie. I'm guessing if he spots you he'll try to hit on you."

  "I don't think so, he knows I'm gay, he might just avoid me."

  "Guy with an ego that big, he'll think he can turn you, or at least want to try. I'll start up with him, but I'm going to make him work for it. The longer it takes him, the more he'll want it, and the more he'll tell me."

  "You're a woman of many talents, Danielle. I mean that as a compliment."


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