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Callie's Secret Revelations

Page 8

by T. Jones

  "No, but I can figure it out. Don't act like I'm a complete hick."

  "You are a complete hick. Just follow everyone else, I have a bus map at the loft. But don't talk to anybody, and no candy from strangers."

  "Very funny. I'm sure I'll be a city slicker in no time. I can only stay down until Thursday morning, I'm working all the crappy shifts Thursday night through Sunday, just so I can keep you warm at night." Callie smiled at her.

  "And I appreciate that, I will reward you later."

  They reached the loft before noon, parked the Camry in the lower level garage, and carried their stuff up to the door. As soon as they walked in, they heard a sharp yell, followed by a cracking noise, repeated, over and over. The door to the spare room was ajar slightly, and Callie ran to it, swinging it open quickly. Danielle, dressed in a sports bra and shorts, her hands taped, was punching a large bag suspended from the ceiling. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, and sweat poured from her face. Her fists flashed forward, propelled by long arms rippling with muscle and sinew, striking the bag so fast that Callie could barely follow the motion. She stood watching quietly, moving aside slightly so that Jenny could see as well. The room was filled with exercise equipment of various types, in different stages of use. Danielle stopped hitting the bag and spun suddenly, kicking it twice so hard it shook the ceiling mooring. She picked up a towel and wiped her face, smiling at the girls.

  "Don't think you were sneaking up on me, I heard you come in."

  "Holy shit," Jenny exclaimed. "That's the coolest thing ever. Can you teach me that? Is it okay if I work out in here sometimes?"

  "Of course, I can show you some basic self-defense moves. I'm in here three hours most days. I work with a boxing coach every other day, and go to the martial arts studio three days a week. I've been training there for years. My grandfather got me started going there shortly after I moved here. He was a fitness nut. I have to stay trained, for when the group needs me."

  "I just want my butt to look like that." Jenny gushed. "Plus, it'll give me something to do during the day. I'm going to be down here three days a week, and during the day I could work out. I don't know about the self-defense stuff, I'm a wimp, and guys are always crazy strong."

  "Strength is important in a fight, but it's hard to concentrate with a pen driven into your leg, or a car key in your eye." Jenny made a face.

  "I'll just be happy if I can walk up two flights of steps without being out of breath, let's just start there, okay?"

  "Okay Jenny," Danielle laughed. "If you work out with me, you'll be able to run up ten flights, and be ready for more."

  "So what's the deal with Ozzy?" Callie asked. "I thought he'd be burning up my phone trying to get your number. Did you make it too tough for him? He likes his women easy."

  "Oh, he's been trying! I thought you gave him my number, but maybe Teresa got it to him somehow. We're supposed to go out later this week, drinks and dancing. I'm going to make him wait for the good stuff though, get him to open up. Maybe I can wiggle into old man Marsh's good graces. The closer I get to that family, the better the chance of bringing Junior down. The old man is no saint either, but he didn't yank Natalie in front of a bullet."

  "I'm not sure how getting rid of Ozzy will benefit Teresa. Maybe the old man is tied up in it somehow."

  "How'd your date with Deeann go?" Danielle asked. Jenny dropped the dumbbell she was trying to lift.

  "Say what?" Callie laughed at her.

  "Danielle is trying to be funny. Deeann has a couple years on my Mom, although I have to say, she is still an attractive woman. She's one of the Elders, Jen, someone we need on our side. But I'm not going to sleep with her just to make that happen. She knows all about you."

  "Okay then, but all this James Bond shit is ridiculous. Why don't you just tell Teresa to stop being a bitch and help you get Oz, then we can all relax, and you can stop having those bad dreams all the time."

  "Dreams?" Danielle asked. "The prophetic kind?"

  "Maybe, but they're not clear yet. Ozzy's in them, and you and Jen. There's some random shit about a truck, too. I'll get back to painting, that always seems to help me figure the dreams out. I wish you didn't have to get close to Oz, just so we can get him. I think he's more dangerous than we're giving him credit for."

  "You mean sleep with him? Over the years I've learned how to separate what I have to do, from what I want to do. I'm not into guys, but I can sure fake it. If he catches on and tries to get rough, it won't go well for him."

  "Okay, just please be careful."


  Jennifer Mconvil stared out at the snow from the window of the bus. She'd thought about walking to the grocery store, but wasn't sure she wouldn't get lost. Although the neighborhood was a good one, Danielle had warned her about spending too much time walking the streets. She had a bus pass and the map Callie had given her seemed easy enough. But as she looked at it she realized she was already confused. She had decided to sightsee a little before shopping, hoping to be able to familiarize herself with the location of things, but as she stared at the map, nothing made sense to her. She frowned, muttered aloud, then turned the map and held it up, trying to make sense of the direction the bus was taking her.

  "Are you lost, little girl?" Jenny looked across the aisle at the young man smiling at her. He had dark brown hair, some of which fell across his eyes, which were also brown. He looked to be her age or possibly a little older. He wasn't tall, but stocky, and well built. Jenny realized with a sudden twinge of sadness, that he looked a good deal like Greg Johnson. She stared at him blankly, not sure if she should respond. "Teasing you," His smile was disarming. "but if you want I can show you which route we're on. I don't know where you want to go, but I can show you on the map, if it's okay." He motioned to the open seat next to her and when she nodded, he shifted across and sat next to her.

  "I'm new to the Cities, first time on a city bus. Is it obvious that I'm kind of lost?"

  "You did look pretty confused. I'm Derrick, glad to meet you." He extended a hand and Jenny shook it, then pulled her hand back right away.

  "I'm Jennifer, Jenny. So, you live down here?"

  "Doesn't seem like down here to me, just here." He laughed. "We live in North Oaks, it's a suburb, north and east of here. I'm back in school tomorrow, so I'm going downtown to hang with some friends. We're going to have a few so I didn't want to try driving home."

  "I like a beer once in a while, but I would never have even one and try to drive, especially down here."

  "I'm playing baseball come spring, and getting busted for drinking would be the end of that. I'm not all that good anyway, but it's a small college and my parents donated a buttload of money to the school. Baseball's okay, but I really like football the most."

  "My old boyfriend played football."

  "Old boyfriend, as in ex?"

  "He died, yeah, so that was that." The young man looked down at the floor awkwardly. Jenny realized she had made him uncomfortable. "God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it that way. It happened, and it was hard, but I'm okay now."

  "So, why are you going downtown?"

  "Just to look around, I'm a hick, really." She laughed lightly.

  "I could show you around a little if you like. I know we just met, but I'm a perfect gentleman, honest. We'll stay in public, well lighted areas." Jenny felt oddly comfortable with the young man, peaceful. But she had to meet Callie for lunch.

  "Thanks, really, but I don't think I can. I'm meeting somebody for lunch, and I can't hang around for very long. But, thank you for the offer."

  "Are you sure? We could pop over to my friends' party, bound to be fun."

  "That does sound like fun." Jenny said, surprising herself. "No, I mean, thank you again, but I really do have to meet someone."

  "New boyfriend? I'm sorry, not my business, I'm always sticking my foot in my mouth. But you know, had to give it a shot." Jenny blushed.

  "Thanks, really, but actually I have a gi
rlfriend now."

  "Wow. That's progressive of you."

  "Not trying to make a statement, it just happened."

  "Seriously, no judgement, whatever floats your boat. I ride this bus a lot, maybe we'll see each other again. I won't hit on you anymore, we can just be bus buddies, unless the thing with your girlfriend falls through, then I'm definitely interested." Jenny giggled.

  "Thanks, bus buddies it is. I'm not planning to let my girlfriend get away, though."

  "Well, good for you Jenny, it was nice to meet you, sliding back to my seat now."

  Derrick Blackburn sat watching thoughtfully as Jennifer got off at the next stop. His mother wanted the redhead gone for some reason, or failing that she wanted her unfaithful to her girlfriend, Callie Fisher. His mother always had something up her sleeve, so he wasn't too surprised that she would use him to cause trouble between Callie and her girlfriend. He had been hearing a lot about the blonde psychic lately, and none of it was good. His mother had been grousing about her for a while, hinting that she had seen trouble coming.

  Derrick's gifts were different than his mothers, but in many ways just as potent. He had no prescience, no idea what the future might bring, but he could often sense what people were thinking, and sometimes force his will on them. His mother recognized his abilities early. She was not a mother to spoil her children, but little Derrick always got his way. It finally dawned on her why, and they had a long talk about psychics and the Sisters. As far as his mother knew, he was unique. She was unaware of any others of his gender with abilities. His brother remained oblivious, kept in the dark, as was their father. Derrick was the golden child, gifted at sports, academics, and usually able to bed any girl he wished. Jenny had surprised him by her resistance, but he would try again.

  "Are you okay Jen?" Callie asked as she helped the redhead make salads that evening. "Missed you at lunch, I'm sorry you didn't feel up to it."

  "I'm okay now, I ended up with the worst headache after I went downtown, so I came straight home. I was in a terrible mood."

  "Wow, that's a first, I didn't think that was even possible." Callie laughed. "Danielle should be here pretty soon, I have to tell her about this." Jenny smiled.

  "I ran into some guy on the bus today and he was kind of hitting on me. It was just that he looked a lot like Greg. It made me sad." Callie bit her lip, not sure of what to say. They were both quiet, putting dishes on the table. Callie finally spoke up.

  "Do you ever miss it Jenny, being with a guy I mean? I never have, and I sure as hell don't plan to, but I know you use to like guys, a lot."

  "Careful." Jenny laughed. "I hope you're not calling your girlfriend a slut. But no, I don't miss guys Callie. You're absolutely everything I want."


  "Bad timing, Billy. The old man just summoned me." He pointed to a chair in front of his desk. "Shouldn't take long, we don't talk any more than we absolutely have to these days. There's beer in the minifridge, help yourself. He probably just wants to chew me out again for not acting like a good little politician. I'm getting ready to bail on the asshole and go work for Spencer."

  "Whatever bud, I'll hang here and read this Good Housekeeping magazine, maybe I'll learn something." Ozzy laughed and walked down the hall. The receptionist smiled at him, and gave him a little wink. He had gone to her apartment over the weekend, and they had a very good time, but he wasn't about to make a habit of it. Tapping the help was never a good idea, and his Dad would really flip if the firm had to deal with a harassment suit. The tall girl that ran with Callie Fisher, now that was a different story. His Dad might even go along with that. She was crazy good looking and had a body to match. She even seemed to have enough class to date a candidate for Senate. But then if Spencer and Associates came through, maybe he wouldn't even run, maybe he could stick it to the old man and end up with his own fortune. He passed on the elevator and took the steps two at a time. His father's secretary waved her hand, and tapped the intercom long enough to announce his arrival.

  "So, have a seat Oz." His father motioned him into a chair in front of his desk, as he stood and walked to the bar in the corner. The elder Marsh drank scotch, expensive scotch, usually straight with one ice cube. He poured himself one, then handed his son one as well.

  Ozzy wasn't much of a scotch drinker, but he swallowed half the glass, cringing. "What, still can't drink like a man?" The elder Marsh was pacing the room. Ozzy was all too familiar with the behavior. Usually his father would walk around for a while, even in meetings with the other lawyers, like a caged animal, back and forth, then suddenly explode in an outburst of rage, tearing into whichever hapless individual was in his path. Ozzy knew that today, he was going to be that person. "Think you can pull one over on me, don't you?" The tone was calm, but Ozzy knew he had walked into the lion's den.

  "Now what? I've been going to all those fucking political rallies, I show up for work every day, even though you don't have anything for me to do, I've even stopped tapping college girls, just so the press doesn't accuse me of being a pervert. I found a girl that you might like. She's a lot classier than the sluts I usually bring home."

  "Great! I hope she's smart enough to run. Your girls don't seem to fair too well. If you screw Julie again I'm going to fire her ass, so leave her alone."

  "That's fine, I've had enough of that anyway." Oz said nonchalantly.

  "Spencer going to let you screw the help?"

  "Spencer? I told you, I turned him down."

  "Sure you did, is that why he slipped you twenty grand? Yeah, I have spies too. Was that an advance on your salary, or an outright fucking bribe?" The elder Marsh continued to pace, walking slowly around the room. Oz decided he'd had enough.

  "You know what? I've had it with this shit, fuck you—" Johnathan Marsh was a big man, early fifties, not the scrapper he had been in his thirties, but sixty pounds heavier. He didn't close his fist, just swung a big meaty hand with the full force of his weight, catching Ozzy just as he started to stand, sensing the impending blow. The heavy palm caught him on the side of the face, just below his left ear, propelled him from the chair and lifted him over another as he fell onto the floor. The older Marsh was on top of him in an instant, slapping him across the face twice more, tearing his lip and starting a trickle of blood from his nose.

  "You've had it with me, huh?" Ozzy had his arms up, covering his face and moaning slightly. "Tell me fuck you one more time, and see what happens, you ungrateful little bitch! Here's the deal. You will at least pretend to be a lawyer, act like you want to be a Congressman, and stop feeding Spencer and his bunch information. If you don't, son or not, you're going to get an ass kicking you will never forget. Then, I'm going to take that tape out of the safe, and show the whole God damn world who you really are. I doubt Spencer or anybody will have you then. Do you understand me?" Ozzy cowered as his father lifted his hand again.

  "Yeah, yeah Dad, I got it. Just stop, okay?" Oswald senior's face softened a little.

  "Ozzy, Christ, you're my son. I don't want to act like this, but you have to get your shit together. You can run this firm someday, why would you want to throw that away, and work for that damn Spencer. If the deal goes, we're going to be set for life, just stay in line, okay?"

  "Yeah, sure, I got it. Sorry, I won't screw up anymore. Can I get up?" His father stood, stepped back behind his desk, and downed his glass of scotch. He walked to the minibar as Ozzy got to his feet, grabbed a clean towel and tossed it to his son.

  "I have a meeting in five minutes. You have a little cut, clean up in the bathroom. I don't want Maggie seeing you like that." Ozzie took the small towel and went into the bathroom. The cut on his lip was noticeable, but his nose stopped bleeding quickly. It wasn't the first time his father had hit him, and not the most brutal. He finished wiping off the traces of blood, tossed the towel in the trash, and quietly left his father's office. The elder Marsh sat reading a brief as if nothing had happened.

  Oz walked quickly through the outer off
ice to the elevator. His ears were still ringing from the first blow and he wasn't sure he wouldn't fall down the stairs. The elevator door opened and Oz stepped quickly in, almost colliding with a woman about his father's age. She was a slender woman with brown hair and comically large ears, carrying an expensive looking briefcase. She smiled pleasantly at him, then frowned slightly when she saw him cover his lip quickly with his hand. "Are you alright?" She asked. "You have a little blood on your cheek. That's going to be very tender for a while."

  "It's nothing, my Dad flying off the handle, I'm used to it actually." Ozzy knew he was oversharing but the woman seemed interested and sympathetic. He extended a hand. "I'm Ozzy Marsh, the junior Marsh, I hope to be running for state senate pretty soon, if I can keep my father happy. I haven't seen you around before, are you a client?" She took his hand smiling.

  "I thought I recognized you. Not a client, but I do have some business with your father. He can be quick tempered I take it."

  "Yeah, you could say that. I'm about tired of it though, and you know what they say about payback." He held onto her hand, smiling vacantly. She gently extracted herself, trying to hold the elevator door open with her foot as she backed away from Ozzy.

  "Family relationships can be difficult, that's for sure. I'd better get in there, wouldn't want him mad at me as well, would we." Ozzy smiled, holding the door open for her.

  "Sorry, I still didn't catch your name."

  "I'm Madeline Rice, very pleased to meet you."


  "Holy shit Oz, your lip is really puffy." Billy sat wide eyed. "Your old man must have cracked you a good one. Did you get any licks in?"

  "You go up there and give it a try Billy, he's still tougher than hell, and quick. By the time I knew there was going to be a fight, he was sitting on my chest. That's it, I'm done with that cocksucker. He's got a tape of me Billy, makes me look really bad. But he was dumb enough to tell me it's in the safe, and I know the combination. We need to get it, I need you to get it for me, we'll make it look like a burglary. I'd do it, but if you grab it while I'm at home with him, he can't blame me."


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