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Callie's Secret Revelations

Page 16

by T. Jones

  "Well, it looks like Teresa is out." She said, after taking a large swallow of her beer. "But she is not a happy camper, even though it sounds like she plans on being really rich. Congrats Deeann, you're part of that deal, aren't you?"

  "Teresa made it pretty clear she plans to cheat me out of my share."

  "Jesus, Dee." Callie frowned. "Are you going to be okay?"

  "Fortunately, I don't need Teresa's little deal, Callie. My grandfather owned half of North Dakota. Okay, not really, but huge tracts of land that are now oil fields. I had more money than I knew what to do with long before I ever met Teresa Blackburn. All the money I made with her and Jane because of what the Sisters knew, that's all in a trust. Once we get all this stuff straightened out, the Sisters are going to have plenty of operating capital. I never let Teresa know how much I'm worth, I didn't want her trying to fleece me."

  "You old Fox!" Callie exclaimed exchanging a look with Danielle. "I think we just found our new finance officer for the Sisters."

  "I'd be happy to do that, I guess somebody has to. Teresa always thought I was flakey, but a lot of the stocks we were buying were my idea. She was always so smug, she never realized I was feeding her a lot of the information through the Sisters." Danielle and Callie stood looking at the older woman.

  "Does that mean we don't have to move?" Danielle finally asked. "Teresa was so pissed, she told me she was throwing Callie and I out, and returning the car."

  "Oh, don't worry, I'll make a call."

  "You don't drive out there ever, to the Dakotas, do you?" Callie asked, suddenly worried. Try as she might, the details of the crash she had dreamt about seemed to be slipping away.

  "Heavens no. It's all leased out anyway. I've never been out there and I sure don't plan to, I'm a city girl."


  Callie's head had just hit the pillow when her phone rang. When she saw the caller id she bolted upright, wide awake.

  "Jenny! Is something wrong? Are you alright?"

  "No, of course not, I'm miserable. But I'm not bleeding or anything, if that's what you mean."

  "It's just late, I was surprised you called this late." Callie felt the sweat breaking out on her forehead. "It's fine that you called late, I didn't mean that. I'm really glad you called at all, is all. Sorry, I'm babbling."

  "I'm sorry."

  "That's okay, you know I'm a night owl."

  "No, I don't mean that. I mean I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. I shouldn't have pushed you away without talking about things." Callie felt her heart stop, she was sure of it.

  "My God Jenny, you have no reason to be sorry, it was all me. I should have told you about Abby and everything that first night."

  "You tried, and I told you not to, remember? I know you're not the same person you were back then, Callie, and I know you didn't mean for things to happen the way they did. I was just surprised, you and Abby, then everything that happened with Greg."

  "Greg died because of me Jen, he did, it's worse than you think." Callie wiped the tears from her eyes, sure she was about to lose the love of her life. Jenny didn't let her continue.

  "I can't imagine what it's like being you Callie. You're always having those terrible visions and nightmares, trying to sort out what they mean, what's real and what's not, and what you should do about it. You're always looking through that window, not sure of the whole story."

  "I tried to convince myself that being with Abby was okay, Jenny, but really, I was just being selfish. I live with that every day. I keep trying to be a better person, mostly because you deserve that, but I really am trying to be."

  "I know that you didn't mean for Greg to die."

  "No, God no, Jenny. But he did, it was my stupidity, my being selfish."

  "Callie, you're not the person you were then. Mostly I just want to put this all behind us. But this psychic bullshit scares the hell out of me. I'm sorry, but I'm just really afraid."

  "I am too, Jen. More than anything, I'm afraid I've lost you." Jenny laughed a little.

  "I don't think you could Callie, not as long as I'm still breathing."

  "What? You mean you didn't call me to break up? Jesus Jenny, I'm getting in my car, right fucking now, I'm driving home!" She heard the redhead laugh.

  "Don't you have class tomorrow? It's past midnight, you'll fall asleep!"

  "I couldn't sleep tonight, not now, not until I see you. Leave your door unlocked okay?"

  "I really miss you. It would be nice to be able to hold you."

  "Three hours tops, I'll drive like the wind, I'm leaving in five minutes."

  Danielle stumbled from her bed, roused by a shriek she heard from upstairs. She walked into the living room and watched as Callie hurried down the stairs, fully dressed, grabbed her coat, and ran to the door.

  "I'll be back as soon as I can Danielle." She said turning. "Jenny still loves me, after everything I've done, she's forgiving me." Danielle smiled as Callie slammed the door.

  "Well, I knew she would, I just didn't think it would be this time of night."

  Chapter Twelve

  "That was amazing!" Ozzy Marsh laughed, falling onto his back. He extended his arm above Danielle's head, and she slid down slightly, laying her head across his chest. "You keep surprising me, the things you can do with that body." Danielle giggled appreciatively, the response she knew he was expecting.

  "You were pretty amazing yourself. We keep getting better at this."

  "Practice, practice!" Oz chuckled. "Sorry for coming over so late. Hope we didn't wake Callie up with all the noise. You were getting pretty loud."

  "You missed her by about ten minutes, that's why I was awake. Jenny called her, all is forgiven. She got in her car and headed home. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy."

  "True love, huh? Jenny's a lucky girl." Danielle peeked at Ozzy's face.

  "Still hoping for that threesome, dumbass?" Ozzy burst into laughter.

  "Surprisingly, not. You're about all I can handle. Besides, I don't want to share you, even with another girl. I must be falling hard, I don't ever remember not wanting two girls."

  "Well good, I don't want to share you either, not that there was ever a chance in hell I was going to do that." They were quiet for a while, then Oz spoke softly.

  "I am, you know."

  "Am what?"

  "Falling hard for you, I mean. I've never felt like this about anyone. I know that sounds like a line, but it's true."

  "Oz, what about that Natalie girl, you two were engaged."

  "That was my old man's idea. Natalie was cool, and I cared a lot about her." He paused and cleared his throat, his voice suddenly raw with emotion. "But she was a head case, so much shit happened to her when she was young, and her Mom is still a Meth addict. In the long run, it never would have worked out. The engagement was a fake, but I did like her a lot."

  "It must have been hard, her getting shot like that, right in front of you."

  "Yeah, that's an understatement. I wish everyday I'd reacted quicker, differently."

  "You did what you could, right?" She was prepared for bravado, not the heart wrenching reply she got.

  "No. I was too worried about my own ass. The bullet that killed her, it was the one they dug out of my side, after it cut her heart in two. She never had a chance," He caught his breath, choking a little, and Danielle knew he was crying. "it should have been me." Danielle slid up and wrapped her arms around his head, holding it against her bare chest. She didn't have Callie's gifts, but she could feel that his misery was real, that the guilt of his own weakness in that moment would haunt him forever.

  "Oz, hey, I shouldn't have brought it up, I'm sorry."

  "It just happened too fast, you know? I grabbed her, and she was so scared, and I don't know, but I kind of ducked to the side, and I, maybe I pulled her in front of me, maybe I jerked her right into the path of that bullet! And, ----- oh God Danielle, I didn't mean to do that, but I couldn't think. It all was just so fast, I didn't know what to do. I
should have thrown her down, or got her out of the way, somehow. It just all happened, too fast." He was sobbing uncontrollably against Danielle. "But, it should have been me, I wish it had been me!" The facade of the carefree party animal had fallen away, leaving him trembling like a small child in Danielle's arms. She held onto him, fighting the tears that were streaming down her own face. They lay still for a long time, long enough for Danielle to believe he had fallen asleep, then he spoke again.

  "Dani, I know we haven’t been together very long. But Nat dying, things can change in a heartbeat, I just want you to know, I love you, okay?" It had been said to her before, and usually the lie came easy. This time not so much, this time it was a mixed bag.

  "I love you too, Oz. I really wish that hadn't happened to you."


  Callie drove up the frozen interstate as fast as she dared. The weather had warmed enough that the light snow, blowing in from the west, had turned to light rain. It was freezing as it hit the frigid road, mixing with the salt that was intended to melt it, creating an unpredictable mix of good, and treacherous conditions. It took four hours to reach her exit, a state highway that threaded west for the last twenty miles into her hometown. The road was snow packed but consistent, and Callie was able to drive the speed limit. Two miles from town, another road crossed, and an amber light blinked, warning of the intersection. She thought briefly of her dream, probably an intersection just like this one. But the urge to see Jenny overwhelmed any other thoughts, and the fact that she could barely remember the scene from her dream didn't trouble her. She drove the last couple of miles and pulled up to the Mconvil's just before five in the morning. She smiled, looking up at the light still on in Jenny's bedroom. She was beginning to believe that things might work out for them.


  "So Callie," Her Mom said, smiling over a cup of coffee. "You and Jenny got things worked out?"

  "Yeah, I don't think that girl is overly bright," Callie grinned. "She keeps insisting that we're meant to be or some romantic crap like that."

  "And your past?"

  "It's the past. She said the same thing you did, that God will judge the things we've done. She doesn't know every horrible detail, and she doesn't want to. She just wants to get on with our lives. That's what she said, our lives." Callie said beaming.

  "I told you, there's a lot going on under that red hair."

  "I think you called it a mop, but yeah, you're right. She makes everything seem simple, that's what's amazing."

  "I'm glad you worked things out. Are you going back to Minneapolis right now?"

  "Jenny headed to work, so I'm going to sleep for a few hours, then go back. Her schedule is all screwed up. She has to work Monday and Tuesday next week, then she's going to drive her car down, hopefully that wreck doesn't break down. I don't know if I can come back Friday night or not. The whole thing with Teresa is a mess. I need to spend some time with Deeann and Danielle, we're trying to get things organized and come up with a plan for giving her the boot. They don't want to piss her off, I guess. She told Dee she was done anyway, so hopefully it will be a peaceful transition. Did you know Deeann is loaded, like mega-rich?"

  "It was mostly her money that got the group off the ground in the first place. Teresa takes credit of course, but she has her own set of facts. I was there, I know what happened."

  "So, have you seen Madeline? We really need her in this. Some of the girls want me to run things, but I'm not ready for that. Besides, I don't think one person should, that's been the problem with Teresa. I think it needs to be at least three people, three different perspectives, and Madeline should be one of them. Maybe Teri and Deeann, too. Jane is going to run off, her and Teresa think they can go south and live the good life on all the money this deal with old man Marsh is going to bring in."

  "You keep your guard up Callie. Teresa is a vindictive bitch. If she has a chance to cause you trouble, she will."

  "I can handle her. Too bad she can't just stay a part of the group, but she's pissed. I think once she cools down she'll realize that the best thing she can do is just go away quietly."

  "Maybe, I guess we'll see. I talked to Madeline a while back. As far as I know she's in the Cities, working a big case. But she's aware of what's going on, I'm sure of that."

  "Everybody talks about her like she's a step above all the other Elders, her and you."

  "Madeline gets a lot of things done that the group never knows about Callie. She's done as much as Teresa and the other Elders have, all by herself. The Sisters, would do well to have her involved with running things, but she has always shied away from that."

  "Why, and don't tell me you don't know."

  "Maybe it's just that she loves being a lawyer. I do have some theories, but you'd have to ask Maddy about it. I can't share her secrets, with you or anyone."

  "Fine. You don't know my secrets, I don't know yours. We all have secrets, I get it. "

  "If I were you I'd get some sleep, you need to be fresh for school tomorrow."

  "Alright, I give up. Love you Mom."


  "What do you mean, investigation? Why the hell are we being investigated? We just closed on the God damn stocks, they're taking off, but so what?" Teresa glared across the table at Johnathan Marsh. "I thought your kid had everything under control. And you said you greased some wheels, what the hell happened there?"

  "It's just a little hiccup. The State Ethics board is looking at us, but I had a talk with one of their lawyers, slid a little money her way."

  "Her? I know a lawyer that works for the State, and I think she does oversight like that. Little skinny gal about my age, blue eyes, big ears?"

  "Yeah, really big ears. Rice, her name was. Why?"

  "Oh, I know her. I'd say we're fucked." Teresa closed her eyes, seething. If everything was going to go to hell, she was going to take some people along. "So, if she doesn't cover our ass, and believe me, she's not going to, what happens?"

  "They've been sniffing around for years, but I'll know more by next Monday. Insider trading is a tough thing to prove. The fact that we invested just before the new device is coming out looks bad, but looking bad and going to jail are two very different things."

  "The fact that they're bringing charges, means Madeline Rice never had any intention of covering our ass, just the opposite! She's a goody two shoes lawyer, and she's not very fond of me. I'm sure she figures she can kill two birds with one stone. Well this is just fucking great! Let me know as soon as you hear something. You told me this deal was cut and dried."

  "Hey, I told you there were some extra risks. You don't get the kind of returns we're expecting without some problems. But Teresa, don't worry! We deal with things like this all the time. That's where having a law firm as a partner comes in handy. I'll bring in some help, lawyers that deal with the State and Feds all the time. Worst case, we get a wrist slap, maybe a little fine." Johnathan Marsh leaned back, trying to exude a confidence he didn't feel. Teresa stood and left the office without another word. The elder Marsh hit his intercom. "Get my kid up here, right away."

  "What's up?" Ozzy walked into his father's office, aware by the look on his father's face, that something was wrong.

  "I think your pal Spencer turned us in for insider trading, even though the bastard was trying to do it himself. You figure us a way out of this shit. This is your area of expertise, so you better be really good, or the whole firm is fucked. I ought to kick your ass for giving Spencer a sniff of what was going on in the first place. Don't forget about that tape. You figure out some angles to clean up this mess, or so help me---"

  "Alright, I'll get on it. I told you, we should have moved slower right from the start." His father walked out from behind the desk and Ozzy fled the room.


  "What the hell do you mean, go easy on Ozzy? The bastard as much as killed Natalie, Danielle. Has that fact slipped your mind?" Callie was on the balls of her feet, leaning toward the tall woman, eyes fading as she

  "Settle down Callie," Danielle sat down on the couch, patting the spot beside her. "I just want to talk about it, okay?" Callie sat quickly, glaring at her friend.

  "Are you actually falling for this guy, Danielle? What the hell, you're the one who told me what happened. You wanted to get him too."

  "I said he should pay for what he did, Callie, and it seems like he is, like it's eating him alive. He broke down the other night. He came over right after you went home to talk to Jenny, and we ended up talking about it. I wanted to see if he'd brag about trying to save her, but it was kind of the opposite. He crying, sobbing really hard, actually. I can't read him like you could, but I could tell it wasn't an act, he did really care about her. In that moment, he did something horribly selfish and stupid, and he's paying for it every day."

  "I still say you're falling for him. He can be charming, I get that. But what about all the horrible shit the Sisters said he's going to do later on in life? We need to stop him."

  "First, still like girls, I'm not falling for him. But he isn't the monster I thought he was, either. Until someone shoots at you, it's hard to know how you're going to react. I've been in those situations, and I've seen people act like heroes, and I've seen people run, just like Ozzy did. Teresa is the one that told me he was dangerous, not any of the Sisters. Teresa just wants him out of the way."

  "Tough shit Danielle, he's responsible for Natalie's death, he doesn't get a second chance." Callie stood again, pacing across the room. Danielle watched her quietly for a moment.

  "Why Callie?" The blond girl turned, looking at her. "Why doesn't Ozzy get a second chance? Didn't you just get a second chance from Jenny?" Callie glared at Danielle, her eyes fading, then turned and ran up the stairs, two steps at a time. Danielle smiled when she heard the door slam hard enough to shake dust from the ceiling. She went into her bedroom and changed, then went to her gym room to pummel the heavy bag. Callie appeared at the door half an hour later, arms folded.


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