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Accidental Love

Page 18

by Max Hudson

  Brooklyn looked at him, his eyes wide. “What are you doing?”

  “I told you I wanted to kiss you,” Luca said with a grin. “I did specify that I wanted to kiss all of you.”

  Brooklyn nodded, returning his smile. Luca needed to taste him. He needed to touch him, and he needed to have his dick in his mouth. It was a sin, a tragedy, that it wasn’t already being sucked.

  “Can I take off your pants?”

  “Please,” Brooklyn said. He undid his belt as Luca moved his zipper down. He moved his hands so that his fingers were hooked under his waistband and started to move his jeans down his legs. He was touching his skin with his fingers and Brooklyn moaned slightly as he did so. When he reached his shoes, Luca made sure to take them off too, put them on the floor next to him neatly, and look up at Brooklyn, who was breathing heavily.

  He had only barely touched his feet, but it was clearly some sort of trigger as it was enough to get the man gasping even more heavily. It was probably a combination of things—the way that Luca had kissed his scar, the way that the two of them had made out for a bit, the way that Brooklyn had looked at Luca’s scar.

  Luca grabbed Brooklyn’s jeans and threw them somewhere. He didn’t care about where, all that he cared about was seeing Brooklyn’s gorgeous legs. He pressed his lips against the top of Brooklyn’s feet and slowly kissed up until he was burying his face inside of Brooklyn’s inner thighs. He loved the way that Brooklyn smelled, loved the way that his muscles tightened every time that Luca kissed him. He particularly loved the sound that Brooklyn made every time that Luca kissed him, every time that he breathed on his skin.

  He particularly loved the way that he seemed to be sensitive to even the smallest movements, like when Luca closed his mouth or when he ran his fingertips up the inside of his legs, which made Brooklyn shudder.

  He burrowed his face next to the fabric that was covering Brooklyn’s cock. He could see the outline of his erection and he couldn’t wait until he got it in his mouth, but he was also trying to do what he could to pace himself. If he just pulled his boxers down and sucked him off right then, he was sure that he was going to end up cumming.

  He didn’t want to do that. At least not yet. Not until he felt Brooklyn inside of him.

  “I want to suck your cock,” Luca said.

  Brooklyn nodded quickly, his eyes half-closed. “Yes,” he said between pants. “Yes.”

  Brooklyn helped Luca by taking off his own boxers. Well, it was more like he half took them off, because Luca was soon all over them, making sure that they were on the floor somewhere. He looked at Brooklyn’s cock, which was even bigger than he had anticipated, and practically gasped.

  He wasn’t the kind of gay man that was particularly into the way that cocks looked, but he couldn’t help but appreciate how gorgeous Brooklyn’s hardened cock was, thick, uncut, with a mushroom head and covered in precum. Luca might have been able to stop himself from sucking him off before, but he couldn’t do it any longer. He needed to taste him. It was no longer just desire; it was something like primal need.

  He moved his face so that it was parallel with Brooklyn’s cock and he went to town. He tried not to at first, he kissed his plum-sized balls and played with them, quite aware that they were already tight. Part of him didn’t want Brooklyn to cum yet, but part of him really wanted to taste him. He really wanted to know what Brooklyn’s cum would taste like in his mouth. He wanted to coat his tongue with it and then sloppily kiss Brooklyn again.

  He didn’t do any of those things, at least not yet. Instead, he licked the underside of Brooklyn’s cock until he had reached the head, where he spent a long time licking and kissing as he played with his balls with his free hand. He didn’t want to wrap his mouth around Brooklyn’s cock yet because he was sure that it was going to take every single fiber of his being to stop himself from moving his head back and forth desperately as he let Brooklyn throat-fuck him. That was what he wanted.

  But not yet, he told himself.

  He tongued Brooklyn’s cock slit and tightened his grip around his balls slightly until Brooklyn was moaning and saying things under his breath that Luca couldn’t discern.

  It was so fucking sexy to hear him like this that even though he hadn’t even cum in Luca’s mouth, he still felt like he was about to shoot his load.

  Brooklyn threaded his fingers through Luca’s hair again, this time pulling his face away from his body. “Stop,” he said.

  Luca nodded and wiped his lips, which were wet with cum, with his tongue.

  Brooklyn gave him a crooked smile. “I’m serious,” he said. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to cum all over your face.”

  Luca smiled back at him, his eyes shining with mischief. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and he was sure that Brooklyn could tell just how turned on he was. “I fail to see the downside.”

  “I want you to cum too,” Brooklyn said. He pulled Luca’s head, though it was gently, until Luca was standing up. It was a little odd, but Luca loved being manhandled by him, and he was sure that if he had asked Brooklyn to let him go, he would have.

  He didn’t want to ask him to let him go, though. That was the last thing that he wanted. In a matter of seconds, his face was right in front of Brooklyn’s face.

  “I would prefer it if you came,” Luca said, his breath trembling.

  “I will,” Brooklyn said. “I am. And I would prefer to do it inside you. If you’re up for that.”

  Luca swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. He could feel how red his cheeks were, and the worst part of it all was that his cock was literally throbbing from how hard he was.

  “So?” Brooklyn asked when he didn’t get a response from Luca.

  “So what?” Luca said, his eyes wide.

  Brooklyn smirked. “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked, tracing the outline of Luca’s jaw with his finger. “Do you want to feel me inside of you?”

  Luca nodded, though he was only vaguely aware that he was doing so.

  “Get a condom,” Brooklyn said. “I’m clean but—”

  “I get it,” Luca said, shaking his head. “I’m clean too.”

  Luca moved away from him quickly, walking to his nightstand and opening his drawer. He grabbed the little bottle of lube and a condom before he walked back to Brooklyn. But before he had managed to do so, Brooklyn had grabbed him by the waist and his fingers were soft and warm against Luca’s hips. He was gripping him strongly and moved his ass back so that Brooklyn’s erection was pressing against Luca’s ass.

  Brooklyn slung one arm around his waist and pressed him close. When he spoke, he was speaking into Luca’s ear, and Luca shuddered when he felt Brooklyn’s breath on his skin.

  “I was waiting for you,” Brooklyn said. “Then I saw you bend down and I couldn’t wait any longer. You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  Luca took a deep breath and then shuddered, his entire body moving when he did so.

  Brooklyn didn’t touch him other than holding him, not yet. He spoke again, this time into Luca’s ears. “Is this okay?”

  Luca groaned. “Yes.”

  “I want to get you ready,” Brooklyn said. “Put some lube on my hand.”

  Luca was already so hard, so turned on, that he wasn’t sure if his body was going to be able to follow the commands that he was trying to give it. When he squeezed lube on Brooklyn’s hand, he noticed that his hand was trembling. His gaze was locked on Brooklyn’s hand as he spread the lube all over it, as he made sure that his fingers were coated in it. He moved his body slightly away from Luca’s own so that he had access to Luca’s ass. Brooklyn moved his hand down around Luca’s waist until he reached his ass and touched him lightly, tracing his fingertips around Luca’s ass cheeks until he was close to his hole.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked under his breath.

  Luca nodded, his mouth dry. Brooklyn slowly put one finger inside of him, fingering him at first as he paced himself, making him shudder every time that Brook
lyn touched him in a particular way.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” Brooklyn said. “I can’t wait until I’m inside of you. Touch yourself, okay?”

  Luca nodded and groaned, throwing his head back. His eyes were shut tightly and he moved his hand to stroke his hardened cock. He was the hardest that he might have ever been in his life and he was sure that if he didn’t pace himself, he was going to cum all over himself.

  Brooklyn moved his finger out of Luca’s ass and then traced his finger around his hole again, this time penetrating him with two digits. It was all far too much, the way his own hand felt on his cock, the way Brooklyn’s fingers felt pressed up against his prostate. Every time that Brooklyn touched his prostate, Luca felt like he was about to explode.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” Brooklyn said. “Because if I don’t, I’m going to cum all over your back, and I don’t want to do that. Not yet.”

  “Fuck, oh my God,” Luca said. Brooklyn hadn’t stopped fingering him. He was still touching his prostate slowly and purposefully, sending shooting pleasure up the rest of his body and down through his legs. He was completely useless under Brooklyn’s touch and he couldn’t help himself. It was the sexiest thing that might have ever happened in his life.

  “Get on the bed,” Brooklyn said.

  Luca nodded. He moved toward the bed as Brooklyn moved away from him. He got on the bed in all fours, gasping as he put his head up against the quilt. He had stopped touching himself because he knew that he was going to cum if he kept doing it, and he didn’t want to cum before he got to feel Brooklyn’s cock inside of him. He could hear Brooklyn opening the condom and then getting on the bed so that his body was covering Luca’s.

  Brooklyn kissed him on the back, nibbling on his skin slightly as he entered him with his fingers again. “I want to make sure you’re ready,” he said.

  Luca nodded, his cheeks red. He didn’t know that Brooklyn was getting him ready so much as he was getting him close to the edge, and he couldn’t exactly tell him that he was about to cum, mostly because he didn’t feel capable of speaking right then. This was all too much.

  Brooklyn kissed him again as he moved down his spine and removed his hand. He climbed onto the bed and put one leg around each side of him so that his cock was aligned with his ass. “Are you ready for me?”

  Luca whimpered something that he hoped was close enough to assent and Brooklyn laughed.

  “I need you to tell me that you want this.”

  “I want you,” Luca said. “I want this. I need this.”

  “Good,” Brooklyn said. He lowered himself slightly and pressed his cock into Luca’s tight hole. Brooklyn was well-endowed and his cock was thick, so he made sure to do this slowly, which Luca appreciated. He normally bottomed, but it had been a while since he’d had sex with anyone, and this was the kind of thing that took practice. Brooklyn shushed him with sweet sounds, stroked his back, told him that he was doing awesome, and each time he spoke, his words were punctuated by moans and groans, deep gravelly sounds that made Luca’s cock throb.

  Once he was deeply inside of him, Brooklyn started to move back and forth after he had let Luca get used to him. Luca moaned, his face red, his entire body hot. Every thrust, every stroke, it was enough to send an explosion of pleasure all over his body, from his very core to the rest of his body.

  “Sit up,” Brooklyn said. “I want to jack you off while I fuck you.”

  Luca swallowed and nodded. It took a little bit of maneuvering, but finally, they were both sitting down and Luca could feel Brooklyn inside of him even when he shifted his weight. He wasn’t moving nearly as much, but this was a lot more intense than being fucked when he was on all fours. When Brooklyn wrapped his large hand around Luca’s cock and started to move it up and down, gripping him just tightly enough to drive him crazy. His hands were moving over the head of his cock and then down again to the very base of his dick. Brooklyn bit his shoulder softly and then spoke again as he quickened his pace.

  “Fuck yourself with my dick, Luca,” Brooklyn said.

  Luca didn’t need to be asked twice. He started moving his hips up and down at the same rhythm of Brooklyn’s hand, who seemed to have everything under control. All of the pleasure was far too much, and Luca threw his head back and screamed as he started to feel his orgasm build up inside of him. Brooklyn bit into his neck again, this time a little harder, and then he was saying something and Luca was saying something but he wasn’t sure what it was, and Brooklyn was saying something too, and soon Luca was shooting his load all over the place as he saw stars and felt his body melt into nothing but warmth.

  They both collapsed into a puddle on the bed, both gasping to catch their breaths.

  Brooklyn put his arm around Luca and Luca put his head on Brooklyn’s chest. It felt like it had been designed to fit in there perfectly. Brooklyn kissed the top of Luca’s head and stroked his shoulder.

  Neither one of them said anything. They both lay there, panting, neither one of them able to form a coherent thought. For the first time since the accident, everything was right. Everything was perfect.


  By the time they were done, they had already missed the first showing of the movie, and Luca didn't think that they were going to go at all. He wouldn’t have minded, he would have happily stayed in bed talking to Brooklyn all night, but Brooklyn insisted.

  After they’d both had a quick shower, together--where nothing happened because they were afraid Luca’s parents would arrive--, Brooklyn said that they would just go to the late night showing instead.

  Luca didn’t mind. He would be happy to spend time doing anything with Brooklyn. He said that he wanted to take Luca out to have fun, and his eyes shimmered when he said it, and there was nothing that Luca could say to that. He got dressed again, though Brooklyn was distracting him because he kept kissing his neck, stroking his head, telling him how sexy he looked.

  Something had happened when they had sex, and it was the kind of thing that Luca loved. It was clear that Brooklyn was the kind of person who needed to be touched a lot. That was all right for Luca, since he was the kind of person who also liked to be touched a lot, and all this attention was making his heart flutter. It was so weird to think that none of his fantasies had been nearly as amazing as the way that this felt.

  Brooklyn walked Luca to his car and they held hands all the way there. It was so weird, because it wasn’t as if it was a big deal at all, but Derek didn’t like holding hands. He didn’t like touching him in public at all. Brooklyn and Luca weren’t even dating properly and Luca didn’t seem to want to let him go. It was all… a lot, and Luca kept smiling at Brooklyn with a huge goofy grin on his face like an absolute idiot.

  Luca still felt like his head was in the clouds when they finally arrived at the theater. He was getting candy from the candy station as Brooklyn was in the bathroom—he knew that going to the bathroom with him might lead to round two and he really wanted to make sure that Brooklyn knew he didn’t just like him for the sex, amazing as it was—when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

  He turned around with a smile on his face, expecting to see Brooklyn behind him. What he saw instead made his eyes widen and his jaw drop open.

  The person who was standing in front of him wasn't Brooklyn; it was Derek. He looked like a mess, with big bags under his eyes, which were small and bloodshot. Regardless of the fact that he looked like a mess, though, he was also much bigger than Luca. Luca couldn’t help the fact that his heart started going a million miles an hour the moment that he saw Derek, but it wasn’t because he was excited.

  His nerves were a different kind of nerves and he was pretty sure that he was afraid. He didn’t want to be—it sucked for him to think that he was afraid of his ex-boyfriend—but he couldn’t help himself. It mostly had to do with Derek’s texts, which had gone unanswered ever since that time that Derek had taken him out to dinner. Of course they had gone unanswered since, as far as Luca was concerned, he didn’t e
ver want to talk to him again.

  Derek’s texts, however, seemed to only get more insistent the more time that passed. Derek really wanted to know why Luca didn’t want to be around him or if he had made a decision about wanting to be with Derek again. Luca thought that the lack of response would be an answer to that, but clearly, Derek needed things to be spelled out for him.

  He tried to seem indifferent when he spoke. He tried to ignore how red his cheeks were, how much his hands had started to sweat. “Hey, Derek. Listen, I—”

  “Hey,” Derek said, looking him up and down. His expression was a cross between indifference and anger, and Luca didn’t know what to think about it. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m going to see a movie,” Luca replied. “They’ve just made a movie out of my favorite book and I thought—”

  Derek shook his head as he got closer to Luca. He was so close that Luca could see how small his eyes were, which were shining. He put one arm around him and placed his hand up against the wall so that he could lean in very close to Luca. It made Luca wince. He moved back so that his back was against the wall and he was slouched down slightly. He didn’t want to get into a fight with Derek, but for a second, he thought that it might be inevitable. “I've been worried about you.”

  Luca’s gaze darted around the theater as he wondered if anyone else was seeing this. He wasn’t sure if they were, and it didn’t feel like there was anyone around, which made this harder.

  “You don’t need to worry about me,” Luca said. “I promise.”

  “I do worry about you,” Derek said. “The Luca I know would have never left me hanging like that.”

  “Derek,” Luca said, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t leave you hanging. You asked me to consider something. I considered it and decided that I didn’t want to do it.”

  Derek’s eyebrows shot up. He had clearly not expected that answer from Luca, who hadn’t expected himself to say it. He had been just as surprised as Derek had been when the words had cum out of his mouth.


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