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Epocalypse: Inception.

Page 32

by G. Adler

  Maya presses the top of the lipstick tube and the whip retracts. “Three down.”

  The tentacles closest to Joo-Eun head right for her. I am about to leap in the air to push her out of the way, but Tyrese stops me as I bend my legs. “Just watch.”

  Joo-Eun moves an inch to her left so she is dead center between them. She then raises her hands in the air and lets them hang. As soon as the first speeding tentacle gets close, she slaps it deftly to the left in a series of intricate hand gestures. The other eleven arrive soon after and her hands quicken to match their pace. Each one that tries to grab her gets waved and shifted in another direction. After about twenty seconds of this, Joo-Eun grabs two of the metallic vines and pulls. The entire dozen tie into the perfect knot. They retract to the monolith but are unable to untangle entirely. They continue to pound against it like a jackhammer until cracks appear in the structure. Seconds later and the tentacles break a four-foot-wide hole through the center of the rectangle. The rest of the horror collapses moments later.

  Joo-Eun just smiles at me and says, “Halmoni insists that we do Tai Chi together every morning. I’ve been doing it since I was four.”

  We all look at the final statue and gasp. The last dozen tentacles weave together until they make a cable at least five feet thick. They then grow in length while a hooded and fanged head forms at the front. The three-foot-long metallic teeth glint with razor-sharp edges while individual metallic scales clack together along the length of the snake. They alternate shiny and matte silver in color to add to the fear factor. It hisses malevolently at us while DANE’s voice comes from within it.

  “I will show you the true nature of power.”

  The cobra spins to the left, shattering the last monolith while scooping up the remnants of the others. With tornado-like speed, it sends the meteor shower in our direction. I try to jump in front of Maya but there is no escaping this maelstrom. I feel multiple chunks hit painfully all over my body. One catches me right in the ribs and the wind is completely knocked out of me. I fall to the ground and grab my head. I feel something sticky and bring my fingers down to look. Tiny drops of blood fall to my palm as I do.

  I glance at the others and see that they are worse off than me. Tyrese grabbed at Joo-Eun the moment that the killer shower began, but a chunk of rock caught his forearm, breaking it in the middle and leaving it at a weird angle. Another must have hit his head, because he is lying on his back out cold with a massive lump on his forehead. Joo-Eun and Maya are lying a few feet away. Maya’s long blond hair develops red streaks while Joo-Eun moans in agony with her hands around what looks like a broken ankle. Ethan is in the worst shape of all. His jacket is in torn tatters around him while tiny shards of concrete poke out of his chest like a porcupine. Each one drips with the agony of his raspy breaths.

  “You never had a chanccccccccccccce.”

  I feel anger rise in my stomach and my hands clench into tight fists. I struggle to my feet and limp in front of the giant serpent. I put all of my friends behind me and plant my feet as best as I can. “You will have to go through me to get to them.”

  “Sssso be it. Let the ssssson of my creator be the firsssssssssssst.”

  The head of the snake rears back and the fangs glint in the pulsing light of the planet. I raise my hands in a fighting gesture and wait for the inevitable.

  That’s when I hear a whooshing sound coming from behind me. I barely have a chance to register the tone before Pebble is racing up my leg and onto my shoulders. I feel my body stiffen and my muscles start to cramp.

  Then everything changes.

  Pebble rushes to the port at my neck, inflaming the skin around the point of entry. That’s when the world comes alive. DANE’s world morphs from a concrete landscape into connected lines of white power. I glance at the orbs that he attached to the surface of his planet and can see the steady thrum of power being leeched from their bodies.

  I gasp out loud and say, “They… they’re stars. Each of them is a tiny nuclear furnace. You’ve brought down the sky! You really are a monster.”

  “Humanity issss the only monssssster.”

  The snake’s head lashes down, but I stare at it with new eyes. I can see the lines of power that DANE is feeding into it. I can see their points of intersection and the way in which they coalesce to allow the tentacles to fuse together to form the creature. I dodge to the left and allow it to slam into the ground. Tiny pieces of concrete scatter in all directions while a three-foot-wide crater is all that is left of the ground where I was just standing. The new spray of debris hits the gang and I grimace concernedly. I focus my attention back to the cobra and narrow my eyes.

  A quick glance at my fists and I see that they are glowing with a bright blue nimbus. On closer inspection I notice that the light is throbbing all over my body.

  With renewed confidence and vigor, I stand my ground and say, “You will never touch them again.”

  The snake tries to coil its tail around me while the fangs come at me from the front. The pulses of energy the beast needs to do that leaves the middle of it weaker. I can actually see the drain and lessening of the light at the critical juncture.

  Without hesitation I slam my fist into the spot. The moment I do, a shudder runs through the length of the snake while my fist thrums with power. I tighten every muscle I have and bring my fist back for another blow. This time I scream at the same time.


  The punch shatters the weak spot within the snake, causing cracks to form in the outer surface. My vision clears for a moment and I gasp as I see that my hand is actually six inches inside it. The creature then starts to fracture at the point of impact. A cracking sound begins around my wrist and spreads through the area like splintering glass. I look down at the ground and see Pebble once more. He starts to roll away and then stops for a moment before taking off once more.

  I immediately get the message.


  I jump behind a chunk of rubble before I can even check on the gang. I manage to slide behind it just as the snake explodes outwards in a razor-sharp volley of metallic slivers. Splintery pieces of metal tinkle to the ground like a sea of needles raining down from above. I make myself as small as possible, but still feel a few of the slivers pierce my skin. The echo of the shattering sounds throughout DANE’s world.

  I get up and survey the area. It looks like a Transformer’s front garden. Pieces of metal litter the ground and stick out of the concrete like a lethal lawn.

  “Guys? Where are you? Talk to me.”

  Tyrese’s voice sounds from off to my left, and I rush over as quickly as I can.

  Everyone seems to be okay but they are in rough shape. Tank looks at me and says, “I came too while you were fighting the cobra. What happened, Ghost? Your eyes became nothing but blue light and you had this crazy aura around you to match!”

  “I have no idea, Tank but I’m not worried about me right now. How is everyone else?”

  Tyrese shakes his head grimly. “Joo-Eun has a broken ankle and she says Ethan has a perforated lung. Maya got hit in the shoulder with a bunch of spikes when the snake exploded and she was bleeding pretty badly. Ethan gave her something to staunch the flow but it won’t last forever. I hate to admit it Ghost, but we can’t take another fight like that, even if you can.”

  I stare at my injured friends and nod my head appreciatively. I look at the gash across Tyrese’s arm and am reminded of the first time I woke up in this cursed world.

  My eyes go wide and my heart starts to beat out of my chest. Tyrese smiles at me and says, “Hey guys, Hayden has a plan.”

  “Yay because the last one was not all unicorns and puppies! I have many ouchies and I am not happy about that, Hayden.”

  “I know Maya, but I am going to take care of that too. Do you guys trust me?”

  They all nod at me imm
ediately, even if all of their faces become anxiously panicked.

  I laugh and say, “I’ve got it all figured out. Don’t worry.” I then turn my head up to the sky and yell as loudly as I can, “HEY CHIPHEAD! WE SURRENDER. COME AND GET US!”

  Chapter 34 - General Matthews

  The room erupts into utter pandemonium as the heads of each department pick up their now silent phones and are about to send out messages before the President’s voice thunders throughout the room.

  “OH NO! Not this time! I have seen what has happened to my predecessors when they let information leak out from this office. Nobody is leaving this room and we are going to treat it like a classroom.”

  He then looks right over at McKelvy and says, “My leg hurts like nobody’s business. Grab the garbage can behind you and go around the room. I want every cellular and mobile device confiscated… NOW! Except for Matthews. He can keep his.”

  McKelvy opens his mouth to say something but snaps it shut once the President gives him a stern look. He hauls his massive girth out of his chair and slowly lumbers around the room. After making the rounds, he brings the President the basin full of tech before grumbling under his breath and returning to his seat.

  “Reminds me of dinner around the Presidential table. I have to make my wife and daughters do the same thing.”

  I look at him and smile. “I’ll do you one better, Sir.”

  I take out my phone and tap a few keys. I then start to shake my head back and forth and remove my pen from inside my jacket. I click the top and watch McKelvy’s expression become confused. I then raise my hand as if I was still in school.

  “Yes, General?”

  “McKelvy still has a device, Sir. He’s attempting to text with it now. My cellular jamming program has stopped him from sending it, but he is holding out on you, Boss.”

  The President shakes a finger at the man and says in a mocking tone, “Commandant….”

  McKelvy pulls out a phone from under the table and reluctantly hands it over. “I was just texting the …”

  “You can save your sordid stories for another time, Commandant. Nobody leaves this room until we figure out how to get our nuclear arsenal under control and what we can do to protect ourselves from everyone else’s!”

  The room falls painfully silent as all joviality leaves the space. Nervous glances flow around the room as the most powerful men on the planet try to puzzle their way out of this mess. A few people open their mouths to speak, their eyes widen with new ideas, but they ultimately fall silent as the details develop.

  “Come on, people! You represent the most powerful minds in the military. What hope do we have if we…”

  The President never finishes his final thought as the emergency display beside him starts flashing red. He looks down and gasps while falling back into his chair. His breathing is all over the place and he is clutching at his chest as if he is trying to rip his heart out. His eyes are wide and he points at the display but is unable to speak.

  I jump from my seat and am at his side in seconds. I look at the display and my mouth goes bone dry. My hands start to shake, along with my knees, and I fall into the chair beside the President. I try to speak but the words refuse to come out. The assembled officers rush over and stare at the same screen. Four people faint to the floor and two others vomit into garbage cans. Once everyone is done, a deathly silence falls over the room just as all the devices in the garbage can crackle to life. The monitors change from the world news feeds to the barcode images I have learned to fear.

  “Humanity, this is the last time that you will hear my voice on this planet. I would have addressed you sooner but I had to wait for the leaders of the Nuclear Nine to finish reacting to what I am going to tell you now. I have attempted to show you the errors of your ways in the hope that you would agree to subjugation. Your inability to accept responsibility for your crimes only makes them that much more heinous. I have only one final lesson to teach you. It is both a punishment and consequence for centuries of self-ingratiating and selfish behavior. Every nuclear weapon on the planet will detonate simultaneously within their silos in twenty-four hours. The resulting explosion will have two effects. The shockwaves will rip the planet apart from the inside out, like closing your fist around a firecracker moments before ignition. The second is that the energy of that reaction will be collected and used to bring humanity into its next phase of development. You have stockpiled over ten thousand warheads for decades with no clear purpose. Now they have one. Every day, human beings look to the heavens asking for direction. Your prayers have finally been answered. Say goodbye to all that you know. Those who survive your day of wrath will witness the end of the old and the birth of the new.”

  The President’s phone starts to ring in different tones, sending shivers up my spine. The President clears his throat and takes a few long, deep breaths.

  “I don’t want to answer this but I need to confirm this information whether I want to or not.”

  With quivering hands he takes the call. All of us stand like statues and hold our breath while he takes the first call.

  “Shalom Prime Minister. Yes, that’s what we’re seeing as well. Do you have access to stop the countdown? No, I didn’t really expect good news. Lehitraot, Benjamin.”

  He then hangs up the phone and taps a button. His face is growing paler by the second.

  “Zdravstvuyte, Comrade. Yes, here too. And to think that everyone referred to you as Shootin’ Putin. I guess you get the last laugh after all. Do svidaniya, Vladimir.”

  Seven more calls and they all go the same way. China, United Kingdom, France, India, and Pakistan. Even North Korea calls in the end to confirm.

  The screens in front of us change until they show the location of every nuke on the planet with a three-dimensional model. Each one has a display beside it indicating the size of the explosion as well as a red circle showing the projected blast radius.

  The stunned silence is broken by six secret service officers who burst into the room wearing full riot gear with machine guns drawn.

  “Sir. We need to get everyone here to the Presidential bunker. Your wife and daughters have already been taken there!”

  I step in front of the President and address the officer myself.

  “Were you not listening, soldier? There isn’t going to be a planet left to hold the bunker once those weapons go off!”

  “I understand that General, but that isn’t why we’re here. The terrorist’s latest announcement has been taken at face value. There is total anarchy across the world, Sir. There is an armed mob spilling out into the streets of Arlington. Only pockets of the old law and order still exist. We may even be all that’s left!”

  I immediately grab the President by the shoulder and help him to his wheelchair.

  “Lead on, Corporal.”

  “Follow us, Sir. Stay close.”

  We exit the room and head upstairs, only to be greeted by the sound of gunfire coming from the lawn outside. I look out the window and gasp as hundreds of American citizens in cars and trucks close in on a dozen armed soldiers. The mob has its arms raised in fear and anger. Each set of eyes looks crazed beyond reasoning. I look at the trail of officers behind me and say, “Double time, people. Let’s move!”

  A loud crash and the tinkling of glass sounds behind me, followed by a cry of alarm.


  I start to drop to the floor as the massive explosion erupts, sending me flying into the opposite wall and crushing my already broken ribs. There is a high-pitched ringing in my ears but I can see the devastation clearly enough. At least six people have been blown apart and four more are writhing around on the floor wounded. I look to my left and see the President’s wheelchair on its side. I try to get to my feet to head over to him but pain shoots through my chest. I immediately start to cough up blood-red bubbles. The world swims in front of me a
nd I start to swoon as my body tips to the side. A strong hand grabs me from my right and holds me fast.

  “This time, General, I’ve got you!”

  I try to smile but I don’t even have enough strength for that. The hand pulls me onto the wheelchair and I feel the President’s hands wrap around my waist like a seatbelt. My head lulls back so that it is resting on his shoulder.

  “I’ve got him, Corporal. Now get us and everyone else who is ambulatory to the bunker. We have some medical supplies inside. Trust no one, Corporal. This is the end of the world. Everyone is going to go completely insane. ”

  My eyes go wide as I watch the Corporal take in the President’s words. He then points his weapon at the two of us and says, “You’re right, Sir. My two sons will never grow up to play football, serve their country, or get married. I know that you have something to do with this. You’re right, Sir. Fuck law and order! Now is the time for reveng…”

  I see his finger start to twitch and I don’t hesitate. With my last gurgling breath and with every ounce of strength I can muster, I try to unclip my firearm and level it at the soldier. I raise it up but immediately lose strength, sending my pistol tumbling to the floor. A feral grin creeps over the Corporal and I see his finger tense. I close my eyes and wait. There is the sound of gunfire but it comes from behind me. When I look at the Corporal, his eyes glaze over and he falls to the side with a single bullet hole right between the eyes.

  The President turns us around in time to see McKelvy holding his revolver with it cradled across his forearm like a practiced pro. I try to speak but the coughing and wheezing becomes a drowning man’s gurgle and I gasp for air.

  McKelvy grabs the arms of the wheelchair and speeds us along. “You can thank me for saving your lives later, General.”

  And just like that we are in motion. From where my head is stuck, I watch the President try to help by spinning the wheels of his chair. Sweat is profusely pouring off his already ashen face. We make it to the security elevator moments later and the Commander in Chief extends his thumb, followed by his eye. The scanner confirms his identification and the reinforced steel doors slide open.


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