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Gabe's Revenge

Page 5

by Doris O'Connor

  While she’d known deep down that the boy, who’d called her that, after his kisses had left her cold had been wrong—if you could call a twenty-five-year old scientist a boy—she laughed out loud. Compared to Gabe he had been a boy. Even men closer to Gabe’s age seemed mere imitations, compared to Gabriel Henshaw’s overwhelming presence. The truth of the matter was she simply melted under Gabe’s dominance. That damn online test, which Chantelle and she giggled over when they’d both been worse for wear just before she’d left to return to London, had been spot on.

  Lissandra was a natural submissive that thing had claimed. Chantelle had hooted in laughter. “There, you go, that explains everything. You need whips and chains and all that shit to get off, right. Damn, had I known that, I’d have hooked you up with Pierre. He’s into all that stuff.”

  At that thought they’d both dissolved into flood of giggles. Pierre might be into all things kinky, but he was also ugly as fuck and even shorter than Lissandra.

  “More like he should be at the receiving end of it,” Lissandra had said once she could talk again, which had caused another bout of hysterics.

  God, she missed her friend. What she wouldn’t give to have her here, but Chantelle had taken herself off for some fun with her newest boyfriend, backpacking around the world. According to the latest update she’d received—a garbled one via someone’s satellite phone—they were somewhere in the Himalayas right now.

  Gabe’s raised voice coming through the shut door of her bedroom made her jump. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, but he sounded pissed, so Lissandra hurriedly pulled on some underwear, leggings and long t-shirt, bundled her hair up in a messy bun, and yanked open the door.

  “I just don’t think this is necessarily the best course of action, Mr. Henshaw. I would be failing in my duties as your solicitor if I didn’t point this out to you.”

  Gabe’s short, somewhat cruel laugh sent shivers down her spine. She wasn’t going to like whatever those two had concocted, that much was clear.

  “Duly noted, Parkinson. However, I pay you the big bucks for your expertise at getting things done, not your opinion.”

  “But, sir, the girl is so much younger, and marriage is a big step.”

  Lissandra gasped, and both men turned as one to watch her approach. She was dimly aware of a middle-aged man in a suit bowing his head in greeting to her, before all her attention was taken up by Gabe. He looked equal parts pissed and determined, while the lazy way he gave her attire the once-over made her toes curl in her sandals.

  “You’re late, girl.” He made a big show of studying the Rolex on his wrist, and tutted. “At a swat a second, I make that a tally of thirty-nine I need to inflict on that backside of yours. Come here.”

  He pulled out one of the chairs around the dining table, covered in official looking documents, and Lissandra froze.

  “You wouldn’t. No, I won’t.”

  “You, girl, will do as you’re told and get yourself over here now, before I add to that. You really must like pain.”

  The solicitor made a rough sound at the back of his throat, and adjusted his tie, while he looked anywhere but at her. Gabe had no such compunctions. The intensity of his stare on her pinned her in place, bent her to his will, and she’d taken several steps toward him before she even realized what she was doing.

  “You’re not going to spank my behind. You have no damn right … err … Sir.” She added the title, to soften her denial somewhat, all too aware that she was literally pulling the tiger by the tail, and she had some self-preservation left.

  Much to her surprise and utter relief, Gabe laughed. His eyes softened as he looked toward her, and he shook his head.

  “As tempting as that thought is, I pulled out this chair for you to sit and sign these papers, so sit, now.”

  This time she didn’t hesitate, and her throat went dry when Gabe pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, too. Parkinson also seated himself, offered her a tight smile, and held out a fountain pen for her.

  “If you’d like to read through the papers and sign where I marked them, both of you, and all the documents, please.”

  Lissandra took the pen off him, saw him pass an identical one to Gabe and then promptly dropped hers when she saw the titles on the documents.

  Marriage agreement

  Non-disclosure contract

  Limits list

  “Is everything all right, Miss Andrini?” Parkinson’s voice sounded tinny, far away, and then Gabe’s heavy hand on her shoulder pulled her back in from the brink.

  “Breathe, Lissa. Helps with the whole being alive thing.”

  She dutifully pulled air into her lungs, and that strange buzzing sound in her ears faded.

  “What is this? Why do you want me to sign these?” She grimaced at the high-pitched squeal she managed to produce, and Gabe shrugged and pulled his hand away. Strange though it seemed, she immediately missed the contact. He was the only somewhat familiar presence in this alternative universe she seemed to have been dumped in.

  “Read and sign, especially this one.”

  He pushed the limits list toward her, and Lissandra knew she resembled a beetroot right now. Her cheeks sure felt hot enough to fry an egg on.

  “Perhaps we should give the girl a minute, sir.” The solicitor’s somewhat strained voice broke through her paralysis, and she looked up.

  “She’s had all the time she needs. Read and sign, girl. I haven’t got all day.”

  Gabe’s voice right next to her ear held an edge of steel she couldn’t help but respond to, and she made a hasty grab for the pen.

  Her head hurt just looking down the limits lists. How on earth was she supposed to know what half of this meant, let alone if she liked it?

  Parkinson sighed and looked most uncomfortable while Gabe laughed.

  “That’s why there’s several boxes, sweetheart. Just tick don’t know if you’re not sure.” She jumped and wanted the ground to swallow her whole when it dawned on her that she must have uttered her thoughts out loud.

  “What if I don’t want to do any of this? Are you really into all of this stuff?”

  Lissandra inwardly groaned at the needy, breathy whisper she managed to produce. Gabe put his large hand over her trembling one.

  “Most, but not all, no. Would it help if I crossed out the things I won’t do and starred my favorites?” he asked.

  Lissandra swallowed hard. Gabe nudged her chin up, and the concern she read in his dark gaze made her feel slightly better.

  “Breathe, little one. This doesn’t need to be scary, but it helps to clarify these things beforehand. Also,” he glanced at the documents on the table, and smirked. “I find it somewhat telling that you freak out at this list, and not the marriage contract or the pre-nup.”

  She couldn’t help her jerk in reaction, and he nodded.

  “Okay, freaking out at all of it then.”

  “I’m not freaking, I just…” She cleared her throat, disgusted at that squeak she managed to produce. Gabe’s smile deepened, and the hold he had on her chin turned into a caress. His thumb traced the outline of her lips, and she leaned into his touch, craving the reassurance right now, his gentleness so at odds with this whole fucked up situation.

  “Just what, little Lissa? Tell me.”

  “I don’t understand any of this? You’ve got me. My father all but sold me to you, so why do you want to marry me?”

  Gabe’s eyes flashed in silent fury when she mentioned her father, and for that one second, she saw the ruthless killer before he smiled. It didn’t reach his eyes, and it made her insides clench in fear and arousal. Why the danger he presented turned her on so much, she had no idea. His hand slid down to her throat and stayed there. An obvious claim of ownership, which helped calm her. She couldn’t do anything but submit to his will, and with that knowledge came peace.

  None of this made sense, but as his whole focus shifted to her, she knew deep down that he wouldn’t hurt her, even thou
gh he could. After all, she’d half expected him to force himself on her, yet here they were, discussing marriage, and limits, and she was so out of her depth it wasn’t even real.

  “I made a promise to your mother before she died, girl.” She gasped at that revelation, and he nodded. “I promised to make sure you’re safe. To keep you away from your father’s machinations, and while you were out of the country you were safe. You’re not anymore. Andrini is up to something, and until I know what that is, your place is by my side. As my wife you have protection. Should anything happen to me, the boys will take care of you.” He paused and tightened his hold on her throat just long enough for her to get worried. She gulped in air when he let go. “Also, locking you in marriage to me means there’ll be consequences if you betray me. Your father’s blood runs in your veins, and I’m not stupid enough to trust an Andrini, no matter how much I want to claim that curvy body of yours. I’m not proposing marriage out of love, sweetheart, but like I said before, we don’t even need to like each other to fuck.”

  “Mr. Henshaw, really.”

  Parkinson’s exasperated voice interrupted Gabe, and he looked over the table to where the solicitor looked as though he wanted to be anywhere but here. Lissandra almost felt sorry for the man. Sweat dotted his upper lip, and his eyes shifted left to right behind their steel-rimmed glasses.

  “You’re here to witness the signatures, that’s all, Parkinson. Leave your moral compass at home, but if it makes you feel any better, I can assure you that anything my wife and I will be doing will be entirely consensual.”

  He leaned back in his chair, crossed his big arms over his chest, and smiled.

  “In fact, sweet little Lissa can walk out of here right now, if that’s what she chooses to do. I’ll expect Ollivanti will pounce on her the minute she does, but, hey, maybe she’d prefer his hands all over her before he puts her to work in one of his brothels. Andrini owes him money, too, I understand.” He tipped his chair back on its back legs and regarded his solicitor through narrowed eyes. “Perhaps that will work better for your morals, Parkinson?”

  Parkinson opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, and Gabe’s chair came crashing back down onto the wooden flooring with so much force Lissandra felt the vibration under her soles. Oh lordy, he was pissed.

  “I wasn’t suggesting that, sir, at all.” Parkinson dropped his gaze, and Gabe’s short laugh broke the tension.

  “Good to know.” He picked up the pen, snatched up the limits list, and started to star and cross out various items on the list before he passed it back over to Lissandra.

  “Over to you. What will it be?”

  Chapter Five

  She really had the most expressive face and Gabe felt like the worst asshole for scaring her with the Ollivanti threat, but, dammit all to hell and back he wanted her submission freely given. Not forced on her by circumstances. Not because she was sold to him by that fucker Andrini, but because deep down she wanted him. Gabe, the man, not the crime lord, not the man who owned her.

  He scowled when she hesitated, half rose out of her chair and then sat back down again. Her brows drew together in a frown, as she read down the limits list. It was always telling how a submissive reacted to this part of the negotiations. Not that Gabe had allowed himself to indulge in that side of him lately. If he was going to marry Lissandra, however, then he wanted to start this marriage off on the right foot, with him as her Dom as well as her husband.

  He daren’t examine why this was so important to him. Why he felt the need to put all this in writing, other than the need to have all this negotiations above board for her protection as much as his own.

  Gabe ignored the little voice of reason, which argued he didn’t need to do any of this. He could just ship her off to a safe house, out of the country even, but the thought of any other man’s hands on her pale skin, made him see red. Bound to him like this, he would know where she was at all times. It was the only way to keep her truly safe, if not from him and all the wicked, perverted things he wanted to do to her, but safe from the rest of this fucked up world.

  “What does this mean?” she asked, and he followed the line of her pen to his starring of Shibari.

  “Ah, ropes in short. Shibari is an ancient form of Japanese rope bondage. Ropes are my preferred method of restraining a submissive.”

  “Oh.” Her breathing sped up, and after a short glance up at him from under her eyelashes, she ticked the box to give her consent. Her reactions going down that list were as insightful as they were torturous. His damn dick would have zip marks along its length.

  She ticked yes to spanking with his hands, maybe to impact toys. Anal received a maybe, which surprised him. He’d have expected her to put that as a hard limit. Clamps received another maybe, and she breathed an audible relief when she reached the more extreme facets of the lifestyle, namely blood, scat, water, and needle play, all of which he’d crossed out.

  He had listed knife play as favorite, and her hand shook as the pen hovered over the no box.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  Gabe put his hand over hers, and she jumped.

  “I like the mind fuck, Lissa. I don’t cut, ever, and I don’t leave permanent marks, but fear increases the pleasure.” She looked doubtful, and he could almost see the wheels turn in her head as she mulled this over. “It’s all about trust, little girl. If you trust me enough to do as I say. Then again, the whole lifestyle is built on trust, negotiation, and communication.”

  Lissa blinked and nodded, and he released her hand.

  She focused her attention back on the list. “What about age play? You’re not going to dress me in nappies, are you?”

  Gabe laughed and shook his head.

  “No, little girl. There are many facets to that. I’m not averse to adopting the role of Daddy if my little girl needs a firm hand, however.” He let that statement sit in the room, and Lissa squirmed on her seat.

  “Would you expect me to call you that? Daddy, I mean?”

  Something inside of him shifted at that breathless question, brought out his protective instincts kicking and screaming. “That depends, if my little girl would need to call me that. I prefer Sir, myself.”

  The telltale blush which stained her pale cheeks, and the way her breathing sped up made his chest tighten in unwanted emotion. Fuck him sideways. He hadn’t expected this. Then again, with the lack of proper father figure in her life, perhaps he shouldn’t have been surprised at her reaction.

  “I don’t … that is … it would feel weird to call you that … Sir.”

  Gabe cupped her face, and a shudder went through her.

  “It’s just a title, baby, no big deal.”

  “Okay.” She ticked yes, and after a moment of hesitation she also ticked yes to knife play before she signed the form next to his signature.

  “Good girl.” His murmured praise made her smile, and the invisible boulder of worry he’d been carrying on his shoulders lightened considerably.

  The marriage contract and non-disclosure were next under her perusal, and she signed both without any hesitation, and far too quickly if Parkinson’s twitching was any indication. Sure enough, the solicitor cleared his throat repeatedly.

  “You really ought to read those thoroughly, Miss Andrini.”

  She raised her eyes from the pre-nuptial agreement she was perusing, and her shoulders straightened.

  “I’m well aware of that, and I can assure you I am. I’m a fast reader, and besides, there isn’t much in these. One I have to sign to agree to marry him, and the non-disclosure is a non-starter anyway. I would never discuss my private life with anyone, and I certainly wouldn’t go to the police. They weren’t exactly in favor in my house, growing up, and damn useless when Mama…” Her shoulders dropped, and Gabe swore softly under his breath.

  “Anyway, let me read this … this thing.” She looked at Gabe, and the fine sheen of tears in her eyes slammed in his gut as though she’d used a sle
dgehammer to drive her point home. “I don’t want any of your money, so this should be easy, too.” She offered Gabe a wobbly smile and turned her attention back to the document in front of her.

  “Nonetheless you’re entitled to certain things,” Parkinson said. “As you can see my client has been more than fair should you decide to terminate the marriage down the line. How much you will be entitled to, will depend on the length of your marriage and whether there are any children.”

  Lissa gasped as she reached the settlement figures and shook her head.

  “I can’t sign this.”

  “Not enough for you?” Gabe asked. Try as he might he couldn’t keep the snarl out his voice, and Lissandra jumped.

  “No, it’s not that. It’s too much.” She looked up at him. “What exactly do you expect me to do for all this?” The wobble in her voice got to him, and Gabe shrugged.

  “Be my wife, my submissive, mother of my children, the usual stuff.”

  “You want children then, but I thought…” She bit her lip and dropped he gaze.

  “One thing Andrini did get right is this. I do need an heir. If I’m going to get married, then, yes, I’ll expect children. Besides, it’s the usual consequence of sex unless we use birth control, and I have no intention of doing that with my wife.” He dropped his voice on the last word, and her head shot up. He caught the brief look of longing and hope in her expressive eyes, before she gave a tight nod, picked up the pen and hesitated next to his signature.

  “What about my career? I was hoping to carry on painting, maybe sell some like Mama did?”

  Gabe put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

  “You can do both, Lissa. I would never stand in the way of your talent. In fact, when you’ve signed those, I’ve got something to show you.”

  Still, she hesitated, but eventually she did sign it.

  The rest of the formalities passed in a blur. She was far too quiet during the whole countersigning procedure, which involved Mavis and his second in command, Stone. Eventually, though they were left on their own, and Gabe held out his hand.


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