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The Nurse's Bodyguard

Page 7

by Melanie Mitchell

  “Okay.” She smiled at his persistence. “I’ve got my smartphone, and a picture wouldn’t be hard, but what good would that do?”

  He gave her an inscrutable look. “Suffice it to say that facial recognition software has come a long way.”

  She blinked and bit her lip. “The guys from Friday night... Did you... Could you—”

  He shook his head. “No. That was another reason I’m concerned. Between one guy wearing a hoodie and the other guy with a baseball cap pulled down, we couldn’t get a good enough capture of either man’s features to make identification. It was like they knew how to camouflage just enough to frustrate the software but avoid suspicion.”

  “Oh” was her only response.

  “Just be careful, okay?” Luke sighed and stood. “I don’t want this to end, but I probably need to get you home. I’ve gotta go to Panmunjeom in the morning, and I’m sure you get to the hospital pretty early.”

  Claire followed Luke as he wove his way among the coffeehouse patrons and through the door. He caught her hand as they proceeded down the crowded street in the direction of his borrowed car. Glancing down at her, he said, “Okay, so tomorrow evening...same time?”

  “Please.” She smiled for the first time in a while. “I’d love that.”

  “Maybe burgers? I know a place.”

  She giggled and held his hand tighter. “I’m sure you do!”

  During the twenty-minute drive to Jessica’s apartment, Luke told Claire about growing up in a big family in west Texas, and she shared stories from her life in Minnesota. Although he knew the area where Jessica’s apartment was, Claire had to direct him to the correct street. As they turned a corner near the building, they were suddenly brought to a stop, blocked by several police cars with lights flashing.

  “That’s our building,” Claire said. She strained to get a better look. “I wonder what’s happened.”

  They were still a block away but couldn’t proceed any farther. A uniformed officer had stopped traffic to allow an ambulance to leave the area. The ambulance snaked through the vehicles and passed them. Shortly thereafter, its siren sounded and it was able to pick up speed. After the ambulance’s departure, the police officer allowed the cars to progress, and Luke was able to find a parking place close to the apartment building.

  As they walked to the entrance, they were stopped by two officers who demanded identification in stilted English. Luke handed over his military ID card and Claire presented her Samsung Medical Center badge. The men seemed to look at her with suspicion, and her already considerable apprehension grew. The officers stared at Luke with concern—no doubt trying to gauge how many policemen it would take to constrain him, should the need arise. Their surreptitious glances might have been comical if she’d had a better understanding of what was happening.

  One of the officers studied both identification cards then said something in Korean.

  “I’m sorry. English, please,” Luke answered.

  The man nodded and signaled for them to follow him toward one of the patrol cars. “Come.”

  “What is it?” Claire asked the officer. She was growing more concerned by the moment.

  He pointed to a spot by the car and said, “Stay here.” He turned to two other officers and they had a quick, subdued discussion, maintaining watchful—and anxious—eyes on Luke.

  The policeman who seemed to have rank pulled out a cell phone and made a quick call, then turned back to the Americans. “Detective come now.” He pointed to the building and gestured once more for them to remain where they were.

  Claire glanced up at Luke and saw that he was taking in the scene. It seemed as if he was watching for something. He’d pulled her close and was shielding her with his body. She felt dwarfed by him and couldn’t see anything but his wide back and shoulders. She stood on her toes, trying to get closer. “What do you think?” she whispered.

  “I don’t know,” he answered almost idly. Luke squeezed her hand but didn’t look at her. He continued to scour the area. “We’ll just wait here for their detective. I figure he’ll want to ask us some questions.”

  They didn’t have to wait long. Within a couple of minutes, a suited man approached from the building’s entrance. The officer handed him their identification and motioned to where they stood. After perusing both IDs a moment, the newcomer came forward. Luke was still blocking Claire, so the man addressed him first. In passable English, he said, “Lieutenant. I am Detective Kang, of Seoul National University precinct.”

  He nodded toward Claire, who was largely obscured by Luke’s bulk. “You are Miss Olsen.” Claire peered around Luke, and he grudgingly stepped aside.

  “Yes, I’m Mary Claire Olsen,” she answered quietly.

  “Miss Olsen, there has been an incident here. I must ask you questions.”

  “What kind of incident?” Luke didn’t seem willing to allow the detective access to Claire without more information.

  “There has been attack.” Detective Kang tried—mostly successfully—to not look intimidated by the American man. He glanced down at a clipboard and then moved his gaze from Luke to pin Claire directly. “Doctor Tyson was attacked. She is hurt very bad.”

  Claire responded with a panicked “Jessica!” Luke quickly pulled her into a loose embrace.

  “How badly? What happened?” Claire’s face felt flushed. The volume of her voice rose as she pointed to the street. “Was she in that ambulance? Will she be okay?” She practically squeaked as she bombarded the detective with questions.

  Detective Kang looked at Luke rather pleadingly, then answered, “Two men were in her apartment. She was hit and choked. Men tried to push her from window but she cried out.” He looked glum. “She go to University Hospital—very near.”

  Claire ceased straining at Luke’s grasp. Her heart was thudding painfully and she was crying. “I need to go... Which way? Where is the hospital?”

  The detective put up his hand. “No. First you come to station for questions.”

  “Is that necessary?” Luke interjected. “Miss Olsen is very concerned for her friend... Also, she’s recovering from being attacked herself last week.”

  Detective Kang gave Luke an inscrutable look. “Yes, Lieutenant. I know about the Friday attack. That is why we must talk.” Their eyes held and Luke felt a chill run down his spine as he considered the possible implications of those words.


  LUKE WOULDN’T LET Claire out of his sight. Rather than argue with him and risk some sort of altercation, Detective Kang allowed Luke to accompany her to the station. They didn’t speak during the brief trip, but Claire wouldn’t let go of Luke’s hand. He was concerned about her, as she was seemingly in worse condition than the previous weekend when she’d been the victim.

  By the time Claire and Luke were ushered into the police station, it was after ten o’clock. They followed Detective Kang to an office with glass walls that was surrounded by a large work area. The detective seated the Americans, then spoke to a subordinate for a moment before sitting behind the wide metal desk. The entire scene was eerily reminiscent of the previous Saturday at the embassy. But this time, Luke was sitting next to Claire, supporting her.

  They waited only a short time before another suited man joined them, introducing himself as Captain Choi. The captain started the questioning. “Miss Olsen, where were you tonight?”

  She licked her lips and answered. “I work at the Samsung Medical Center. I was there until about 5:30. Lieutenant Llewellyn picked me up and we went to dinner.” Her voice seemed to grow a little stronger, and she glanced askance at Luke before returning her attention to the captain.

  At the policemen’s prompting, Claire recounted their evening, including the time frame and places she and Luke had gone—all of which were easily verifiable. Then she was asked to describe t
he events of the previous Friday evening. The captain listened attentively and the detective took notes throughout the inquiry.

  Luke remained silent as Claire gave them her account. He suspected the officers already knew most of what she told them. As their questioning progressed, Luke had a suspicion the time when she would need him was fast approaching.

  The policemen asked Claire many of the same questions Luke had brought up during his interrogation. Like him, they were evidently struggling to discern the reason for that attack. With all of their questions answered, Detective Kang looked at his superior for direction. Receiving a nod, he addressed Claire. “Miss Olsen, you need details of attack on Dr. Tyson.”

  Luke could tell that Claire was trying desperately to retain her composure. She had been sitting very straight and answering the questions quietly. She was clearly worried about Jessica and anxious to finish the interview so she could go to the hospital.

  Captain Choi took over the discussion. “A neighbor was alerted by a scream coming from Dr. Tyson’s apartment about eight o’clock. There were crashing noises and a window was broken. The neighbor called the building’s security guard, who called police. The guard knew that no visitors had checked in to see Dr. Tyson, so he did not know who the assailant might be. He went to the apartment, but when the elevator door opened, he saw two men running toward the stairs. He did not get a good look. He entered the apartment and saw Miss Tyson on the floor. She was conscious but injured.”

  Claire swallowed and nodded. “Do you know who they were?” Her voice was very quiet.

  “No. They had entered the building earlier in the afternoon acting as television cable men for another resident.” He looked down at the draft of the report, then returned his gaze to her. “Dr. Tyson arrived at about eight thirty, so they waited for her much of the day.”

  “Did the men attack Jessica over her work?” Claire looked confused then glanced at Luke. Had his hypothesis been correct?

  Luke’s expression impassive, but his hands were tightly fisted.

  “We are still gathering clues, but there is something else, Miss Olsen.” The captain looked at Claire with curiosity, and the way he said the words made Luke sit up straighter, sensing that what was coming was critical. “Dr. Tyson was wearing a black wig and glasses when she arrived at home this evening. The detective thought that was strange, but the doorman assured him that Dr. Tyson wore them often. Can you give us more information?”

  Claire’s frown deepened, but she answered without pause. “Jessica studies dating relationships between Korean men and women. She told me her blond hair attracts a lot of unwanted attention, so wearing the black wig and glasses helps her blend in. She can observe couples and talk more openly if it’s a little less obvious that she’s an American... Do you think that has something to do with why she was attacked?” Her hand was shaking as she brushed her hair aside and asked again, “Do you think someone was angry over her work?”

  “No, Miss Olsen,” the detective answered. He seemed genuinely concerned. “The attack on Dr. Tyson was mistake. We know two men waiting for you—think Dr. Tyson is you.”

  Claire was stunned. Her eyes grew huge, and she paled. Luke reached over to take her hand. “You’re certain of this?” he asked. It was the first he’d spoken since meeting the captain.

  “Yes,” the captain said. “Dr. Tyson was awake when the police arrived. She told the first officer that the men thought they were attacking Miss Olsen until they pulled off her wig and realized she had blond hair.” He kept his eyes on Luke as he provided additional details. “It seems they were trying to push her out of the window—perhaps to resemble a suicide, when they discovered they had the wrong woman. They were very angry when they learned of the error, and that is when they harmed Dr. Tyson. They wanted her to tell them where to find Miss Olsen. They broke one arm and blackened her eye.”

  Unable to stifle a sob, Claire doubled over, clutching her stomach. All three men were startled, and after a moment Luke stood and pulled her into a comforting embrace. He pressed her face to his chest and gave the other men a warning look. “I think that is enough for now. Ms. Olsen has had a series of difficult shocks. I need to take her home.”

  The captain shook his head. “No. Even if she could go home, it is not advisable. There will be forensic teams there for many more hours.” He looked as if he was hesitant to say more but decided that it was necessary. “Also, do not overlook that whoever is trying to harm her has made two attempts. They know where she lives and where she works.”

  “I know.” Luke felt himself tense, as if he were preparing to fend off a challenge. His voice was mild however as he offered, “It’s okay. I’ll take care of her. I’ll take her to Yongsan.”

  The captain was not going to argue. He nodded and gave Luke a brief smile. “Yes, that will be good. I think she will be safe with you.” His smile faded and he shook his head a bit ominously. Although he was looking at Claire, he continued to address Luke. “She will not be allowed to leave the country, however. I will put a hold on her passport and exit visa.”

  Luke wondered if the man had read his mind. He paused a breath before responding. “Captain, someone has tried twice to kill her. The safest place for her is back in the U.S.” His stare was intense, and his words were clipped and authoritative.

  The older man tried to pacify Luke. “A few days only. Let us finish the investigation. If she stays at Yongsan, most likely whoever is seeking to harm her will not know where she is. But if they learn, their access will be severely hindered.” His serious expression grew even more stern when he added, “If she leaves Yongsan, she should be accompanied by an—er—escort.” He avoided using the term “bodyguard,” but the implication was obvious.

  Luke pressed his lips together, but he gave a very brief nod of acquiescence. “Okay. But only for a few days. Also, I’m going to call our embassy and make them aware of the situation for both Dr. Tyson and Miss Olsen.”

  “I agree. That is wise.”

  Claire seemed to pay little attention to the exchange. At the end of the conversation she faced the two men and said, “Jessica. Please, can I go to the hospital to see Jessica.”

  Luke continued to hold Claire, giving her protection and support. “Would you instruct someone to take us by the hospital on the way back to my car?”

  The captain nodded solemnly. “Yes. We will ensure that officers accompany you to the hospital and follow you to the base.”

  * * *

  CLAIRE AND LUKE were taken to Seoul National University Hospital accompanied by Detective Kang and a uniformed officer. With the policemen’s assistance, they cut through the red tape preventing after-hours visitation.

  Much to Claire’s relief, another uniformed policeman was guarding Jessica’s room. With Detective Kang acting as interpreter, Claire spoke with the night nurse. Jessica had suffered simple fractures to both bones in her right forearm. The arm was currently encased in a soft splint and would be casted in a few days, after the swelling had resolved. She’d been struck several times around her face, and her right eye was blackened. Fortunately, a CT-scan had showed there was no permanent damage. The nurse explained that Jessica had been brought to the room about half an hour before, and per the doctor’s orders she’d been given a fairly strong sedative and was sleeping.

  Finally inside her friend’s room, Claire felt her chest constrict. A very wan Jessica was lying in the bed in an ugly hospital gown, but all the monitors indicated that she was doing well. An IV was dripping slowly into a needle in Jessica’s left arm, and her splinted right arm was propped on a pillow at her side. A small ice bag had been placed over her injured eye, and Claire lifted the bag and winced slightly when she saw the swelling and bruising. Jessica was sleeping soundly and didn’t appear to be in any pain. Claire replaced the ice bag and gently patted her uninjured hand. “I’ll come back to see you tomorrow,�
� she whispered. She nodded to the nurse and said, “Kamsahamnida.”

  * * *

  LUKE HAD WAITED outside Jessica’s room with the guard. When Claire rejoined them, he saw that she was desperately trying to hold back tears, and he also recognized signs of fatigue. He badly wanted to pull her into an embrace and remove her from any more ugliness, but he controlled that impulse. Glancing at his watch, he saw it was after midnight. The best thing now would be getting her someplace she could rest.

  The captain had instructed the officers to allow Luke and Claire to enter the apartment, so that she could collect some of her clothes and personal items. A small team of forensic experts and police were still present, but Luke was relieved to see that there didn’t seem to be extensive damage or visible blood. Luke remained at her side as they entered the unit, hoping to forestall exposure to distressing evidence. One window was shattered and some of the furniture was displaced. A picture and mirror had been broken, but otherwise, the apartment seemed to be in pretty good shape. Luke followed Claire to her room, where she quickly filled a suitcase with clothing and toiletries. In less than five minutes she was ready to leave.

  As they started to go, she remembered something else. “My laptop. I’d like to take my computer with me,” she said.

  The detective shook his head. “No. Sorry, Miss Olsen. Your computer taken to police station. Forensic team will look for clues. Will return very soon.”

  She seemed to take a few seconds to process the statement. Finally she nodded. “Okay. That’s fine, but I would like to get it back soon. I have a lot of my work on it.”

  Luke had been dismayed by that development, as he would’ve liked access to Claire’s computer—to scour it for clues—but he kept silent. Throughout the ordeal, he’d managed to remain calm and supportive, fully knowing that was what Claire needed. Inwardly, however, he was seething. He was sorry that Jessica had been injured, although her injuries were not overly serious. What infuriated him was that two men had tried to do serious bodily injury to Claire twice in less than a week. Indeed, it was becoming increasingly clear to him, that both attacks had been attempted murder. Only tenacity and athletic ability on Claire’s part had thwarted the first attack and the second had been forestalled by luck.


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