Spanking the Naughty Bride

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Spanking the Naughty Bride Page 2

by Leena Darling

  Rick laughed. “I love you too. Now get your naughty behind back in the house. Our wedding night isn’t over yet.”

  Honeymoon Spanking

  Wet sand slipped beneath Sara’s toes as she backed out of the waves, proudly displaying Rick’s stolen swimming trunks high in the air. The mischievous idea had come to her while kissing and rubbing up against him in the water. She giggled and fixed her eyes on his waist, wondering if he’d emerge from the water naked. The beach was semi-private, and they hadn’t seen another person walk by in at least ten minutes. But they were outside, so the risk of being seen was there – and she knew it explained the annoyed look on Rick’s face.

  “Sara, come back here right now.” The sun bathed his bare chest in gold, and his dark hair shimmered brightly. Through it all, his dark eyes left her mesmerized. Even standing naked in the ocean, he was intimidating. But she wasn’t about to back down. Rick took life too seriously. In her mind, she was helping him learn to lighten up. Not to mention having a good laugh at his expense.

  She held the swimming trunks higher. “I’m fine right here. The water’s getting a little cold.” She took two steps back, grinning from ear to ear. “In fact, maybe I’ll go back to the bungalow and get in the hot tub.”

  “You will do no such thing.” His voice carried across the waves, threatening and past the point of simple annoyance. Yup. He was officially mad.

  She smiled wider, squinting in the brilliant afternoon sunlight. “Oh, did you want your swimming trunks back?” Feigning innocence, she regarded the wet, black mass of material in her hand.

  He grunted. “You know very well what I want. Now get back here this instant before someone comes by.”

  Three more steps back, and his eyes flashed in disbelief and anger. Sara was giddy with excitement. “Come and get them, lover boy.”

  Before Rick could respond, the barking of a dog caught their attention. Sara glanced to her right to see a couple walking down the beach. Ahead of them, a brown Labrador bounded along the shore, barking at the waves.

  Oh shit.

  Sara tucked the swimming trunks under her arm, hoping they looked like a wet towel. The couple approached, holding hands and taking their good old time.

  “Hi there,” said Sara.

  “Hello,” a blonde woman said.

  “Hi,” said the short, balding man.

  Pleasantries were exchanged, introductions were made, and hands were shook. When all eyes turned to Rick in the water, he waved and said, “It’s nice to meet you. I’d come out of the water right now, but my naughty wife has my swimming trunks. Don’t worry though. I’ll give her a good spanking later.”

  Sara’s face flushed as the couple laughed. Of course they thought Rick was joking. Her bottom tingled as she realized what would happen once they returned to the bungalow. He hadn’t spanked her since their wedding night, but she didn’t doubt he’d do it again if he felt she needed it.

  Uh oh. Was it too late to apologize and escape a punishment? Rick spanked hard, and she really shouldn’t have pushed him. Not that it hadn’t been funny. Now that she faced a possible spanking though, she didn’t think it was so funny anymore.

  The couple said goodbye and drifted down the beach, following their energetic dog.

  With her head slightly bowed and a light smile tugging at her lips, Sara traipsed through the water and handed Rick his swimming trunks. “Here you go, honey. Um, I’m really sorry about that. It was just a little prank.”

  He glared at her as he slipped back into the trunks. He approached her and put a firm hand on her shoulder. “I know a new bride who’s getting a good spanking when we get back to the bungalow.”

  “What?” She tried to escape his grasp, but he reached for her arm and marched her out of the water. She shivered, despite the warmth of the sun.

  “You heard me. I don’t think that was very funny, young lady.”

  “Oh, lighten up! You can’t spank me for something so silly. It’s not fair.”

  They rushed up the steps and Rick held the screen door open while Sara reluctantly entered the bungalow. She grabbed one of the beach towels they’d left behind, and wrapped it around herself.

  “Besides,” Sara continued, “You embarrassed me in front of that couple! How could you say that in front of them?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You know as well as I do that they thought I was joking.”

  “All right, then. I played a joke, you played a joke, and we’re even now. No one needs a spanking.”

  “Oh really? I see a saucy young lady who didn’t obey her husband on the beach. Disobedient, saucy young ladies always need a spanking.” His gaze traveled to the kitchen counter. A container beside the stove held a variety of wooden spoons. Sara paled as she realized what he was thinking.

  “Oh no you don’t! Your hand hurts bad enough, thank you very much. Don’t you dare think about it!” She turned and ran up the steps, intending to lock herself in the bathroom. Rick was fast though, she’d give him credit for that. Not only did he catch her at the top of the steps, but he’d already selected a wooden spoon from the counter. A rather large, heavy looking one. Yeah, running away from a husband with an itchy palm wasn’t her brightest idea. What was she going to do anyway . . . live in the bathroom of a vacation bungalow for the rest of her life just to escape a spanking?

  The towel fell to the floor as he led her to the bedroom, a determined gleam in his eye. Oh no. She’d seen that look before. On their wedding night. And she hadn’t been able to sit down for two days afterward. Would a wooden spoon be worse than his hand? She gulped as the bedroom door shut behind them. She was about to find out.

  Rick released her arm and tilted her chin up with one finger. He opened his mouth to speak, but Sara cut him off.

  “You know, I don’t know whether I’m sorrier for stealing your trunks, or if I’m sorrier that you can’t take a joke.” Outright defiance wasn’t the smartest idea, she knew that. Mr. Grumpypants would probably spank her harder, but she didn’t care.

  He chuckled, taking her aback. “It’s hard to take a joke when you’re naked on the beach and people are strolling by.”

  She huffed. “First of all, you weren’t on the beach. You were in the water. Second of all, if you had stolen my bikini bottoms, I would’ve found humor in it.”

  A grin spread across his lips. “Hm. Now that you mention those bikini bottoms, step out of them. Take the top off too.” He dropped her chin and stepped back, cracking the spoon across his palm in warning. “If I have to ask twice, I’ll give you ten extra swats.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, she stepped out of her bikini bottoms and removed the top. Dramatically, she flung them at him. Both the bottoms and the top bounced off his chest before dropping to the floor. He didn’t look amused by her antics.

  “Fine!” Now completely naked, she put her hands on her hips. “How many spanks am I getting anyway?”

  “As many as it takes for you to learn your lesson.”

  “What lesson? I did nothing wrong!”

  He put a hand to his forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. “We’ve been married for a week and already you’ve aged me about five years.” He met her gaze and reached for her hand. He brushed the pad of his thumb over her fingers. “I will admit stealing my trunks was a little funny, but I asked you to give them back to me and you didn’t. That’s disobedience. And disobedient little wives get their bottoms spanked soundly.”

  His deep voice, combined with his choice of words, caused Sara’s pussy to clench as wet warmth flooded her. Dammit. Why did it have to turn her on when he behaved like a caveman? At first she’d lovingly teased him for being so dominant and bossy all the time, but a hidden place inside her liked it. There was something erotic and safe and reassuring about a man who would hold her accountable for her behavior, even if her infraction was as silly as stealing her husband’s swimming trunks.

  “Come on,” he said, moving for the bed. “Let’s get this over with.”r />
  Sara had no choice but to bend over Rick’s lap. He helped her into position with her bottom high up and legs slightly spread.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered when he placed the wooden spoon against her bottom, rubbing it around menacingly for a few seconds. Her insides turned to mush. She felt a strange, burning desire to please Rick. Not that she didn’t already want to please him, but this was different. Overpowering. She’d never felt so submissive in her life. And Rick had brought it out of her. Before she could continue this line of thought . . .

  . . . thwack! The spoon met her ass cheek with a resounding crack. As the sting registered in Sara’s brain and spread across her flesh, another blow met her other ass check. Rick spanked with purpose, and he didn’t let up as he alternated spanks between her bottom mounds, spreading the spoon hits over her smarting skin.

  “Oh!” she gasped. “Please, Rick! It hurts.”

  “It’s supposed to hurt. I thought we went over that during our first night here.” His pace didn’t falter as he spoke.

  It was official. The spoon hurt a hell of a lot worse than his hand. Not that she couldn’t have made an educated guess without a personalized demonstration.

  “Keep those legs spread,” he admonished, swatting the insides of her thighs until she howled. “I want a clear view of your pussy and your little asshole while I’m spanking you, young lady.

  She gripped the covers and used all of her self-control to keep from closing her thighs. Knowing he was gazing upon her intimate parts during the punishment left her as embarrassed as it had on their wedding night. Completely at his mercy, she bit her lip and tried to keep from crying. It didn’t work. A shaky sob burst from her throat as tears welled in her eyes. Rick brought the spoon down about a dozen times more before stopping.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” He rubbed a gentle circle on her left cheek.

  She sniffled. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now are you going to be a good girl on your best behavior for the rest of our honeymoon? Or am I going to have to chastise you with the spoon again?”

  “Oh, I’ll be a good girl. I promise for real this time. Princess Promise times ten.”

  He chuckled and helped her to stand for a moment before gathering her in his lap. Embraced in his arms, she let more tears fall as he brushed her hair from her face. His damp swimming trunks soothed her stinging cheeks, and his erection pressed up through the fabric. Her breathing quickened as more warmth flooded her pussy.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, drawing comfort from his closeness. He smelled like the beach and suntan lotion mixed with his normal masculine scent she adored. Her heart melted when he swiped the last of her tears away and kissed her forehead. His gentleness after a punishment soothed her soul. As much as the idea of being a spanked wife had initially appalled her, she was no longer opposed to it. Not if she could feel this kind of closure and endless love after a punishment. Moments like this made it worth it.

  She boldly wiggled on his lap. “Maybe we should take a shower together. I’ve got sand in odd places, and I bet you do too.”

  “You read my mind.” As she stood up, he swatted her ass and said, “Get that red behind in the shower, young lady.”

  She rushed to the bathroom and turned the shower on. After it was steaming, she hopped in and turned as Rick walked in, naked with his long, thick cock bobbing up and down. Her mouth watered at the sight, and she couldn’t help but stare. He was built like a God and so freaking handsome. A small amount of gray streaked his dark brown hair, and his dark brown eyes burned with passion. He hadn’t shaved in days, and the ruggedness of his appearance called up all her primal urges.

  She wanted to be fucked hard. To be used for her holes. To please her husband in any way possible. He advanced on her with a predatory gleam in his eye. He pressed her hard against the closed shower door and captured her lips. He kissed her furiously, like a man possessed, as he worked two fingers between her legs. He pumped in and out of her wetness, nearly bringing her off her feet with the force of his thrusts. Finally, he broke away and tugged her hair back.

  “You’re going to be a good little wife and get on your knees in the shower aren’t you?”

  She whimpered. “Yes, sir.”

  Steamy warmth enveloped them in the shower, circling around them, and Sara immediately sank to her knees and took his cock in her mouth. Hot water streamed down over her head as she sucked his length, deep throating him the way she knew he liked. She cupped his balls in one hand as she worked his cock, and she grabbed his tight ass with her other hand. Rick’s loud groans filled the shower.

  She pulled back to tease the tip of his hardness with her tongue, licking while she stroked his base. He fisted a hand in her hair and brought her to stand.

  “Turn around and grab your ankles,” he growled into her ear.

  Sarah turned to comply, and his cock entered her before her hands even touched her ankles. He gripped her hips as he fucked her, keeping her in place so she didn’t fall forward.

  This was exactly what she wanted. His huge cock filled her up as he pounded her hard. Ruthlessly. Blood rushed to her head, and she closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. In. Out. In. Out.

  A finger pressed against her asshole. “I’m going to fuck you here soon, Sara. I’m going to ram my cock in your ass.”

  She whimpered and hoped he wasn’t serious. They hadn’t had anal sex – yet.

  “Don’t worry though. I’ll get you good and ready. Buy some butt plugs to stretch you out so you can take all of my cock. How does that sound?” His strokes quickened, and the rough sensation drove her wild and toward a crest of intense pleasure.

  Answering Rick’s question was impossible. She couldn’t find her voice, but she did find her precious release. Her pussy tightened with pressure before the wave spread out, contracting around his cock while he continued to ram into her. She shuddered and soon realized Rick was coming apart with a groan, spilling his seed into her depths. He jerked inside her, still holding her hips, until he was spent.

  Panting, Sara tried to fall forward. She needed to sit down and regain her energy. Rick slowly lowered her to the shower floor. He soaped himself up and did the same to her. After he rinsed them both off, it took a lot of convincing to get her on her feet.

  They collapsed side-by-side on the bed, naked. Sara grimaced and reached underneath her, pulling out the wooden spoon.

  “I’m going to hide this and all the other wooden spoons the first chance I get.” She tossed it on the bedside table with a shudder.

  “That’s fine. There’s always spatulas, cutting boards, my belt, your hairbrush . . . shall I continue?”

  A breeze shuffled the curtains at the open window facing the beach. As the shifting air reached them, Sara bristled. “No. Your hand is bad enough, you big meanie.”

  He straddled her, his cock already coming back to life to poke at her entrance. “Take that back,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  She rolled her eyes and said nothing.

  He drove his cock into her, stopping once he was hilt-deep. Gripping her shoulders, he leaned down and whispered, “Tsk, tsk, young lady. You know how I feel about eye rolling. You’re going to pay for that later.”

  “Oh! Not fair! It was an accident.”

  “Well,” he said, “it’s going to earn you ten extra swats from the second spanking you already had coming today.”

  “Second spanking? Huh? For what?” What had she done now?

  He leaned down until their noses touched. “For conspiring to hide all the wooden spoons.”

  Newlywed Spanking

  Sara ran down the steps, her skirt flaring with her quick movements. She rushed to the kitchen, smiled at Rick, then glanced at the clock and frowned. Would she make it to the post office before closing? She couldn’t believe she’d slept in past eleven on a Saturday morning. That first week back to work after returning from her honeymoon must’ve been more exhausting than she’d realized.

  “Were you planning to mail that package?” Rick looked up from his newspaper, peering at her over his reading glasses. He was showered, fully dressed, and appeared to be on his second cup of coffee.

  She shrugged guiltily. If she didn’t mail her niece’s birthday present today, it wouldn’t make it in time for her birthday.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” Sara was suddenly annoyed. Rick had known she planned to mail the package, and everyone knows the post office closes at noon on Saturdays. “You’re the early bird and you know I need that box in the mail today.”

  He raised an eyebrow and placed the newspaper flat on the table. “Don’t get sassy with me, young lady.” He stood up and approached her, backing her against the counter. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I mailed the box this morning, Miss Sleepyhead. I even sprang for the express shipping, so it’ll make it a day or two before Amy’s birthday.”

  Sara smiled and wrapped her arms around Rick’s neck. “You’re too good to me.” The scent of his body wash and his aftershave tantalized her senses.

  “Hm. Not only did I mail your package, but I was here when some deliverymen showed up with a new seventy-two inch high definition TV. At first I told them they had the wrong house, but they asked me if a Mrs. Sara Anderson lived here.”

  Sara’s stomach flipped. Oh no. She’d ordered the television a week ago without consulting Rick. They’d talked about buying a new TV, but he kept dragging his feet and she’d grown impatient. Her friends were coming over on Wednesday for a girl’s movie night, and she’d wanted to make sure the new TV arrived in time.

  She became defensive. “But they weren’t even supposed to deliver it today! I scheduled the delivery for Monday night. I was going to tell you, but . . .” Her voice trailed off when his expression darkened.

  “They apologized for showing up on the wrong day and said it was a mix up.”


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