Spanking the Naughty Bride

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Spanking the Naughty Bride Page 3

by Leena Darling

  “Great,” she said, wishing she wasn’t pinned against the counter. Rick could be so intimidating. So strict.

  “What’s my rule about big purchases?” His stern tone caused her insides to tighten.

  “Um . . . to talk them over with you first?” She feigned her best innocent look, but she knew Rick well enough to know it was only a matter of minutes before she was bottom-up over his knee. Maybe seconds.

  “You knew I was planning to shop for a TV soon, Sara. Why go behind my back?”

  She bit her lip. “Well, my girlfriends are coming over on Wednesday night and I wanted to have a huge new TV set up by then.”

  He sighed. “I’m not happy with you, Sara. If you were worried about having the TV by Wednesday, you should’ve said something. It was a big purchase that you shouldn’t have made behind my back. Besides, buying a new TV is a man thing.”

  She huffed. “A man thing? That’s what you’re really upset about, isn’t it? Did the fact that I got a name brand HDTV on clearance without any help from you bruise your manly ego?” She couldn’t stop the words from falling from her lips, though a little voice in the back of her mind – the voice of reason she often opted to ignore – screamed for her to stop talking immediately.

  “The only thing that’s going to be bruised around here is your bottom, young lady.” He crowed her space further, reaching around to squeeze her bottom.

  “Did you cancel the order?” Maybe if he’d canceled it and hadn’t let the deliverymen bring the TV inside, it might save her poor backside.

  “No. Your precious TV is in the living room, Sara.” He shrugged and humor flickered in his eyes, though his demeanor was still intimidating as hell.

  “Well,” she said, “I have the perfect solution to this little problem of ours.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We’ll return the TV and you can pick one out yourself.” She managed to fold her arms across her chest, though it wasn’t easy with his body pressed up against hers.

  “I have a better idea,” he said. “We’ll go upstairs and continue this discussion with you over my knee.”

  Before she could respond, he was guiding her up the stairs, lecturing her about the fine print on the receipt that said all sales for clearance items were final. Sara tried to argue that he was overreacting, especially since they could afford it, but her appeals fell on deaf ears. Once Rick made up his mind about something, he rarely changed it.

  “Clothes off,” he commanded as he shut the bedroom door behind them.

  “Rick, please be reasonable. It’s just a stupid TV, and you can’t deny I got a great deal on it.”

  “If I have to ask you again to remove your clothes, I’ll send you downstairs for a wooden spoon.”

  She swallowed hard and quickly worked the buttons on the front of her summer dress. It swished to her feet, and she hurried to remove her bra and panties. About two weeks ago, she’d experienced a spanking with a wooden spoon while on their honeymoon. She had no desire to repeat that experience. His hand was bad enough, but the spoon carried a bite so sharp that the thought of feeling it again left her shuddering. Double ouch.

  “I’m really sorry,” she muttered, peering up into his stern gaze.

  He smirked. “Are you really sorry, Sara?”

  Dammit. She couldn’t lie. “Okay, fine, Mr. Grumpypants. I’m not sorry.” She scowled.

  That scary eyebrow of his rose up once more. “Name calling earns you extra swats.” He sat down on the bed and patted his lap. “Get your naughty bottom over here.”

  “Fine!” She flung herself over his lap, pouting and frustrated. Following Rick’s many rules wasn’t easy. She’d planned to tell him about the TV today or tomorrow, perhaps after softening him up with a nice home cooked meal and a blowjob. So much for that plan.

  He massaged her bottom for several minutes, not speaking. He said he did this before a spanking because warming her up prevented bruising. Lucky her. She’d married a man who was a level ten expert in spanking.

  “You can’t run around doing as you please anymore, Sara. You’re a married woman now.”

  Her teeth ground together. “It’s not like we can’t afford it.”

  “That not the point and you know it. We have a rule that we discuss big purchases with each other. That means if I want to buy a new car or a new microwave, I’ll talk it over with you first to hear your opinion. I value your opinion and your feelings, Sara. I expect you to show me the same courtesy in return. True, the final decision is mine to make, but I told you that’s how it would be before we got married. Have you forgotten your first three times over my knee so soon?”

  Guilt tugged at Sara’s heart. This was a little worse than her previous infractions. “Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry, sir.” She felt small over his lap. Being at his mercy like this was as scary as it was a turn on. Dominant Rick made her all mushy inside, even though she dreaded an actual spanking.

  “What happened last time you disobeyed me?”

  Her face heated as she squirmed on his lap. “You gave me a sp – spanking.”

  “That’s right. I took you over my knee for a hard bare bottom spanking. These cheeks of yours were stained pink for three days afterward.”

  His words made her humiliation rise. “I said I was sorry,” she whispered, burying her head in the covers.

  “I’m glad to hear it. But I’m still going to redden this naughty bottom of yours, Sara. And after your spanking, I’m going to finger this little rosebud of yours.” He spread her bottom apart and tapped a finger against her secret hole.”

  “Oh! No, Rick. Please don’t.” Mortified, she struggled to rise. He clamped a leg over hers and pinned her down effectively. She wasn’t going anywhere. Not until her punishment was over at least.

  “From now on, every time I have to spank you, you’ll be getting a dose of anal punishment as well.”

  Anal punishment. The term sent a shiver through her whole body.

  He continued, “Sometimes I’ll finger you, and other times I’ll use a butt plug on you. You belong to me, Sara. Your body belongs to me. Even this little hole of yours.” He tapped at her tight entrance once more before positioning her bottom higher in the air.

  The first smack fell on her ass, a blazing sting that made her shriek. Rick spanked her good and hard, covering her with slaps from the tops of her thighs and upwards. He didn’t pause once, and she was soon crying and begging for him to stop. He even landed a few quick blows straight to her pussy lips.

  “Now,” he said, directing her to stand. “Bend over in front of me and pull your bottom cheeks apart.”

  She stared at him wide-eyed as she wiped at her tears. He couldn’t be serious. Why oh why would he ask her to do such a thing?

  “Display yourself to me, Sara. Now or I’ll take off my belt.”

  Her face burned like it had never burned before. She turned around and bent over, reaching back to open her bottom up to his gaze.

  A finger trailed down her crevice. “You’re still white between your cheeks. The contrast is lovely.”

  Would he finger her ass now? She feared she wouldn’t be able to hold position. Embarrassment mingled with arousal as he grazed over her naughty parts, brushing her lightly. Her pussy still smarted from the slaps, yet she ached to be filled up. She felt as if her clit was throbbing in sync with the rapid beating of her heart.

  “Yes, your bottom is a lovely shade of red, but I think we can make it redder. Back over my lap with you, baby doll.”

  She rose up too quickly and the blood rushed to her head in a whirl of dizziness. He held her as she swayed. When her vertigo passed, he guided her back into position. Her bottom flamed unbearably. How would she survive more spanking? The knowledge that he was going to punish her asshole left her shaking. She vowed to never disobey his rules again.

  Smack! Smack! His hand connected with the lowest curve of her bottom. She howled as the searing pain grew and grew. Would it end anytime this century?
Her tears gushed anew, pouring down her face and onto the comforter.

  “Ouch! Please, please, please stop. I’ll be good, sir. I promise!” Her pleas were choked with emotion. She meant every single word.

  He paused to rub her flaming ass cheeks. “Ten more spanks for name calling and then it’s time for you know what.”

  Oh, she knew what all right. The last blows fell swiftly on the backs of her thighs, and she cried out with each smack. Level ten expert in spanking, indeed. If spanking was a professional sport, the house would be adorned with Rick’s trophies, medals, and certificates of merit.

  “Show me what a good girl you can be and hold still for this last part.”

  She stilled, not quite believing that this was happening. And he planned to punish her this way in the future! After each spanking. The idea turned her on as much as it scared her, a conundrum of feelings clashing as she held her breath, waiting.

  Cool air rushed against her intimate parts as he splayed her cheeks apart, exposing her bottom hole to his gaze. She exhaled and bit her lip, hoping it would end soon if she didn’t struggle.

  “Naughty girls get their naughty holes punished too, Sara. Don’t they?” His voice was husky and deep. Beneath her stomach, she detected his rock hard erection. There was no doubt in her mind about what would happen after he fingered her ass.

  “Yes, sir,” she finally said.

  He touched her pussy first, delving between her folds to swirl around in her moisture. She was dripping wet, and to her horror she realized he was using her natural essences to lubricate his finger. Oh God.

  He pinched her clit a few times, prompting her whimpers of frustration. She craved to be filled and she craved a release. She was burning up with need for Rick. All her nerve endings sizzled. Her nipples were stiff beneath her, and her breathing ragged and rough.

  One finger pressed against her asshole, nudging against the tight entrance. He pushed inside, and the burning pressure overwhelmed her. It took all her control to remain still. She wanted to be his good girl.

  “Naughty wives get their assholes punished, Sara. From now on, each and every time you go over my knee for a spanking, we’ll end the lesson this way.” He pressed deeper, past her ring of muscle until she was sure his whole finger was submerged in her depths.

  She tried to relax her bottom as he finger fucked her. The sensation wasn’t all that unpleasant, and her desire burned hotter with each thrust. She felt truly submissive when he asserted his authority over her with a spanking or a simple scolding. But this kind of treatment elicited an even deeper sense of submission. She was his. All his.

  Rick increased his pace, plunging deeper and quicker with each thrust. Moisture leaked from her pussy, and she squirmed to relieve the throbbing of her clit. She was close. So fucking close she was ready to scream.

  “If you orgasm over my lap right now, Sara, I’ll take my belt to your pussy lips.”

  She froze instantly.

  A few more rapid thrusts and Rick’s finger left her bottom hole.

  “Did you learn your lesson, young lady?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry, sir. Thank you for punishing me.” Maybe she was laying it on a little thick, but she simply wanted to feel his arms around her, loving her as she breathed in his familiar scent.

  “Come here.” He turned her over and carried her to the large rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom, grabbing a few tissues from the nightstand on the way.

  Cuddling Sara on his lap, he wiped her tears away, one by one. His tenderness turned her all gooey.

  “Thank you,” she sniffled as he finished cleaning her face.

  He smiled and she almost broke down in tears again. Instead, she took a deep breath and waited as the emotion passed. She gazed into his loving eyes. She was lost in him. Hopelessly in love. She was proud to be Mrs. Anderson and wanted to spend the rest of her life proving it.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  She couldn’t restrain a laugh. “How do you think I feel? I’m sore! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sit down again.”

  He kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. “Now you’re being dramatic.” His light tone filled her with relief. She no longer swayed on the verge of tears.

  She leaned into his chest, soaking up his strength and security. His hands played in her hair, stroking and massaging her head. A perfect moment. Well, except for her sore bottom. If she wasn’t squirming around the couch on Wednesday night, it would be a miracle.

  She almost drifted to sleep in his arms, but her throbbing sex prevented her from slipping completely away. Rick shifted her, spreading her legs while he worried her clit with slow, precise circles. She bucked against his hand as her arousal built.

  “Mm, that feels good.” Despite the ever present sting on her bottom, she grinded against his hard cock, teasing him with her ass.

  She glanced up as his eyes flashed. He carried her to the bed, bending her over the end of it. After a punishment, he liked to fuck her from behind. Not that she minded. It was hot.

  She peered over her shoulder as he removed his clothing. His muscles flexed as he removed his shirt and stepped out of his pants and briefs.

  Ecstasy vibrated through her when he shoved his cock into her pussy. He grabbed her hips and pounded into her with zeal. The bed shook with each thrust, the headboard banging into the wall.

  “You can come anytime you’d like, Sara. Come with my cock buried inside you.”

  His words sent her over the precipice, and her walls contracted hard around his length, pulsing as she moaned her release. She could scarcely breathe. She could only ride the wave of pleasure as Rick continued to fuck her mercilessly. He’d taken command of her ass, and now he was taking command of her pussy. A thrill rippled through her as she wondered if he’d use her mouth later. His cock jerked within her as he came, quaking as his seed spilled into her depths.

  As she floated back to reality, she became aware of the sound of rain pounding on the roof. Rick guided her up on a pillow and draped an arm around her as she gazed at him, unable to speak. That powerful orgasm had robbed her of the ability to form sentences.

  “It’s supposed to rain for the rest of the day,” Rick said, nodding at the window. It was gray outside, and droplets of water battered the glass.

  “Mmmhmm,” was all she could muster.

  He grinned and leaned over her. “How about we stay in today and watch some movies? You know, we haven’t broken in that new seventy-two inch TV yet.”

  Anniversary Spanking

  Sara tiptoed around the bedroom as she got ready for her morning jog. Nothing beat an invigorating run on the beach. As she tied her shoes, she stole a glance at Rick sprawled out in bed, snoozing away. Her heart swelled with love as she regarded his sleeping form. She couldn’t believe they had been married for one year already. And she still couldn’t believe he’d surprised her with a vacation in the same exact bungalow they’d stayed in during their honeymoon.

  The screen door clattered shut behind her as she skipped outside. Perspiration gathered on her arms before she even broke into a run. It was that hot already. She took up her usual route jogging along the shore. By the time she’d put in her five miles and returned to the bungalow, her shoes were soggy and filled with sand. The burn in her legs made it worth it though.

  She grabbed a bottle of water and headed upstairs. With a secret smile, she hoped Rick joined her in the shower.

  Worry rippled through her when she entered the bedroom, chasing her playful thoughts away.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. The place was trashed. All the dresser drawers stood wide open. Suitcases lay scattered on the floor. Clothing was strewn this way and that.

  “I can’t find your oak hairbrush, Sara.” Rick gave her a pointed look. “And I know it must be here somewhere because I told you to pack it ‘just in case.’”

  Sara’s stomach fell to her feet. ‘Just in case’ meant a spanking.
He didn’t punish her often, but when he did he always gave her a few swift blows with her heavy oak hairbrush, usually after a hand spanking. She gulped and donned her best poker face.

  “That’s funny,” she said. “I used it before bed last night.”

  He raised an eyebrow and rounded the bed to approach her. “That’s funny,” he echoed. “Because I didn’t see you use it last night. In fact, I haven’t seen it once since we got here four days ago.”

  Sara’s mouth went dry as Rick tipped her chin up with one finger. “I’m sure it’s around here somewhere in all this mess. I’ll look for it after my shower.”

  His dark eyes bored into her. Even in nothing but a pair of boxers, he was quite intimidating. Guilt stabbed at her heart. She had disobeyed him and intentionally left the hairbrush behind at home, promising herself that she would be on her best behavior and he’d never find out. As if disobedience wasn’t bad enough, now she had added lying to her pile of transgressions.

  Rick detested lying in all forms. She repressed a shudder as she imagined how hard he would spank her – and with what implement – if he discovered her sins. Her bottom tingled in memory of all the times she had felt the sting of a spanking.

  He dropped her chin and stepped back. “For your sake, I hope the hairbrush turns up.”

  He went downstairs to start the coffee while Sara hopped in the shower.

  What was she going to do?

  Her mind spun in useless circles. There were only two ways out that she could see. Option number one: confess the truth to Rick and endure whatever punishment he deemed fit. Option number two: make an excuse to go shopping alone and try to find an identical oak hairbrush.

  In her heart, she knew option one was the best choice. She felt dirty for even considering option two.

  Her spirits sank deep as she realized what she must do. She finished showering and got dressed, choosing a short yellow dress and a pair of wedged sandals. She dried her auburn hair and swept it up into a ponytail – using a cheap plastic hairbrush she’d brought along. As she inspected her appearance in the mirror, an idea came to her. Magic option number three: confess the truth and seduce Rick simultaneously.


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