Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution
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6. “Deferred Action Immigration Event Draws Thousands of DREAMers on First Day,”, August 15, 2012.
7. “Benita Veliz Speech Marks First Remarks From DREAMer at Democratic National Convention,”, September 6, 2012.
8. Interview of Annette Poppleton by Clint Bolick, October 19, 2012.
9. Interview of Faithful Okoye by Clint Bolick, October 17, 2012.
10. Interview of Julie Erfle by Clint Bolick, October 18, 2012.
11. “Illegal Immigrant Responsible for Death of Police Officer,”, September 19, 2007.
12. Brian Solomon, “The Optimist,” Forbes, September 24, 2012, p. 122.
1. Michael Noer, “Reeducating Education,” Forbes, November 19, 2012, p. 86.
2. Veronique DeRugy, “Losing the Brains Race: America Is Spending More Money on Education While Producing Worse Outcomes,” Reason, March 2011.
3. Michael Brendan Dougherty, “If America Spends More Than Most Countries Per Student, Then Why Are Its Schools So Bad,”, January 7, 2012.
4. Matthew Ladner and Lindsey M. Burke, “Closing the Racial Achievement Gap: Learning From Florida’s Reforms,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, September 17, 2010, p. 3.
5. Miriam Jordan, “Immigrant Children Lag Behind, Posing Risk,” Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2012.
6. Mark Hugo Lopez, “Latinos and Education: Explaining the Attainment Gap,” Pew Hispanic Center, October 7, 2009.
7. Lance T. Izumi, “The Bilingual Debate: English Immersion,” New York Times, September 28, 2008.
8. Ladner and Burke, “Closing the Racial Achievement Gap,” p. 2.
9. Ibid., p. 5.
10. Ibid., pp. 7–8.
11. Ibid., p. 7.
12. See James Tooley, From Village School to Global Brand: Changing the World Through Education (London: Profile Books, 2012); Jay Mathews, Work Hard. Be Nice. How Two Inspired Teachers Created the Most Promising Schools in America (Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 2009).
13. Clint Bolick, “Charter Schools Transforming Educational Landscape,”, November 7, 2012.
14. Ibid.
15. Noer, “Reeducating Education,” p. 84.
16. See Clint Bolick, “The Future of School Choice,” Defining Ideas, Hoover Institution, October 18, 2012.
1. “The GOP’s Demographics Problem,” Boston Globe, October 13, 2012.
2. Julia Preston, “GOP Immigration Platform Backs ‘Self-Deportation,’ ”, August 23, 2012.
3. “Kris Kobach Convinces GOP to Harshen Immigration Platform,”, August 21, 2012.
4. Mark Hugo Lopez, Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, and Seth Motel, “As Deportations Rise to Record Levels, Most Latinos Oppose Obama’s Policy,” Pew Research Center, December 8, 2011.
5. See, e.g., Daniel Gonzalez and Dan Nowicki, “Latino Votes Key to Obama Victory,” Arizona Republic, November 8, 2012, p. A8.
6. Julia Preston and Fernanda Santos, “A Record Latino Turnout, Solidly Backing Obama,” New York Times, November 8, 2012, p. P13.
7. “Immigrants and the GOP,” Wall Street Journal, November 14, 2012, p. A16.
8. Sam Francis, “The Myth of the Hispanic Republicans,”
9. Heather Mac Donald, “Myth Debunked: A Latin Conservative Tidal Wave Is Not Coming,” National Review, July 24, 2006.
10. Quoted in Ken Mehlman, “Hispanic Outreach Crucial to GOP,”, May 1, 2007.
11. Mark Hugo Lopez, “The Latino Electorate in 2010: More Voters, More Non-Voters,” Pew Hispanic Center, April 26, 2011.
12. Lopez, “Latinos and the 2010 Elections.”
13. Associated Press, “No One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Wooing Hispanics,” July 2, 2012.
14. Pew Hispanic Center, “The Latino Vote in the 2010 Elections,” November 3, 2010; updated November 17, 2010.
15. Latino Coalition, National Survey of Hispanic Adults, October 2, 2006.
16. Ibid., p. 15.
17. Mehlman, “Hispanic Outreach Crucial to GOP.”
18. Lopez, “Latinos and the 2010 Elections.”
20. Ibid.
21. Hector Berrera, “Latinos Less Certain About Voting Than Others,” Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2012.
22. Tamar Jacoby, “GOP Can’t Lose Latinos,” Los Angeles Times, November 17, 2006.
23. John Zogby, “The Battle for the Latino Vote,” League of United Latin American Citizens Press Release, November 29, 2006.
24. Adam Nagourney, “In California, G.O.P. Fights Steep Decline,” New York Times, July 23, 2012, p. A10.
25. Cameron Joseph, “Latino Support for GOP Plunges in Arizona,” Hill, October 10, 2012.
26. Brad Bailey, “The GOP’s New Immigration Solution,”, August 30, 2012.
27. Laura Meckler and Douglas J. Belkin, “State GOPs Give Platforms a Centrist Twist,” Wall Street Journal, June 16–17, 2012.
28. The Polling Company, Inc., and the Ampersand Agency, “Hispanic Voters: Perceptions of and Perspectives on School Choice,” June 2007, p. 18.
29. Beck Research LLC, American Federation for Children/Hispanic CREO Survey Findings, May 2012, p. 3.
30. Beck Research Survey, pp. 4, 14, and 25.
31. Ibid., p. 12.
32. Polling Company/Ampersand Survey, p. 33.
33. Ibid., p. 47.
34. Ibid., p. 50.
35. Ibid., p. 52.
36. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and Pew Hispanic Forum, Changing Faiths: Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion (Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center, 2007), p. 7.
37. Ibid., p. 17.
38. Ibid., p. 29.
39. Gaston Espinoza, Virgilio Elizondo, and Jesse Miranda, “Hispanic Churches in American Public Life: Summary of Findings,” University of Notre Dame Institute for Latino Studies, March 2003, p. 15.
40. Changing Faiths, p. 59.
41. Espinoza et al., Hispanic Churches, p. 18.
42. Changing Faiths, p. 68.
43. Ibid., pp. 69–70.
44. Ibid., p. 78.
45. Latino Coalition National Survey, p. 4.
46. James G. Gimpel, “Latino Voting in the 2006 Election: Realignment to the GOP Remains Distant,” Center for Immigration Studies, March 2007, p. 6.
47. Clare Abreu, “The Latino Vote, On Its Own Terms,” National Public Radio, May 11, 2007.
A+ accountability plan (Florida), 184–85
abortion, 208, 211, 220, 221
accountability: in education, 184–85, 188
of immigration and naturalization policy, 14–15, 30, 31–32, 54, 110–11, 123, 124, 125, 126
See also Congress, U.S.; Constitution, U.S.; specific department/agency
adults: as illegal immigrants, 41–44
Agent Piggy, 97
agriculture industry, xiv–xv, 80–82, 86, 87
Alabama: agriculture in, 81–82
Alden, Edward, 15, 139
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), 123
Alliance for School Choice, 154
Ambram, Pablo, 97
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 154
American Dream, xxii, 59, 115, 132, 145–46, 152, 166, 173, 174, 175, 210, 222
American Exceptionalism, x, xi, 224
American Federation for Children, 217
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 127
American Immigration Lawyers Association, 112
American Party, 125
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), 93
Americans, hyphenated, xvi
Americans for Tax Reform, 150
amnesty programs, 7, 40–41, 44,
108, 133–34, 137
Arboleya, Carlos, 132
Arpaio activities in, 109–10, 213
Bolick’s concerns about, xxii–xxiv
border security and, xxiv
education in, 184, 185, 189–90, 192–94
illegal immigration and, 109, 169–71
immigration reform in, 11, 39, 109–10, 113, 169–71, 213
nativism in, 212
orphan abduction in, xxiii
Proposition 204 in, 210
Republican concerns about immigration in, xxiii–xxiv
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 212–13
S.B. 1070 in, 11, 109, 113, 171, 213
views about Mexican immigration in, xxii–xxiv
voter identification laws in, 39
Arizona Republic: Vazquez sisters profile in, 157
Arpaio, Joseph, 109–10, 213
Ashcroft, John, xiii
Asians, 139, 202–3. See also China; Japan
aspirational class, xv, 117, 146, 223–24
assimilation, 57–62, 125, 140, 142
background checks, 9, 23
BASIS Schools Inc., 189, 190
Becker, Gary S., 72–73, 101–2
biometric identification, 54–56, 135, 137
core principles for immigration reform and, 113–14
and core values as bridging partisanship, 11
education and, 216–17
elections of 2012 and, 8
Hispanic influence on elections and, 138–39
ideological extremes and, 5–6, 8
importance of immigration reform and, 4, 13, 62, 113, 138–39, 142
Kyl-Kennedy proposal and, xxiii, 137–38
need for immigration reform and, xxv
Obama executive orders and, 112
political courage and, xxv
and Republican strategies for connecting with Hispanic and immigrant voters, 216–17
for StartUp Visa Act, 27
undermining of, 5–6
black-market economy, 17, 106, 107
Blaine Amendments, 129, 193
Block, Michael and Olga, 189
Bloomberg, Michael, 101
Blueseed, 67–68
Bolick, Clint
Bush’s relationship with, xxv–xxvi
concerns about Arizona of, xxii–xxiv
education savings accounts defense by, 194
importance of immigration policy to, xix–xxvii
as lawyer representing immigrants, xxi–xxii
at naturalization ceremony, xxvi
personal and professional background of, xix–xx
Bolick, Irma, xx
Bolick, Jerry, xix–xx
Border Patrol, U.S., xiii, 9, 48, 53, 127, 136
border security
Arizona concerns about, xxiv
biometric identification and, 54–56
Bush (George H. W.) task force on, xiv
Bush (Jeb) story about, xii–xiv
costs of illegal immigration and, 107
decline in illegal immigration and, 114
elections of 2012 and, 201
and enforcement of visa requirements, xiv, 49–50
federal-state relations and, xiii–xiv
funding for, 137
history of immigration policy and, 133, 134
and illegal immigrants remaining in U.S., 134
illegal immigration and, 13, 47–52, 107, 114, 134
impasse on immigration reform and, 6, 7
initiatives concerning, xiv
Kyl-Kennedy proposal and, 137
local government and, 53
and McCain-Kennedy proposal, 137
Mexico and, 53
national security/terrorism and, 50, 53–57, 136
need for reform of immigration policy and, xii–xiv, 16, 117
“operational control” and, 48
proposal concerning, 47–57
public opinion about, 9, 108–9
reversal of Mexican immigration and, 87
state role in immigration policy and, 38
technology and, 49, 52, 53, 54–56, 137
See also drugs; fence; law enforcement
bracero program, 130–31
Bradley (Lynde and Harry) Foundation, 60
brain drain
reversing the, 88–102
See also high-skilled immigrants
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S., 85
Bush, Columba Garnica de Gallo, ix–xi
Bush, George H. W., x, xi, xiii, xiv
Bush, George W., xiii, 5, 135, 203, 205, 210
Bush, Georgia Helena Walker, xvi–xvii
Bush, Jeb
Bolick’s relationship with, xxv–xxvi
education policy and, xxv
Hispanic voter support for, 205
and human dimension of immigration policy, xii
importance of immigration policy to, ix–xvii
personal and professional background of, ix–xiv
Bush, Jeb Jr., xvi
Bush, Noelle, xi
business. See entrepreneurs; small businesses
California, 125, 128, 211–12
Cannato, Vincent J., 133
Carlson, Tucker, 200
Carpe Diem Schools, 192–93
Census, U.S., 206
Center for the Study of the American Dream, Xavier University, 59
“chain immigration,” 20, 21, 95, 133, 134, 138
charities, 125–26
charter schools, xxvi, 185, 188, 189–90, 192, 217–18
Chicago, Illinois: education in, 182
children of illegal immigrants
citizenship for, 41
costs of illegal immigration and, 107
dealing with, 41, 44–47
Obama’s deferred-action policy and, 45, 111–12, 156, 158, 159, 166
public opinion about, 9–10
Republican criticisms in 2012 elections about, 201, 202
social services and, 34, 35, 107
state government and, 107
in Texas, 201
See also DREAM Act; education; tuition issues
agriculture production in, 82
birthrates in, 76
high-skilled immigration and, 98, 99
history of U.S. immigration policy and, 125, 128, 129
immigration policies in, 78, 96
middle class in, 24–25
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 125, 129
aspirations for, 117, 146, 223–24
Bolick’s attendance at ceremony for, xxvi
of Chinese immigrants, 125
of Columba Bush, x
dealing with illegal immigrants and, 35, 43–44, 46–47
and decline or progress of U.S., 73
demand as driving immigration system and, 18
examination for, 58, 59, 61
guest-worker program and, 28–29
history of immigration policy and, 125–26
human dimension of immigration policy and, 151–52, 154–56
McCain-Kennedy proposal for path to, 137
need for clear and definite path to, 46
process for, 151–52, 160–62
proposal concerning, 24
requirements for, 123, 125
teaching about civics and founding values and, 58–59
See also DREAM Act: deferred-action policy, Obama’s; permanent residency; process, immigration; visas
civics, teaching, 57–62
civil rights, 183
Civil Rights Act (1964), 195
Clinton, Bill, 188–89
Clinton, Hillary, 50, 189
colleges and universities, U.S.: as attracting foreign talent, 98–101
Commerce Department, U.S., 14, 16, 125
communities. See local communities
benefits of immigration reform and, 31,
and decline or progress of U.S., 71, 84–85
education and, 180
exploitation of illegal immigrants and, 108
high-skilled immigration and, 96, 99–100, 101
impact on future immigration policy of, 71
need for immigration reform and, 113, 141–42
Congress, U.S.
authority for immigration/naturalization of, 31–32, 123
and authority for law enforcement, 110–11
determination of immigration numbers by, 29
DREAM Act and, 45
fencing along Mexican border and, 136
high-skilled immigration and, 92, 113
and Obama policy about children of illegal immigrants, 111
social services and, 35
state role in immigration policy and, 35
“undesirable” immigrant legislation of, 125
visa process and, 57
See also specific legislation
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 71–72
Congressional Research Service, 51, 52
criticisms of immigration policy by, xxi, xxii
family values and, 219
religion and, 219, 220, 221
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 219, 220, 221
Constitution, U.S., 31, 41, 106, 110, 123, 154, 155
construction industry, xiv, xv, 82, 87
consular visa system, 127
Council of Economic Advisors, White House, 84
Council on Foreign Relations, 115–16
background checks and, 9, 23
benefits of immigration and, 84
critics of immigration reform and, xxi, 140
human dimension of immigration policy and, 167–72
illegal immigrants and, xii, xiv, 7, 36–37, 42, 43, 46, 47, 107, 111, 169–70
as motivation for immigration, 106
and proposal for regular immigration system, 23
and Republican strategies for connecting with Hispanic and immigrant voters, 211
See also drugs; terrorism
Cruz, Ted, 207, 214
Cubans, xii, 132, 213
cultural issues, 7, 121, 122, 125, 208
Dane, Bob, 68
Daniels, Roger, 14–15, 127
databases, international, 137
debt, U.S., 72
deferred-action policy, Obama’s, 45, 111–12, 156, 158, 159, 166
Del Beccaro, Tom, 212
demand: as driving immigration system, 16–31, 105
Democratic National Convention: Veliz address to, 159
Asian support for, 203
education and, 217, 218
entrepreneur policies and, 216, 218
fundamental immigration reform and, 12