by Jeb Bush
Hispanic support for, 7, 138, 207, 209, 218, 221–22, 223
impasse on immigration reform and, 6, 7
labor unions support for, 182, 217
religion and, 221
stalling of immigration reform and, 5
See also Obama, Barack
elections of 2012 and, 200
impact on future immigration policy of, 71, 74–78, 85, 86, 88
in Mexico, 87
need for immigration reform and, xv, 4, 10, 113, 139–40, 141
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 224–25
social services and, 74–75, 88, 141
federal-local government relations and, 37
history of immigration policy and, 134
of illegal immigrants, 42, 43, 46, 111, 124, 137, 202
increase in number of, 49, 137
Obama administration and, 111, 202
presidential powers and, 123
prioritizing of, 111
self-, 211
of terrorists, 131, 134
“diversity lottery,” 19, 23, 134
DREAM Act, 9–10, 12, 45–46, 112, 158
Dreamers: human dimension of immigration policy and, 156–59
driver’s licenses, xiv, 9, 135
drugs, xii, xiii, xiv, xxiv, 48, 50–52, 53
Duncan, Arne, 59
E Pluribus Unum (Bradley Foundation report), 60
E-Verify, 30
EB-5 visas, 26
black-market, 17, 106, 107
border security and, 47–48
Bush comments about, xiv–xv
decline in immigration and, 87–88, 105, 114
and decline or progress of U.S., 71–74, 85
demand as driving immigration system and, 17
education and, 181
high-skilled immigration and, 90, 91, 96, 98, 101–2
Hispanic views about, 208
history of immigration legislation and, 133, 134
illegal immigration and, 47–48, 49, 114
impact on future immigration policy of, 71–74, 88
importance of immigration to, xiv–xv, 4, 9, 31, 62, 78–79, 81, 84, 101–2, 116
Kyl-Kennedy proposal and, 138
of Mexico, 49, 87
national security and, 54
need for immigration reform and, 68, 117, 141
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 213, 215–16
social services and, 33–34
states’ role in immigration policy and, 33–34
accountability in, 184–85, 188
basis of current system of, 184
benefits of immigration reform and, 4
bipartisanship and, 216–17
Bolick’s defense of immigrants’ rights to, xxi–xxii
Bush commitment to, xxv
of children of immigrants, 181–96
about civics and founding values, 57–62
costs of illegal immigration and, 107
dealing with illegal immigration and, 45–47
and decline or progress of U.S., 72
demand as driving immigration system and, 21
diversity and, 182
economy and, 181
federal government role in, 61
in Florida, xxv
funding for, 129, 180, 181, 184, 193
goals for, 195–96
of Hispanics, 180, 181, 182–83, 187–88
history of immigration policy and, 128
human dimension of immigration policy and, 147–52
illegal immigrants’ entitlement to, 34
importance of, 196
innovations in, 191–96
need for reform of, 90, 179–96
Obama policy concerning, 45–46, 111
race and, 187–88
reading, 186–87
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 203, 209, 210, 214, 215, 216–18, 224
for special-needs students, 161, 185, 189, 193–94, 217
standards for, 194
state government and, 34, 183
teacher issues and, 181–82, 186, 194–95, 217
U.S. deficiencies in, 89–90, 179–82
See also foreign students; high school/GED degrees; type of schools or specific topic
education savings accounts, 193–94, 217
El Paso, Texas: safety in, 84
Hispanic influence on, 138–39, 206
See also voting; specific election
elections of 2004, 203, 210
elections of 2008, 11, 202, 212–13
elections of 2010, 207
elections of 2012, 7, 8, 113, 138, 199–203, 213, 214, 223
Ellis Island, 126
Emanuel, Rahm, 181, 182
emergency medical services, 34, 35, 107
Emergency Quota Law (1921), 126–27
Employ American Workers Act (2009), 93
employers, 9, 29–30, 106, 108, 126, 134
entitlement programs, xv, 30–31, 72, 77–78. See also specific program
benefits of immigration and, 82–83
Bolick’s defense of immigrants’ rights to, xxi, xxii
Democrats and, 216, 218
education and, 181
high-skilled immigration and, 91, 92, 94–95
Hispanics as, 209, 224
history of immigration policy and, 127
immigration policy and, 172–74
obstacles faced by, 96–97
proposal concerning, 26–27
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 203, 214, 215–16, 218, 224
visas for, 67–68
See also small businesses; specific person
entry priorities, point systems for determining, 26, 137–38
Erfle, Julie, 167–72
Erfle, Nick, 167–71
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 94
family-based immigration
dealing with illegal immigrants and, 42
and definition of family, 21, 22–23, 133
history of immigration policy and, 134
proposal concerning, 22–23, 24
See also family preference system; family reunification
family preference system, 13, 18–19, 20–23, 133, 137, 154–55
family reunification, 18–19, 20, 21, 73, 95, 106, 115, 133
family values, xxii, 203, 209, 219, 224
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 55
federal government
local government coordination with, 38
proposal concerning benefits from, 30–31
states’ relationship with, xiii–xiv, 33, 110, 124
See also specific topic, branch, department, or agency
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 79, 116
Federation for American Immigration Reform, 68, 107
Feinblatt, John, 68
Feith, David, 59–60
fence: border security and, 52, 136, 137, 138
Flex-N-Gate, 172–73
education in, xxv, 184–88, 194
federal-state relations and, xiii–xiv
importance of immigration policy to, xiv–xv
and Republican strategies for connecting with Hispanic and immigrant voters, 213–15
September 11 attack and, xiv
Florida, Richard, 90
food stamps, 79
Forbes magazine: Khan profile in, 174
foreign students
economy and, 181
green cards for, 25–26
as high-skilled immigrants, 98–101
human dimension of immigration policy and, 162–67
illegal immigration and, 115
limitation on number of, 166
proposal concerning, 25–26
visas for, 15, 27, 54, 73,
99, 136, 155, 163, 164
See also specific person
Fox, Vicente, 135
Francis, Sam, 204–5
Franklin, Benjamin, 122–23
Friedman, Milton, 75
Future Business Leaders of America, 157
Gans, Judith, 80
Gates, Bill, 90–91
gay marriage, 211, 220
German refugees, 129–30
Goldilocks system, 29
Goldwater, Barry, xxii
Goldwater Institute, 154, 193
Goss, Porter, 150
Great Depression, 77, 129
Great Hearts Academies, 189–90
green cards
for entrepreneurs, 26
family immigration and, 23
for foreign students, 73
for guest workers, 28
for high-skilled immigrants, 25, 26–27, 93–94
history of immigration policy and, 134
human dimension of immigration policy and, 155, 161, 165
insufficient number of, 73
Kyl-Kennedy proposal and, 137
processing of, 96–97, 136
proposals concerning, 23, 25, 26–27, 28, 47, 137
social services eligibility and, 134
wait for, 96–97
See also permanent residency
Greenspan, Alan, 78
gross domestic product (GDP), 71–72, 73, 84, 87
guest-worker program, 9, 25, 27–29, 39, 133, 137, 214
gun control, 211
Guzmán Loera, Joaquín, 51
H-1B visas, 92–93, 155
H-2A visas, 87, 134
H-2B visas, 87
Haider, Ejaz, 136
Hall, Brett, 81–82
Harris, Jace, 170
health care, 21, 34–35, 79, 85–86, 107, 208, 210. See also emergency medical services; Medicaid; Medicare
Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of, 14
high school/GED degrees, 45–47, 61–62, 111, 180, 182, 194
high-skilled immigrants
critics of, 80
decline or progress of U.S. and, 102
demand for, 18, 25, 26–27, 29
demographics and, 85
economy and, 90, 91, 96, 98, 101
entrepreneurs as, 91, 92, 94–95
family reunification and, 95
fear of, 100–101
foreign country limitations on, 93–94
foreign students as, 26
green cards for, 25, 26–27, 93–94
illegal immigration and, 115
importance of, 91, 100–101, 106–7
as leaving U.S., 94, 97–98
legislation about, 113
and outsourcing of jobs, 98
proposals concerning, 18, 25, 26–27, 29, 32
quotas for, 92, 93–94
reversing the brain drain and, 88–102
sponsors for, 92–93
state role in immigration policy and, 32
students as, 98–101
on temporary visas, 94
U.S. colleges and universities as attracting, 98–101
Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options, 217
as conservatives, 205, 206, 208, 209, 219
definition of, 38n
demographics and, 86, 205, 206
diversity among, 207
education and, 46, 180, 181, 182–83, 187–88, 217–18
family values of, 209, 219
as Obama/Democratic supporters, 7, 138, 202, 207, 209, 212, 213, 214, 218, 221–22, 223
as political candidates, 207–8, 214, 222
religion and, 219–21
Republicans and, 138–39, 201, 203–9, 210–25
stereotypes of, 211
strategies for Republicans to connect to, 210–25
values/ideals of, 206–9
as voters, 138–39, 201, 202–3, 205, 206–9, 210–25
See also Mexico/Mexicans
Homeland Security, U.S. Department of (DHS), 14, 15–16, 52, 54, 55, 56
hospitality industry, xiv, 82, 83, 85
human dimension
of illegal immigration, 146–47
of immigration policy, 145–75
See also American Dream; specific person
hydroelectric dam analogy, 4–5
hyphenated Americans, xvi
identifications, 54–56, 135, 137, 210
illegal immigration/immigrants
by adults, 41–44
border security and, 13, 47–52, 107, 114, 134
bracero program and, 130–31
Chinese as, 124
complexity of immigration policy and, 70
costs of, xii, 107, 109, 110
crime and, xii, xiv, 7, 36–37, 111, 169–70
dealing with current, 40–47
decline in, 113, 114
demand for immigration and, 105
deportation of, 42, 43, 46, 111, 124, 137, 202
deterrents to, 114, 115–17
economy and, 47–48, 49
education and, 34, 107
Erfle family and, 169–71
exacerbation of problem of, 134
fears of, 42, 114
government services for, 9
health care and, 34–35
hiring of, 106, 108, 134
history of immigration policy and, 133–34
human dimension of immigration policy and, 146–47, 169–71
impact on legal immigration of, 4
impasse on immigration reform and, 7
increase in, 133–34
law enforcement and, 36–37, 107
McCain-Kennedy proposal for, 137
motivation for, 41
need for fundamental immigration reform and, 13, 115–17
and overstaying by immigrants, 114
path of citizenship for, 35, 137
penalties for, 43–44
permanent residency and, 35
proposal for dealing with current, 40–47
public opinion about, 8–9
as remaining in U.S., 134
removal of incentives for, 31
and Republican strategies for connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 211
shadow lives of, 42, 114
social services and, xxiv, 9, 34, 35, 107, 211
solution to problem of, 115–16
state government and, 109
terrorism and, 136
See also border security; children of illegal immigrants
immersion programs, English, 183
Immigration Act (1885), 126
Immigration Act (1924), 127
Immigration Act (1965), 133
Immigration Act (1990), 134
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 53, 55
Constitution silence about, 123
decline of, 105
disadvantages of, 4
as dominant feature of American identity, 78–79
importance to America of, xxvi–xxvii, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 69–70, 71, 78–83, 101–2, 106–7, 113–14, 135, 175
as leaving U.S., 97–98, 136, 174–75
motivation for, 31, 86–87, 106, 115, 142, 224
number of, 10
Republican strategies for connecting to Hispanics and, 210–25
as scapegoats, 122
self-selection of, 86
See also specific topic
Immigration and Nationality Act (1952). See McCarran-Walter Act
Immigration and Naturalization Service: creation of, 127
immigration policy
complexity of, xii, 13–14, 70
Constitutional authority for oversight of, 31–32
as dysfunctional, 73
factors impacting future of, 71–88
history of debate about, 121–42
hostility in debate about, 211
human dimension of, xii–xiii, 145–75
importance to Bush of, ix–xvii
importance of, 62, 101, 105, 123
McCarran-Walter Act as foundation for present, 131
as overly restrictive, 68
public images of, 3
Republican role in, 201
states’ role in, 31–40, 109, 124
traditional premise of, 69–70
unrepairability of current, 16
See also specific topic
immigration reform
comprehensive, xxiii, xxiv–xxv, 7, 12, 40, 108, 112, 113, 135, 138, 201, 212–13, 215
core values as basis of, 4, 8, 11, 40, 41, 63, 113–14, 117
critics of, xxi, xxiv–xxv, 138, 140–41
education reform and, 179–96
impasse over, xxiv–xxv, 5–7, 40
importance of, xxiv–xxv, 3, 31, 62–63, 74, 137, 191–92
Mexican-U.S. bilateral, 135
need for fundamental, xv–xvii, xxiv–xxv, 5, 11, 12–16, 71, 139, 141–42, 195, 215
of 1986, 108
paralysis about, 74
piecemeal, 12
proposal for fundamental, 12–16
public opinion about, 3, 8–10, 36
stalling of, 5
states’ role in, 31–40
See also specific person or topic
Immigration Reform and Control Act (ICRA) (1986), 133–34
Immigration Works USA, 112
Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, 219
International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 155
internment camps, Japanese, 129
investors, visas for, 94–95
Jacksonville Jaguars, 173
Jacoby, Jeff, 12, 17
Jacoby, Tamar, 112, 115, 116, 211
immigration from, 129
immigration policies in, 96
Jefferson, Thomas, 124
Jewish refugees, 129–30
disadvantages of immigration and, 106
high-skilled, 80, 81, 88–102
history of immigration policy and, 122, 126
importance of immigration for, xv, 80, 81–82
low-skilled, 80, 81
outsourcing of, 98
public opinion about immigration reform and, 9
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 210, 213
See also high-skilled immigrants
Judiciary Committee, U.S. House, 36–37
Judiciary Committee, U.S. Senate, 116
Justice Department, U.S., 14
Keegan, Lisa Graham, 150
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 137–38
Khan Academy, 191–92
Khan, Salman, 191–92
Khan, Shahid, 172–74
Khosrowshahi, Cameron, 155
Khosrowshahi, Laura Osio, 152–56
KIPP Academies, 188
Know-Nothings, 124
Knowledge Universe, 151
Krieble Foundation, 27–28
Kyl, Jon, xxiii, 137–38
Labor Department, U.S., 14
labor unions, 6, 127, 181–82, 217
language issues
in Bush family, x, xvii
citizenship and, 58