by Jeb Bush
critics of immigration reform and, xxi, 140
dealing with illegal immigration and, 43, 45
education reform and, 182, 183
English immersion programs and, 183
future of America and, xvii
history of immigration policy and, 122, 123, 125, 126
public opinion about immigration reform and, 9
and Republican connections with Hispanics and immigrants, 210
Latino Coalition, 207, 208
laundries: San Francisco laws about, 128
law enforcement
administration of, 110–11
backlash against perceived failures of, 108–10
Bush’s experience with, xii–xiv
and congressional authority for naturalization, 110–11
decline in illegal immigration and, 113, 114
federal-state relations and, xiii–xiv
flaws in, 108
hiring of illegal immigrants and, 108
history of immigration policy and, 125
by local government, 36, 37–38, 109–10
and need for improved legal channels for immigration, 116
Obama administration and, 110–11
and overly strict laws, 116
public opinion about immigration and, 108–9
state role in immigration policy and, 36–40
See also border security; rule of law
lawyers, immigration and naturalization, xxi–xxii, 160–62, 166
leadership, xvi, 4, 11, 74, 112, 196
Levin, Jack, 84
local communities
border security and, 53
children of illegal immigrants and, 107
importance of immigration to, 83–84
law enforcement by, 36, 37–38, 109–10
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 222–23
social services and, xxiv, 107
Loera, Joaquin Guzman, 51
Los Zetas cartel, 51
low-skilled immigrants, 80, 85–86
LPC (likely to become a public charge) clause, 125
Mac Donald, Heather, 205
Manzano, Nayeli, 158–59
Martinez de Vara, Art, 214
Martinez, Erik, 169–70
Martinez, Mel, 214, 223
Martinez, Susana, 207
Marty, Max, 67–68
Massey, Douglas S., 114
McCain, John, 137, 212–13
McCarran, Pat, 131
McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 131, 133, 139
Medicaid, 9, 34–35, 79
Medicare, 77, 79, 80, 134
Meese, Edwin, xiii
Mehlman, Ken, 210
Arizona’s views about immigration from, xxii–xxiv
border security and, 53
bracero program and, 130–31
demographics in, 87
economy of, 49, 87
and Mexican-U.S. bilateral immigration reform, 135
reversal of immigration from, 87–88
as source of immigrants for U.S., 86
See also Hispanics
Miami-Dade County, Florida, xi–xiii
Microsoft Corporation, 89, 90, 98
Bolick’s (Jerry) service in, xix–xx
law enforcement duties of, xiii
service of immigrants in, 47, 111
Montgomery, Bill, 171
Moretti, Enrico, 91–92
Mutabdzija, Dario, 67–68
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, 151
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 60, 187
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, 146
National Guard, 38, 53
national identity, 69, 78–79, 121
national origin quotas, 129–30, 131, 133
national parks: security issues and, 52
National Research Council, 80
national security, 54–57, 62, 136–37. See also terrorism
National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS), 135, 136
nativism, 127–29
naturalization. See citizenship/naturalization
Naturalization Service, U.S., 127
New York Times
Blueseed story in, 67
children of immigrants as returning to native home story in, 97–98
Newsweek: BASIS story in, 189
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, 194
North Star Opinion Research, 9
Obama, Barack
Asian voters support for, 203
command-and-control approach of, 204
deferred action plan of, 45, 111–12, 156, 158, 159, 202
deportation of illegal immigrants and, 202
education policy of, 45–46, 111
health care program of, 34–35
Hispanic support for, 7, 138, 202, 212, 213, 214
law enforcement and, 110–11
political courage of, 138
promises about immigration reform of, 5, 6–7, 12, 112, 202
states’ role in immigration policy and, 34–35
Ogston, Rick, 192
Okoye, Faithful, 162–67
Okoye, Providence, 163, 165
Okoye, Suzylene, 163, 165
Operation Fast and Furious, 51
Operation Wetback, 131
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 180
orphan abduction: in Arizona, xxiii
Orrenius, Pia M., 95–96
outsourcing of jobs, 98
overstaying of visas, 49–50, 114, 155
Paige, Rod, 151
Partnership for a New American Economy, 68
Pearce, Russell, 11
permanent residency, 35, 42–44, 73, 79–80, 87, 95–96, 134. See also green cards
Perry, Rick, 201
Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 219
Pew Hispanic Center, 49, 88, 182–83, 219
Pew Research Center, 38n, 85, 86, 207
Phoenix, Arizona
Erfle family in, 167–71
naturalization ceremony in, xxvi
Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA), 170
Phoenix Police Department: Erfle family and, 167–71
Pioneer Astronautics, 99, 117
point system: for determining entry priorities, 26, 137–38
political asylum, 23, 95, 130
See also refugees
political courage, xxv, 5–6, 74, 138, 196
as candidates for office, 10–12, 207–8, 214, 222
divisiveness about immigration reform among, 3, 5–6
Hispanics as, 207–8, 214, 222
need for change in thinking of, xvi
political courage of, xxv, 5–6, 74, 138, 196
and political expediency, 62
See also bipartisanship; elections of 2012; specific person
Poppleton, Annette, 160–62
presidents: powers of, 123
privacy issues, 55–56
private schools, 128–29, 185, 188, 189, 217
process, immigration
consular visa system and, 127
duration of, 15, 25, 96–97
high-skilled immigration and, 92–93, 96–97
human dimension of immigration policy and, 160–67
traditional, 24
about border security, 47–57
about dealing with current illegal immigrants, 40–47
about demand as driving immigration system, 16–31
about fundamental immigration reform, 12–16
about general categories of immigration, 18–24
about role of states in immigration policy, 31–40
about teaching civics and founding values, 57–62
public opinion, 3, 8–10, 36, 108–9, 122
demand as driving immigration system and, 17
bsp; for high-skilled immigrants, 92, 93–94
history of immigration policy and, 126–27, 129–30, 134
national origin, 129–30, 131, 133
reduction of illegal immigration and, 116
reading education, 186–87
Reagan, Ronald, 206
Real Arizona Coalition, 171
“red-card” program, 27–28
Rees, Nina Shokraii, 147–52
refugees, 19, 23, 129–30, 132
religion, 200, 203, 209, 219–21, 224
Reno, Janet, xii
Republican National Convention (2012), 214
in Arizona, xxiii–xxiv
classic profile of, 203
as conservatives, 206
core constituency of, 200
core values/ideals of, 206–9, 215, 224–25
Hispanics and, 201, 203–9, 210–25
as needing Hispanic support, 138–39
prescription for, 199–225
and strategies for connecting with Hispanic and immigrant voters, 210–25
restaurant owners, 83
Ridge, Tom, 54
Romney, Mitt, 166, 199–200, 201–3, 213, 214
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 130
Rubio, Marco, 146–47, 207, 214
rule of law
complexity of immigration policy and, 70
as core principle for immigration policy, 8, 11, 25, 113–14, 117
dealing with current illegal immigrants and, 40, 41, 43, 44
and decline or progress of U.S., 74
as failure in immigration policy, 107
importance of immigration reform and, 25, 62, 63
public opinion about importance of, 10
See also law enforcement
SABIS International Schools, 188
Samuelson, Robert J., 145
San Francisco, California: laundry legislation in, 128
Sandoval, Brian, 207
Scalia, Antonin, 109
Schundler, Bret, 150
seasonal workers, 32, 86, 87, 115, 134. See also guest-worker program
Secure Communities Program (ICE), 55
September 11, 2001, xiv, 57, 92, 106, 135, 137
service industry, 92
Silicon Valley, 67–68, 91
Sinaloa drug organization, 50–51
Sixth Street Prep (Los Angeles charter school), 183
Slaughter, Matthew J., 93
small businesses, 82, 83, 92, 216–17, 224
Smith, Brad, 89–90
Social Security, xv, 77, 79, 80, 107, 134
Social Security Administration, xv, 77, 79, 107, 134
Social Security Disability Insurance, 77
social services
children of illegal immigrants and, 34, 35, 107
cost of, xxiv, 34, 36, 107, 109
criticisms of immigration policy and, xxi, 140
demand as driving immigration system and, 17, 21
demographics and, 74–75, 88, 141
dependency ratio and, 77
disadvantages of immigration and, 106
durational requirements for, 35
economy and, 33–34
future immigration policy and, 74–75
history of immigration policy and, 125, 134
illegal immigrants and, xxiv, 9, 34, 35, 107, 109, 211
impasse on immigration reform and, 7
importance of immigration reform and, 62, 79, 80, 141
Kyl-Kennedy proposal and, 138
permanent residency and, 79–80
public opinion about immigration reform and, 9
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 211
states’ role in immigration policy and, 32–36, 39, 107, 109
user fees for, 35
voter identification and, 39
See also specific service
sponsors: of immigrants, 23, 92–93
St. Louis (ship): refugees on, 129
Starr, Alexandra, 97
StartUp Visa Act, 27
State Department, U.S., 14, 125
state government
driver’s licenses issued by, 135
education reform and, 34, 183
federal relations with, xiii–xiv, 33, 110, 124
history of immigration policy and, 124, 127, 136
illegal immigration and, 107, 109, 136
introduction of immigration laws by, 113
law enforcement and, 36–40, 109–10
proposal concerning, 31–40
role in immigration policy of, 31–40, 109, 124
as setting rules for government benefits, 30–31
social services and, xxiv, 107, 109
See also specific state
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, 26, 89, 179
Stroud, W. Randall, 41–42
students. See foreign students
subversive activities. See terrorism
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 79
Supreme Court, Arizona, 193
Supreme Court, U.S., xxiii, 32, 35, 39–40, 55–56, 60, 109, 124, 127, 128
costs of illegal immigration and, 107
dealing with illegal immigrants and, 41–42, 43
high-skilled immigration and, 98
Hispanic views about, 208, 209
importance of immigration and, 78, 80
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 215–16
Tea Party, 11
teachers, 181–82, 186, 194–95, 217
border security and, 49, 52, 53, 54–56, 137
education and, 180, 190–91, 192–93, 196
high-skilled immigration and, 90–92, 94
and high-skilled workers departure from U.S., 97–98
U.S. leadership in, 90–92
temporary visas, high-skilled immigration on, 87, 94
terrorism, xiv, 15–16, 50, 53–54, 106, 126, 131, 134, 135–36. See also September 11, 2001
Texas, 201, 213–15
Thiel, Peter, 68
travel visas/tourism, 15, 54, 56–57, 87, 127, 135, 136, 161
Treasury Department, U.S., 125
Truman, Harry S, 131
“trusted traveler” programs, 56
tuition issues, 9, 157–58, 165
287(g) Cross-Designation Program, xiii
“undesirable” immigrant legislation, 125
United States
decline or progress of, 69–74, 102
immigrants as leaving, 97–98, 136, 174–75
as unwelcoming country, 136
University of Notre Dame, Institute for Latino Studies at, 219
US-VISIT program, 54, 55, 137
Utah: immigration policies in, 39–40
American Exceptionalism and, xi
and Arizona’s views about Mexican immigration, xxii
as basis for immigration reform, 4, 8, 11, 40, 41, 63
in Bush family, x
critics of immigration reform and, 141
and decline or progress of U.S., 69–70, 74
future of America and, xvii
high-skilled immigration and, 100
of Hispanics, 206–9
history of immigration policy and, 125
human dimension of immigration policy and, 146
and immigrants contributions to America, 175
need for immigration reform and, xxiv–xxv, 142
of Republicans, 206–9, 215, 224–25
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 204, 214, 215, 221, 223, 224–25
role of immigration in, 121
teaching about, 57–62
See also American Dream; family values
Vazquez, Bibiana and Dulce, 157–58, 159
Veliz, Benita, 159
biometric identification and, 56
consular system for, 127
enforcement of requirements for, xiv, 49–50
for entrepreneurs, 67–68
for foreign students, 15, 27, 54, 73, 136, 155, 163, 164
overstaying of, 49–50, 56, 114, 155
process for getting, 57, 136
quotas on, 93–94
September 11, 2001, impact on, 135
work-based, 95, 99, 141, 158
See also process, immigration; type of visas
visitors. See travel visas/tourism
and fears of politicians about immigration reform, 5–6, 10–12, 74, 138
Hispanics as, 138–39, 201, 202–3, 205, 206–9, 210–25
and Republicans connecting with Hispanics and immigrants, 210–25
Vazquez sisters activism and, 158
and voter identification laws, 38–39
See also specific election or candidate
Voting Rights Act (1965), 223
voucher programs, xxi, 193, 218
wages, 80, 106, 116
Wall Street Journal
Ambram story in, 97
Wattenberg demographics story in, 75–76
Wang Ruijin, 24–25
Warner, John, 150
Washington Post: Samuelson comments about American Dream in, 145
Wattenberg, Ben, 75–76
welfare system. See social services
West, Darrell M., 79
Williams, Annette Polly, 188–89
work-based immigrants
demand as driving immigration system and, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23–24
growth of U.S. and, 85–86
history of immigration policy and, 133, 134
insufficient green cards for, 73
Kyl-Kennedy proposal and, 137, 138
as low priority, 95–96
McCarran-Walter Act and, 131
national security and, 54
need for fundamental immigration reform and, 13, 141
number of, 29
number of visas for, 95, 141
proposals concerning, 2, 18, 19, 21, 23–24, 25
waiting time for immigration process and, 15, 25
See also employers; guest-worker program; high-skilled immigrants; low-skilled immigrants; sponsors
work ethic, xxii, 209, 224
World War II, 71, 125, 129–31
Xavier University Center for the Study of the American Dream, 59
Yick Wo, 127, 128
YouTube, 191
Zavodny, Madeline, 95–96
Zogby, John, 211
Zubrin, Robert, 99–100, 117
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Copyright © 2013 by the Foundation for Florida’s Future and Clint Bolick
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