Book Read Free

Burn Out

Page 11

by Traci Hohenstein

  “I’m sorry. That is not an option right now. It’s too dangerous for you to go back. Especially in your delicate condition.”

  Sam’s face went pale. “What?”

  “Don’t play me. You know what I’m talking about.”

  Sam thought hard. How in the world would he know about that? No one knew. She laid her hand protectively over her stomach.

  “Look, I’m tired of your games and I’m not playing along anymore.” Sam abruptly pushed away from the table and stood up.

  “Sit back down. Now.” The asshole had a crazy look on his face. She had seen the look only one other time and it scared the crap out of her.

  “No. I’m ready to go. Either you take me home or I’ll walk back.” She slammed her hand down hard on the table. “Enough!”

  His eyes met hers as he slowly reached under the table and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at her stomach and said in a quiet voice, almost whispering, “I said, sit down. If you’re good, I will let you sleep in the cabin tonight. We need to come up with a plan of action. We are going to Millers Lake.”

  Sam sat slowly back in the chair. She would listen to what he had to say. Pretend to cooperate. Then devise a plan to escape this craziness.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Santa Rosa Beach, Tuesday morning

  Mike had Rachel moved into the same hotel where he was staying. It was one of those hotels designed as an efficiency apartment. She had a kitchenette, separate bedroom and bath, and a small living area which she set up as her office. Stacy insisted on staying with her again, although she joked she may have to up her health insurance policy. Rachel replaced her wardrobe and her laptop, which was destroyed in the fire.

  When Janine and Red found out what happened, they both offered to come up and stay with her. But she insisted they stay in Miami. A few new cases had come in and it made more sense for them to stay there.

  She put on a pot of strong coffee to brew and fired up her computer to update her website and blog. When Mallory went missing, Rachel spent her nights on the computer visiting various missing persons’ websites. The fact that Rachel found stunning was over 2,300 Americans were reported missing every day. Of course, a lot of those cases are runaways, family abductions, people with drug and alcohol problems, as well as people with psychiatric problems.

  But regardless of the reason why a person was missing – family abduction, runaway, or kidnapped by unknown person – the families go through the same range of emotions. The feeling that Rachel knew so well – an empty pit in your stomach, the sleepless nights of not knowing where your child is, the hurt in your heart and the helplessness feelings.

  It was an easy decision to dedicate her life’s work to helping find missing people – especially children.

  One thing Rachel found true, publicity was essential in the days just after a person goes missing. In addition to assisting people in finding their loved ones, she maintained the Florida Omni Search website so other people she couldn’t help could download a tip sheet and a list of helpful resources.

  Rachel logged in to the Florida Omni Search website and was happy to see Janine had put up Samantha Collins’ picture and information on the front page of the site. Rachel wrote a short update on the case and then turned her attention to updating the blog. She was working on a three part piece about how to travel safely in foreign countries, with a special emphasis on teenagers who travel during spring break. She had a lot of experience in that area when she took on the case of a missing teenager who had disappeared while on a spring break cruise. She reviewed her notes, opened up the word processing software…but the words wouldn’t come to her. Her thoughts were jumbled and filled with Sam Collins. She couldn’t focus and her hand still hurt where she got burned.

  A knock at the door brought welcomed relief. Mike walked in with a bag of donuts and a cup of coffee. “What are you working on?”

  “I was trying to finish an article for my blog, but I just can’t focus. All I can think about is Sam.”

  “Me too. It kept me up all night.” He handed Rachel a chocolate donut. “Maybe some sugar will help.”

  She took a bite of the donut. “Yummy.”

  “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes. My hand still hurts a little, but the swelling on my ankle has gone down.”

  “Good. Just take it easy.” Mike sat down and handed her a cup of coffee. “You know, I think we are looking at this all wrong.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We agree Sam was probably kidnapped. She wouldn’t leave her kids. Right?”


  “So the question is not who, but why would someone want to kidnap her?”

  “Revenge. The mafia wanted to send a message to Ken.”

  “Then why hasn’t her body shown up? I have looked into Mafia executions – specifically Richard Flores gang – and all of them left the bodies were they could be found. Immediately. He does not have a history of kidnapping. Just killing.”

  “Ok. So that leaves…?

  “Why are most people kidnapped?”

  “Sexual abuse,” Rachel said, as she shuddered at the thought, but it was true. The most troubling statistic is ninety percent of abductors are men and they sexually assault their victims in over half of those cases. That was one thing that kept her up at night. Who had her daughter Mallory and what terrible things might they be doing to her?”

  “And money.”

  “Sam isn’t rich.”

  “No, but her husband was rumored to have stashed some money. So, now who would benefit from it?” Mike asked.

  “I imagine the mafia would want their take.”

  “Anybody else?”

  “A lot of people may have known about the money. Her best friend Tammie, but I don’t picture her pulling off a kidnap plot. And there is Mack, her other best friend and possible lover. But, he was with her the night she was kidnapped.”

  “Keep going.”

  “And…Paul. He was a little creepy when I met with him. He seemed to still harbor some resentment toward Ken.”

  “Now we are getting somewhere.”

  Rachel’s cell phone buzzed on the table. “It’s Stacy. I need to take this. She left this morning to meet with a source.”

  After a few minutes, she got off the phone.

  “This case just took an interesting turn.”

  “What?” Mike asked.

  “Sam was pregnant.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Huh?” Mike looked confused. “Pregnant?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. Typical male response, she thought. “Stacy met with her source who told her Sam had taken a pregnancy test the day she disappeared.”

  “Who was her source?”

  “She didn’t tell me. But, if I had to take an educated guess, I would say Mack or someone at the police station. Who else would have that intimate type of information? I already interviewed her best friend, Tammie, and she wasn’t even sure what kind of relationship Sam and Mack had.”

  “So, I’m assuming it would be Mack’s baby? If the rumors are true, that is.”

  Rachel shrugged her shoulders. “Your guess is as good as mine. This calls for another visit to Ken.” She picked up her cell and starting dialing.

  “Who are you calling?”

  “Suzette Breland, Ken’s attorney to arrange another visit. And then I’m calling Red. I should have thought of this earlier. I want to run a background check on Paul.”


  While Rachel waited in the parking lot outside the county jail for Ken’s attorney to show up, she thought about what Mike said. Maybe he was right; they needed to follow the money trail.

  Rachel saw Suzette’s black Mercedes roll into the parking lot. She stepped out with a short, black skirt, lemony yellow silk blouse which complemented her deep, dark tan, and stylish Jimmy Choo slingbacks. When she pushed her sunglasses on top of her head, Rachel noticed Suzette’s trademark…a thin bright pink highlight inte
rtwined through her honey blonde hair.

  “Thanks for coming,” Rachel said as she walked up to her.

  “Not a problem.” Suzette pulled her leather briefcase out of the back of her car. “How are you? I heard about the fire.” She pointed to Rachel’s bandaged hand.

  “I’m fine, thanks. Just a minor burn and some cuts and bruises.”

  “What’s going on with the case?”

  “That’s what I need to talk to Ken about.” Rachel paused. “Samantha Collins was pregnant.”

  Suzette showed no emotion. “And it’s not Ken’s,” she said as a matter of fact.

  Rachel shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “May I ask you where you got this information?”

  “A confidential source.”

  Suzette raised her eyebrows at her.

  “Apparently, the night of the fire Sam was discovered missing, the fire chief and crew along with a police officer went through Sam’s things at the fire station. Her bunk room was clean, but one of the officers found a pregnancy test in the trash.”

  Suzette looked at her suspiciously. “I don’t see Sam throwing something like that in the trash for all to see.”

  “No. It was wrapped in a paper towel and then put inside a CVS pharmacy bag.”

  “The deputies were rather thorough, then.”

  “Yes, they were.”

  “Anyone could have put it there.”

  Ah, here we go, Rachel thought.

  “The fire station is not locked when the guys go out on a call,” Suzette continued. “One of the wives or girlfriends of the crew could have come by to surprise their guy and left it there.”

  “According to my source, the crew was questioned. No visitors came by that day. The trash is emptied after each shift,” Rachel said. “Plus Suzette, do you really believe some random girl just came by the station to use the bathroom and leave a pregnancy test in the trash?”

  Suzette threw her hands up. “I don’t discount anything.”

  “Come on. Sam was pregnant and that, my friend, adds another element to this crazy case.” They started walking towards the jail.

  “Ken is not going to take this very well.”

  “Yes, I figured that. He already thinks Mack and Sam were having an affair.

  “So why tell him about this? He is already worried about her missing and the trial.” Suzette said. “Why go there?”

  “Because, despite everything that is going on, I believe Ken still loves and cares about Samantha. And because I need to find Samantha. They have two little girls who need their mother.”

  “We both can agree on that,” Suzette said.

  They walked the rest of the way in silence. After going through all the proper procedures, they were led to the visitor’s room.

  “Do you mind if I talk to Ken alone first?” Rachel said quickly, before Suzette rejected her idea. “I think he would take the news better from me.”

  Suzette was about to protest when Rachel interrupted her.

  “Please. Just give me five minutes.”

  “Ok. But if Ken refuses to answer any questions…” Suzette started to say.

  “I’ll come and get you.”

  Suzette walked to the couch. “I’ll be right here.”

  Rachel was walking to the visitor’s table when they brought Ken in. Even though it had only been a couple of days since her first visit to see him, he looked like he had aged another ten years. She didn’t have much time, so she cut through all the pleasantries and jumped right in.

  “Was Sam pregnant?” The question hit Ken like a ton of bricks.

  “No. Why are you asking that?”

  “Because we found a pregnancy test Sam took.”

  “No way. Where did you find this test?” Ken asked.

  “It was discarded in the trash can at the fire station.” Rachel watched the color drain from Ken’s face. “It was found when they searched her bunk room at the fire station.”

  Ken thought for a moment, scrubbing his face with his hands. “If Sam is pregnant, it’s not mine. I had a vasectomy when Gracie, our youngest daughter, was born.”

  Rachel sat in silence.

  “Plus…” he waved around the room, “I have been at these luxury accommodations for the last couple of months. No conjugal visits here.”

  That is what Rachel expected to hear, but was still a little surprised.

  “It can’t be confirmed the test was hers, but since she was the only female at the department that day, and the trash is taken out each shift…” Rachel let the words fall.

  “So you think Sam got knocked up by someone else.” Ken finished the sentence for her. “I guess it confirms my fear about her affair with Mack.”

  Again, she sat in silence. This was difficult for her. She didn’t want to get involved in an obvious marital discord between Samantha and Ken Collins. Her first priority was to find Sam. And that meant figuring out what was going on prior to her disappearance. Sometimes uncomfortable situations like this one would come into play when trying to locate a missing person. But she had to get down to the nitty gritty. Find out what was going on with Samantha before she disappeared. What made her tick? Who was in her life and what were their roles? What was she doing before she disappeared? Who was with her the day of her disappearance? What was on her mind? These were difficult questions that had to be asked. She just hated to be the one who had to ask them.

  “I don’t know if it was Mack Dixon. I know you said last time we met to ask Mack since he was having an affair with Sam. Well, I did ask and he has denied any affair. Tammie even said she knew nothing going on between them.”

  “That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.”

  “Why did you think there was an affair?”

  Ken just gave her a hard look.

  Rachel put her hands on the table and leaned over. “I’m sorry, Ken. I’m doing my best here, trying hard to find your wife. Unfortunately, it means having to ask the tough questions.”

  “I found a birthday card Mack gave Sam. Let’s just say it was romantic in nature. I never mentioned it to Sam.”

  “When did you find the card?”

  “Sam’s birthday was in January. I found the card hidden in her closet. That’s all I have to say about it.”

  “Ken, anything at all you can remember about Sam’s activities before she disappeared may be a big help in finding her. Please know whatever you tell me will be held in confidence.” Rachel patted him on arm. “I’m just trying to help.”

  Ken looked at her with despair. “I know. It’s hard being in here. I’m used to being in control of these types of situations. To sit here and know there is nothing I can do is tearing me apart.”

  Rachel looked around the room. The one guard in the room was busy picking at his fingernails. Suzette sat at the couch flipping through a magazine.

  “There is something you can do.” Rachel leaned forward again and whispered, “Something that might help us find her.”

  Ken looked at her hopefully. “What is it?”

  “Tell me what you did with the money.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Ken leaned back in his chair and stared back at Rachel. He seemed to contemplate her question.

  “Let me rephrase that. If you did hide the money, which is what the rumors are, did Sam know where it was?” Rachel asked.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Rachel switched her tactics. She knew this wasn’t going to be easy.

  “We are working on theory here. Someone who knew about the money grabbed Sam. With the hopes of getting the money, we think.” Rachel said. “If you tell me where the money is hidden, then I can get the dogs out there and see if they can pick up Sam’s scent. It’s worth a shot.”

  “Who all would be involved in this search?” Ken asked.

  “It would just be me and a couple of my volunteers.”

  He looked at her skeptically. “No police?”

  “No police.”
  “I’m putting a lot of trust in you,” Ken said. “If you find any money, what will you do with it?”

  “I won’t touch the money. I just want to know where it is. We will search the area and see if we can pick up any clues on Sam’s whereabouts.”

  Ken thought about this for a minute.

  “Assuming I would hide any money, I wouldn’t do it on my property. And Sam wouldn’t have any knowledge of it.”

  “Right. Your property has already been searched. I wouldn’t think you would have hidden anything there. ” Rachel paused. “And Sam might not know about the money, but it doesn’t mean someone thinks she knows where it is.”

  Ken thought about it for a minute. Then he said,“When I was little my dad used to take me fishing every Sunday after church. We would go to my dad’s favorite fishing hole. A beautiful place called Millers Lake.”

  “Where is Millers Lake?”

  “Just north of here. You can find it on any local area map. Anyway, after a hot day of fishing, we would eat a lunch my mom packed. Then, while my dad would take a nap, I would climb this tree. It was a big tree – lots of branches – with a nice size hole in the trunk, about half way up. I would hide little trinkets in there – match box cars, colored rocks, four leaf clovers...”

  Rachel got his meaning.

  “I took the girls there once fishing. I let the oldest one climb the tree and showed her the secret hole. It’s still there. I told Bella – my oldest – the tree was worth a half of million dollars.”

  Rachel looked back at Suzette, who had apparently gotten bored and was now staring out the window. The guard was still interested in his fingernails.

  “Thanks.” Rachel got up to leave.

  Ken stopped her. “Hey, by the way, what happened to you?” He motioned to her hand.

  “I was in an accident. I’m okay.” She didn’t want to go through the whole story of the fire.

  “Ok.” He looked unsure. “Take care.”

  “Suzette – your turn,” she said when she walked over to her.


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