My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 26

by Adriana Alexa

  - You really want to talk about who is entitled to it? - She advanced, feline, in my direction and I do not I shook me.

  - I do not want to fight, Don The boy is my son.. I'm entitled to it. And he has the right to a father. We've wasted too much time. Be reasonable.

  She crossed her arms under her breasts and squeezed her lips.

  - I'm not asking for anything else. You do not support Baxter. It's all right. We use the Holt.

  His shoulders slumped a little more relaxed at the idea not so aggressive.

  - It's all right. - Agreed - but too has paper there just for a change of name.

  - My lawyers are thorough.

  - More Says what? - His posture was unusually aggressive - That I can not get my son out of the country without his permission?

  - This is how it works with a child, gift, and you know.

  - What else does? You are entitled to two weekends in the month and half of summer vacation?

  I spent a hand through his hair and stared at the floor.

  - Sun...

  - I'll take him at Christmas, you in the New Year ... alternate birthdays. That, Holt?

  - Why are you being impossible with this?

  - I will not take my son away! - The indicator pointed to his own chest and I understood the reason for his fear - Have you talked to Eleanor, is it? And she told you to play the good guy, buy a child seat for the car and get me to sign a bunch of papers?

  - Sun...

  - And then I sign, passionate idiot, and you take my puppy away. Lock him in some mansion on the moon and I never can see it.

  - Laura ...

  - You will not take my son, Holt! Stay aware of it now. You can try if you want, but I will not be stupid again as ...

  I held his chin between my thumb and forefinger and kissed her. Slowly. She delivered too fast and I knew I needed it.

  - Sun? - I whispered against her lips.

  She moaned softly.

  - No one will take your child from you.

  - Promise?

  I put my arm around her waist.

  - I promise love.

  - Holt. - She took my face in his hands - This is serious. Tyler is all I have in this life. Promise me.

  I stared into his dark eyes and stroked his back.

  - I promise. I do not want the kid just to me, Dom. I want you both.


  Greg took us to an Italian restaurant and ordered a dish like Ty, even though the children's menu. He tried to leave the conversation in "cars" which I thought was lovely as it was perceived to be an issue in common.

  I guided the conversation for a while, trying to teach the two to live. Showing Holt other interests of my son and making it clear to Ty that Greg was a kind and trustworthy person. I did not have to coordinate the conversation for long. There was only one or two moments of pause that almost turned into an awkward silence and a mention of pets that reminded me of Max and Cookie. The two dogs had to Holt. The two were. It would be interesting to have something of our past. Something that would ensure that we had something in common.

  But the conversation flowed. Soon the two found their own pace and seemed to have known each other for some time. Basketball, superheroes and video games into the matter and they did not stop more than talk. Especially when they started to make fun of some characteristic mine. Holt had little old cases and the Ty supplemented with either new mine. They pointed and laughed. I attended the joke making an ugly face, feigning irritation and leaving the two take advantage of their inside joke.

  There was a climbing wall mounted in a nearby park, Tyler wanted to try and although I did not find a good idea, I realized that Holt was in a lull of "do what the child wanted" and decided I was going to let the band play this music, at least today.

  The two climbed together and it was ...

  I would not know how to put into words. I stood on the floor, worried and complaining, but my son can have fun with someone. Greg grabbed my arms and said one "quiet" fun between smiles and I obeyed. My puppy was meters off the ground and I could be paranoid without care.

  Until there had been different. Until then, I was panicking when I saw something that might be dangerous, but had to act with caution and Ty show that all was well and that he had to face the fears. It was important for character formation and I knew. But it was almost bipolar have to warn you of the risks and at the same time encourage you to have fun.

  There was nothing I could not do it alone, but being able to share the load with someone was an immediate relief. And I worried and warned you of the risks. And Gregory told him that everything was fine and encouraged it would be fun.

  I waited in the shade of the trees and when they returned, Greg had Ty's hand and my puppy jumped excitedly telling something about his newest adventure.

  - Mother! - Shouted as he approached. She ran to me and began to tell something about the escalation Gregory probably already knew and even heard him repeat the way to me. But she heard again and smiled and I loved him.

  I was tired, but when the two resolve to go shopping and to the movies, I do not disagree. Enjoy the day was a good idea. I pinched Holt in the first toy shop and growled that he did not buy anything. I realized that refrain from filling the child present required all the strength of will that the man had, but he was a warrior and resisted.

  - Mother ... - Ty called me when I bent down to inspect if his shoelace was indeed well tied - He may come for my birthday?


  In doubt as to refer to Greg, Ty had been with "him" when he spoke with me and "you" when he spoke to Holt. Were the names he had given to his father.

  - Sure, son. You want to invite you?

  - I call. - He shrugged and I smiled.

  - Here it is! - Greg came back with an outrageous amount of popcorn, candy and soda for the movie.

  - Unnecessary, Gregory. - Realized by dividing the weight with him.

  He only opened and closed his mouth, gave up talking and laughed.

  I would not let him buy gifts, then he squandered money on any opportunity that could. I did not want him conquer Ty that way, but I could give myself the luxury of having rules and limits. It was not I who was desperate in the face of not being wanted perspective for my own offspring.

  Ty pulled by Greg coat.

  - My birthday is this weekend. Tomorrow...

  - IT IS! You are getting old! His mother told me. - Holt stooped a little too happy and I thought he should be mad anxiety to receive this invitation.

  - If you are not doing anything. - He suggested with a shy smile - You can come if you want. If you can ... - he added.

  - I would like it. - Gregory smiled and I wanted to go down with them and embrace them. Too hard - it will be what time? - They looked at me.

  - It's just a cake at home, Holt. We will not do anything special. You can come anytime you want.

  - Ahmm ... - he looked at me sideways.

  - What's it?

  He got up and talked a little lower.

  - Tomorrow is a very good basketball game. It's a final. It can be tricky because of the game, but I think I can get three tickets. - He suggested - Ty likes basketball, we could ...

  I realized that he wanted to ask my permission first. But Tyler had listened to the conversation and began to intone a 'please mother "endless.

  - Of course you can. It's your birthday.

  He jumped in the air and hit animated fist to fist the father of an adorable way.

  What if...

  - But take only two tickets, Greg.

  The two stopped and turned to me.

  - Don, if you ...

  - No! No problem! - I laughed and shook the arms of the two - I do not like basketball and do not understand anything! - I explained - I hope you at home. We eat the cake before the game or after ... Really, do not bother. I think I prefer.

  Ty looked like I was in doubt if I had been upset or not. I kissed his cheek so he was sure it was okay. When he turned ba
ck to rush to the cinema entrance a few meters from us, Gregory took advantage of his brief absence and kissed my cheek. In the corner of his mouth. He smiled and I knew he understood my intention.


  Tyler slept in the back seat of the car on the way back home. Gregory carried him in the elevator to the apartment and put him in bed. I changed your pajamas like a big rag doll that did not cooperate and closed the door behind us.

  Greg was standing in the middle of the room looking around.

  - He's passed out. - Warned - Normally, I would take a shower before bed anyway. But I think today was a special day.

  - And he said I could come tomorrow. - He smiled, held.

  - Said.

  - I turned.

  - I know.

  - Is there anything he wants? As a gift?

  - Anything other than an Aston Martin full size, all right, Baxter?

  - Yes ma'am. But there's something he wants?

  - I think the basketball game will already be excellent. But something tells me you will want to buy anything else yet.

  - You know me well!

  - Do not buy the boy with gifts, Greg.

  - I will not do this, but Dom is my son.. - He had a dazzling smile - I pamper him a little.

  - OK. But just a little.

  - And this thing's IQ! Why did not you tell me before?

  - He said now. - I explained with obviousness, ending that matter without purpose.

  - He needs some differentiated monitoring?

  - Sometimes. I read almost every book on genius you can imagine and many surveys say that child prodigies often grow to be conventional adults. So I always wanted to give Ty all the best opportunities I could. I sold my soul to get that school for him in France.

  - He sold his soul? You owe money to someone, Dom? Because I can...

  - I know you can. But I am fine. It was not too much, I just overdid it and is already solved.

  - If you need help...

  - I will not need.

  - Thoen! I am very tired. Do not do this to me. I made a promise today, now I want you to make me one. Will let me know if you need?

  - I will. But no need.

  - It's all right. - I gave up on my stubbornness - Anyway, I want to pay the bills for you now.

  I laughed too loud.

  - I have money. - remembered.

  - Shove it in the ass. I do not want your money.

  - Almost forgot how sweet you are.

  - I'll keep that in mind to not let you forget.

  - The Ty all, then. He's my son, Laura. I paid his school. The best health plan that money can buy ... If you have extracurricular activity ... Or if you need money for food, books, toys ... whatever.

  - You do the math it together and divides the value. All right?

  - You are impossible.

  - It's part of the charm.

  He bit his smile and I wanted him to depart the teeth so I can bite it too.

  - You have a nice apartment.

  - Thanks.

  - You know, I have a few apartments in the city ...

  - No, thank you.

  - They are a little bigger, a better location ...

  - No, thank you.

  - You could pay me rent! small portions whenever you wish.

  - Let me think ... - hit the window on the chin, false.

  - It will say "no thank you", is not it?

  - Most likely. - smile.

  - It's all right. - Surrendered - You're annoying. - Pulled me by the waist and kissed me.

  I loved that mouth. I wanted him to stay there in that room cursing me and kissing me all night. He walked away, licked his lips and would kiss me again when I put the elbow between us.

  - Greg, do not. - Quickly looked back. For Ty door and he understood.

  I accompanied him to the door, stole a kiss on my cheek before turning to leave. It took her lips close to my face and I returned a discreet peck.

  - Come out with me this weekend?

  - I thought we had agreed that would slowly.

  - We already too slow. I can not stand wasting time. Go. Say yes.

  - Holt ...

  He ran his hand around my waist and kissed me again, this time his hand went behind my back to my ass. I stepped forward, fearing that Ty woke up and found us kissing at the door. Gregory understood it as if I was accepting the invitation and I will not fix. His hands were on my ass and pulling my long dress my thighs.

  It was as if I had a switch in my body and Gregory knew exactly where he was. A touch, a whisper, a look ... And I was inescusavelmente wet. Wanting your fingers, your tongue, your body. A desire irrepressible and irrational.

  Among hasty steps and missteps, I could not tell which of us put out the light of the common hall and shook the entrance to the access ladder. Hidden in the dark of view of any of the apartments, he kissed me.

  - I'm getting pissed off with this story of always having to eat you in a hurry.

  - And who said you're going to eat me?

  I already had the dress bar at waist level when he laughed, tore my panties and lifted one of my knees. Desataquei his belt and buttons, freeing his rigid flesh of underwear.

  The man whispered in my ear and crazy horny possessed me, made me boil inside ... turned me into a machine want. I felt her saliva in my mouth and ready: I wanted. I really wanted.

  A noise in the corridor did not stop Gregory, on the contrary. Only it did accelerate as if nothing in the world was able to make him lose the chance.

  His tongue was in my neck as he penetrated me. Once, twice, three ... and then he stopped. We were still united by the hips as he pulled back just a little, kissed me and asked quietly.

  - Say you Love Me.

  I rebolei and he pressed his hand flat on my ass, trying to stop me excite him even more.

  - Says Archbishop said to me..

  I spent my arms around her shoulders. I rested my forehead against his.

  The heat exuded Holt was something unique to me. It was as if he burned around me and inside me at the same time. As if he could make me feel a hot bitch and a beloved princess as anyone. A mixture of two intense and overwhelming emotions that barely left room for oxygen.

  - No shakin, if not me joy. And today I just want to enjoy listening to you say you love me. - It was not naughtiness. It was a full confession of truth.

  I ran my hand through his hair.

  - Why do you want me to say something you already know?

  - Because it's too delicious to hear.

  She bit her lip. The lip that he had bitten earlier and I wanted to have his teeth.

  - I love you. - I confessed with a discreet kiss and felt him get hard, the intensity that was holding for years. - I love that mouth of yours. - Groaned and he left me rolling - That your smile. - I ran my fingers on his lips and he sucked - That your ass. - I slipped my hands down her body.

  - Now rebola. - He asked, laughing - Rebola more.

  I obeyed and he gasped. Coming up for air every new thrust, finding a passionate and furious pace. I heard the erotic sound of his body crashing against mine, my back pressed against the cold wall. Holt bit my neck and I knew he was coming, but continued sticking firm. His thumb looking for my clitoris and I guided him to the right spot. A scrubbed and a pinch and I was following. Biting my fingers to stifle the groan.

  - I swear, Thoen. - Put his dick in his pants, as I walked down my dress and picked up the remains of my panties - These quickies are looking preliminary and only serve to increase my desire to fuck you calmly.

  - And in a bed. - I complained passing hands behind his back.

  He turned me aside under the pretext of checking if I would have hurt me, but took the opportunity to shake my ass, kiss my neck and bite my shoulder.

  - You can take it.

  I pulled him by his shirt and kissed him sending caution fuck.

  - I love you. - He said again. Damn tasty words have in the mouth.

  - I love you
more. - She kissed me back - and I will love you forever, my Dom. - Laughed and pressed the elevator button - you just need to leave.


  The elevator doors had just closed.

  - If fun?

  I put my hand to his chest, startled.

  - You look like a ghost, always lurking.

  - Unlike you, I'm here to work.

  - What do you want, Gary? - I exhaled.

  - Gotta put listening in his office?

  - Not yet.

  I entered my apartment and Zahner followed, closing the door behind him.

  - Thoen, I do not know how many times do I need to remind you of the seriousness of our situation.

  I opened the fridge to drink a glass of water as he claimed.

  - I know you're in Act Part Passionate Women's your life, but try to stay focused, please?

  - Excuse? - I growled and he gulped and fell silent. I should not be waiting for my hostility, but that's exactly what received - I had my reasons for accepting cooperate, Gareth, but seems to have forgotten that I'm doing you a favor and we met less than a month. And even if they knew me all my life, yet I should not assume things about my life. You do not know me, Interpol. Do not talk like you know.

  - I know its history with Baxter.

  - You may have read or heard something, but I assure you do not.

  - It's all right. So why do not you explain me?

  - Because it's none of your business.

  - Truth. But you know what is my business? What will happen to you and Ty was our little joke not end Eleanor Baxter behind bars. You are dazzled by the man and forgot that the grandmother is able Laura. You need to focus.

  I did not like it - and no one, by the way - to meddle in my life. But I had already experienced the feeling of abandon all logic because of Gregory few times in my life. The man had this effect on me, was undeniable.

  - I will not put a bug in his office, Gary. I help you otherwise. But I will not do it.

  - We need something, Dom need something rotten in that company in order to bring down everything..

  - I do not think Greg knows some rotten. You'll have to find someone else.

  He sat on the arm of the couch and ran a hand through dark hair.

  - It's all right. Who do you suggest?

  - I do not know ... I ... - but I knew. I knew perfectly. - No, I know. - Fix with a smile of satisfaction. The answer was there the whole time, but I was running away so long I forgot how to add two and two. - I know a person.


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