My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 27

by Adriana Alexa

  - And it will serve?

  - Oh, Gary ... You can not imagine.


  I've never worked so hard in my life, like that Saturday morning. I just wanted to end it all at once to get out, buy the gift of my son and go congratulate him.

  - Mr. Baxter. Can I take a minute of your time?

  I looked up at the door. For Laura. I did not want to miss a minute ...

  - Laura, if this is about your transfer to another sector, my decision is final and irreversible. And you are an intelligent woman, I'm sure you understand my motives.

  - I understand, yes sir. - There was a slight resentment ringing in his voice - But it's not about that. It's another thing, sir. One thing that may be none of my business, but I can not be silent.

  - Well, then go. - If there was no escape, it was better to be done once - Sit down. What is it, Laura?

  - Sir ... your friend ... The brunette who was here the other day?

  - Laura Thoen.

  - She. I ... uh ... She dropped her purse on the chair there - pointed - when he was here ... ahm ... with you.

  - Yes. And what is the problem?

  - When Anya arrived, the Miss Thoen was leaving in a hurry and I gathered their things to help her and ... - he seemed a little nervous and I could not identify the exact reason - I saw something inside her purse, Mr. Baxter.

  - What you saw?

  - It may have been nothing ... It may have been just my impression. Or may be it was for something else. And I know it's none of my business, sir, but ...

  - Laura. - Interrupted - What did you see?

  - I had a listen, sir. In the box. He looked professional. One of those used in industrial espionage. I do not know if it's something that she uses in her work, but ... it seemed strange. In fact, it seemed a coincidence a person from his past appear so suddenly, and then come to your office with a professional listening purse.

  - But you said he was still in the bag, right? When she was away? So, should not be to put here. - smile.

  That if you really saw something.

  I imagined that Laura would still cause some turbulence after our relationship short, blunt and inappropriate. But I did not imagine it would be by Laura. I do not think it occurred to me that she did the kind.

  But there was.

  - I just saw the box, sir. I do not know if it was empty.

  - Laura, I appreciate the concern. But I trust fully in Laura and ...

  - May I ask why she came back, sir?

  - No, you can not. - Gruff.

  - Do not get me wrong, I ... - something in his eyes changed - Mr. Baxter, I can speak freely?

  I licked his lips as decided. Curiosity won and I decided.

  - You can.

  - I know we had ... a moment. I understand that it was inappropriate and respect his decision to transfer me to another place. But one thing has nothing to do with the other. I'm graduating soon and I have worked very hard to earn a fixed position here at Baxter Inc. after graduating.

  - I know that, Laura. And this transfer in any way have a negative impact on your career, you have my word.

  - I'm not worried about me at the time, sir. I mean ... - deep breath - Not directly ... But I invested many years of work and dedication here and ... I understand that you and the Miss Thoen has a story, but does not it seem a little too synchronized? I mean, I do not know what led you to turn away, but she comes back after a few years, I suppose, since I'm here for some time and never seen before ... She comes back after a few years, just when the company it is undergoing a severe audit and a professional listening in the bag? - Expired long - I only ask that you, as head of the company I want to work for a few more years think carefully and put the reason in front of feelings. This woman, sir ... She had some reason for wanting to take revenge on you? Any reason for anger or distrust? And it is really a trustworthy person? Or is there any evidence to suspect? Any? I just do not want ... I just do not want to run the risk to see the company close for any complications from your past, sir. I do not want to lose my job.

  What she said made sense: it was a coincidence really. And it would not be the first time I was completely blind while Laura hid me their real motives.

  But I was guiding my whole prospect of future happiness in a simple fact: I still loved Laura and she still loved me. If I started to believe in any half word said about it I would be risking full potential in the future.

  A future that I wanted more than anything.

  - Laura, thank you for sharing your fear. I will try to get better informed about what may have happened, okay?

  - Sir, I just wanted to explain that ... in front of all these elements, I talked to Rose and took the liberty to call internal security and ask them filtrassem your room ... To make sure there was nothing.

  I locked my jaw to her.

  - That was improper. While working for me, Miss, directly or indirectly, never take that kind of freedom. Rose was in agreement with that?

  - Lord, security found a thing. They made a report. - She put the paper on my desk - found a professional listening under your desk.

  - This is a joke? - I picked up the official report of the internal team saying, in other words, exactly what Laura was telling me.

  - Unfortunately, sir. They found two different fingerprints on the device, but there is no standard for comparison. Maybe if you get an impression of Thoen Miss, we can ...

  - That's all, Laura. Thank you. - Damn, sun ... What's that? - I will speak directly to the head of security on this issue. Today is your last day here, but I think I will not need you. Rose can take care of herself schedule, no doubt. You can take the day off or take to suit his new role. As you wish.

  - Sir, I'd rather stay with you and ...

  - Not one of the options, Laura. I'll take care of it personally. Thank you for your concern. However, never repeat this kind of freedom in my company, is that clear? Contact me or his superior before, if there is a next time. This is not negotiable. Will follow this line of conduct. And I trust that will not comment on this incident to anyone, right?

  - Yes sir. - She swallowed with a half smile and rose - Mr. Baxter ... - was at the door - If you need someone to talk to, I ... I know we had that weekend was inappropriate because of our positions in the company, but when I'm in another industry, I ... I had fun with you in those days. I think, really, it might be a good friend if you needed and, with all due respect, I do not want to interfere, but ... I think you need.

  Chapter 13

  I knocked his knuckles on the sun door open and she waited. The smile faded when she saw the box in my hand.

  - What is it?

  - Ty Gift. - I explained, showing a box full of holes, with a huge yellow tie I balanced precariously in the hands whenever the Samoyed puppy moved inside.

  - It is good that this is a plant, Gregory.

  The dog barked softly and I widened my eyes at her.

  Laura smiled shaking his head as if I had no solution and I wanted to remind her how much she had learned to love dogs, wanted to hug him, kiss him and say that I would help to care for the animal.

  But there were too many things in my head, freezing my movements, preventing me from enjoying the moment.

  She gestured for me to enter and I followed.

  In fact, they were not too much in my head. It was one thing: a question I wanted to do.

  A request.

  I explained about that listening, Dom.

  But how could I ask that question without making him think I was questioning his integrity again? And more importantly ...: was it not exactly what I was doing?

  I had a chocolate cake on the table that looked really delicious and I wanted to forget everything.

  Forget doubts and eavesdropping. Only trust Laura blindly and ready.

  If it destroy your heart, all right, remember, Greg? You even promised he would not even try to protect.

  I wanted to ignore the words of Laura. Laura had suffered so
much for so many years. I loved her and just ... just wanted us to stay well.

  But if we were good, we had a normal relationship, that hurt a question?

  It was not that I was afraid of the answer ... I trust Don. But I had to ask and clarify that. The colossal problem is that after all our history, she would understand the question as yet another suspicion and I could not avoid.

  Tyler came running down the hall, I smiled and hugged him. Feel his tiny bones in my arms spread a trust through my body. I would have to be all right. By him.

  I and Laura were not just a couple of colleagues who are not tolerated and they discovered an unbearable lust and a consuming passion. Now we were two people with a long history and a son who would keep us together forever.

  I handed the box and he opened with a lively speed.

  - A dog! - He took the puppy in his arms and let him lick. I lifted my face to the sun, seeking their approval and peaceful smile she kept on her face made the turmoil in me soften.

  We would still have a fight or two, she and I, before we solve our disputes and leave everything behind. But something about the way Tyler thanked, affectionate, and she laughed, loving, gave me strength to know that ... we would find a way.

  Our son was distracted with her new gift.

  - The rest of the things he needs are in the car. - Shook hands before she started to complain - Ration, collar ... I bought everything, just could not come up with all at once.

  - It's all right.

  I opened and closed my mouth twice before placing order in words.

  - It's all right? He will not fight me for not being a plant?

  -. I will not let go this time. - He laughed satisfied and I realized that she had loved the dog.

  - It's all right for tonight?

  She gasped audibly before confirming with the lip between her teeth.

  - I'll ask Gary to keep an eye on Ty.

  - No need. - I spoke too fast for a reason I could not explain - I've already asked Marise to do so. It will come at night.

  - What time is the game?

  - Very soon. - I checked the clock.

  - Well, he's ready.

  - It's all right. - I could not tell if the question that ran through my mind was moving away or if there was something really wrong with the atmosphere between us. Almost as if she, like me, were avoiding a delicate question.

  I was tired of games. But the fear of hurting Laura or push it was bigger than my fatigue.

  - Ty! - He called, taking his little top coat couch - It's time, let the dog will be there when you return.

  A hurried knock on the door and I hesitated.

  - Are you waiting for someone? - I pointed toward the entrance and Laura shook his head.

  - Maybe it's Gary. - He shrugged.

  Marched to the door decided to ask "who was" in a tone a few friends and take the 2nd others to open and door and let him in. Impose a formal tone between us and make it clear that this was my family.

  It was pathetic as I was completely lost in that situation: between going slow on my relationship with Laura, find out so many things over the last few years and my despair with the damn listen, I still found time to be jealous.

  But what I saw the other side of the peephole made me open the door immediately.

  - His? - The nanny had just over forty, gray eyes, many freckles and long brown hair in a tight bun.

  - Mr. Baxter, I'm sorry to have come so far. - She brought Hyatt by hand. With her blond hair brushed very dark and neatly combed, rosy cheeks and dark eyes. Had pursed lips in an eternal tantrum - Your driver told me ...

  - What happened, Odele? - A touch on my shoulder. Laura was at the door next to me, watching the scene with the printed question in his eyes.

  - Mrs. Baxter should come home ... It's my day off. - He shrugged in an apologetic tone. - But she did not show up and not answer the phone. There was no one I could leave small. - Hyatt indicated with the look - and I would hope, Mr. Baxter, but ... My uncle is in the hospital, I would like to see it and it is my only day off.

  And I knew exactly what was going on.

  Elizabeth had disappeared on purpose. I was using the child to cause me problems.



  Gregory was changing the standing weight. I knew he had this mania, but honestly, I was starting to annoy me.

  The scene was self-explanatory in such a way that I had to even ask any questions

  - Matise is off this afternoon Odele - Gregory was on the phone in the back pocket - I'll need it at night so she left. I ... Let me try to talk to her.

  - Maybe if we let him in the house of a friend. - I looked down at the skinny boy who brought the nanny in her hands.

  His jaw was hard and his gaze was low. He stared at the floor as if he hated.

  - I know you Eleanor did not receive so without notice. - She continued.

  - I'll try to talk to Matise, or get a babysitter. - Gregory was dialing numbers on the phone failed to communicate with someone attempts.

  And I could not take his eyes off the boy.

  It seems my Ty.

  Small and thin.

  But no life in his eyes. He seemed to have no joy there.

  And why should you? You have to stand there at the door of a stranger in a Saturday while listening to adults trying to get rid of it.

  - I stay with him. - I decided.

  Gregory and Odele watched me as if I had just decided to cut my chest with a kitchen knife and perform a lung transplant myself.

  - What's it?

  - Um ... - Holt ran a hand through hair confused. I had used gel again today and I could not remember if he had asked her to do it or whether it was spontaneous - Hyatt is complicated, Dom. - Whispered.


  Congratulations, Eleanor! It looks like you got a grandson with the name you wanted.

  - Complicated? - I raised an incredulous eyebrow and he pulled me into a corner by the elbow.

  - It's ... it's a child ... It is not easy as Ty.

  - Easy as Ty? You know 48 hours ago? I get the boy, Greg. Or you cancel the game of basketball.

  - I promised ... Ty - scratched his head, angry - This is Elizabeth's fault! - Roared.

  - Sh! - Sent - No matter. The boy is here, now, and it's not his fault.

  Gregory was biting her lip and I wanted to give him a slap on the forehead.

  - Do not get another ticket? - I suggested - can take them.

  - At this time? No -. Sighed - You go with Ty. - I decided - I'll meet you later.

  - No Greg.! If you want to go to the game with Ty, go to the game with Ty. - I smile obviousness - I'm here with Hyatt. Or take him for a walk.

  He gasped a sarcastic laugh as if to make clear that I did not know what I was getting into.

  - Gregory! It will be as I said. His! - I turned to the girl on my door - Thank you for bringing the Hyatt here, I wanted to meet him. Hello boy. - I put hands on his knees and let him observe me. Frowned as if he had not yet decided what to do with me - It seems that you and I will take a spin today.


  With credit card Gregory Baxter-Holt in the bag, I and Hyatt went to a toy store with floors too. The idea was the boy's father and I soon realized I should not have trusted the parenting skills of another person.

  That was a bad idea.

  Hyatt seemed to have half the store of things, and half that he had not wanted desperately.

  He released my hand often pushed people without asking permission, spoke too loudly, was unnecessary tantrums and all of a sudden, my patience was running out.

  I'll scream with the grandson of Eleanor. Perfect. Another point against me in her playbook.

  I am not in favor of spanking or shouting. Ty never created so.

  But I think children need discipline. They need you to get down, look her in the eye and speak in a commanding tone that they need to obey you because they are small thumbnails of human beings who have not ye
t earned the right to make their own choices.

  Hyatt, however, seemed never to have heard a similar speech.

  - I want that too! - Again seized with a huge remote control helicopter and that seemed to weigh almost as much as he.

  He was behaving very badly and did not seem correct reward him.

  - Put on your list and remember to ask their parents. - warned. He looked up at me like I was her maid.

  - My father gave you his card.

  - AND? - Challenged.

  - He told you to come here to give me what I wanted. - He did not hit his foot, but the tantrum was so caricatural that would give the same if he had beaten.

  He sent?

  Oh, Hyatt. I think it has a thing or two that you need to learn about me.

  - He did not tell, boy. He suggested. And I decided not to follow the suggestion.

  - But you HAVE to do what he had! - Now the foot was stuck strictly to the floor in a tiny arrogance that was laughable. He should be very used to seeing his father's orders were immediately obeyed.

  - Want to bet? - smile.

  He growled gutturally and I knew a little episode would form.

  - I WANT! - Shouted, furious - I want now! - Grabbed the helicopter again.

  - For then you will have to steal. Because I will not pay.

  - My father sent you buy! He sent! If you do not obey, he fires you! - His thin voice was becoming higher and more acute.

  Was there a child who needed limits.

  It was comical and was so even though I laughed. My laughter, however, had an unexpected effect: I think in his long few years, Hyatt was very used to fill people with fear, fear and impatience. And that was how he always got what he wanted.

  He sat on the floor and cried, clutching the toy. And I waited for her oxygen ran out.

  - Ended up? - I asked when he stopped to inspire.

  He screamed again almost immediately and I waited with a Buddhist calm.

  The looks that the other customers in the store cast for both of us made it clear what should happen: the child screamed and high society in their jewelry and expensive coats should face Elizabeth reproachfully and her, to silence her offspring, promptly shoved him in hands whatever they wanted.


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