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My Life in the End

Page 35

by Adriana Alexa

  The questions came from all points of the room, but I just gestured, indicating that this conference was only an information. No questions would be answered. Eleanor sat in the chair. I could smell the frying your brain, trying to understand what had happened and where his plan would have failed.

  I walked over to a man at the end of the room, with my briefcase in hand. A man who had been left behind.

  - Eleanor said you're Interpol. - Whispered hurriedly, before the journalists surround me - she right?

  Zahner stared at me, calculating.

  - And if it is?

  - If - decided, indicating my folder - there's something here that you need to see.


  I made sure to pay a visit to Conaughy building before anything and make me that he no longer had any signed document that would give him power over my life. When I returned to my office, Laura was waiting for me in the waiting room.

  - We can talk? - Up when he saw me.

  I opened the door of my room.

  - Rose? - I asked - can join us?

  - Mr. Baxter is not necessary ... - asked.

  - Let me try it, yes? Rose, please! - Repeated and she came, entering the room with me.

  I indicated one of the chairs and Laura sat clinging to her purse, watching out of the corner of his eye, Rose, who had stayed near the door. I opened the drawers, I began to remove items that would be more important and turned on the computer to back up and delete all files that were not essential.

  - Do not mind if I work while we talk, is not it? I want to get out of here as quickly as possible. - I took off his jacket and sat on the chair.

  - Mr. Baxter. - He tried to take a deep breath, but I could feel its constant breathlessness - I came here because ...

  - I came here because I said I have irrefutable evidence of his misconduct and you want to know what it is. I'm busy, so I'll be objective, Laura. - Propped my elbows on the table - I have five different cameras in my room. I installed the and I keep. To date, no one knew about their existence beyond me. - His eyes widened in panic - And what was my surprise ... when I saw the footage in anticipation of finding Laura putting tapping in my room and instead ... Want to guess what I found?

  Your hard chin clearly indicated his mood.

  - I also have a number of our recorded dialogues, Laura. schedule meetings where you touched me in his arms, shoulders, hands, legs ... up ... and often uninvited. Including our last conversation, when we put all the hotel situation in clean cloths and you agreed with what I said, and accused Laura suggested that we were friends. And there is my real motivation to have changed you industry.

  - What will you do with it?

  - I will keep. - Told with simplicity - Copies will be made. One goes to my new law firm. Another will stay with Laura. And you should expect it to be as benevolent as me. - Smiling, sarcastic - but I will not make any criminal complaint. This is the only favor I'll make you. I was sincere in the collective: you are young and have no intentions of ruining his life. - She breathed relieved - but if that's the game you want to play, Laura, I recommend you learn to play better.

  - Best? - Laughed, mocking - Better than who? I got a job at Saint-Michel higher than any colleague college will get the first five years after graduation. I am involved with the leadership, I have important information ... and You -. Wheezed contemptuously - Who are you? A former president of a sunken company with a social leper curriculum.

  She knocked his venom into my office and I wondered if Eleanor was not so in his youth. Stubborn and guided by the power. For success. The money.

  He crossed his arms, pedantic.

  - You might have had a woman years younger. - He whispered - An intelligent partner that would guide your business to success. But instead chose mediocrity. You're not the man I thought. All horny that I had for you over.

  I covered her mouth with her hand, but I was not fast enough and laugh escaped hot and spontaneous.

  What she called "mediocrity" I knew to be paradise. Or at least the paradise for me. An arrogant comment and a long laugh was all I needed: He was not stuck in a job I hated with a family that I had not chosen, in a life that I trade it for anything else.

  I was free.

  - Laura ... if that was all, I think we have a deal: I'll be discreet with all recordings I have ... as a parting gift for his service time Baxter. But I hope you repay the kindness, or I need to use my evidence to defend myself.

  She got up. His confidence was restored from the first moment I explained not intending to prove their lies to the world.

  - Any last tips? - His ambition was palpable - The success of President. Not the failure. - He explained, wanting to hit me.

  - You're smart and ambitious, Laura. There are two requirements for the life you have chosen. But make no mistake: it is a game of manipulation. All this has happened to you so far was only experienced players using you. Do not lower your guard. No matter how smart you consider, there is always someone out there who is smarter than you.

  - I should have noticed, Mr. Baxter. - Ironically - I'm the kind of person who will grow to handle. Not to be manipulated.

  I had to laugh at her innocence.

  - I know ... Good luck, Laura.


  - What do you want here?

  Elizabeth growled behind me, so I crossed the door of the mansion.

  Part of me wanted to avoid another problem after the long day I had, but it was important to do this today. It should even have been done before ...

  - I'm tired, Elizabeth. You can leave me alone, please? We talk through our lawyers.

  - What lawyers?

  Good question.

  I would need a new lawyer and fast.

  Not only Zahner was Interpol, as was to be the most effective agent they had. Either that or the audit was already attached to it from the beginning. Barely I started to pack up the office and all documents incriminating Eleanor were already back haunting the company.

  I grew up thinking that my grandmother was the conservative wife of a very rich man, manipulating high society at pleasure just to keep boredom under control.

  But I was wrong.

  So deceived.

  Half of those documents were enough to prove that she was behind every great trading Baxter. Every purchase, every sale ... meetings held in secret agreement signed in the shadows. Each less ethical than the last, to border on illegality and surpass it. She wove a dangerous and elaborate web that had a single sovereign queen: her.

  If any biographer was brave enough to condense your story in the pages of a book, I would not be surprised if your marriage to my grandfather had been carefully architected for it. Eleanor has chosen, the won and managed for life.

  Baxter Inc was not his. Was hers.

  I was riding a real dynasty infected by their power disease and I was an important part.

  It was.

  Anyway, now I was free.

  And Zahner had acted too quickly. It would not take more than a day or two until all assets are frozen Baxter.

  From today, I was marked card in the deck and my name was not worth a penny.

  This is what should more hurt in Elizabeth: the precious name she fought hard to win. And now worthless.

  - Where are you going?

  - I came to see Hyatt.

  - Stay away from my son! - He shouted in anger and I hesitated.

  - Elizabeth ... I know you hate me. Let's settle this another time. But the boy is innocent. I may have been a son of a bitch with him all his life, but I'm willing to help now. The love that you have your child, if they have any, please do not interfere.

  I let her back grumbling offenses not at discrete and climbed the stairs to the Hyatt room. I was in the dark, except for small low lamplight on your bedside table. Tucked in blankets, he squeezed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

  I sat on the edge of the bed slowly.

  - Hyatt. - I touched his arm and he opened his eyes too fast.<
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  - You did not leave? - He whispered.

  - I came to see you.

  - Mama said you would not show up.

  I exhaled heavily.

  - Come here. - Decided, I crossed his legs on the bed and lay beside him, enveloping him with my arm. His expression frightened reinforced something I already knew: he was not used to receiving this type of care or care.

  Poor boy ... it was my fault. I'm so sorry ...

  - Hyatt, people get married for various reasons. - I explained quietly - And then when it does not work, they separate. Your mother and I are already separated for a while ... And now, we decided to make it official.

  - You will marry the Sun aunt?

  A smile on my lips.

  It was the effect of her name, regardless of the context: leave me alone.

  - It is because of this that I am separating myself from her mother, Hyatt. - Laura did not want me anymore - but I came here to talk to you, I want to know if you have any questions about this whole story. Is there anything you want to know?

  I studied with her big dark eyes, probably considering whether or not to ask.

  - I will not see you? - I asked finally.

  - Go, yes. Any time you want.

  - Really?

  - On here. - I stuck my hand in my pocket and showed him my card - Have you ever seen one of these? - He shook his head, saying - It's my card. You have my phone here, my email and a lot of things. Ask Odele help you if you need, just call me when you want.

  - And you'll come?

  - I will.

  He bit a shy smile.

  - That's right.

  - And one more thing. - I ran a hand through his hair, pulling him closer - I wanted to apologize.

  - Apologies?

  - Yeah, sorry. - Did you tickle a clumsy way. He laughed, holding my hands - I have not been a very good father. And you deserve more. - He looked up as if he doubted what I was saying. I doubted that deserved more - I'll be a better parent from now. I promise you. All right? - Shook the embrace - And ... - this part was delicate - And when I sign the papers to the judge to separate me from his mother, officially ... - he watched me, caught every word - has a of the paper on which is written with whom you will stay. If you want to ... - I swallowed dry - I'll ask the judge for him to write that you will stay with me. What do you think?

  Hyatt smiled. A slight emotion and true that I had never seen him show. Or maybe he had shown several times and I was just not paying attention.

  - I think it will be cool. - He hugged me back.

  Shook her hair again and kissed her forehead.

  - So it's settled.


  - I am a young single man. - I joked, showing the bottle of whiskey to Derek - A celebration?

  He put the glasses on the table and turned the leather chair to the side, getting up.

  - I'm busy now, Greg ... a lot of work. - Put his hand on my shoulder guiding me out.

  - Derek! You did not know what happened today? - Disbelief dripped from every syllable - Man, Baxter is closed, frozen goods, I asked for a divorce, resigned from the company and accused Eleanor of a lot of things! - Laughs - You will exchange your best friend for work after a day?

  He looked down at the floor, rubbing his forehead.

  - It will not come to anything, Greg ... Eleanor will solve everything. You know how it is.

  - The thing was serious this time. I do not think the magic wand it is as powerful as well.

  The way he laughed bothered me.

  - You look like you do not know the woman. Maybe she needs a week or two. A month at most. But by the end of the year, Baxter will be back on top.

  My mouth was hanging open as I decided which words to use. Derek's apathetic gaze was turning my stomach.

  - What the fuck, man! Which side are you on?

  - Greg! - He laughed - You are my friend, you know ... But if it comes to business, I need to be with Eleanor.

  - Need?

  - I'm in her hands from the time you took, remember? The investment she made in my company were ...

  - That I did. - Remembered - were investments Baxter, not her personally.

  - Do not be a child, Gregory. Investments only happened because she authorized.

  - Happened because I'm your friend! I do not believe you, Derek! Investing in your company at that time was a bad idea! I did a favor. And you thank Eleanor?

  - But it was her! - He complained, with half-closed teeth - and will not like to see me in collusion with you now ... if she thinks I had something to do with it ...

  - You lost your mind? - He was pushing me out of his house, stuffing me with indignation.

  - Or worst! If she thinks that I knew and did not tell you ...

  - You're my best friend! - I laughed in disbelief - Why she would be angry if he knew of a secret mine?

  - You should be telling me he was going to do this madness! - He yelled, with his finger on my nose. I slapped his hand away from me - Hey, maybe I ... - rubbed his temples - I would have spoken to her and maybe none of this needed to get to that point.

  - Derek. - I gasped, unable to stop smiling in despair. It was a lie. It had to be - That's a joke, is not it? Tell me it's a joke.

  - There's no joke. You need to grow, Gregory! Do you think that business is done in such a bubble of moral, ethical and rainbow?

  - You are crazy? Eleanor is a criminal!

  - And are not we all?

  I swallowed dry. All he said bothered me. But I had a detail that had bothered me above any other.

  - Why Eleanor expect you to tell you some my secret, Derek? - I sighed.

  He stuck his hands in his pockets and panted heavily.

  - I think you can deduce the answer yourself.

  - Son of a bitch. - Laughs, without finding any grace.

  - Son of a bitch? I? You could have anyone you wanted ... could marry Merryl Walton, but ... just picked the fucking Elizabeth Saint-Michel. I could not have a Walton, Greg ... but one Saint-Michel was possible. You know how many years I invested in this shit?

  I could only fight the urge to shake my head in disbelief and keep my mouth shut.

  My Best Friend.

  I was really fucked up.

  - You with your crib diamonds and her grandmother who delivers you everything you want or need. What do you do? Flee to the other side of the country in an insane teenage rebellion and back rubbing with a bitch well below the level of your ...

  I do not remember any time in my life have punched someone with so much hatred.

  The bottle of whiskey I let splintered spreading liquid expensive the floor. I closed my hand in a firm grip and took aim the blow in his left eye. The blow hit him with fury and Derek crouched, holding his own face in his hands and cursing me.

  - Laura worth twelve each of you. Liar scrotum. I trusted you! - I cried - I trusted in your friendship! I told details of my life! I told you my plans to marry Laura, I told you ... - my jaw dropped as grief clung to every inch of my skin - Motherfucker! - I whispered, rubbing his eyes - You told her! Did you tell Eleanor that I wanted to marry Laura! Son of a bitch! - Repeated, louder - was why she was behind Laura! - I realized - That's why I wanted to give her money to go! So frightened her and made her get fired! - Cholera broke into me hard and I grabbed him by the collar - Your fucking shit! You left Eleanor desperate when he told it to her! - Shook his entire body with every word - If you had stayed with your fucking mouth shut, she could never have discovered that Sun was pregnant! Laura would have told me first! My whole life would have been completely different! - I let Derek and overbalanced falling to the ground.

  - Get out of my house! - Yelled - Get out of my house now!

  My anger was so great that I transcended the desire to harm him physically.

  There was punch or blow that I could give you that soothe the turmoil I felt inside.

  I came back home with a bottle of whiskey and affection for my friend.

  He wa
s leaving with the injured hand and impossible to contain disgust.


  Laura hit the door with force, the loud noise echoing through the hall. From inside the apartment, she called for calm to the person outside. I heard her clearly annoyed tone and she did not even know it was me.

  He opened the door even tying the cord cotton robe. The given node without much care, still wore the clothes she wore underneath. Light, loose and very short blue shorts and white tank top she wore no bra.

  - I told you to call. - He complained, looking at the clock. The way the ponytail was neatly tied and life in his eyes, I thought she was getting ready for bed, but had not lying.

  - I could not wait. - I warned urgent - I had a lot of disappointments today, Laura. No one in my life is who I imagined. And I came here because I got tired of being used by everyone. - Gestured, definitively - I'm tired of doing what is important to others first. Have I not asked the guard Ty, do not want to take it from you, but do not want to watch you two go away without showing me. My grandmother is a criminal, my best friend is a son of a bitch, my ex-wife will still architecting some revenge against me, I am unemployed, with my frozen goods ... I am in a very deep pit. I changed everything in my life and I came here to warn you that this is only the beginning! - I exclaimed, angry - I will not roll to the side and let life fuck me. You do not want to be with me ... - I found, accepting the bitter words - I respect. But I will not take my son away from me. Enough for me! Enough accept any crumb that life gives me and have patience. No more patience! I do not want to accept! My life sucks and I'll change it, even if ...

  She hugged me making me give up the words.

  Just hugged me.

  He stepped forward, wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me to him. The fingertips brushing against my neck, his breath against my neck.


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