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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 25

by Carl East

  Now she waited, feeling both apprehensive and a little scared. After all, no one knew she was here and what would she be expected to do?

  Five minutes later, she heard the door opening again and footsteps coming in her direction.

  "Hello there, are you our model?" said a voice she recognized as her friend David.

  "Mmm..."She muttered, not wanting him to recognize her voice.

  "We were told you would pose for us, and that you'd do anything we asked," he said.

  "Mmm..." she agreed, starting to feel hot.

  "Bear with us and we'll get set up," said another voice, which was clearly Denis.

  Colleen couldn't see them with all the lights focused on her, and she liked that. She liked the feeling of being alone, especially when she was wearing such a daring outfit. She lay still for a while listening to the clicks and shuffling of bags as they both prepared their cameras. Once they'd set up and were ready, they told her to roll onto her side and prop her head up with her hand, which she did.

  Click…click…click, she heard as they started off. Suddenly they were within the lights, taking photos from different angles. She could now see them for the first time, and that excited her, especially since they hadn't recognized her. The mask she wore did a good job of covering her cheekbones and part of her nose, and the deep red lipstick wasn't something she was known for.

  "Could you prop your right leg up so that its level with the knee of your other leg," said Denis, almost nervously.

  Colleen did as she was told, and felt the fabric of her bikini bottoms shifting slightly. She wasn't exposed, but it made her tingle all over, as they seemed to concentrate their picture taking in that general area.

  Click…click…click, a little nearer this time. Then she was shocked for the first time that day, for suddenly David asked her to play with herself. In that instant she became very wet, and knew that she was going to do what he'd asked of her.

  Slowly she let her free hand roam over the front of her bikini bottoms, and after pulling them to one side she ran a finger over her clit. Colleen teased it with a delicate touch, before sliding her finger past her wet pussy lips and into the moist hole. They went wild at that point, as the boys were clicking and the cameras were whirring like they'd never seen a pussy before. She also noticed that they were much nearer now, in fact she could've reached out for either one of them but she restrained herself from doing so.

  In her mind, the idea that both her neighbors were now taking close and very intimate pictures of her bare pussy as her finger thrust back and forth was almost too much. She'd already cum once, and now that they were even closer she began to cum again. Her entire body shuddered this time, as the feelings of her orgasm started at the base of her feet and worked its way through her body.

  "Could I remove your top?" said Denis, bringing her back to the moment.

  She didn't respond in words, instead she sat up slightly and beckoned for him to untie it from behind with a nod of her head. Placing the camera on the floor Denis gently untied the flimsy top and pulled it off, revealing her marvelous breasts. Colleen looked down to see her nipples as hard as they'd ever been, and wondered how much longer they'd want to take pictures.

  Then it happened, she felt a finger sliding over her swollen pussy lips and looked down in shock. It was David, and the camera had been discarded. Colleen panicked a little, for this wasn't supposed to happen. All that she'd wanted was a fantasy about undressing for them, showing her body and thrilling at them, as they got excited. She felt his finger entering her, and unconsciously opened her legs a little wider.

  'What am I doing?' she thought, as the thrill of his touch ran through her entire being. She was then asked to lie on her back, which she did without question. Almost as if she was only there to obey their every command. Denis moved nearer at that moment and bent down to take one of her nipples into his mouth, which made her moan out loud. Now she could feel several of David's fingers probing her entrance, and those feelings of an impending orgasm surged through her body once more.

  The nipple that Denis was sucking on was starting to feel tender, but she didn't want him to stop. The wetness that she felt at that moment was running down her inner thighs and she began to feel rather faint. She then felt David trying to ease four fingers into her, and with the stretching along with her nipple feeling exquisite her next orgasm made her arch her back and shudder.

  Suddenly David's hand was inside her and he was fisting her off, she had opened her legs as far as she could. While her eyes were closed, she wasn't aware of what Denis was doing but then she felt something hard touching her lips. Upon opening her eyes, she found his hardened cock resting upon her mouth and immediately took it in. It had all gone too far now, but she no longer cared. The only thing that mattered at that moment was pleasing her friends and making them take her again and again. Her orgasms seemed to come back to back, and the taste and size of Denis's cock as it slid in and out of her mouth was wonderful. She reached up to hold him steady as she deep throated his member, and knew exactly when he was about to shoot his load.

  When he did she allowed it to spurt explosively onto her waiting tongue before swallowing and sucking out the next load. David then pulled his hand free and she knew full well what would come next. Sure enough she felt his hardness touching her soft raw skin, and moaned out loud when he plunged it inside. She'd all but finished Denis off when David lifted her legs in the air and pulled her down the couch slightly in his need for a deeper penetration.

  Colleen closed her eyes as he pounded her, and couldn't quite believe that any of this was happening. She felt so weak now, as she'd never experienced so many orgasms in a single day, yet she never wanted it to stop. When he suddenly stopped his actions, Colleen could hear them talking but in the haze of the moment she couldn't make out what they were saying.

  She then found out what they were up to, for suddenly she was lifted off the couch by a pair of strong arms and Denis got underneath her. Her first thought was that they intended to double penetrate her, but she only got it half right. Denis guided his cock between her legs, and began to fuck her pussy, and then to her surprise David joined his brother in the same hole from his standing position. She now had two cocks rhythmically pounding her swollen pussy, as one would go in the other would come out, and for the most part it worked well. It was only when they got that rhythm wrong did she realize just how hard this was to do. They stretched her like never before, and it was magnificent.

  She'd been wet in the past, but never like this. In fact at one point her juices were fairly gushing over their cocks, and she remembered screaming with ecstasy. Now her mind clouded over, and she only vaguely remembers them coming to an end and getting dressed. She distinctly remembered them saying thank you, and asking if she was all right before leaving. What they didn't know was that she was in a kind of semi-trance, for her body still hadn't stopped coming.

  She could feel the juices both from herself and the boys beneath her buttocks as it collected in a tiny puddle on the couch. Half an hour later and she opened her eyes and looked down at her nakedness, before attempting to get off the couch. When she did so, she had to hold the couch for fear of falling over. The lights felt hot now, and she was ready to leave for home. After composing herself, she redressed and headed for the door.

  She must have been smiling all the way home, with the thought of all the things she'd done and allowed to happen imprinted on her mind. When she got home, her neighbors were already back, and making themselves a hot drink.

  "Hi Colly, hope you don’t mind us making ourselves comfortable. We came over to let you know what happened to us today," said Denis, as she walked into the kitchen.

  "Oh hi Denis, no of course I don’t mind," she responded, almost in a daze.

  "Where have you been?" asked David.

  "Just out to the store," she replied, getting her favorite mug out.

  "Hey Colly, we followed up on that ad we pointed out to you the other day
," said Denis, in way of conversation.

  "Oh...which ad would that be then?" she replied, as she poured the hot water into her coffee mug.

  "That Fantasy Inc one, you know?" replied Denis.

  "Oh yes, and what happened?" she said, curious as to how much they would reveal.

  "Well as you know we're both amateur photographers and we thought we'd fantasize about taking a model whilst in the middle of a shoot?”

  "You didn't? So what happened?" said Colleen, with a smirk on her face.

  "Well, first they wanted to know what kind of woman we wanted, so David suggested someone with a body like yours, and we showed them a picture of you. The guy there had a broad smile when he saw that picture and said he knew the very person who would suit the purpose. So...well anyway, you don't need to know the rest in detail. Suffice it to say, we had a really good time and we're thinking of going again. You should look into it, I'm sure you'd enjoy whatever your fantasy is," he finished.

  "I'm sure I would, I'm sure I would," she repeated, taking her coffee into the other room along with a smile that seemed to make her glow.


  “Of course you probably realize that the neighbors came along shortly after Colleen had left, so fulfilling that particular fantasy was very easy to do,” said Colin.

  “Did the neighbors ever find out?” asked Peter.

  “According to Colleen, no they didn’t. She wants it kept that way. All three of them have been back a couple of times since, and Colleen tells me she reads her account almost daily.”

  “Very good Colin, please continue,” said Judy.

  Colin collected up the next lot of papers and carried on.

  “The next tale involved an exhibitionist, whose name was Cherrie.”

  Story Four

  I had to remain standing on the bus that day, totally unable to play with anyone, as they were mostly women or old men. Normally I would give someone a good show and be wet from the joy of it all, but on that day I was just bored.

  I'm a single woman, aged twenty-one and my name is Cherrie. I'm also the world’s biggest show-off or exhibitionist, which ever you prefer. I get off on having my goods on display, and yet just lately I was feeling that it wasn't enough anymore. There was a time when I could cum just seeing a guy getting hard whilst staring at parts of my body, but the excitement seems to have diminished somewhat.

  It was on that bus ride though that my life was about to take a turn for the better. You see I overheard a conversation that had me intrigued; it had something to do with a place called Fantasy Inc. Anyway, this place was meant to be the best for getting ones fantasizes fulfilled. So when I got off the bus that day, I went looking for a paper shop and bought the exact same paper I'd seen them reading on the bus.

  On my way home I quickly located the page, which wasn't hard as it took up a full page spread. I then read it to myself, and before reaching my house I'd already decided to check it out. I had an early dinner that night, and decided to go to bed soon after as I was feeling a bit out of sorts. In the morning though, I was fully refreshed and raring to go so after breakfast I set off to locate this Fantasy Inc place.

  It was on the other-side of town for me, so it meant catching two buses. An hour later I finally reached my destination, and entered the building feeling totally confident and hoping for the best.

  "Hello miss, can I help you?" said a young female receptionist.

  "I've come about the ad, and was hoping to see someone today as I have to travel quite a distance to get here," I said, looking sorry for myself.

  "I'm sure we can arrange something. If I could take your name miss, it would help us to quicken the pace a little," she replied, handing me a small form to fill in.

  I took it to one side and quickly filled in the relevant bits and handed it back.

  "Thank you Cherrie," she said, taking my name from the form. "If you'd like to take a seat I'll let the boss know that you're here."

  I sat down, picking up a magazine that was lying on a coffee table as I did so. Just ten minutes later I heard my name called and saw a young man holding a door open for me, whilst ushering me in. After sitting down he introduced himself, and asked me if I'd got a fantasy in mind.

  "I've got a sort of confession to make first, you see I'm a bit of an exhibitionist but just lately the spark that used to exist has died down a little. Anyway, I was wondering if there was anything you could do to rekindle it?" I said, not feeling any shame whatsoever.

  "Most definitely Cherrie, I can virtually guarantee that by the time your fantasy is concluded that it will not only have rekindled that spark you mentioned, but set it ablaze," he boasted.

  I had to admit, he sold me almost straight away, and before I knew it I was paying him $350 and being told that my fantasy would happen in a week from now. I was then handed a piece of paper that had explicit instructions printed on it, and that I wasn't to deviate from them.

  Once I left I looked forward to the event, and couldn't help wondering what they would do. In fact the nearer that day got, the more excited I felt, until the morning I awoke and realized that today was the day. I'd made sure I had everything on the list, which included a short skirt. That one was funny to me, because I didn't own a long one. I also needed either a button up blouse, or a halter neck. I had a red halter neck top that really hugged and showed all the right parts, it was one of my favorites.

  My shoes were the only things I could choose myself, so I decided upon the high heel sandals with wrap around ties. They showed off my long legs, and with a pair of stockings and garter belt the outfit was ready. They didn't say anything about panties, so I decided upon a thong.

  When I'd showered and fixed my hair, I slowly got ready before looking in the mirror. I looked quite sleazy, which is how I liked it. I bent down purposely in front of the mirror, and looking back I could see my pussy indented through my thong, perfect I thought. I was now ready, so off I went.

  I wore a long coat as it was a bit cold out, and soon found myself at the address on the piece of paper. Once inside I could hear music coming from a large hall, and once I'd taken my coat off and hung it up I entered. Inside the hall were about fifty people, mostly men but with a scattering of women as well. As I crossed over to the bar I honestly believed that every set of eyes in that room were on me.

  Needless to say, I liked the opening of this already. I also couldn't help but notice how many of the men were absolutely gorgeous, and realized that I'd fuck them all if I got the chance.

  'That's not about to happen though,' I thought as I reached the bar.

  "What can I get you miss?" said the barman.

  "I'll have a G&T please…could you make it a double," I said, reaching for my purse.

  After getting my drink I decided to sit down and check out the crowd, as I wanted to warm up before doing anything else. A lot of them were dancing to the fast music, and a decent beat that was playing through the various speakers scattered around the room. I could feel my nipples hardening just from the few men that were clearly checking me out, so I had high hopes that this night would be a night to remember.

  I drank my drink pretty fast, and ordered another one. I felt I needed to loosen up before having any fun. After drinking that, I was approached by a young Adonis of a guy, who asked if I'd like to dance. To be honest he could've asked me to strip and I would've done it.

  "Yes, I'd love to," I replied, taking his hand as I stood up.

  I felt sufficiently loose now to start and enjoy myself, so as the music slowed down when we walked out onto the floor I was glad. I wanted to get as near to this guy as humanly possible. He didn't waste anytime bringing me up close to him, as we slow danced around the hall. His hands soon found their way to my butt, and as I was so close I could smell the cologne he used and sort of drifted into a contentment I'd never experienced before.


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