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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 30

by Carl East

  “Please tell me you do?” said Cole, eager to know the power this blade possessed.

  “After much research, I found out why this sword is so sought after, you’re right it is a lousy blade but it has one thing going for it, it protects the one that wields it.”

  “You mean fights for him.”

  “No, it somehow knows when its owner is going to die; it then takes him out of the battle, placing him in the last safe place he was found in.”

  “What do you mean, takes him?”

  “You both quite simply vanish from that scene, re-appearing in another, from what I gather it isn’t far but as it saves your life it doesn’t have to be.”

  Cole absorbed that information for a moment quickly realizing how useful a sword like that could be, and then commenced in cleaning it up a bit before sharpening the edges.

  “How did it acquire this ability?” asked Cole.

  “I gave my soul to this sword, I wanted to live forever,” replied a voice that wasn’t Avery’s.

  Cole dropped the sword, having realized that the voice had emanated from it.

  “It spoke,” said a stunned Cole.

  “Ah, now this is a strange development,” pondered Avery, as he stooped to retrieve the weapon.

  “Are you worthy of my help?” asked the sword.

  Cole shook his head, he’d seen many strange things in his time, but talking swords was a new one on him.

  “I believe we are worthy, but pray tell why you have kept quiet up until now?” said Avery, seemingly accepting this development.

  “If I’m to be used to save peoples lives, I like to know they are worth saving,” the sword replied.

  Avery studied the blade more closely, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

  “Is there something wrong?” asked Cole.

  “Um, yes, I mean no, it’s just that in all my training to become a grand wizard, I have never seen or heard of this ability to bestow life to the inanimate.”

  “Then you haven’t learnt all there is to learn!” commented the sword.

  “Then you can educate me, would you mind answering a few questions?”

  “I will answer you, but I haven’t decided whether to help you or not, I need to ask some questions of my own.”

  “Well then, I propose an exchange of information, does that seem fair to you?” said Avery.

  Cole was listening to this conversation he just didn’t quite believe it was taking place. The Wizard Avery began his questions by asking where the sword originated.

  “The sword was made in a small village called Hampstead and was owned by a knight whose name was Sir Blare.”

  “Are you Sir Blare?” asked Cole.


  “How did this happen to you?” was the next most obvious question.

  “I was fighting hordes of barbarians, and witnessing countless fellow knights being butchered on the battlefield, I remember praying that should I die I would like to watch over my friends,” replied the sword, pausing for a moment, “then a strange thing happened, while the battle raged all around I envisaged a light, from this light came a serene voice that bade me be calm and not to be afraid. I got to my knees asking how I could serve, being convinced that this was an angel’s voice.”

  By now both the Wizard Avery and Cole were very attentive, and hung onto every word spoken.

  “The voice informed me that this battle would be lost, but that her Lord had need of one such as me,” said Blare, getting excited about this memory, “I informed her that I was up to the task, and would find it an honor to serve her. She then went on to explain that a great warrior would one day have need of a special sword, one that could protect him. I didn’t know or realize what she meant by all this, but I agreed to help in whatever way she felt I could. The next thing I know the light had vanished and I was fell upon by several barbarians, who commenced in hacking me to death. That was the beginning, for shortly after that I found myself entombed within this weapon. Of course when Lord Wright acquired me, I was convinced he was the one the angel had spoken about, but although he was an honorable man he wasn’t someone you could look up to. I soon realized that he wasn’t my destiny, but stayed loyal until his natural death, which as it turned out was a mistake, for on his death bed he decreed that I along with his wealth should be buried.”

  “Which is where we come in, correct?” said Cole.

  “Correct,” replied Blare.

  “So, for all you know, we could be the destiny you speak of?” said Avery, placing the blade onto the table.

  “What is your mission?”

  “We are on a quest for King Talon, a dark order of Satanists has taken control of certain lands to the east, and King Talon has lost many men who went to investigate, but who never returned.”

  “It sounds like a worthy cause, who will wield me in battle?” asked Blare.

  “I will!” stated Cole, taking hold of the blade.

  “I accept this challenge, and will do my utmost to help you in this quest,” promised Blare.

  “I need to make a visit to the witch Betharil, before we start our journey, so I’ll meet you at the foot of the mountain range tomorrow night,” said Avery.

  “Okay master, we’ll be there."

  Chapter 2: Nymph’s Wood

  Cole walked along the broken up path after breaking camp, his destination the foot of the mountain range. He felt confident being alone of course having the sword Blare along with him meant he wasn’t in much danger anyway. He felt uncomfortable talking to his sword, after all it wasn’t a living-breathing thing, it was just metal but he had learned a long time ago that magic had no surprises.

  “Do you ever regret accepting this promise of yours, Blare?”

  “No, if we are to make a difference in this life we all need to make some sacrifices, besides I get to live forever.”

  “But you’re an inanimate object, doesn’t that bother you?”

  “I may not be able to see or move, but I can still learn and pass on that knowledge,” replied Blare proudly.

  Cole couldn’t fault him for his faith in this strange arrangement, but wondered if he himself could accept such a fate.

  After walking for about two hours, they came to a fork in the path, the right fork clearly past through a dense wooded area, while the left seemed to wind up and down being quite laborious in its twists and turns.

  “I think we’ll take the wood, it looks more scenic for one thing, and not so arduous,” said Cole, striding off to the right.

  The path turned out to be quite level, and the wood was pleasant enough during the day, but Cole wouldn’t have come this way at night, it was a perfect place to be ambushed. After a good half an hour walk they came to a clearing, with Cole deciding to take a break to have a bite to eat. Whilst sitting down on the grassy area, Cole heard the sound of giggling coming from behind him, turning around he discovered two pretty young ladies small in stature but perfectly put together.

  He raised his hand in a gesture of welcome, which seemed to have the opposite effect, for once they had been discovered they turned and ran away. Cole got to his feet and walked over to where he’d seen them, parting a few bushes he peered through to find a large tree that stuck out from the rest of the wood simply because of its size.

  It must have been at least sixty-foot in length, and there at the base sat the two lovely ladies he’d just spotted. Taking a deep breath he walked forward, and strode into view.

  “Hello ladies…a lovely day isn’t it?” he said, smiling.

  “Are you alone stranger?” said one of the girls.

  “Why yes, why do you ask?” replied Cole, standing in front of them.

  “We have a proposition for you, but, you alone,” replied the other young lady.

  “And what would that be?”

  “We will give you such pleasures of the flesh that men dream of,” was the short reply.

  Cole was intrigued, but wondered what they were after; he knew that
nothing good came free. Looking closely at the two gorgeous young women in front of him, he started to get a little uncomfortable as he noticed that neither one of them was wearing any undergarments. One of them was sitting with one leg down and the other bent and slightly apart, revealing her cleanly shaved womanhood for all to see.

  Cole’s manhood stirred inside his own under garments, making him feel decidedly awkward as it grew to its full length.

  “What do I have to give in return?” asked a very skeptical Cole.

  “Just your undivided attention, and then you may leave after three hours.”

  Cole couldn’t see any catch, and what they were already doing to his groin just sitting there was enough to make up his mind.

  “Okay ladies I’m in, so how should we commence?”

  The next thing he knew they were undressing in front of him, and then preceded to undress him, their hands touching every part of his body. He noticed how perfect their bodies were; with slender hips and a narrow waist along with large breasts. They both started to kiss his body from his neck down to his chest, running their hands around from the back to the front and touching his now hardened cock.

  He kissed one of them feeling light-headed as he did so, but thinking it was just the heat of the moment he carried on with pure lust in his mind. The girls pulled him down to the floor, kissing licking and generally enjoying his body. Then, while kissing one of them he suddenly felt a mouth engulf his manhood, not stopping until she had his entire shaft deep inside her throat.

  He moaned out loud, he’d never experienced such a thrill and was eager to make love to both of them. The attention being paid to his member was more than he could take, and soon, as the expert sucking continued he knew that the inevitable was about to happen a lot sooner than he would have liked. Suddenly with a surge he’d never known could happen his seed exploded inside her mouth.

  He then found two mouths trying to get his juices, as the second spurt of his sperm shot from his still hard cock. He couldn’t believe this was happening, until now he’d only been with two other women, both on separate occasions, now he was enjoying two at once. They seemed to be fighting almost to get the last couple of drops, as they both tried to cover his tool.

  Needless to say he remained hard, as the first and prettiest of the two climbed on top of him, positioning his cock into her warm love nest. She started to ride him like a horse, making sure that he was impaling her with each thrust. Her moans seemed to be getting louder, and then he turned his head to discover the other young woman watching, whilst burying three fingers as deep inside her own womanhood as was possible.

  He suddenly started to feel a little more light-headed, but again he ignored the feelings, being too caught up in the moment to be bothered by a little heat. Then he felt his seed building up once more, ready to vacate his body almost as violently as before. As it started to escape his eyes blurred, he had trouble refocusing and felt weak. Still he ignored it; he just didn’t want to believe that there was any danger in this situation.

  He then thought he heard a voice, as the second pretty young girl started to straddle his thighs, climbing into position very much like the first and taking total control. He was enjoying this too much to be bothered by anyone or anything, yet he seemed to recognize the voice that seemed to be calling him from afar. His mind was awash with thoughts of pure lust as he watched this young thing riding him as before.

  The feelings coursing through his mind were strange to him; he’d never experienced such euphoria. The voice again, he heard it clearer this time and tried to look up, but found it hard to even move let alone focus. His attention was being taken up by the nymph, who even now rode him like he was a sex aid. His mind started to drift back to the last time he’d made love, it was nothing like this, he’d not felt this weak or so used.

  Suddenly he realized where the voice was coming from, it was Blare, and he was desperately trying to get his attention. Cole then made the smartest move of that day; he managed to get a hold of the hilt to his sword and suddenly found himself on the road. Picking himself up, he looked around vaguely recognizing the area he had past earlier.

  “What just happened?” he said, more to himself than to anyone else.

  “I just saved your life,” replied Blare.

  “How, I was making love to two of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen, I wasn’t in any danger surely?”

  “Whenever I get the feeling that my owner is about to die, my powers become evident, fortunately for you the threat was not immediate or I would’ve been redundant.”

  Cole decided to check this out, what could have been so dangerous he thought as he strode off in the direction of where he’d just been. He reached the spot pretty quickly but found only the tree. The young ladies were nowhere to be seen. He called out, hoping to attract their attention, but received no reply. Then he noticed something sticking out of the ground, he bent over to have a closer look, it turned out to be a bone. Upon further investigation he discovered an entire skeleton, and then another.

  He suddenly realized what all of this meant, they had been nymphs, real nymphs, the type that attract your attention with promises of lust. With only one thought on their minds, to feed the roots of their tree with the proteins contained within his body. They must have a natural ability to weaken their victim, making it impossible to leave.

  Cole realized that he’d been a fool he’d known that such things existed, but had allowed his lust to take over from his rational mind. He held his sword up to his face, looking closely at the newly sharpened blade.

  “Thank you Blare, I owe you my life.”

  “You’re welcome my friend,” came the short reply.

  Re-sheathing his weapon, Cole started to walk back to the path to continue his journey, feeling a little wiser and none the worse for his experience. He did have thoughts of chopping the tree down, but couldn’t help feeling that it was a matter of survival for the nymphs, and besides who was he to interfere.

  Chapter 3 Witch is Which

  The Wizard Avery approached the small cottage, shouting out Betharil's name. The cottage door opened slowly and a very attractive young woman poked her head through the crack.

  “Ah, Avery you sly fox you, come in…come in,” she said opening the door wider.

  “Greetings Beth,” replied Avery, stepping through the doorway.

  Once inside Avery removed his cloak and placed it over the single chair in the room, and then turned to greet Beth with open arms.

  “I’ve missed you Beth,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

  I’ve missed you too, where’ve you been hiding?” came the reply.

  “I only came now because I need a favor.”

  “Oh, and what would the all powerful Wizard Avery want from me?” she said, mockingly.

  “I need you to look into the mists of time and tell me what you see,” replied Avery.

  “I will do it for you, but first let us drink a toast.”

  “A toast, a toast for what?” he asked.

  “A toast of your capture,” she said, stepping back quickly.


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