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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 56

by Carl East

  Then she joined Stephen in the lounge, and told him what had happened.

  "I'm not surprised…we can have a bit more fun now we've got it to share with others," he said.

  The next day Janet showed them how much fun it could be, by once again being taken by four men. They were soon having a go themselves, and coming out of the mirror looking forward to going back in.

  Chapter 11

  Jack Phillips was an educated man, who chose the life of crime over a 9 to 5 job. He prided himself on the fact that he could break into any house, no matter what the security arrangements. He always used the same methods; he would case the current house of interest, and plan his next caper down to the last detail.

  The house he chose this week was an old one, but he knew that it held some valuable merchandise. Tonight was to be the night, for he’d witnessed the occupants going out to dinner on the same day three weeks in a row. Standing outside at eight o’clock pm, he saw them leave right on time, and waited for five minutes before making his move.

  He’d picked a downstairs window around the back for his entry point, knowing that the trees in the garden gave him the perfect cover in the night’s light. Using a flick knife he managed to lift the latch, checking for any wires before opening the window. Once inside he quickly ascertained that there were a few valuable pieces to be had in the sitting room, but decided to check upstairs first.

  In the main bedroom he found a painting that he knew was worth thousands, so he quickly relieved the canvas from its frame, rolled it up carefully, and then placed it in his bag. After bagging a few pieces of smaller items, he methodically worked his way from one room to another, until he reached a room, which held a large mirror.

  His curiosity got the better of him in this room, for he had never seen such a work of art, the mirror’s paneling was quite unique and very attractive. When he spotted the words at the base just as he was about to leave the room, and being an educated man he read them out, only to find himself transported into a small room.

  Turning around he discovered he’d been placed inside the mirror, for the room he’d been standing in was clearly visible through the glass. He quite naturally felt alarmed at all this and immediately started banging on the glass, in an effort to extricate him self from this prison. Once he realized that this course of action wasn’t doing him any good, he turned to investigate his surroundings.

  Upon finding no other exit, he pondered on what to do next while looking at his surroundings. Finding a shelf that held several old books, he sat down on the only chair and glanced through one of them. It was all written in Latin, so reading with any accuracy was out of the question however he did recognize some of the words and promptly attempted to read one out loud.

  The word in question meant pamper, though he wasn’t quite sure he’d pronounced it correctly. Suddenly he was surrounded by four beautiful and totally naked women, which to his surprise didn’t as much as notice his presence. He sat still for a moment, not quite believing what was happening to him here, and then reached out a hand to touch one of the women.

  They all immediately came to life at that moment, turning their attention on Jack. He didn’t quite know what to think at this moment in time, but as they were all so gorgeous, he didn’t really care. One of them took his shoes off and started to rub his feet, just as if she were a masseur. While another one ran her hands through his hair, making him feel well at ease.

  The other two were in the process of removing his clothes, while he just sat there almost in shock as to what was happening here. His eyes seemed to be transfixed on their breasts as they explored his body gently, not quite believing how perfect they all seemed. It wasn’t until he was naked that he decided to join in with them, for by now his cock was so hard it stuck out like a flagpole.

  The very first time one of the girls touched it, he moaned with the pleasure it gave him. Being spoilt for choice, he didn’t know who to play with first, for they were all running their hands over every inch of his body. Then he felt a mouth surrounding his hardened cock, looking down he witnessed the maiden fairly engulfing his rod with ease.

  Fondling the breasts of the lady directly in front of him, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment, until he started to cum, and then he was in heaven. He’d never ejaculated as powerfully as this before, feeling it burst out the end of his cock, and still being buried deep inside the woman’s throat.

  He came four times before she stopped sucking, licking the end of his still hard cock as she brought it out of her mouth. Then one of the others positioned her self astride his lap, making sure that she had his cock in the right place before sitting down. He felt his cock slide inside her pussy, and then marveled as she sprang up and down with abandonment on his entire length.

  The three others were still pampering him, with one running her hands through his hair, while another was still massaging his feet, and the third was kissing both his neck and lips. His moans of pleasure as this continued, made him realize that until today he’d never truly discovered sex. He could feel he was about to cum again, and let go as it exploded deep inside her very wet pussy.

  When she’d finally had enough and stood up, he suddenly found he was being cleaned up by two of the others, both of which licked and sucked his cock clean. Then they all vanished just as quickly as they’d appeared, leaving Jack looking into space for a minute, before remembering the predicament he was still in.

  He couldn’t help wondering what would happen if he spoke another one of the words, and decided to find out. This time he found a word that meant willing, he immediately spoke it out loud, and saw the presence of a gorgeous brunette. Touching her breasts made her come to life, and she commenced in bending down in front of him, clearly showing her slightly open pussy.

  He didn’t need a second invite, but when he got into position she took hold of his cock with her hands reaching around the back and directed his cock to her ass. He’d never fucked a woman in the back door before, but was more than willing to try it. She felt incredibly tight as he pushed his cock in, but soon found his member firmly embedded inside her anal passage.

  She then did all the work, by moving back and forth expertly on his cock, not once escaping from its tight surroundings. He must have fucked her for at least half an hour before ejaculating for the last time that night, but felt alive for the first time in his life.

  Getting dressed again he placed the book inside his bag, and then started to check the mirror once more, this time more thoroughly. After another hour, he was still searching for a way out when he spotted a maid coming into the room followed by the butler. The maid spoke the words on the mirror out loud, which freed Jack from his prison, only to be caught by the butler.

  “We thought we had a burglar,” said the butler, grappling Jack to the floor.

  The maid then reappeared, telling them that she would ring for the cops, which she did. Twenty minutes later the police were taking Jack away, after emptying his bag of loot. Jack found it interesting that the book hadn’t come through the mirror with him, but was strangely silent as they marched him out of the house wearing handcuffs.

  Just before he was placed inside the cop car, he turned to the butler.

  “I may have been caught, but this is one day I shall never forget or regret,” he said, as they sat him in the back seat.

  Only the butler knew what had happened in that room, and smiled as he tried to imagine what the burglar had been treated to. Stephen and Janet were informed upon their return, and thanked their staff for the diligence that had been shown.

  "It's just as well Azamond allowed us to use the mirror in real time, or the burglar would have escaped," commented Janet.

  "Appearing back in time you mean, like it did when we discovered it," replied Stephen.


  Chapter 12

  Janet and Stephen had arranged for better security, after the recent break-in, well aware that they stood to lose quite a lot if a burglar ever m
anaged to steal the mirror. Janet had informed the staff that they were welcome to use the mirror, as long as it wasn’t during work time. This made Claudia very happy, for she couldn’t imagine life without the mirror now.

  She’d recently had an adventure that was so memorable; she wanted to share it with the rest of the household. Sitting down in the kitchen, she was asked if there was anything on her mind, which is where this story starts.


  “I’d decided to go into the mirror two days ago, where I asked Azamond’s advice about finding a good spell, he informed me that the one spell that always seemed to please the ladies was on page thirteen,” said Claudia, taking a drink of tea, before continuing.

  Turning to page thirteen I found several spells, he pointed out which one he’d meant and then telling me how to pronounce it he left. I immediately spoke the word indicated and was suddenly surrounded by four naked women, at first I thought it was a mistake, but as I touched one of them they all came to life.

  They started to undress me, making me wonder what they intended to do, I remember thinking as I looked closer at them, how much I would love a body like theirs. Their breasts seemed too perfect, and their waists were something I would kill to obtain. Pretty soon I was undressed, and being laid down on the bed, which had appeared with them.

  One of them then produced a blindfold, gently securing it to my head before laying me down. Suddenly I felt hands running over my body, with two sets concentrating on my breasts, while one pair pulled my legs gently apart. Then I felt a finger running around the opening of my pussy, deliberately not entering my increasing wetness.

  Then I felt lips sucking my nipples, making me moan as they hardened. I could feel their tongues darting out to lick my breasts, and then I felt a tongue licking my clitoris, making me moan out loud. I could feel two of them between my legs, almost fighting to get their tongues lapping up my juices.

  My first orgasm of that day was upon me, which for some reason made them stop, for the next thing I know, they are getting off the bed and standing at the side holding my legs apart. I was about to remove the blindfold, when I felt someone else getting onto the bed, then I felt the unmistakable hardness of a man’s cock.

  Pushing through the wetness, he plunged forward making me gasp as I realized just how big he must have been. The two ladies that had been sucking my breasts had not stopped, and must have sensed how horny this was making me feel. Then the man increased his speed, making me breath in a gulp of air. My second orgasm soon followed, as he literally pounded me to the bed, I thought at one point this is too much, for I felt hot and a little faint.

  Once he came inside me however, I was all right again, feeling exhilarated by his performance. I felt quite disappointed when he got off the bed, but elated when I felt the women returning to lick my pussy once more. They did such a good job, that I nearly came once more, and then the best thing happened, all four of the women turned me over onto my stomach.

  I waited for what seemed like forever, and then felt two of them bending my legs and parting them once more. Someone then got onto their back pulling up underneath me before starting to lick my clit once more. Then I felt the hardness of a man’s cock once again, only this time he was pressing it against my ass, bracing myself, I awaited the pain, but it never came, for he entered me with ease.

  His cock seemed covered in lubricating oil; he pushed it home making me squeal in delight. What with the attention my clit was receiving and now this, I was in ecstasy, my third and final orgasm making all others a rehearsal, for I couldn’t stop coming. By the time I did, they were all gone; I sat up on the bed and removed the blindfold to find I was completely alone.

  I felt that it had ended too quickly, so I grabbed the book looking for any word that I could pronounce. The first word I spotted that I was sure wouldn’t give me any trouble was “Sclavus,” which I later found out meant slave, so I spoke it out aloud. Two naked men stood before me, both of which had the biggest cocks I’d ever seen, but touching them did nothing, for they just stood there.

  Then…when I suddenly said I wanted to suck that cock of yours while your friend fucks me, they grabbed me, bent me over and did exactly that. The cocks were suddenly filling both holes, making me wild with excitement; I even managed to deep throat the one in my mouth, which was something I’ve always had trouble with.

  They fucked me from front and behind, depositing their seed into me before changing positions and doing it all over again, I was in heaven. By the time it was over, I never wanted to leave, that experience has changed the way I treat sex, I now want to try everything.


  “I know what you mean,” said Janet, nodding her head, “I was in there the other day, and got gangbanged by eight men, by the time they’d finished with me I felt unbelievable.”

  “By the way, I’ve asked Azamond to translate some the words for all of you, so in a couple of days you should be able to choose exactly what you want to do in there, and not rely on pot luck,” added Janet.

  “Um, I was wondering Janet, could we all go together some time?” asked Claudia, nervously.

  “I don’t see why not, it might be fun,” replied Janet, smiling.

  Leaving it like that, they all went about their business, all of them looking forward to when they would visit the mirror once more, none more so than Janet, who was starting to get addicted.

  Chapter 13

  Azamond had a surprise as he entered Janet’s bedroom, he’d been busy over the last two months creating it. Sitting Janet down, he informed her that he’d had an inspiration.

  “Do you remember asking me for your own particular mirror?” he said, getting excited.

  “Yes, I remember,” she replied.

  “Well, the reason I found it hard then, was that I was under the constraints of actual time, here in the real world I mean, but those constraints don’t exist inside the mirror,” he said, noticing the confused look on Janet’s face.

  “What I mean is, time stands still in the mirror, as you already know, so I can do whatever I want, for I have all the time in the world.”

  “Yes…so?” Janet replied.

  “Well, to cut a long story short, I’ve created another mirror,” he said, and with that he produced a hand mirror.

  “So this will do everything the actual mirror does?” she asked.

  “Yes, it’s an exact duplicate, except the spells are in English, so anyone can use it, I’ve also made the room a little bigger, but apart from that it’s identical.”

  “How do I activate it?” said Janet

  “You simply state your name, I’ve tuned it in to allow anyone who states your name to be able to enter, so it’s up to you, who you allow to use it” he replied.

  “Can I try it now?”

  “Of course, but make sure it’s lying down or it will fall when you disappear.”

  With that, Janet laid the mirror on the bed, and then thinking twice, she placed it on the dresser.

  “Janet,” she said.

  Suddenly she was inside another mirror room, one that was brighter and bigger than the original one. Azamond appeared next to her, asking her what she thought.

  “It’s wonderful; I see you’ve included the bed this time, as opposed to having it within the spells?”

  “That just made it easier to translate the original spells, without including the bed part,” he answered.

  “Well, it’s marvelous, I can’t wait to have a go,” said Janet, picking up one of the brand new books.

  “I’ll leave you to it then my dear, let me know what you think, won’t you.”

  Flicking through the pages, she murmured an affirmative, and then realized he was gone. The first book she picked up seemed to hold a lot of fetishes, such as tickling feet and milk baths, or peeing in front of your partner, but there were some interesting ones as well. One particular fetish stood out from the rest, at least on that page, it simply said cum bathing.


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