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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 70

by Carl East

  We were soon on the road again and Johnny told me how much he’d enjoyed today’s adventure. I just leaned over and rubbed his cock through his trousers to say.

  “The day’s not over yet,” and smiled.

  When we got home we unloaded the groceries, and grabbed a cup of coffee so that I could put my feet up and rest for a while.

  Shortly after that I heard Johnny cry out from the kitchen, and rushed to see what was wrong. I saw as soon as I opened the door, we had a major flood coming from the back of the sink and Johnny was trying his best to turn the water off. When he did, he observed that a pipe in the back had burst and that we needed a plumber.

  I phoned the guy down the road, who’d fit my washer in a few years previously and when I told him it was an emergency he promised to send a couple of lads out to fix it ASAP. Two hours later there was a knock on the door, and upon opening it I found the plumbers mates. They both looked about nineteen maybe twenty but I couldn’t help noticing how handsome they were. When Johnny saw them he must have decided that I could do with some more fun and whispered something in my ear.

  I did as I was instructed, and went up stairs. There, I was to place a thin blouse on so that my nipples could be seen and wear no panties so that I might tease these two work men. I looked and felt like a slut, but I didn’t care I was feeling so horny just lately that I think I would have done just about anything for Johnny.

  When I re-entered the kitchen they were both hard at work replacing the broken pipe so hadn’t seen me yet. I decided to stand near to the work place and ask them if they wanted a drink. One of them popped his head out and looked up, and was suddenly silent and still. He had the perfect vantage point for seeing up my skirt and must have had a real eyeful.

  “Um…no thanks…the boss wants us back as soon as possible,” he eventually said, and got back to work.

  I could then hear him muttering to his friend, no doubt telling him what he’d just seen. So before his friend popped his head out I bent over the kitchen table pretending to wipe it clean. I could hear a gasp from behind so I knew he was having a peek and it excited me to think I could affect someone in that way.

  When they’d finished I asked how much I owed, to which the answer was $45 and whether they’d like that drink now. One of them said yes, and I noticed how their eyes were clued to my chest. My breasts weren’t visible but my nipples were making an indent in the fabric and you could clearly see that I wasn’t wearing a bra. There was that delightful jiggle of my breasts whenever I moved, something that doesn’t happen when the breasts are confined.

  “You have an incredible figure, if I may say so,” said the bolder of the two.

  “Why thank you young man, that’s the nicest compliment anyone’s given me in some time,” I replied, pouring them a coke into two glasses.

  I handed them their drinks and suddenly had an idea. I crossed over to the sink knowing full well that both their eyes were following me and turned the tap on quickly with the pretext of getting a drink. I already knew what would happen as our water pressure was quite high. The water hit the sink floor and rebounded all over my blouse soaking me thoroughly, and if you’ve ever caught one of those wet tee shirt contests you already know the result.

  “Oh dear, look what I’ve done,” I said turning to show them.

  It was as if I was wearing nothing on top, as my breasts were now clearly visible and my hardened nipples were protruding even further than before. The two guys just ogled me, as one of them offered me a towel. I walked over to reach for it, and as I got there I started to undo my blouse buttons.

  “I obviously can’t wear this now,” I said, taking it off.

  I could then see the bulge in each of their pants, and made it obvious what I wanted next.

  “Are they for me?” I said, pointing to their crotches.

  “This sort of thing doesn’t really happen,” said one of them, before taking the bait and getting his clothes off.

  The other followed when he didn’t see me object so I removed my skirt and the game was on. I waited until they were ready, and then slid my hand over the cock of the nearest one to me. He moved in and started to kiss me as his cock slid through my hand. The other one got behind me and started to kiss my neck and back before placing a hand between my legs and rubbing the slit with his fingers.

  I knew that Johnny was somewhere close but couldn’t see him; I’d have bet money he would be filming all this. The one behind me then pulled me back from the table and bent me over it, before placing his cock at my crack and sliding it in. The other guy got in front of me and offered his cock, to which I accepted and began to suck him off.

  With one now pounding me from behind and another fucking my mouth, I began to let go and squeal with pleasure each time I felt the cock in my pussy push home. I even began to rock back and forth, and loved the feeling of the cock in my mouth as it hit the back of my throat. They were inexperienced though, because the one behind started to cum already as I felt him emptying his seed onto my back. That must have triggered his friend’s explosive escape as he suddenly shot his load into my mouth, and threw his head back while groaning out loud.

  When I’d finished him off, I thanked them for a job well done and paid them the money before saying good bye and wishing them a good day.

  When I came back from the door I shouted out Johnny’s name and suddenly the bar doors on the wall opened up.

  “So that’s where you were?” I said, with a smile.

  “Yes, and I got it all from beginning to end. Do you want to see it?” he said, feeling smug with himself.

  “You bet,” I replied.

  Chapter 5

  It’s now almost the present day and my story is told, all except for one tale that is perhaps the hottest one of them all. A week after the Plumbers and the Jeans Store, I’d gone out to buy myself some toys. I’d wanted to do this ever since Rachael had come around, but never seemed to find the time.

  I bought one of those double dildo’s, the sort you strap onto yourself with a short end going into your own pussy and a longer end that went into your partners. I thought if ever I got the chance to use it on Rachael I was going to take it. That morning though I got a letter from my Cousin Samantha, she was eighteen and was asking if I could put her up for a few nights while she looked for a place of her own.

  I didn’t mind and so I phoned her up with the mobile phone number provided in the letter. We spoke for thirty minutes catching up on various things, and it ended with her telling me that she’d be there in the morning. I quickly told Johnny, who was not over pleased as he would have to behave himself while someone from the family was here.

  The next day I was greeting her when I spotted the taxi pulling up, and noticed straight away how well she’d grown and how cute she was. We chatted for hours, and I found myself asking so many questions I forget exactly what I said. It inevitably led to me asking if she had any boyfriends, which is when she made a confession. It turned out that she was bi-sexual and leaning more towards the female of the species.

  I made her feel at ease by telling her I too was bi-sexual and that I was having a lot of fun after admitting it to myself. She liked that reply as she suddenly saw me in a different light, and for a few days we were the best of friends sharing all kinds of secrets. I told her about Rachael, and how I’d seduced her, of course I missed out the part that my son was involved.

  Then something happened that changed everything, Samantha had come across the film that my son had made the night Rachael had come around and was shocked to see what Johnny was doing in the footage. She approached me with the film in hand, and the look on her face didn’t seem good.

  “Oh God, you didn’t see that did you?” I said, taking it from her.

  “Yes…and…it was the most erotic thing I think I’ve ever witnessed,” she said.

  My heart had skipped a beat, but now my mind was full of questions.

  “You really thought it was erotic?” I enquired.
r />   “Yes…and the size of Johnny’s cock made it even more so. I could see by the looks and expressions on your faces how much you were enjoying that night, I only wish something like that would happen to me.”

  She had said the magic words, and instantly I knew she was in for a treat. Rachael was coming around again that night and I told Johnny all about Samantha’s wish, so needless to say he was excited about the prospect as well.

  When Rachael came round later, I’d decided to start the night off slowly and to that end I made everyone a dinner and we had cocktail drinks afterwards. We soon found ourselves in the sitting room laughing and messing around and I couldn’t help but notice how sexy Samantha looked in her knee high skirt and matching top.

  Samantha seemed to blush a lot, especially when catching my eye or looking at Rachael. I remember thinking that this night would be her coming out night. Someone suggested games, but we didn’t have any good ones and then Samantha blurted out that we could watch the movie Johnny had made, and everyone went quiet.

  “I meant to tell you earlier guys, but Samantha here discovered our little secret and watched part of that night Rachael came around,” I said, trying to gauge everyone’s reaction.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was a secret,” said Samantha.

  “No, it’s alright with me if it’s alright with everyone else,” replied Rachael.

  Johnny stopped the silence by putting the movie into the DVD player, he’d converted all the stuff he’d done over the weeks and spliced it all together. So there we were watching this very erotic movie of ourselves, and I kept glancing over at Samantha to see how she was handling it.

  Her eyes were glued to the screen; I don’t think she could believe what she was seeing. Then I had an idea, and I was sure they’d all go for it.

  “I’ve got an idea. Samantha would you like to help us make another film with Johnny’s video camera?” I said, making everyone look away from the TV.

  “Yes I’d love to do that,” she replied.

  “Wait there all of you I’ve got something special upstairs,” I said, getting up from my chair and going to fetch it.

  Minutes later I came back in and showed them what I’d bought.

  “Oh my god,” said Rachael.

  “That thing looks huge,” said Samantha.

  “Trust you,” said Johnny.

  I was completely naked and wearing the double dildo I’d bought earlier, part of it was inside me but most of it stood out in front. Samantha just gapped and couldn’t seem to close her mouth, but Johnny went straight into action by handing Samantha his video camera and telling her how to zoom and pause and so on.

  I sat down on the sofa, and began to lubricate this thing sticking up in front of me with KY jelly. I then asked Rachael to come and try it out. She took one look at Johnny and stripped off. Samantha was now filming it all, and you could tell she was excited.

  I got Rachael to turn around, and whispered something in her ear.

  “Have you ever had it in the ass?” I said.

  “Yes I have,” was her response.

  She then lowered herself onto the dildo, as I held it straight. With a bit of effort she started to sink down onto it, and let out a gasp as it neared the deepest point of her ass. She then started to lift herself off and drop back down while I attempted to pull back into the chair cushion and push forward when she was coming down.

  “Oh my god this thing is really filling me up,” said Rachael.

  Mean while Johnny had gotten undressed and wanted in on the action, and suddenly he was standing on the sofa and crouching between Rachael’s legs. She had her back to me but was facing him, so with a bit of a struggle he eventually managed to get his cock into her pussy and we both started to fuck her at the same time.

  “Oh yes…fuck yes,” shouted Rachael.

  At that moment several things were making me wet, I was feeling the small end of the dildo penetrate me whenever Rachael came down, I could see Johnny’s face each time he fucked Rachael’s pussy and I could also see Samantha getting as close to the action as possible with a delightful look on her face as she recorded everything.

  “Ohhhh…I’m going to cuuum, don’t stop…please don’t stop,” shouted Rachael.

  I think both Johnny and I redoubled our efforts at that moment to a lot of screams and profanity coming from Rachael’s mouth. Then just as Rachael came Johnny pulled out and stood up and a huge string of his semen hit my face and Rachael’s shoulder.

  Seconds later everyone sat down to recover from that round. I pulled the dildo out of my pussy and unstrapped it so that I could clean it off, as I did so I felt a puddle of my own juices slip out onto my thigh. Samantha meanwhile had just paused the video camera, and was about to say something.

  “Oh my God, that was so intense. I couldn’t believe what I was filming and I got so wet,” she said, suddenly breaking off.

  “Ok Sammy, it’s your turn,” I said, knowing full well that she wanted some of this action.

  “What are you going to do?” she said, obviously feeling nervous.

  “You’ll see,” I replied.

  I gave Rachael the nod, and we both stood around Samantha. I was in front of her, and took the video camera from her hands and handed it to Johnny who proceeded to film what we were doing. I then started to unbutton her blouse, while Rachael unfastened her skirt. When I’d removed her blouse she let out a sigh, and I admired her ample breasts heaving below her tight bra. When her skirt fell to the floor she immediately stepped out of it.

  Rachael then unclipped her bra from behind, and the pressure from her breasts was released making the bra pop forward and drop to the floor. She had a perfect pair of breasts, with lovely small rosy nipples that were now erect. When Rachael pulled down her panties, I caressed her breasts with one hand making her stiffen up.

  “Relax Sammy, no one’s going to hurt you here,” I said, reassuringly.

  I then saw Rachael’s hand between Samantha’s legs as she was running it over Sam’s pussy. Sammy let out a sigh, and I leaned forward to suck on her nipples. A few minutes later I laid her down on the floor and opened her legs wide, asking Rachael if she wanted to go first. Rachael didn’t hesitate she got down on the floor, spread Samantha’s legs and started to lick her pussy. I grabbed the dildo, and cleaned it up quickly, before putting it back on and standing over them both.

  Johnny was on the floor too capturing the moments that Rachael’s tongue darted in and out of that sweet young pussy. When he looked up at me he saw me holding the large dildo in my hand as I placed some more KY jelly along its length. Rachael then spotted me and got up, which is when Sammy opened her eyes and caught sight of what I was holding.

  “Oh my God, are you going to use that on me?” she said.

  Without answering I stood between her legs and knelt down, before positioning my protrusion over Samantha’s now wet pussy lips. I then wiggled it about a little and found the pressure from her pussy giving way as it sank inside her. She let out a gasp, and held onto the floor carpet with both hands as I started to fuck her with deep strokes. Then I felt something hard touching my pussy other than the opposite end of the dildo. I looked around and found Johnny had given the camera to Rachael and was now in position to fuck me.

  His huge cock slid in beside the dildo stretching me and making me scream with joy. Then Rachael sat astride Samantha’s face, while still filming, and offered her pussy to taste. I could see it hovering just millimeters from Samantha’s lips, as her tongue darted out and began to lick at this new offering.

  Johnny asked for the camera, and Rachael was only too pleased to hand it over. I couldn’t wait to see all of this on film, as Johnny was now fucking me harder, and the dildo end which was inside me kept being pushed back and forth sending delightful little shock waves throughout my body. Samantha was now groaning out loud, she’d reached up to Rachael’s thighs and was holding her in place while she licked and sucked frantically. Johnny was holding my shoulder with
one hand to keep himself steady while pointing the camera over my other shoulder down at the action with Samantha. He was able to do this by using the view finder and could see he was on target by the small screen that was turned towards him.


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