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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 72

by Carl East

  I was in seventh heaven, my pussy was being stretched like never before, my mouth was full of cock and my hand was feeling hot from the hard cock rubbing it so fast. The only thing missing was Johnny, as he hadn’t participated once as yet. Then came the moans, and I knew that several of them were going to cum. The first one to cum was Kevin, who shot his load all over my left leg, and then Michael who ejaculated all over my stomach and just below my breasts.

  This must have been just what the guy in my mouth needed to see, as I could feel a large string of his seed hit the back of my throat, followed by another on my face as he pulled out. Then my hand felt very wet and I knew the fourth one had cum as well. That’s when I heard Johnny for the first time.

  “Ok guys, my turn,” he said.

  “Geez man…do you mean you’re actually going to fuck your own mother?” said Simon.

  “Hey if you can take of advantage of my mother I’m damn sure I can, besides she won’t remember any of this when she wakes up in the morning,” he replied.

  “How are you going to do it?” said Kevin.

  “I want all four of you to hold her up and sit her down on my cock, and when I’m in position I want you to pick her up.”

  They all laughed at that, but I could tell Johnny was serious. Then I felt myself rising up in the air as two of them held me on the left side and the other two held me on the right. I could then hear clothes being discarded onto the floor and realized that Johnny must be getting undressed.

  “Fucking hell Johnny, your cock is huge,” I heard Simon say.

  Johnny just laughed, and sat down on the sofa below me. I was then lowered and could feel his meat probing for an entrance. When it slipped into my pussy I let out a mental sigh, as I just loved the feel of his cock inside me. Then they started to pick me up and when I was almost off his cock, he started to thrust upward. His full length filled me up again and again making my juices pour out over his meat. I’d cum a number of times by now but nothing like this, and when the most powerful climax hit me that night I was feeling so exhilarated that I almost screamed out in ecstasy.

  When he came he was deep inside me, and the guys couldn’t believe he hadn’t pulled out. Though they didn’t know I was on the pill, so I couldn’t get pregnant anyway. After that Johnny said that that was enough and that we’d better leave her alone now. They discussed what had just happened back at the table, leaving me on the sofa and I felt so sticky. I had man seed all over me and I could feel it seeping out of my pussy and couldn’t do a thing about it until they’d left.

  “Man that was incredible, I never thought it was possible to sleep through something like that,” said Simon.

  “I know what you mean, but I couldn’t get over how tight she felt and watching Johnny fuck his own mom was such a turn on,” said Michael.

  “Just remember guys, keep this to yourselves because if the wrong people ever found out what we’ve been doing we could get in a lot of trouble,” said Johnny, trying to protect my reputation.

  Shortly after that they were all leaving and I was able to open my eyes. Johnny came back into the room, and sat down next to me.

  “Well…how did it feel?” he said, admiring my still naked figure.

  “Un…fucking believable,” I said, giving him a hug, “did you get it on film?”

  “Yes, I had two camera’s going as I borrowed one from a mate, which reminds me I’d better turn them off now.”

  Just then Samantha walked in, and immediately spotted me naked.

  “What’s been going on here then?” she said with a smile.

  “Let’s show her,” I replied, looking at Johnny.

  “Ok,” he said, getting the camera’s from there hiding places.

  Samantha was full of questions, but I kept telling her “you’ll see.”

  Fifteen minutes later Johnny came back in with a disk and placed it into the DVD player. He’d somehow managed to start the cameras off when the action had started, which would explain his absence for a while. Samantha watched as the guy behind the sofa shot a huge load of semen over the top of the seat and it landed on me. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing when the double penetration happened, and looked more closely at me.

  “You’re still covered in all that man cream, aren’t you?” she said.

  “Yes, and I feel great,” I laughed.

  “I find that so fucking erotic,” she said.

  The way she looked at the screen when I was being double penetrated made me realize that she’d never experienced that before and I silently left the room for a moment to fetch something. When I got back I caught her playing with herself as the two guys came over me in the film. At first she didn’t notice, but I was wearing my double dildo and holding it up with my right hand. When she did take notice I was lying down in front of her on my back and rubbing the end of the dildo with KY jelly.

  “Do you want to experience it?” I said, stroking this huge thing attached to my waist.

  Samantha didn’t hesitate, she pulled her top up and off in a second and then let her skirt fall to the floor before pealing her panties off and stood over me.

  “Turn around and face the other way Sammy, and then sit down on it,” I said.

  With her back to me she lowered herself and took hold of the dildo, before guiding it and allowing it to penetrate her beautiful pussy. It slipped in easily and she slowly sank onto its length, pushing the end that was in me a little deeper. I was just about to tell Johnny to get into position, but needn’t have bothered because he was already walking towards us.

  Samantha watched him as I unclipped the bra she was still wearing, and watched it spring off onto the floor. I then placed my hands around her body and fondled her breasts, to find her nipples were very hard. Johnny lowered himself into position and I could feel his cock pushing the dildo to one side as he penetrated her.

  “Oh fuck….go slow Johnny…oh my god that feels so good,” said Samantha.

  I could then feel the pressure of my end poking into me as Johnny thrust forward and Samantha’s screams of joy each time he made a full penetration. I pulled and tugged on her breasts, and the more Johnny fucked her the louder she became until finally she screamed that she was going to cum. I was close myself and told Johnny not to stop until I had, and then Samantha shuddered and threw her head back. I knew her climax had been a big one as I could feel her juices on my inner thighs. Then I came and Johnny shouted out that he couldn’t hold it anymore and ended up spraying Samantha’s tits and my hands that were still holding them.

  We must have lay there for a few minutes just composing ourselves and then sat back in the chairs.

  “Shit…we didn’t get that on film,” said Johnny.

  Samantha sat back in her chair still naked and sighing.

  “That was unbelievable, I’ve never cum so intensely in my entire life,” she said, sitting forward.

  She had a glow around her like she was still in seventh heaven with a huge smile that said it all really.

  Chapter 2

  That week was a busy time for me as I had to do some spring cleaning, although I was lucky as Samantha helped a lot and it soon got done. It was during a coffee break that we checked out our e-mails online, and Samantha saw an ad for sexy dress costumes. It wasn’t anything we intended to buy, but when we looked into it we saw these fantastic fantasy dress costumes that I knew we had to have.

  The one I picked was a nurse’s uniform that was tight on top and short down below with a suspender belt and sheer stockings that went with it. Samantha chose a maid’s outfit with suspenders and frills and the next thing we’re doing is placing an order. Both of these items came with crotch less panties, and I couldn’t help thinking what Johnny would do if he saw the pair of us prancing around the house in those things. I checked the delivery schedule next and found that they deliver the next day, so I pressed the submit button and we both sat back to laugh.

  As the day wore on we played around a little, before Johnny came bac
k from his tech class. He was studying to be a camera man, and needed to know all there was to know about camera work before applying to any of the networks for a job. He wanted any interview that he went for to go flawlessly, and to that end he threw his whole being into achieving his goals. I was very proud of him for that.

  When he came in later on, he had something exciting to ask us and seemed very pleased with himself.

  “What’s got you so excited?” I said, as we sat around the kitchen table.

  “I met this guy after class today who was looking for experienced cameramen. It turned out that his father owned a movie company here in our home town. Anyway, this guy tells me that if I can prove myself worthy by coming up with a fresh piece of footage he would gladly give me a job after college, provided his dad was impressed by what he saw,” said Johnny.

  “That’s great news son, so what do you plan to do? Film wise I mean?” I said, truly excited for him.

  “That’s the catch, his father is in the porn industry,” replied Johnny.

  “Oh…so he wants a skin flick?” said Samantha.

  “Exactly…but that’s not all, he has a porn star that is at my disposal for the next week and all I have to do is phone him up,” said Johnny.

  “Well, the obvious springs to mind here Johnny. Why don’t you use us in this demo flick of yours, I’m sure Samantha would enjoy making a real movie with me and this so called porn star of yours,” I replied, looking over at Samantha to see her nod in agreement.

  “Would you really, I mean I kind of hoped but I wasn’t sure you’d want any part of this. You realize that there’s a good chance someone who knows you will actually get to see this film if it’s good enough to release?” said Johnny, with a concerned look on his face.

  “Not a chance, most of the people I know are such prudes they’d die of shock if they knew what I do in my own home let alone what I’d do in a skin flick,” I replied, laughing.

  “Now all I have to do is come up with a plot and a short script, the acting will be the easy part but thinking up something erotic is the tricky thing to do. It has to be erotic at least or I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to just make a sex movie, it’s got to turn the audience on,” said Johnny.

  I suddenly had a brain wave, and leaned over to Samantha to whisper in her ear, and when she heard what I had to say she was all for it.

  “What are you two whispering about?” asked Johnny.

  “I’ve got an idea for a plot, as for the script we can adlib we’ve done it before and I’m sure we can do it again,” I replied.

  “So what’s the idea?”

  “I’ll show you tomorrow, but for now arrange for this porn star to come in the day after tomorrow and we’ll be ready,” I said, full of confidence.

  Johnny tried to get it out of me for the rest of the night, but I kept quiet as did Samantha. The next day when he’d gone to class, the package we were expecting turned up and we were eager to try the outfits on. We both went to our separate rooms and got the uniforms on before meeting back in the sitting room.

  I was finished first and I had to say I felt incredibly sexy in this nurse’s outfit. I was wearing a suspender belt and stockings and my nurses uniform came to just past my crotch, the most outrageous thing though was the fact that my stockings only came up to mid thigh. I looked a right sleaze, and with my crotch-less panties it didn’t make things any better. My breasts were almost bursting onto the scene it was that tight and low cut.

  Then I heard a wolf whistle from behind and caught sight of Samantha for the first time in her outfit. My God she looked so fucking hot. Her maid’s costume was shorter than mine, and at the bottom it was all bunched up and fluffy looking, like she was wearing half a dozen small petticoats underneath it all, but really tiny ones. Her skirt came to about the same level as mine but because she had longer legs hers seemed to suit her more. Her top was low cut, and revealed even more than mine as her breasts were almost breaking free. I felt a touch of jealousy as I took the sight of her uniform in, but that soon passed when she began to tell me how sexy I looked in mine.

  When she turned around I could see a white bow in the small of her back and a seam running up her black stockings. She really looked the part, and we giggled when I said I wondered what Johnny will think.

  Later that day Johnny came home and we were waiting for him in the back room, he called out for me as soon as he walked in and I shouted back where we were. When he first caught sight of us both he stood there with his mouth gaping open and didn’t say a word.

  Well…what do you think?” I said, finally seeing his mouth close.

  “Oh my god, you two look incredible. I’m getting a boner just looking at you, so imagine the audience when they see you performing on film,” he said excitedly.

  That’s all the confirmation I needed to know that we could pull this off, and then I found out that this porn star he’d mentioned the day before was going to be here tomorrow night and that we had that long to come up with a scenario for the movie.

  I felt excited that night and we talked for hours about it before going to bed, but in the morning I was feeling a little bit more apprehensive and what my son had said to me about possibly being recognized by people I knew played on my mind. I told Samantha about it and she reassured me that what I did in my spare time was my business and no one else’s.

  The day dragged on but soon enough Johnny was setting his equipment up and getting ready for the action to come. When we heard the front door bell ring I looked at my watch and found that it was time, as this guy was supposed to be here now. Johnny answered the door and we could hear voices before we saw the guy in question. It turned out to be a young muscular guy, I would guess in his mid-twenties. He was very good looking, and Samantha was the first to greet him as he and Johnny walked into the sitting room.

  “This is Samantha, she’ll be playing the maid for this flick of ours,” said Johnny.

  “Hi Samantha, pleased to meet you, I’m Tony,” he said, shaking her hand.

  “Sorry Tony, I forgot to mention your name,” said Johnny, shaking his head.

  “No worries.”

  “This is my mother, and she’ll be playing the nurse’s role,” continued Johnny.

  “Hello…um I can’t call you mother?”

  “It’s Patricia, but my friends call me Pat,” I said, shaking his hand.

  After all the introductions we started the night off with a couple of drinks just to loosen up and Johnny was telling everyone what he wanted in the shoot. He found that Tony was quite comfortable with the idea of adlibbing his lines as he knew there wouldn’t be many anyway.

  Johnny initiated the start by telling everyone to get into their places. That was our cue to get changed and Tony’s to get into bed just wearing his briefs. Because it was a skin flick Johnny had decided to make the plot as simple as possible. Tony would be home in bed having taken time off work because of a fever which had only recently broken.

  His parents were rich so they’d hired a nurse for him while he was bedridden, and because they were rich they could afford to have a maid. That set up the scene, but it was up to the girls and Tony to set the mood and performance. When Johnny shouted action, I entered the room and crossed over to the bed.

  “Hi sir, I’m just going to check you over. How are you feeling today?” I said.

  “I’m feeling a lot better since the fever broke, but my appetite hasn’t returned yet.”

  “It will sir…it will,” I said, concentrating on his pulse.

  I then turned around to reach for the thermometer and knocked the water glass off the side on purpose, but I made it look accidental. When it smashed onto the floor I looked shocked, and turned to the patient.


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