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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 75

by Carl East

  When Sophia suddenly got up from the bed and returned to her room, both her parents followed her.

  “What are we going to do?” said her mother.

  “If she’s just sleepwalking we could put a lock on her door. At least that way she’ll not be able to come to any harm,” replied her husband, closing the door quietly.

  After returning to their room they discussed the night’s events further, and found that both of them were still feeling as randy as teenagers. Before long they were fucking one another like they were back at high school, and loving every minute of it.

  Chapter 3

  Sophia awoke to find her mother tidying the room. Sophia had had a fall a few days earlier and was recuperating, but something was bothering her.

  It was the look on her daughter's face that made Sophia's mother question her.

  "Is something wrong my dear?" she said, fussing around her daughter's pillow.

  "I've always been able to talk with you about my problems mom, but I feel embarrassed about this particular one," replied Sophia.

  "There's no need to be my dear, whatever you tell me will remain for my ears only, and you know what they say, 'a problem shared is a problem no longer,'" said her mother.

  "Well, I keep having these extremely erotic dreams, and not only am I dreaming these events but whenever I wake up I'm nearly always wet down below," confided Sophia.

  Sophia's mother felt a twinge of guilt as her daughter spoke, but reassured her that having wet dreams was a natural thing and she shouldn't worry unduly. After deciding to get up and not worry about the dreams Sophia put on a short skirt and thin tee shirt. It wasn't until she was walking down the stairs that she realized she hadn't put her panty’s on.

  Thinking about it briefly she decided that she wasn't going anywhere anyway so why bother going back upstairs, and proceeded into the kitchen. Brad, Colin and Brian were sitting around the kitchen table, and all of them greeted her with a smile and a good morning.

  "I hope you're feeling a bit better today sis?" said Brad.

  "I do feel a lot better thanks, although I'm still feeling a little tired," replied Sophia.

  After making a cup of coffee Sophia sat down on the bar stool that her father liked to sit on. She completely forgot she wasn't wearing any panties and as she raised her legs to place her feet on the metal bar below her, the boys could clearly see her pussy lips.

  Colin was only wearing pajama bottoms and had to sit closer to the table as his cock was trying to escape, or so it seemed. Brad had the urge to reach out and touch her beautiful cunt, but managed to fight it. As for Brian, he'd always loved women that shaved their pubic hair, and he could clearly see his sister was as bare as the day she was born.

  They all tried not to stare, but it was very difficult. In fact Brad wondered if his sister knew what she was doing, because she opened her legs a bit more as if to tease them all. It was Brad that noticed Sophia wasn't looking too good, and quickly reached out for her as she threatened to fall off of the stool.

  "Oh wow, I feel so tired again," she said, acknowledging Brad's help.

  "I think you'd better go and lay down sis, you don't look well at all," said Brad, helping her out of the kitchen.

  Sophia took his advice, and started to walk up the stairs. As she reached her room her mother asked if everything was all right. Sophia just nodded, and told her she was going back to bed.

  Two hours later and the guys were saying goodbye to their mother who was on her way to work. Once she had driven away the guys all filed up the stairs and into Sophia's room.

  "Brad! I don't feel comfortable spying on our sister like this," said Colin.

  "You can't tell me she doesn't turn you on, because I know differently," replied Brad.

  "Yeah, she turns me on, but it's wrong and you know it."

  Brad agreed without saying anything by nodding his head, and then all attention was given to Sophia as she slept peacefully. Brian was the first to move, as both Brad and Colin watched him pulling the sheets down to reveal their sister’s beautiful body. She was muttering something under her breath, and Brad noticed her REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state. She was clearly dreaming about something, and by the way her tongue rolled around her lips it was something of a sexual nature.

  None of them had a plan as to what to do next, until Sophia suddenly placed one hand onto her left breast and the other onto her pussy. They watched as she ran one finger slowly past the beautiful folds of skin and murmured quietly as she pinched her erect nipple.

  Brad felt his cock springing into action and found him self rubbing it through his tight jeans. Colin couldn't hide the fact that his sister was really turning him on, and allowed his pajama bottoms to fall around his ankles. Gripping his hardened cock and not taking his eyes off of the show before him, he gently started to stroke his member. Brian couldn't contain his need any longer, for suddenly he bent down and started to lick his sister’s wet pussy lips.

  "I fucking love her cunt," he said, as the tip of his tongue darted in and out.

  Colin had never felt this hard before, his cock felt like a solid pole as his hand glided back and forth. Brad decided to get in on the deal and knelt on the bed next to the headboard. Slowly he moved his hardened cock around Sophia's lips and watched her suddenly suck it into her mouth.

  Sophia was dreaming that her dream date had her kneeling on the floor and was pushing his cock deep into her throat. She felt the first orgasm approach and moaned out loud as the tongue in her pussy lapped at her juices, for a moment the boys thought she was going to wake up and just watched her writhing on the bed.

  By now, Colin had seen enough; he just had to get in on the action.

  "Guys lift her up, I'm going to fuck her ass," he said, watching his brothers do just that.

  Quickly throwing his pajama bottoms over the other side of the room, Colin got onto his back on the bed, and under his sister. The guys then lay her down onto his waiting cock; at first he had trouble positioning his cock at her anal passage, but once he felt the opening with the tip of his shaft he pushed slowly but with force, and found the entrance giving way.

  Brian decided he too was going to get in on this action and got into position on top of his sister. As he probed his sister's pussy she opened her legs a little wider and he felt his cock sinking into her body. She now dreamt that her man was fucking her from behind and that he was using his fingers to rub her swollen clit.

  Brad was now almost fucking her mouth, and knew that he was close to coming. Her throat seemed to open up and allow his cock deep inside, and with each new thrust he knew that the inevitable was about to happen.

  Unbeknown to all of them Steve had gotten back and was curious as to what all the noises were about in his sister's room. When he quietly pushed the door half open he couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He saw Brad coming all over his sister's face, and watched as she licked and sucked his cum off of both her cheek and Brad's cock.

  Steve's hard on was immediate, and although he knew what he was watching was wrong, he couldn't help but reach for his cock and rub it through his tight jeans. He saw Colin fucking her ass, and Brian stretching her pussy and then felt his pants getting wet as he started to ejaculate inside them. Pulling his jeans down around his ankles he grabbed a load of his semen and used it to lubricate his still hardened cock.

  Gliding his hand back and forth he watched as Sophia started to scream out loud with pleasure as both Colin and Brian started to cum all over her body. Steve had never been so excited and felt he was going to cum again, only this time he wasn't about to waste it. Stepping into the room made the other guys stop, but after seeing there brother’s condition both Colin and Brian allowed him to get in on the action.

  After opening her legs and holding them up Steve pulled his sister to the end of the bed, and plunged his cock into her wet pussy. The other three were now masturbating over their sister's glistening cum covered body, and watching her writhe on the bed as Steve fucked h
er harder.

  Sophia opened her eyes at that point and yelled out that she was coming again. Her brothers almost came together, for suddenly spurts of cum were spraying her used body and she started to rub the creamy substance around and into her skin. Once Steve started to cum she closed her eyes and murmured something about her cunt feeling so good.

  It wasn't until Steve withdrew his now limp cock that anyone felt any guilt, and as they got dressed not one of them could take their eyes from Sophia's cum soaked body. None of them were sure if she'd actually awoken, for she now seemed to curl up in a ball as if her dream was now over and she could once again go to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  Sophia heard her brothers laughing in the sitting room, and felt like joining them. She’d had a bad fall a few days previously, and was going through some very strange events.

  “Hi guys,” she said, as she walked over to the recliner chair.

  “Hi sis,” they all said together.

  “Are you feeling any better sis?” asked Brad.

  “I do feel better today, but I’ve been having some very strange dreams since my accident,” she replied, sitting back in the chair.

  “Oh, what kind of dreams?” said Colin, innocently.

  “You were all in my last dream, and although it felt like a nightmare it was actually quite erotic,” she confessed.

  “Oh yes, so what exactly did this dream entail?” asked Brian.

  At that point Sophia was clearly embarrassed by the memory, for she suddenly went quiet, that is, until Steve egged her on to spill the beans.

  “Don’t laugh…but I dreamt you all took advantage of me while I was asleep,” she confessed.

  Just then their mother and father walked in. “Who took advantage of you?” asked her father, not quite hearing the entire conversation.

  “Oh, no one dad, I was just telling them about a dream I had,” replied Sophia.

  Brad looked down at his feet and the others seemed to be ignoring the conversation.

  “Well, I hope you’re feeling better darling, because we’ve been concerned about your health these last few days,” replied her father.

  “I’m feeling a lot better now dad, I think I’ll just stay downstairs tonight and watch TV with the rest of you.”

  A few hours later and everyone were in the sitting room and watching an erotic movie. It was being shown on the adult channel, and no one felt the least bit embarrassed to watch it in the company of their family. It was halfway through the film when they heard little moans of pleasure coming from Sophia’s chair.

  Upon putting the light on, they all found her still sleeping but with a couple of fingers buried inside her pussy. She was pulling her panties to one side with her other hand.

  “She’s at it again,” blurted out Colin.

  “What do you mean she’s at it again? When have you seen this before?” said his father.

  The other guys just gave Colin a dirty look, and ignored him. The conversation was brought to a close however as Sophia started to scream out with the pleasure she was feeling. For a moment everyone in that room watched her performance, and no one could take their eyes from the moist fingers eagerly plunging in and out of her damp pussy.

  “It seems clear to me that everyone here knows what is happening to Sophia, the question is what are we going to do about it?” said her father, abruptly turning to face his wife.

  Sophia’s mother was lost in thought and her eyes seemed to be transfixed on her daughter’s pussy, and active fingers. Her husband realized straight away that his wife was again being turned on and looked around at the faces of his sons. Not one of them could look him in the eye, and all were clearly getting aroused at what their own sibling was doing.

  It was the head of the house that came to a decision. As Sophia’s dad got up to close the curtains, his wife wondered what he was about to do.

  “I feel you’re all old enough to know right from wrong, but as long as it’s kept in the family I see no harm in it,” he said, as he walked over to his daughter.

  To their surprise he then started to undress his daughter, and as if in complete agreement everyone there began to get undressed. In a few moments not one person had any clothes on, and the boy’s mother was enjoying the view. The sexual tension in that room at that moment could’ve been cut with a knife.

  Brad had always known his mother had a good figure for forty-two years of age, but he now found him self staring at her lovely pert breasts. Every one of the men was hard, including Sophia’s father. They all waited to see what he would do next, and to their delight he picked his daughter up out of the chair, and placed her gently onto the soft carpet.

  They stood over and around her at that point, and then the fun began. Brad was delighted to feel his mother holding his cock and watched as she grabbed Brian’s as well. With expert moves of her hands she felt their cocks stiffen, and gripped them harder.

  The other three got down onto their knees and started to caress Sophia’s body all over. Fingers were probing, pushing and fondling her body with a softness that only someone who cared would show. Turning to face his wife and seeing her being taken from behind by one of his sons made him push a finger into his daughter’s wet pussy. Being a man of experience he knew where the ‘G’ spot was located and immediately went to work on it.

  Sophia started to moan out loud and could be seen reaching for any cock that became available. Colin was the quickest and guided her hand onto his now throbbing member. Sophia seemed to know what to do even though she wasn’t awake. In this seemingly sleep induced fantasy she was in full control of her body, but forgot everything that transpired when she awoke. To her this would all be a pleasant dream, and one in which she would cum several times.

  By now Brad had bent his mother over and was fucking her from behind, while she leaned forward and took Brian’s cock into her mouth. Their mother had not known how big her sons were, but envied their future wives as Brad plunged the full length of his hardened cock deep into her wet pussy. She loved the feel of it hitting her uterus and pushing her mouth onto the cock before her.

  Sophia was now in the throes of an orgasm, as her father had made her cum with just a single finger stroking her ‘G’ spot. Her mouth was now being used as the boys knelt down beside her head and took turns in feeding her their erect cocks. Sophia’s father opened her legs and lay down between her thighs so that he could lick her pussy lips. He so enjoyed the taste of a young woman’s juices, and deliberately kept flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue.

  Just then the boys in Sophia’s mouth started to cum, and with each new ejaculation came an eagerness to swallow their loads from Sophia. Her mother had witnessed that, and was now in the throes of her own climax. She moaned out loud with the pleasure her son was giving her and almost forgot the cock in her mouth, until he too started to cum and she nearly choked from the sudden gush of his seed. The feel of his cum on her tongue made her orgasm that much stronger, and she found she was being held up by Brad who had a firm grip of her ass as he kept slamming his cock into her soaked cunt.

  The smell of sex pervaded the entire room, and everyone felt charged. Sophia’s father was now kneeling between his daughter’s legs and thrusting his hot stiff cock past her wet pussy lips, and loving the feeling of her tight cunt. He may have been forty-five, but he felt like a nineteen year old as her screams of pleasure echoed throughout the room. His sons were now masturbating over her body, and enjoying the show from both their mother and father.

  At that moment Brad started to cum inside his mother’s pussy and thrust his cock a little bit faster as his seed exploded out of the end. His mother let out a scream of her own, and felt totally exhausted as Brad started to slow down. All attention then suddenly went over to Sophia who was now coming once more, and to her father who was compelled to yell out that he was coming too.


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