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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 78

by Carl East

  Rebecca pushed in more than half the dildo, and found Sophia wanting to feel more, as she was holding Rebecca’s hand and shoving it further. Rebecca moved Sophia’s hand away and proceeded to bend the dildo in half so that she could insert both ends and hold it in the middle. Sophia cried out with ecstasy, especially as the Doctor had leaned forward and was now sucking her nearest nipple while pinching the other one between two fingers.

  By now Sophia’s father had discarded his trousers revealing the mess he’d made in his pants, and his wife was trying to clean him up by licking and sucking any of the jism she found covering his cock. This in turn was turning the nurse on, and she couldn’t help rubbing her pussy through her uniform. The Doctor noticed that, and stood up with another hard on at the head of the couch. Holding it straight and feeding the end into Sophia’s mouth once more, he slid it down her throat.

  Rebecca enjoyed witnessing that, and quickly pulled her uniform buttons apart revealing her suspenders, panties and a small bra with one hand. The Doctor stared at Rebecca’s breasts as he started to fuck Sophia’s mouth, and asked her to remove her bra. Rebecca thrust her chest out and unclipped the stud at the front making her breasts spring out into the open. This made the Doctor thrust his cock harder into Sophia’s throat feeling his balls slapping her face as he buried it as deep as it would go. Looking around the Doctor found Sophia’s parents in a 69 position, which only made him, want to fuck Sophia’s mouth even harder. Her left hand was caressing his balls as her tongue kept travelling the full length of his thrusting cock.

  Rebecca couldn’t believe how much of the dildo Sophia could take, and was trying desperately to satisfy her lust. She then had an idea, and proceeded to lean forward and lick Sophia’s clit as she wriggled the dildo around. The Doctor couldn’t take anymore of this, and could feel his jism about to burst forth into Sophia’s mouth and throat. When he ejaculated the tip of his cock was touching the back of her throat, and she was managing to take every single drop.

  Sophia’s cries of joy as she felt her self coming were making it hard to keep her on the couch for her body was writhing, and thrusting up with each pass of Rebecca’s tongue. Sophia’s father then shouted out with excitement as he started to explode inside his wife’s mouth.

  Suddenly Sophia gushed from her pussy and the nurse found her face being sprayed with her juices. The Doctor pulled his cock out of Sophia’s mouth, and allowed the last three spurts to hit her face. Shortly after that Sophia was starting to calm down, and the nurse was dismissed having done up her uniform. With everyone under control again the Doctor woke Sophia up, to talk with her.

  “I’m going to count to three backwards Sophia, when I reach one I want you to wake up and remember everything that happened today,” he said, “three, two, one.”

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe I did that to you Doctor,” she said, as her eyes opened.

  “It’s not important Sophia, what is important however is that you receive the best care. Now with that in mind I’m going to suggest a few things that might help. The first of which is plenty of sex aids, so that you can fulfill your desires without risk or harm to anyone. Secondly, I’m going to make you an appointment to see a couple of my colleagues next week. We’ll try to get to the root of the problem and hopefully cure you of this need to satisfy yourself, ok?” he said, helping her off the couch.

  “Yes sir,” she replied, smiling at her mother.

  Chapter 9

  Sophia was in the kitchen when her father came in. He'd been to the store in the city to fetch some much-needed things. First from his bag of goodies was a ceiling harness, which he promised he would fit up later that night. The next was a couple of dildo's including a strap on, so that Sophia could satisfy others as well as her self. The last item was a sexy item he'd brought for his wife. It was a skimpy nurse’s outfit. It caught his eye while he was in the store, and he longed to see his wife wearing it.

  Sophia thanked him for the toys, and decided to take them up stairs. Whilst she was up there she decided to play some music, and just relax. As she lay back, her father knocked on the door, and popped his head around the frame.

  "Sophia, would you possibly put this uniform on for me, I'd like to see how it looks before I give it to your mom," he said, stepping into the room holding the nurse uniform.

  "Yes, of course I will," she replied taking it from him.

  Going into the bathroom she quickly took her clothes off, and replaced them with the uniform. It was tight across her bust, and left nothing to the imagination. It was also short with lace frills that just covered her pussy, but it felt very light and was made of a silky material that felt good on her skin.

  "Ok, daddy, close your eyes, I'm coming back in," she said walking back to her room.

  Her father had his hand over his eyes when she walked in, and only removed it when she told him to.

  "Oh wow, you make it look so fucking sexy," he said. "Give me a twirl darling?" he added.

  Sophia spun around and the hem rose up, revealing her shaven pussy lips, and cute ass. Just then her mother came in, and was shown her gift as Sophia modeled it.

  "I've always wanted one of those, thank you," she said, noticing how short it was on her daughter.

  She also noticed the bulge in her husband's pants, and stroked him as he walked towards her.

  "I can see it does the trick for you," she said, gripping his cock.

  "Oh yes, it's a particular fantasy of mine, I've always thought uniforms were sexy."

  His wife felt his cock throb as her daughter bent down in front of them both to pick up a ribbon that had fallen on the floor. Her gorgeous slightly bulging pussy lips could clearly be seen, which made her mother's tongue roll around her lips. The cock in her hand twitched again as her husband couldn't take his eyes from the sight in front of him. Sophia's mother stopped her from straightening up by running a finger just inside her protruding pussy lips. Sophia looked around as her mother's finger touched her clit, sending a shock wave of lust coursing through her body.

  "Why don't you two play for a while, and I'll watch," said Mr. Stride.

  His wife then immediately got to her knees behind her daughter, and started to lick her open crack. Mr. Stride sat in the chair after pulling his pants down, and began to stroke his pulsating cock. Sophia meanwhile produced the strap on that her daddy had bought, and handed it to her mother.

  "Oh yes, darling, fuck her with that," said Mr. Stride, as he stroked his cock a little faster.

  His wife quickly put it on, and noticed straight away that it was bigger than her own. It stuck way out in front, and she had to guide it with one hand while opening her daughter's pussy lips with the other. Slowly she began to work the stiff dildo into her daughter's very wet cunt, and began to fuck her. The uniform, rose up Sophia's back, revealing her breasts, which were moving back and forth, because of the fucking her mother was giving her.

  Mr. Stride knew his cock couldn't take anymore, and moaned with pleasure as a stream of jism shot out the end, and landed on the carpet. His wife now had the dildo buried as deep as it would go inside Sophia, and loved watching it sliding in and out as it glistened with Sophia's juices sticking to every inch of it. She also enjoyed hearing her daughter's cries of passion as her orgasm approached.

  Looking around she could see her husband still stroking his cock, and bringing it back to life. His wife decided to turn her daughter around at that point, and pointed out the hard cock moving through her husband's hand. Sophia didn't need anymore prompting, as she moved forward slowly, in order to keep her mother inside her.

  Once she reached her father she leaned forward, and took his cock into her mouth. She could still taste a little of his jism from the previous ejaculation, and enjoyed the salty bittersweet taste. Her father started to thrust his hips up, and fuck her mouth as his wife picked up the pace with the strap on. Sophia cried out with the lust she was feeling in every pour of her body, and found her throat filled as her father thrust up agai

  Just then her brothers walked in, and asked if they could join in. Their mother was happy to let them in on the action, and indicated that she could use a good stiff cock up her cunt. Brian was the first to get there, and was keen to fill her hole with his meat. Pretty soon all the boys were naked, and caressing either their mother or Sophia. Sophia couldn't take anymore of this, and when she felt two mouths covering each nipple she screamed that she was coming.

  Her mother pulled out at that moment and bent over so that Brian could get a better entrance, and she could suck and lick her daughter's dripping cunt. As soon as her tongue touched Sophia's clit she cried out again, and her juices gushed over her mother's tongue. Her cries as this was happening made her father cum for the second time, and she adored feeling his pulsating cock as it exploded inside her mouth. Her mother was also crying out as Brian had picked up the pace, and was brutally slamming his cock into her very wet cunt.

  "I'm going to fuck you so hard slut," he shouted, as he slammed it in again.

  Those words made her husband shoot another load deep into Sophia's throat, and watched as some of it escaped her mouth and started to slide down her cheek. She then felt a couple of hot hard dicks pressing against her cheek and someone else bending down to lick her dripping cunt along side her mother. Turning her head, and feeling her dad coming one last time on her neck, she was presented with two hard cocks and decided to take them both on.

  Colin was now sucking her nipples on his own and handling her breasts roughly, which is how she liked it. Steve and Brad were trying to get both of their cocks into her mouth, but because neither one of them was small; Sophia had trouble accommodating them both. She could feel her mouth being stretched to the limit as one of the cocks managed to slide down her throat and the other one scraped along her upper pallet.

  Her mother was crying out now, as her son started to cum inside her pulsating cunt.

  "Can you feel that slut, I'm not stopping until I fill you up," said Brian, continuing to slam his cock as deep into her cunt as possible.

  Meanwhile, Sophia could feel the two cocks in her mouth trying to fight to get down her throat and for a brief second her mouth was stretched so much that both of them slid down, making her choke. Colin was now nibbling Sophia's clit as her mother kept pushing hers in and past her moist lips. As the boys began to throb, and Sophia knew how close they were to getting, she began to lose control and once again she gushed just as the boys came into her mouth simultaneously.

  Both Colin and her mother moaned out loud as they caught the stream of her womanhood on their tongues. At that moment Sophia was struggling to keep the jism that was pouring into her mouth contained, as it seemed to fill her cheeks out and escape at each of the corners of her mouth. Her mother stopped licking her at that moment because she was in the middle of her own orgasm, and was finding it hard to concentrate.

  Brian was still slamming his cock in, and her cunt was literally flowing with her juices, making her legs and thighs extremely wet.

  "I'm going to cum again mother, I'm filling you up tonight," said Brain, making her cum with as much intensity as her daughter.

  Sophia was now being fucked by Colin as she licked her lips dry, and wiped the boys cocks clean with her tongue. Soon Colin too was coming inside her and everyone collapsed on or around the bed.

  "That was so fucking good," said Brian, as he sat up.

  Everyone else just smiled, and looked forward to the next time.

  Chapter 10

  Sophia was in the Doctor's office once again, only this time she was alone. He'd wanted to consult with his fellow colleagues before making any kind of diagnostic comments on her condition.

  "Right my dear, as before I'm going to put you under hypnosis, only this time I have a plan on how we might fight the lust you feel. I need your permission to go ahead before subjecting you to anything else; I'll also be blindfolding you, if that's all right. It's crucial to the experiment," said the Doctor, producing the blindfold.

  "Yes, that's fine, if you think it might help," replied Sophia.

  "Thank you my dear, now before I put you under I just want to tell you what's about to happen. We're going to stimulate you in such an extreme fashion, that I'm hoping it corrects the imbalance your body seems to be producing," he replied.

  A few minutes later, and Sophia was under the Doctor's influence once again.

  "Now when I count to three Sophia you will wake up, and you will be blindfolded. I want you to leave the blindfold alone, and allow your emotions to fly when we start to stimulate you, is that understood?" said the Doctor.

  "Yes sir, I understand," replied Sophia.

  "Ok, one...two...three," he said, slipping the blindfold on.

  Sophia relaxed on the couch, and could hear the side door opening. She then heard the shuffling of feet, but wasn't sure how many. She was wearing a skirt and blouse, with panties and a bra. Suddenly she could feel hands beginning to touch her and remove her clothing. She counted at least ten hands, and felt strangely excited, as she was finally laid bare. She could then hear the people in the room discarding there own clothing, as they dropped various items to the floor.

  After a pause of about two minutes, Sophia could then feel their hands touching her again. There didn't seem to be anywhere on her body that someone wasn't caressing, and then she felt a cock sliding over her cheek and pressing her lips. Allowing the cock into her mouth she began to suck it in. Who ever the cock belonged to, he had a huge weapon and knew exactly what to do with it. She felt him pushing it into her throat and bringing it out again and loved how smoothly he achieved it.

  She then felt her legs being parted as she was lifted up. Someone slid underneath her and she was lowered onto another hard cock. Her butt muscles seemed to grip it and suck it in as it slid into her ass. She then felt someone else climbing onto the couch, and feeling yet another hard cock between her pussy lips, and pushing forward. She now had three cocks servicing three different holes as well as two other guys sucking a nipple each.

  Once they were all ready they started to fuck, bite, lick and suck her body. The men filling her holes with their shafts, only matched her moans of pleasure, they didn't surpass it. Her mouth was being stretched as the cock gliding in and out went deeper, and began to hit the back of her throat. You could see a bulge in her neck whenever he thrust forward, and she loved it. Her pussy was now flowing with her juices and her ass was feeling full. When she started to cum her body writhed and bucked up and down. The intensity of her orgasm soaked the cock in her cunt, and yet none of them had cum yet.

  No one slowed down or stopped just because she'd cum, instead the pace was picked up and she could feel even more hands touching her body. She then felt another hard cock touching her lips, and allowed the tip to squeeze in next to the first one. Her mouth was stretched further as he too tried to go deep, and as before she started to choke until she felt the bigger one of the two coming inside her mouth. It seemed to lubricate her throat, for suddenly both cocks were slipping into her gullet.

  When she felt the other cocks coming together, she had a massive climax that made her body shudder. Her mouth was spewing out cum, which was running down her throat and neck. Her thighs felt sticky from both her own juices, and the semen, streaming out of her two pleasure holes. The taste and smell of the air was one of sex, and her body felt so used. The heat was making her faint, and the relentless pounding of the two cocks in her ass and cunt kept her juices flowing.

  She was still sucking and licking the two cocks, making sure they had no more cum to offer. Every now and again she felt the bigger one of the two hit the back of her throat, and wanted to reach up and stroke it. Her nipples felt so hard they were hurting, and her orgasms were coming back to back. She was also feeling splashes of cum covering her skin, so she knew they were masturbating over her used body.

  She wondered how many people were using her, but her orgasms were not allowing her to think too clearly. Her body felt soaked as she
sucked another load of cum into her mouth. He pulled out as he started to cum though, and she felt a spurt of his seed hitting her face. She then felt another load of sperm hit her stomach as the guy fucking her pulled his cock free. When she came again she gushed all over the new guy replacing the ejaculator.


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