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The Pastor's Other Woman

Page 9

by Boone, Denora

  "I would have died laughing. But for real though, I'm glad that you're feeling better. You know I hate to hear you cry and be upset, especially if I'm not there to be able to comfort you," he said seriously.

  This was what I loved about James. He was so caring. His biological mother, Monica, had just died not too long ago, and here he was worried about me. He always put others feelings first. James was just unselfish like that.

  "I know, Bae, but I'm good. After talking to my mother and my dad last night and seeing her OK, I feel better. Kammy seems to be OK, so I'm good," I told him.

  "This still trips me out that Bryce is your real dad. Do you know how that happened?" He asked.

  "Well, when a woman and a man get naked-" I started but was interrupted.

  "For real, Ave? You tried it," James said, trying to sound serious, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

  "Hey, you asked," I laughed.

  "You know good and well what I meant."

  "We haven't sat down and discussed that part yet. I mean, I know it wasn't planned, but I haven't asked how it happened. I was born before they got married, but Kammy is only six. I'm sure they will explain it one day," I said, hearing a series of car doors slamming.

  I ran to my window to see my mom, dad, grandparents and Uncle Chris coming into the house.

  "Lord, what done happened now?" I said more to myself than to James.

  "Baby, what's wrong?"

  I knew he was on high alert, so I had to calm him down before he got all worked up.

  "I don't know. My mom and grandparents just pulled up slamming car doors. Let me go find out what is going on, and I will call you back in a few minutes, ok?"

  "OK babe, I'll be waiting. Everything will work out for His glory. I love you."

  James was just too sweet.

  I blushed as I told him I would call him back and that I loved him too before heading down stairs. Lord please be with us.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  Once the fight broke out at the lawyer’s office, and I found out that all of my hard work was in vain, I grabbed my son's hand and got out of there as fast as I could. Everyone was so wrapped up in what was going on no one knew I had gone. I had to get out of there because I was numb.

  My hands were shaking, and it was getting harder to breathe every time I tried to inhale. Almost twenty years, four abortions and one child later, and still, I had nothing to show for it. Everything my mother spoke over me as a little girl was coming to pass. When she told me that I would never be anything she was right. From as long as I could remember, that's all I heard from her. Whenever my father decided to come around, he cosigned right along with it. That's why when I made it out of high school and got into college I just knew I had proved them wrong, only to find out they still thought I was a nobody.

  "Look at me," my mother, Adonna, said to me one day. I was twelve years old at the time. "You will never amount to anything. If you don't have a man to spend all of his money on you then you don't have nothing."

  I looked around our small two bedroom trailer, and it was filthy; outdated furniture, clothes thrown about with beer and liquor bottles thrown about.

  "I guess you're a nobody too then," I mumbled.

  I swear I thought I said it low, but I guess I didn't say it low enough because the next think I knew I was being slapped so hard across my mouth I lost all feeling in my entire face.

  "So, you think you cute, huh? I got a man. He takes good care of me. You know what? I don't have to explain anything to you. I'm grown, and this is my house. Since you want to speak your mind, you need your own house!" She ranted as she went about packing clothes.

  I watched her as she got all of her things together, grabbed her keys to her little beat up Honda Accord and bounced. That was the last day that I saw her.

  How does a mother just up and leave her twelve year old daughter like that? I hadn't even experienced my menstrual cycle yet, and here I was raising myself. From that day forward, I was on my own, doing what I had to do to survive by any means necessary. If that meant tricking to keep the lights on and food in my belly, that's what I did. I even had to be at the beck and call for the rent man. He knew my mama was gone, but he said that if I made sure to take care of him like she did then I could stay there. It made me sick every time I did it, but it also, in a strange way, made me go harder in school. I figured if I got good grades then I could go to college and have somewhere nice to stay for free. I wouldn't have to stress any longer about that.

  When I got my acceptance letter to Spellman I just knew I was going to make it. I didn't have to give my body away because I had to, now it was just ‘cause I wanted to. I didn't go into school hating Jewel. When I met her she was actually really sweet, but then her feelings towards herself pissed me off to no end.

  Here I was independent since I was a child, with no one to love, and she had both of her parents and a brother that loved her unconditionally. All of the boys from the surrounding colleges found something in her that she didn't know she possessed, and she didn't have to give up anything for them to like her. They just did.

  After our first semester, Bryce and Drew started coming around more, and they had started to build a good friendship. I could tell in his eyes that he wanted more, but she was interested in Drew. She said there was just something about him that she wanted to learn about him. I was livid! How was it that this frumpy homebody had all of the attention, but I had to open my legs to get someone to look at me?

  So, I plotted. Something would come up that would make me be the one to stand out, and low and behold, she opened up to me about her inheritance. I knew the perfect person to help me pull it off. I could give him all of the information he needed, and in return, earn his love and respect. At least that's what I thought. Whenever he got money from Jewel, he would keep me laced too. He filled my head up of us being together, and I honestly thought in some sick kind of way that I would have my happily ever after one day.

  I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant by Drew the first time, but that all came to an end once I told him. The first and last thing he said to me was to get rid of it. And that was that. I was so scared he would leave me if I didn't, so I did it just to make him happy. I couldn't take someone else walking out on me.

  When it came out that Jewel was pregnant a year later, and she was keeping her baby, the hatred for them both grew even stronger. How could he allow her to keep hers but not mine? But once he explained why she had to in order for their plan to work, I softened a bit. Year after year, promise after promise, abortion after abortion, it seemed to be never ending.

  Drew was the master manipulator, Satan in the flesh, but Jewel couldn't see it. Bryce tried giving her hints without his boy knowing, but it was no use. It wasn't until I got pregnant with DJ, and he moved me into my apartment in Atlanta, that I thought he was finally coming around. I knew that DJ wasn’t his, but I had no idea he would test him behind my back. Now here I was, all of these years later, still with nothing. Adonna was right. I would never be nothing. So, it was time to end this.

  I got up from the bed of the hotel room and went over to the refrigerator to get out DJ's sippy cup. I filled it up as he watched TV. I walked into the bathroom and pulled out my prescription bottles of Ambien and Oxycontin. I took every last Oxy that I had, which was about twenty pills and swallowed them down. Next, I crushed up the all of the Ambien and put them in DJ's cup, making sure to mix them in really good. I wasn't going to be like my mother and abandon my child. I was taking him with me.

  I didn't know if God would or He wouldn't forgive me for everything, but I asked anyway. I lay beside him as he drank his juice and watched SpongeBob until his little eyes got heavy, and his breathing became shallow. When his little arm fell to his side, and his cup hit the floor, I was emotionless. Maybe because the drugs I had taken were starting to work on me as well. I watched his chest rise and fall until he took his last breath. Then, I closed my eyes
to be with my son.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  I slammed my car door shut and headed into my house. I had tunnel vision after I blanked out on Drew in Mr. Andrews' office. All of these years of pent up anger, hurt and frustration was let loose when Drew got flip about my mama. He knew her condition, and to stand there and make fun of her sent me over the edge. I was like a raging bull, and all I saw was red. I hadn't noticed that my parents, brother and Bryce were following behind me until I tried slamming the front door, only for it to be stopped by a hand.

  "Whoa Tyson!" I heard my dad say.

  If I hadn't still been so amped up I may have laughed, but I was done.

  "I like your nerve, Ali. And you had Holyfield and Mayweather right along with you," my mother said laughing.

  I wanted in on the joke ‘cause I didn't find anything funny at the moment.

  "Boy, what are you doing?" My father asked my brother, Chris.

  He was looking inside the DVD player and the movies on the entertainment shelf.

  "I'm trying to see if she watched Hustle and Flow last night," he replied confusing everyone but Bryce.

  He must have caught on because he was laughing so hard he was crying.

  "What are you talking about?" My father asked.

  “She had to have been watching that movie ‘cause she beat down Drew like DJ did Skinny Black. You heard ‘Whoop That Trick’ didn’t you?” He said, falling out laughing.

  “You are so corny sometimes. Fix it, Jesus,” I said, but I couldn’t help but to crack a smile.

  It was something that broke on me the minute Drew’s jaw broke on him. God forgive me, but I got him good.

  “Well, at least you are smiling now,” my mother said.

  “I’m so sorry for what was said about you, Mommy. That hurt me to my soul,” I told her.

  “Oh, hush that up. You can’t control what someone says, but I’m glad to know that you will go to war for your mama.”

  “All day every day,” I said, hugging her.

  “I’m glad that everyone is breathing a little easier now, but for some reason, I don’t think that this is over with Drew. My spirit is telling me that he is not done messing with you, but God still sits high and looks low,” my dad said.

  “I was feeling the same thing, but I didn’t want to speak on it just yet. He’s not gonna let this go. His ego is bruised right along with his face,” Bryce said as Avery came down the stairs.

  “Mommy, are you ok? I heard you slamming the car doors. Hey Papa and Nana. Hey Uncle Chris. Hey Daddy,” Avery said.

  The look on my parents face was priceless, and they lit up like Christmas trees. I knew they were excited about the girls finally knowing, and I also knew they were wondering what would become of Bryce and I. I was excited to know that my man of God was finally in my life to stay.

  “I’m fine, baby. Everything is fine, and we have to get ready for graduation next week. James and his family will be here, and we have so much to focus on,” I told her as she smiled harder than ever at the mention of that little boy, James.

  I was glad that she had him as a friend.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  I woke up in the hospital hooked up to all of these monitors. My body felt like I had been hit by an eighteen wheeler and then the driver put the truck in reverse and hit me again. It took me a minute to remember what happened, and the realization came back to me like a flood. The events of the day just made me even angrier to know I was laid up in this hospital and nothing was in my account.

  “Damn!” I yelled out in frustration.

  I hit the side of the bed, and the pain almost took my breath away. Once I got myself together, I hit the pump on the Morphine drip that was beside the bed and saw a piece of paper on my lap. I opened it and noticed it was Constance’s handwriting. I was shocked that she wasn’t here, but I continued to read it.


  Something has to give. I won’t make this long because I know that you are in some serious pain. Jewel and her folks gave you a serious beat down! Lol!! I didn’t know she had it in her, but I guess she was a woman scorned for real.

  Well, rest assured that I’m not scorned in any shape, form, or fashion, but I am tired of this back and forth with Jewel. She is a smart one. I will give her that. You were so dumb, and this plan we had was fool proof. Or so I thought. You were certainly the fool this go round.

  All of these years you know I have been real patient and even make my own living, but it’s time for me to retire as promised. I don’t know what to tell you, but if you don’t come up with enough coins to make me happy then I’m done. The kids and I will walk and find someone else to take care of us. Maybe Bryce has a relative ‘cause that brother is shole nuff fine! Ha! Yes God!! Now I see why she went running to him and ended up conceiving his two daughters. Oh, that’s right. You didn’t know that Avery and Kammy were his daughters and not yours, huh? A blind man could see those girls look like him, and they loved him way more than they loved you.

  I bet you’re wondering how I knew about that little bit of info huh? Constance always has her ways to get the info that she needs. Maybe if you come through with some money I’ll share that with you then. Get me my money, Drew, or forget my number. You have three weeks, or it’s a wrap. And please don’t get cute on me because there is some info that you don’t want me to let out of the bag now do you? Play wit’ it if you want to. Toodles boo!

  Constance <3

  My life as I knew it was over. There was no way that I could come back from this, and I just prayed that Constance wouldn’t make good on her threats. There was just some things that didn’t need to get out. One thing I did know though was if I didn’t come through like she wanted I was going to have to shut her up permanently.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  It was finally graduation day! I was so excited that I couldn’t even sleep last night. Not only was I about to enter into adult hood and take the next step towards my future, but I was going to share this moment with the love of my life. I couldn’t wait to see him after the ceremony and get this big surprise that he had for me.

  I heard the text notification go off, and I smiled knowing it was from him. I opened it to see his smiling face followed by a scripture and a few words of encouragement. He always knew what I needed and when I needed it. This must have been how my dad felt about my mom all of these years. I’m just glad that he held on until God opened that door for them to fully be together. They finally sat down the other night after my grandparents left and explained everything. I wasn’t the least bit upset, and it was truly a Kingdom relationship. I was in a happy place. Kammy still got a little confused when she called Dad by his name, but we knew that it would take some time for her, and he was so understanding.

  “Come on, baby girl!” My mother yelled. I grabbed my purse, cap and gown and headed downstairs. It was that time. “I’m so proud of you, baby. We both are,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t cry, Mommy. At least not yet,” I said to her smiling.

  “Ok, but I can’t make promises for later.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to.”

  My dad came downstairs with Kammy in tow and kissed me on my cheek. The look in his eyes told me that he loved me unconditionally, and he was so proud of me. I couldn’t have asked for anything more as we walked out the door as a family.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  Today was the day Avery graduated, and I think I was more excited than she was. She was feeling a little nervous, but I had already sent her a text to calm her nerves a little. Avery would always ask me to send her a picture of my smile when she needed reassurance on something. I hated taking what the girls called selfies, but I snapped a picture of myself and sent it to her with a short prayer and scripture.

  “Boy, every time I turn around you on the phone. Why aren’t you dressed yet? You know it’s going to take us so
me time to get over to the school, find a parking spot and then walk in there and get a seat,” my mother, Nia, said.

  “Alright ma, dang. I was just take a quick picture. You know yo’ boy done got cut up and looking good, don’t hate,” I laughed as she threw a pillow at me.

  “Hurry up! Oh, and help JJ finish getting dressed too. Let me go to our room and make sure your daddy doing what he’s supposed to be doing,” she closed the door.

  I helped JJ get dressed, and I threw on my nice button up shirt and sprayed a splash of my cologne on. I was looking good with my nice fade, and my little beard had come in nicely. I was looking like the younger version of my father, which was a compliment. I took my phone off the charger and gestured for JJ to come on so we could check on the old folks and see what they were doing. After everyone was dressed, we headed towards the school. The closer we got to the school the more my stomach started to cramp. Avery had been through so much, and I was so proud of her. I wanted to make tonight special for her, so my parents reserved a table at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.

  We were able to get a good parking spot, and I know my mama was glad because she decided to wear five inch heels to a graduation. I already knew my dad put her up to it because he loved to see her in heels. My dad sent Mr. Bryce a text to see where they were sitting. They also had a good spot, and Avery was able to see us from where she was sitting. I was so proud of her because she was graduating with honors. All of the honors student’s had to sit towards the front.

  “I’m so glad you guys could make it,” Mr. Bryce stood up and shook my hand and then my father’s.

  Mrs. Jewel and my mother hugged and talked like school girls until the ceremony started. Bryce went all out and bought Avery all these balloons that spelled her name out and roses, and here I was with my small little gift in my pocket. When they called Avery’s name out we all got up hollering and screaming. Everyone around us thought we were crazy, but if they only knew what Avery had went through they would’ve been rejoicing with us too. I wanted to be the first to get to Avery after the ceremony, so I started walking down a little early so I could have a quick moment with her. After the tassels were turned and the hats were thrown up in the air, I raced down to grab and hug Avery.


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