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by Bree Branigan

  © Copyright 2017 by Bree Branigan- All rights reserved.

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  Annabelle’s Angst

  New Adult Romance

  By Bree Branigan

  As Anna walked away, tears sprung to her eyes, but she blinked and swung her head, preventing them from falling. She moved with uncertainty through the cold streets. Chris was surely waiting for her. The thought made her tremble with fear and excitement. She reflected on how she had gotten herself into this predicament.

  Table of Contents:

  Annabelle’s Angst

  Desire, Deceit ‘N Delight

  Down a Dirty Path

  Sister Mire

  Passionate Providence

  Midnight Trysts

  Perilous Passion

  Lovers’ Lament

  Feeling Dirty

  Annabelle’s Angst

  Chapter 1

  Charlie looked around at the tree-lined street and the crowds gathered there. Finally, he’d made it! The Boston Marathon! He was really here! As he joined other runners at the starting line his heart raced in excited anticipation. Enthusiastic runners surrounded him, eyes staring intensely ahead. The gun went off. He felt his legs moving, his feet thumping on the pavement. But it was all so surreal. His test of endurance had begun.

  After the first five kilometers or so, Charlie made an intriguing observation. He had been jogging alongside the same female athlete for a while now. He tried to steal a look at her body. She noticed and stared back. The two continued jogging at the same pace, occasionally smirking as they moved together.

  Finally, the woman spoke: “You know, you can pass me if you like.”

  “Thanks! I’m good. This rate feels comfortable. You're free to pass me.”

  The woman smiled as she panted, eyeing Charlie’s long-legged, chocolate-colored body, “No, it’s good for me too.”

  They continued their jog alongside each other, occasionally passing other athletes and then being passed themselves.

  Charlie was surprised when the woman spoke again. “Your accent is a little different. Where are you from?”

  “I'm from Canada. I take it you're a home-grown girl.”

  “Yep,” she replied, “though I'm not originally from Boston. But wow! Canada, huh? I’ve always wanted to go there.”

  “You should. It's great. I'm Charlie by the way. Charlie Newman.”

  “Annabelle West. But you can call me Anna.”

  They continued running as they rounded another corner following the blue guidance arrows.

  “So,” Annabelle persisted, “did you fly in just for this event or do you have other business in the States?” She snagged a bottle of water that was being handed out, watching Charlie’s muscles contract as she drank.

  “I came for the marathon. Couldn’t believe I finally qualified! I’ve been trying for a few years”. He smiled at her.

  Annabelle looked straight ahead, trying to hide her grin, “This is my third year. I just really like the adrenaline.” She wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead.

  “Ah,” Charlie remarked, “a seasoned competitor. I’m happy just to be here . . . Still, I hope for a strong finish”.

  Anna smiled to herself and licked her lips, “Yeah, I'd really welcome a strong finish...”

  Annabelle and Charlie continued their tandem sprint. They found themselves talking easily and laughing with one another, so engrossed in conversation and playful banter that the winding, hilly roads didn’t seem that bad at all!

  “Was that... really twenty-six miles?” Charlie breathed heavily. “It kind of felt like five.”

  “I know, right?!” Annabelle was equally out of breath.

  “Accidental though it was, it was great partnering up with you.”

  “It was fun, wasn't it?”

  “Yes, it was. I'd hate it if I had to wait until next year to see you again.”

  Anna giggled, “Are you flying straight home?”

  “No, I’m sticking around for a week or two to see a little more of Boston. Any chance . . .”

  “We could meet meet up in at the Visitor Centre in Boston Common tomorrow. 1:00? I’ll show you around.”

  Charlie beamed. “That would be great.” He extended his hand.

  Anna reached forward and shook it, “Good. I guess I'll be seeing you around then, Charlie.”

  “I guess you will.” He stared at her beautiful, innocent-looking face.

  Their hands lingered there for a while and so did their smiles.

  Chapter 2

  When Charlie arrived at the Visitor Centre next day, he cupped his hand over his brow to shield his eyes from the sun, looking for Anna. It was a beautiful park. People strolled casually through gardens of bright red tulips, and lounged on green grass. When he’d left home the snow had only recently gone! Soon he saw her signaling him in the distance waving her arms. Quickly he ran over to her. Face to face, they hugged briefly.

  “Hi,” Anna beamed. She looked great in a short, yellow t-shirt and tight jeans. Her long, blonde hair was pulled back in a pony-tail.

  “Hi!” Charlie smiled back, “it's good to see you.”

  “It's good to see you too. What would you like to see?”

  “Hey,” replied Charlie massaging his chin, “they're selling kites over there. Maybe we can go fly a kite!”

  They bought a pair of kites, large, colorful ones, and sent them up wafting in the wind. As they watched the kites in flight, they began to discuss their lives. Charlie explained that he was computer technician with an interest in being a professional musician. This intrigued Anna. And the more they talked, the closer they became. She was especially impressed when Charlie spoke passionately of his two golden retriever dogs, Baron and Buttons.

  Annabelle revealed a few things about herself as well. She talked about how she had moved from Iowa when she was six, how she had later studied Biology, and was currently between jobs. She spoke about being the wild child in her family, though she personally felt she wasn't wild enough. She and Charlie found themselves laughing, hand in hand, watching their kites and each other. When they had finished their kite flying, they sat in the grass and quietly watched people go by. Suddenly, Annabelle looked Charlie straight in the eye and held his gaze.

  “What is it?” he asked curiously.

  But Anna didn't respond. She simply got up and grabbed his big black arm. “Follow me. I want to show you something.”

A little confused, Charlie got up, “All right.” He followed her lead. Annabelle pulled him over to an area with tall shrubs. She led him behind the shrubs and playfully, both hands now on his chest, pushed him to lean against a tree.

  “Anna, what's this about? What were you going to show me?”

  Anna simply inclined her head and giggled. “A good time,” she replied.

  Falling on her knees, Anna slowly unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled down Charlie’s pants. He gasped. “What are you-!”

  “Relax,” she whispered playfully. “No one will see us. Besides, you look to be built like a race horse... and I’m curious. Is it true what they say about black men?”

  She pulled down his boxers and gazed at his manly length, smiling wickedly. Without another word, she placed his manhood in her mouth. Running her tongue around the small opening of his cock and around its crown, she moved her head, licking and sucking.

  Charlie was hard instantly. He couldn't believe that this was happening. And in public no less! What would happen if someone discovered Anna as she was swallowing him? The thought was short-lived. Her mouth simply felt too good. He quickly rationalized that if someone did, in fact, pass by, the worse-case scenario was that they'd think he was relieving himself, Anna being hidden by bushes. So, he let himself enjoy the moment. With his back slouched against the tree, Charlie finally gave in to the temptation. He gripped Anna's head and began thrusting himself gently in and out of her mouth as she held onto his thighs. Finally, after a good while of this, hot liquids sprayed inside her mouth. He collapsed next to her behind the wall of shrubs. Best first date ever, he thought.

  Anna looked at him and smiled, “Well that was fun. But I wish you had waited so I’d get my share.”

  “Sorry!” He felt truly guilty. “I didn't bring a condom. But thank you for that.” Public sex was a new thing to him, but this woman made it seem so natural.

  “You're welcome,” said Annabelle cheekily. “But make sure you're ready next time; I'm sort of a kinky girl.”

  Charlie laughed, “So I've noticed.” He got up, pulled up his pants, and dusted his jeans find himself staring intriguingly into Annabelle's bright green eyes. She stared back and licked her lips. Feeling the charged atmosphere, Charlie stepped toward her, put his arms around her, and heartily kissed her cheek.

  “You are one interesting woman. I'll make sure you get yours next time.” He whispered this as he ran his hands up and down her back.

  “Oh I'll make sure of it!” she chided him, “Still, I'm glad I came today.”

  “Me too.” He grinned. “I'm definitely glad I came.”

  Staring into each other’s eyes, laughing in unison, they agreed to meet again and went their separate ways.

  Chapter 3

  Charlie looked in the mirror, checking his reflection. Looking at his side view, he rubbed his rugged chin. When he felt satisfied he reached for the comb and, in one move, swept it through his hair. He was ready. Annabelle was due any minute. He had already explained to the receptionist that he was expecting a visitor and that said visitor was to be directed to his room. He paced, looking out the window, unable to control his excited restlessness. Finally, there was a knock on his door.

  Struggling to appear cool, calm and collected, Charlie opened the door. What he saw captivated him. There in the hallway stood Annabelle in a form fitting dark blue dress and pearl earrings. She had on a slight bit of red lipstick and held a conspicuously large purse under her arm. The two stared silently at each other.

  “May I come in?” Annabelle asked, leaning against the frame of the door. She looked serene and this intrigued Charlie. He had no idea what to expect from her. With her big, green eyes and blond hair, pink cheeks and cherubic face, she looked like a little doll. An innocent one. He knew already that she was far from that!

  “Yeah, sure. Come in.” He held her waist as he escorted her inside and closed the door behind her. “You look lovely in that dress. It's almost a shame you're going to be taking it off.” As she turned around to look at him, he smiled.

  “I take it you're not in the mood for waiting around. Hmm, that's too bad because I have something special planned for you tonight.”

  Charlie was curious. “Oh really, what did you have in mind?”

  She took his hand and led him to the bedroom, “Follow me and you'll see.” Once inside the room, Anna looked around and found what she was looking for. “Perfect,” she said. “That chair will do.” She dragged the chair across the room so that it directly faced the bed. Then she commanded Charlie to sit. He did. Dimming the lights slightly she sat on the bed.

  “Are we going to– ” Charlie was becoming used to feeling a bit confused around this girl.

  “Shhh,” Anna interrupted him. “Let me explain what's going to happen. First I'm going to put on a little show... and then... then you'll get to have your fun. So just relax and enjoy the show. Understood?”

  With his curiosity peaking, Charlie nodded, wide-eyed and dumb-struck.

  “Good,” Anna replied. “Now let's get started.” Slowly, seductively she removed her dress, slipping one shoulder, then the other off and letting it slide down her arms as she twisted her body free. She wore a lacy red bra and matching thong underneath it, revealing the half-naked body Charlie had been waiting to see. “You like?” she asked impishly, performing a sexy little dance. Then, as she looked him in the eyes, she sashayed over to the chair he sat in. Lifting one leg at a time, she sat in Charlie's lap, straddling him, for a brief period before sliding down his legs, and standing again to prance onto the bed. and slowly removing her bra and underwear, exaggerating her movements and flinging them across the room. Charlie gripped the front of his pants. Annabelle reached for the purse she had brought with her. She fumbled around inside for a moment, and pulled something out.

  Charlie looked at Anna waving her fingers across a ten-inch dildo and said nothing. He watched as she slowly inserted the object inside her vagina and listened as she let out a low gasp. Annabelle lay on her back: one hand fondling her firm, round breast, the other hand oscillating the dildo in and out of her sweet, warm pussy. She stared directly into Charlie's now-bulging eyes as she stroked herself, feeling her juices begin to flow. Letting her head fall back, she arched her neck, and softly moaned as she pleasured herself.

  Soon she seemed to forget that Charlie was watching her. Panting and moaning she controlled the rate of ecstasy. Charlie watched on, his hand lightly covering his erection. He looked at Anna with awe; she looked so alive and flooded with sexual energy. He imagined that he was the one squeezing her breast; imagined that he was the one filling her up, causing her to writhe with delight. Annabelle was lost in her own orgasmic world. Finally, after much thrusting of the dildo and much sweating and panting, she flopped back in the bed, and, with bated breath, she looked at Charlie. She closed her eyes for a second before re-opening them:

  “Okay,” she panted, “I think I'm ready for you now.”

  Charlie didn't need to hear any more. He promptly undid his belt and dropped his pants. Annabelle watched as his fully erect penis dangled; she reached forward and held it as Charlie undid his shirt. As she played with his genitals, Annabelle pondered how it was that in spite of her history, this would be the first time she’d had sex with a black guy. From the bedside table he grabbed the condom that he had placed there, unwrapped it and swiftly pulled it on.

  Anna bit her lip as Charlie climbed onto the bed. She gripped her chest. “You don't need to be gentle with me.”

  Charlie smiled as he positioned her hips, “The thought honestly hadn't crossed my mind.”

  Pushing her back onto the pillows, he held himself above her, resting his penis against her slit. Kissing and nuzzling her neck, her throat and her breasts, he nipped and licked. His desire made him want to ravage her. He took one nipple into his mouth, massaging her breasts vigorously. Then the other. As he slid down her body, he tasted every bit of her, his hands caressing every nook and crann
y of her beautiful body. He nibbled her stomach, her mound, her thighs, smelling the salty-sweetness of her.

  She writhed, her eyes closed. “Eat me, baby,” she moaned. He nestled his face in her mound, his hot breath sending her further into rapture. Then his flexible tongue entered her, latching onto her clit. “Aaaahhh!” she cried.

  Her pussy was dripping wet, and he slurped and sucked and licked to his heart’s content. She thrust her groin further into his mouth, rotating her hips as his tongue flicked her bud. Suddenly her legs clenched around him and she wailed as her insides began to pulse and quake with tremendous force.

  With that, he placed her legs on top of his shoulders and entered her. Anna gripped the sheets as Charlie began penetrating her vagina. She felt him moving deep inside of her and so she relaxed her body, welcoming his penetration. He kept his pace steady. The sound of their bodies slapping together was like stimulating music; music that sent Charlie's hips into overdrive.


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