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Page 31

by Bree Branigan

  In all, she was content with the direction in which things were going. There was just one problem. Wallace kept trying to reach her. Naturally she ignored him, never returning a single one of his calls or texts. She worried that he would be tempted to show up at the house.

  One Sunday morning Angela attended church with Andrew. It had been a bright and sunny day and many were in attendance. Angela moved nervously into the church as if she were trespassing on holy grounds. She felt as if her indecent past made her unworthy. But the greetings of her friends and acquaintances empowered her. No one was judging her. With her arm intertwined in her husband's she walked reverently into the house of God. She sighed a sigh of relief when she made it to her seat without being struck by lightning.

  Soon the music began to play, followed by a chorus of hymns. Everyone participated in the introductory singing until finally the pastor was ready to discuss his topic for this week's sermon:

  “Today, brothers and sisters, I'd like to talk to you about a very important issue. This issue is pivotal, especially in the course of marriage. What I intend to talk about... is the principle of fidelity and remaining faithful to your partner.”

  Angela felt her heart sink, for surely she could not endure a half hour devoted to making her feel like a fraud. She listened alongside everyone else to the pastor's denunciation of people who cheated on their spouses. She cringed when he declared such people to be dark-hearted sinners with no regard for their partner. To make matters worse, every denunciation the pastor made was fortified with a boisterous “Amen” from the congregation.

  Angela felt sick to her stomach, but forced herself to maintain an unaffected air. She somehow managed to keep her eyes from watering. She almost cried when Andrew took her hands into his, interlocking their fingers. It was a gesture that seemed to say, “It's okay; I know.” Except he didn't.

  When the sermon was over, Angela excused herself in the middle of one of the more animated hymns to go to the bathroom. There, she let herself cry, wiped her tears away and cried again. When she was finished she composed herself, retook her seat and sang along like everything was right with the world.

  Chapter 7

  “Are you ready to go?” Andrew grabbed his keys from where they hung by the front door. .

  Angela smiled, “Yep. It's been a while since we went out. I'm looking forward to tonight. Who’s playing again?” Angela put on a last touch of lip-stick.

  “Antigua is going up against Trinidad and Tobago.”

  “Well, I hope we win this one. The team has been struggling lately. Let's go.”

  They closed the front door, jumped in the car and began making their way toward their first destination. The plan was to get something to eat at their favorite take-out restaurant, and then afterward, attend the big cricket match at Sir Vivian Richard's Stadium.

  As they drove to the restaurant, Angela turned to look back. She couldn't shake the eerie feeling that the white SUV behind them was following like a bloodhound. Could it be a coincidence that it took every turn that Andrew took? When they turned into the restaurant’s drive-through the SUV vanished from sight. She breathed a sigh of relief.

  After dismissing her suspicions, Angela turned to the speaker phone and ordered two servings of chow mein. She and Andrew then drove off to a quiet spot at the edge of the parking lot to eat in the car. Soca music played on the radio, making the meal even more enjoyable.

  Soon Angela began to feel apprehensive again. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching them from a distance. On the way to the cricket stadium she kept her eyes peeled.

  “Is everything all right?” Andrew asked.

  Angela nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I’m just anxious to get there.”

  Andrew didn't quite understand her concern, but he drove the car faster nonetheless.

  They arrived at 6:15 pm, and hurried to show their tickets to gain admittance into the stadium. The stadium was almost full, and the cricketers were already out on the pitch preparing to bowl the first ball.

  Angela looked at the giddy expression on Andrew's face. Cricket was his favorite sport. Soon the match began, and the Trinidad and Tobago team were set to bat. One by one the balls were bowled and the score rose. There was much cheering when the first out came at the thirty-point mark.

  The match was going well. But suddenly a grim expression assaulted Angela's face. She felt her insides clench.

  “Why here?! Why now?!” she asked herself in alarm.

  There, seven rows down, was Wallace, staring at her with a vengeful look. They scrutinized each other for quite a while. Angela could feel her heartbeat accelerating and her mouth suddenly becoming dry. Andrew was too engrossed in the game to notice how pale his wife had suddenly become. Suddenly, Wallace made a gesture with his hand, indicating that Angela should meet him by the exit. He then moved near the corridor and watched and waited for her.

  Angela frowned in anguish. She didn't relish the prospect of Wallace pulling her strings. But with Andrew sitting right next to her, she couldn't risk Wallace approaching her directly. And so, she turned to her husband with a pained look which he mistook for indigestion:

  “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” he asked, concerned, but obviously wanting to continue watching the game.

  She nodded slowly.

  “Okay. I'll tell you the highlights. Hurry back.”

  With that, Angela got up and began moving away. Part of her wished desperately that Andrew would grab her hand and pull her toward him and tell her to stay. He didn't. So it was with much regret that Angela now faced Wallace.

  “Well hello there, Angel. Been a while since we saw each other. I was beginning to think you were deliberately avoiding me. But we both know that couldn't be the case.” He feigned a look of hurt.

  “Cut the crap, Wallace. What are you doing here? I already told you: we're through. You've had your fun and I want nothing more to do with you.”

  “No, see I'm not letting you off the hook that easily. You're going to follow me to my car and we're going to have a little fun. But don't be alarmed; it wouldn't be the first time we fucked in the proximity of your husband.”

  “You must have lost your mind. There's no way I'm going with you!”

  “Oh but I think you will.”

  “And why is that?” She tried to appear more confident than she felt.

  “Because I have this.” Wallace reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He then handed it to Angela. A broad smile appeared on his face as he waited to declare his triumph.

  Angela sputtered in dismay, “This... this is...”

  “A picture of you with my dick in your mouth from when we first met. I've got copies. Would be a shame if I were to bring this to your husband's attention right about now...”

  “D-Don't,” she pleaded.

  “Good. I'm glad we understand each other.” He then took her arm and began pulling her. “Now if you'll just follow me.”

  “What do you want me do?”

  Having taken the front passenger's seat in Wallace's vehicle (the very same SUV she had seen tailing her), Angela looked at Wallace in the driver's seat with a look of despair.

  “Let's start with this,” he replied, pulling down his zipper and letting his elongated dick flop out of his pants. “You know how fond I am of your soft hands.”

  Angela’s heart raced. Closing her eyes, clenching her teeth, she took a deep breath, positioned her hand on Wallace's penis and began tugging on it with gentle finesse and a firm grip. She could feel the blood pulsing through the veins of his penis.

  “That's a good girl. Keep going. I can tell that you're enjoying yourself. Hey! I didn't say you could stop.”

  Angela continued to stroke him. She felt hot in the cheeks. Here she was, stroking this massive penis, all just to prevent her husband from finding out that it had been inside of her on many occasions. How ironic and paradoxical. Wallace looked like he was having the time of his life. Angela simply maintained he
r grip and tried not to let the warmth between her fingers warm her core.

  “Stop. It's time for the main course. Lift up your skirt and come over here.” He could see that she was about to protest. “Nope. Are you forgetting about this picture? Don't tempt me, woman.”

  Too scared to think, Angela lifted up her skirt and slid over into Wallace's lap. He pulled off her thong in one movement, then began raising her and inserting his penis into her vagina. She bit her lip. Now fully inside of her, Wallace watched her ass move up and down. She could feel the power of his length filling her up. Her breath quickened.

  “See, Angel, you're moving your hips all on your own. Don't feel bad for enjoying yourself.”

  Angela didn't reply. He was right. In a twisted sort of way, Wallace fucking her in the parking lot was exciting, but only to the extent that this was sex. With him pumping her pussy, hitting her womb, and pinching her nipples, she couldn't fight the erotic sensations she felt. She didn't know why she was bouncing on his cock so wildly or why she was holding up her breast to his mouth. Then she realized she was surrendering. His dick always did this to her.

  “This pussy is mine!” he declared, watching as she grinded his dick off. He cupped both her ass cheeks and slammed her against the lap. “Fuck yeah. Work it.”

  Angela's breathing was out of control; she was about to come. She threw her hands around Wallace and his seat and slammed her hip against him making sure his dick went all the way up into her.

  Suddenly, she heard a tap on the window glass. As she looked up, Angela felt she had died a thousand deaths. There, staring at her as she rode Wallace, was Andrew. Even Wallace was dumbstruck.

  Everyone paused for moment, staring at each other. Then suddenly, with a crestfallen look, Andrew walked off.

  Chapter 9

  The ride home had seemed endless. Angela’s torment had turned her to stone. After crying for what seemed an eternity, she felt her body become numb; unable to feel. Wallace drove her home, dropping her off down the block and, like a sleepwalker, she had walked alone to her door.

  Now Angela sat in a chair across from Andrew, who was pacing back and forth, a perplexed and pained look etched on his face. She didn't know what to say to him. She wondered if he was deliberating whether or not to hit her. She couldn't tell. She felt so dreadfully ashamed of herself, having allowed such a stain to mar their marriage. This was unforgivable. She knew she could never undo the images that Andrew had been forced to endure – something no one should have to deal with.

  Andrew paced the room, paying no attention to the whimpering of his tearful wife. He had no sympathy for her right now, nor had he the night before. When he had witnessed her act of unfaithfulness, he chose not to return home that night; hence, Angela was left to spend the whole night crying and ruminating. But this morning he had returned. As he heard her begin to try to supply a worthwhile explanation, he simply uttered one word: “Sit.” And now they were here.

  Andrew looked at his wife with loathing, and pointed a finger. “Tell me,” he said, “how long has this been going on?”

  Angela jumped at the chance to explain herself, “I-It started sometime last year. But it was on and off. I promise you, I tried to end it. But he... this last time he made me do it.”

  “Oh really?” Andrew balled up his fist, his voice sourly mocking.

  “Yes. He had pictures of me... doing things with him. And he threatened to show you the pictures if I didn't do as he wanted.” She wiped a stream of tears from her face.

  “So you fucked him some more to add insult to injury! What a slut you are!”

  His words stung her more than if he had slapped her directly.

  Angela lowered her gaze, keeping her eyes on her lap, afraid to look Andrew in the eye. Could any excuse she could think of redeem her? Probably not. She knew she had thrown away a perfectly good marriage for a joy ride. She contemplated what the future held for her. What would happen when everyone found out? Oh god! She wouldn’t be able to show her face to any of her friends, especially the churchgoers. All because she had dick on the brain.

  Returning from his own soliloquy, Andrew turned to face his melancholic wife:

  “Tell me how you met him.”

  As embarrassed as she felt, Angela complied. She told him about where and how her first encounter with Wallace had occurred. She didn't delve in to gushy details, and she was relieved that Andrew hadn’t asked her for them. He simply listened. The cold expression on his face seemed engraved. When Angela finished speaking, he merely uttered four words:

  “I'll be back soon.”

  Before Angela could inquire as to where he was going, Andrew was out the door.


  Half an hour later Andrew found himself in front of the store Angela had described. Without a hint of hesitation, he went inside and looked around. He caught no immediate sign of the man he was looking for so he approached the store clerk.

  “Where can I find Wallace?”

  The clerk pointed to the door that led to the back, “He's a little busy.”

  “Don't worry,” Andrew replied without visible emotion. “It's an emergency.”

  Andrew opened the door and went onto the photo set. There he saw Wallace taking pictures of an attractive model. They were the only other two people in the room. With Wallace too busy taking photos to notice Andrew, Andrew charged at him. As Wallace reached the ground, Andrew began wailing on him with a flurry of blows. The model ran to a corner of the room, hands over her head. Wallace lay on the ground looking stunned.

  Andrew was wild, “How dare you! How dare you interfere with my marriage!”

  When Wallace realized who was speaking, he pushed his attacker away and got to his feet, ending the assault to his face.

  As Andrew approached like an enraged bull, Wallace held up his hands. “Wait!” he said. “You're just as guilty as I am!” He observed the confused pause that Andrew now made. “Angela said it herself! If you hadn't neglected her and taken her for granted, she wouldn't have cheated on you. You – let – her – down. Your wife's a freak; if you had just been aware of her needs, none of this would have happened.”

  Both men were huffing away, each for different reasons. Finally, Andrew pointed at Wallace:

  “Stay the hell away from my wife. If you ever go near her again, I'll kill you.” He maintained his position to authenticate his threat. When he felt he had gotten his point across, he left.


  When Andrew returned home, Angela was waiting right where he had left her. On seeing him, she got to her feet, a look of wonder on her face.

  “Where did you go?”

  Andrew sighed, “I went to see Wallace.”

  “God no! Andrew why? What did you do?”

  “Relax, woman. He's still alive... at least until you give me a reason to go back and kill him.” Angela said nothing. There was another sigh. “I'd say we need to talk, but there's only one obvious solution.”

  Angela shuddered at the thought: Please Lord, don't let him say a divorce.

  Andrew walked toward her slowly. When he was mere inches away from her face, he placed his hands on her shoulders, “I guess the old way of doing things is over.”

  Angela nearly lost her balance. because then Andrew did something unexpected. Without warning, he ripped the dress she was wearing in two, leaving her standing in her bra and panties.

  “Andrew! What are you doing?”

  Andrew simply began unbuttoning his shirt and taking off his trousers. When the fullness of his naked body was visible, he reached for her hip.

  “I drove you into the arms of another man with my pious attitude. I'm going make sure that never happens again.”

  Andrew turned his wife around and began fondling her whole body. He massaged and stroked her breasts, ran his hands along her ribs, stomach, hips, to between her legs. It completely caught her off guard. From behind her, he seized her left breast with his left hand and slipped two fingers of his right hand up her pus
sy. Angela moaned. She could feel Andrew's penis enlarging itself along her rear. She reached behind her and began handling his dick. The feel of it sent a chill up her spine.

  Soon, Andrew brought her over to the counter and positioned her so that her legs were apart and inviting. Angela could still not believe what was happening. Andrew guided his dick into her. He listened to the sweet sound of his entry. Then all at once, he began ramming his cock deep into her, fast and hard, while gripping her ass firmly. A “Yes” escaped her.


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