The Ten Year Affair
Page 2
“Peter? Peter? Hey, are you listening to me Peter?” Peter jumped at the harsh words from Alex.
“Honestly Alex? No. I wasn’t listening to you. I was sitting here fantasizing about what it would feel like to have you in my arms, to kiss you, to...”
Alex quickly cut Peter’s words short. She hated hurting Peter but she was also tired of having this same conversation with him.
“Peter please. I know how you feel. You’ve made it very clear to me but I’ve explained to you how I feel. I love you Peter. You’re my best friend; my best friend. Please don’t ask me to give you more than I can. We’ve known each other a long time Peter and my feelings for you haven’t changed. There will never be more than a deep, loving friendship between you and me.”
Alex saw anger rise in Peter’s face. The same anger she saw every time they had this discussion.
“Alex I don’t expect you to give me more than you’re willing to. I’m a patient man and I’m willing to wait as long as it takes but damn it Alex I do expect you to be honest with me. If you want to cancel our evening together to be with Ian Foster, than just say so. Don’t make lame excuses and lie to me.”
“Oh, Peter. How did you know? I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“It hurts my feelings Alex to know you think you have to lie to me. I’m a big boy Alex. The whole world and I can see what’s going on with you and Ian. I know you had lunch with him today and I know how he affects you. I wish I had a clue what it is that makes you act like a school girl and jump when he demands your attention.”
“Peter!” Alex exclaimed. “That’s enough!”
“I’m not finished Lex. I’ll tell you once again Lexie that you deserve better and you’ll never get it if you can’t let go of Foster. I’ve seen him use you and hurt you over and over again and you keep putting up with him. You accept every tiny little morsel of his time that he throws to you whenever he feels like it which is usually when he can’t find another woman to warm his bed.”
“Good old Alex is always available and if she isn’t she will be if I ask her to be.” Peter said mockingly.
“Peter please! I won’t listen to this again. Believe me I know you think I’m foolish where Ian’s concerned. I know I’m foolish but…I don’t have to explain myself to you Peter! That’s it. I will not discuss my relationship with Ian with you any more. Could you please leave before we say things we can’t take back?”
Peter had immediately regretted getting into this topic with Alex again but he just couldn’t help himself. He loved Alex and had seen her spill too many tears over Ian. He didn’t want to argue with Alex. He just wanted to love her.
“Lex honey I’m sorry. I’m leaving but I want you to know when Ian hurts you this time I’ll be there as always to comfort you because I love you Alex. Enjoy your evening.”
Peter stomped from her office and she heard the door to his office slam shut. Peter was right and she knew it. Ian was no good for her but she wasn’t ready to end their relationship. She was enjoying a naughty, scintillating affair with a gorgeous, successful attorney at the top of his game and that excited her. Until that excitement waned, and it hadn’t waned one bit over the last ten years, Alex was content to take whatever Ian offered her. She had been very careful to never make any kind of promises to Peter or lead him to believe there could ever be any more between them than friendship. But it didn’t stop her from agonizing over the pain she caused him.
Alex glanced at the clock on the wall. Six o’clock. Time to get out of there and prepare to knock the socks…and pants off Ian Foster.
Chapter 2
Alex rushed home to prepare for her evening with Ian. The anticipation of the evening to come had her on an unbelievable high. A high she was really having a hard time trying to understand. She professed to not even like the man yet why was she looking so forward to this evening? She knew she wasn’t shallow enough to only be anxious because of the wild, unbridled sex they would share. Alex was really looking forward to spending time with Ian. She enjoyed his sense of humor and the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed. God how she loved it when he laughed. His laugh was deep and So damn sexy, just as every part of him was.
Alex undressed and ran her tub. She laced the water with her favorite strawberry fragranced bath oil and settled down for a nice long soak. Ian Foster. He had been such a huge part of her life now for the last ten years. She had known the gorgeous rascal since kindergarten and had long admired his talent in the courtroom despite their tumultuous relationship the past decade. They had been great buddies through grade school. They shared a quick kiss once in junior high that had never lead to anything. They had drifted apart for several years after junior high when Ian suddenly quit coming around to see her. It wasn’t until their senior year in high school that she developed the unexplainable crush on Ian that she still carried today.
Ian was the most popular boy at Jefferson High School and Alex had admired him from afar during their high school years. As much as she longed to continue their friendship Ian didn’t seem to share those feelings. Ian was only ever seen out on dates with the most popular girls. He had a reputation for not staying with any girlfriend for too long. Just when you got use to seeing one girl by his side he’d toss her aside for someone new.
But during their senior year Ian bumped into Alex in the hallway after school one day. Literally bumped. He dumped her books and folders everywhere. As he apologized and helped her pick up the mess he asked her how she had been all these years and they struck up a lively conversation about old times. Ian walked her home that afternoon and they had a wonderful time remembering their younger years and that quick kiss in junior high. They laughed a lot that day. Ian told Alex he had always regretted never having kissed her properly and without any warning he had claimed her mouth with his right at her front door. With no time to think, Alex had melted in his arms and kissed him back as eagerly as he devoured her. Equally, without warning, Ian had pulled away and stood looking at her with a dumbfounded look on his face. He had felt it too she could tell. He had felt the unbelievable heat and attraction that was between them like she had yet he had the strength to pull back from it. She smiled to herself as she remembered his words.
“Wow, Alex. I think you could be very dangerous to me.” He’d quickly waived good-bye and left her on the front porch with swollen lips and desire pulsing through her body. She had kissed boys before but it had never felt like that. He had awakened a desire she had never known with that short, intense kiss. Her body ached for his touch. She hardly slept that night thinking of that kiss and how it would feel to have her body pressed to his for eternity. Such wicked thoughts for a seventeen year old girl!
The next day at school whenever their paths crossed it was obvious to Alex that Ian went out of his way to avoid her. Maybe he was afraid of the heat that had flamed between them as much as Alex was. Maybe he was simply embarrassed or regretted what he had done. Ian continued to avoid her and would barely acknowledge her when they would see each other at parties and other school functions. Alex ached for him to talk to her and be her friend again as they were when they were younger. She couldn’t stop thinking about that one afternoon spent with Ian and that intoxicating kiss. She had always felt a special closeness to Ian and she had thought he had felt that closeness too.
It wasn’t until the end of the school year at the Senior Prom that Ian finally gave her some attention. It was the most memorable night of her life. It was the night her tumultuous relationship with Ian had begun and it was a night she would never regret or forget.
Alex had attended the prom with Peter but her heart was not in it. There was only one guy she wanted to be there with but he was there with Mary Ann Putnam, the most popular and most buxom girl in school. She tried not to openly sulk throughout the evening and give Peter a happy time to remember. Dear Peter. He was as besotted with her in high school as she was with Ian.
nbsp; When the king and queen of the prom was announced it was no surprise to most students that Ian and Alex took home the crowns. Alex herself however was surprised. She had a lot of friends but she had never been a part of the popular crowd. She was overjoyed but not because she was chosen as queen, but because Ian couldn’t avoid her now. As queen of the prom, she was required to have a dance with the king. Ian approached Alex smiling wickedly and offered her his hand.
“May I have this dance my queen?”
“Certainly, your Excellency. I would be honored,” she replied. As Ian held her close and spun her around the dance floor Alex was in heaven. They laughed and enjoyed each other’s company just like always. They parted after their dance but Alex felt him watching her all evening. Towards the end of the dance Alex watched Ian cross the dance floor and ask Peter for permission to share another dance with his queen.
“Fine with me buddy,” Peter had said trying to sound indifferent but she found out later he was inwardly seething with jealousy. Peter had seen how the two of them had enjoyed their last dance together and ever since had been sipping at the flask he’d smuggled into the school gym. “But I want her back.”
As Ian and Alex swayed on the dance floor to the slow number Ian held her close. She could feel his warm breath on her neck and his lips were close to her ear softly touching her occasionally as they moved. Every inch of his body was so hard and strong. His teeth were so straight and white and his skin such a glorious brown. She wanted to run her fingers through his wavy, ink black hair and found it almost impossible to turn away from his stunning bright, sparkling blue eyes. He was the most gorgeous creature she had ever known. She so delighted in his touch. She was almost limp against his body. She could feel her nipples harden and wondered if Ian noticed her body’s reaction to him. Alex didn’t understand it herself. Ian was the only boy who ever made her body squirm for his touch. Suddenly she felt the hardness of his erection pressing against her belly and looked up into his face in astonishment and saw that Ian was obviously embarrassed.
“Alex, honey I’m sorry. Please don’t be angry with me. I’ve never been able to control myself when it comes to you. I can see that you’re not totally unaffected by me either.” He grinned as he glanced down at her breasts. Alex flushed in embarrassment and looked out over his shoulder.
“Ian, I want to ask you something and I hope you will be honest with me. Why do you avoid me? Why do you act as though I’m not alive most of the time? I think you like me. We’ve always had fun together and enjoyed each other’s company but you’ve avoided me and treated me so coldly in high school. But then we shared that kiss and I thought….why Ian?” Alex demanded.
Ian grabbed her chin and turned her to face him. She knew she was returning his gaze with puppy dog eyes but she didn’t care. She felt so good right now and so desirable because of the way he was looking at her.
“Alex you can feel the answer to that question hard against you right now. Because I can’t control myself around you. Because I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. But I don’t want to hurt you Alex. I can’t risk getting involved. I have plans... goals. There’s college, law school, a possible judgeship. I want all these things Alex and I’ll never achieve them if I let you distract me. You frighten me Alex. I’ll be leaving for college soon and I don’t want to be in a serious relationship and I was afraid that would be exactly what happened if I let myself become involved with you. Please don’t think I was never tempted Alex. You’re so beautiful.”
He twined his fingers in her hair and softly caressed the nape of her neck. As if suddenly remembering where they were he dropped his hand. The song was coming to an end.
“Alex do me a favor and don’t leave me right away. If you do we might both be pretty embarrassed. Let’s walk outside for a second into the cool night air when this song is over and please stay close in front of me.”
Alex giggled at Ian’s obvious discomfort. “Maybe I’d get a kick out of you being embarrassed by your condition. Yes, maybe I would,” she teased.
“Alex this isn’t funny...pleeeease.”
“Don’t worry Ian. I won’t desert you.”
The doorbell chimed and brought Alex back from her memories. Damn. She had gotten so wrapped up in her memories she hadn’t noticed how long she had been soaking. She quickly dried off and threw on her short, emerald silk wrap. Her damp, golden curls hung loose just to her shoulders. Her skin was smooth and bronze from all her days spent at her grandparents’ pool relaxing in the sun’s warmth thanks to the early summer like weather. Her body tingled with excitement for the man waiting for her at the door.
Keep it cool Alexandra. Don’t let the jerk know you can’t wait to see him.
Alex slowly made her way to the door since she didn’t want Ian to sense she was so anxious to see him.
She took a big breath and opened the door. Ian’s breath caught in his throat. She wore a short lacy silk robe that clung to each of her curves and matched the emerald color of her eyes. Her nipples were hard and cried out to him for his touch, his taste.
“You are so beautiful,” he sighed. “How is it that I am so lucky to have you?”
Alex took his hand and pulled him into her apartment and locked the door behind them.
“I hope that you didn’t come here empty handed because I need to eat something before you ravish me. Did I remember wrong or didn’t you say you were cooking dinner?”
“I decided I would take you out to dinner instead but then you greet me at the door half naked. I don’t think I’ll be able to leave this apartment until I’ve tasted you Alex.”
His eyes were dark and full of desire. Alex knew the look. She had known the look for years now and she could bet her eyes looked the same. Ian threw off his jacket and started towards her; he loosened his tie and threw it away as well. He started to unbutton his shirt and groaned as Alex started to undo the tie of her robe. Alex was slowly backing her way towards her bedroom and their eyes never left each other as Ian stalked after her leaving a trail of clothing in his wake.
Did she want him half as much as he wanted her? She smelled so good. Strawberries. Ian couldn’t control his hunger for her. He wanted to feast on her body and for her to feast on him. He wanted her lips on him. On his mouth, his neck, his chest, his stomach and god yes his manhood. The thought of her warm, wet tongue and lips on him kept him awake on the nights he was able to fight off the temptation to see her. Alex thought he spent his time away from her romancing other women which is just what he wanted her to think. He couldn’t have her dreaming up fantasies of marriage and children so whenever he felt things were getting too hot and heavy he would back off. He would refuse to allow himself to call her for weeks; he even went three whole months one time without being with her. When not seeing Alex he would be sure to escort the most voluptuous women he could find to public functions so that Alex would continue to understand that there would never be more between them than wild, hot, glorious sex. Up to this point Alex hadn’t cared. She would look the other way and wait for him to call again. But Ian knew his luck would run out eventually. Alex was too wonderful to be alone forever. Some lucky man would make her his wife some day.
Alex untied her robe and teased Ian by rubbing her wrap seductively back and forth over her body occasionally giving him a slight glimpse of what was underneath. When they reached the bed Ian was still hurriedly shedding his clothes. Alex dropped her robe, turned, and crawled sensuously onto the bed. When she reached the top she turned over to face Ian. His chest was heaving hard and he was having some trouble getting his pants removed and was silently cursing. Alex giggled. “Having problems?” she teased and slowly spread her legs to tease him further. “I need you Ian,” she purred as she slowly massaged her smooth, flat belly. “I want you.” He stood before her now, pants removed. He looked like a Greek god...the most beautiful, muscular, bronze sight. His shaft was thick and bulging and she longed for the moment he would fill her
p; “Damn you Alex, do you want me to come before we even get started?”
He grabbed her feet and pulled her bottom to the edge of the bed and she squealed as he kneeled between her legs
“I have to taste you Alex. I’ve thought of nothing else all day. I want to taste your whole body. Tonight is about pleasing you Alex. I want to drive you wild. I want you to never want another man after tonight.”
It was too late. The words were already out of his mouth. What had he been thinking? Did she catch what he just said? Would she think he meant marriage? He couldn’t make her think he wanted an exclusive relationship with her. But isn’t that really what he wanted? Otherwise, he’d never have even thought that. He couldn’t worry about his slip now. He would concentrate on pleasing her as he promised and deal with his mistake later.
He pulled her up to kiss her and the heat between them was unbearable. She grabbed his shoulders and her nails dug into his flesh. He worked his way slowly down her body with his tongue and lips leaving her wet and wanting. He teased her for what seemed an eternity at the top swell of her breasts before finally taking her pebbly nipple in his mouth and stroking it with his tongue. He paid equal attention to the other nipple suckling and nipping at it with his teeth as he softly brushed the other breast with the palm of his hand. After nearly bringing her to the brink with his nipple play he slowly took his tongue and left a wet trail down her flat stomach. He raised his head and looked into her glazed eyes. God how he loved loving her. Seeing the desire and the need in her eyes that he put there. He slid his middle finger into her moist folds with his gaze never leaving hers. She gasped and arched her hips forward welcoming the invasion. Two, now three fingers were inside her testing her readiness for him.
“Do you like that baby?”
She was wet, so unbelievably wet. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. With his thumb he gently massaged her swollen nub. He glared above her with dark, hungry eyes then dipped his head to her breast and suckled once more.