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Surviving For Tomorrow (Demented MC: Quitman Chapter Book 1)

Page 11

by Vera Quinn

  I look around the house and then fill Shelby’s diaper bag with food and drinks for her. I know I have to stay close to get to my bank tomorrow. I get Shelby dressed and give her a snack. When I am done I look around. I hate leaving here, but I have to. I get Shelby in her car seat and when I turn to get in the front of my car I nearly jump out of my skin. Audie is standing right behind me.

  “Child, where are you going? You can’t keep running. What about what you and Rebel are starting?” The thought of Rebel makes me want to cry and scream at the same time.

  “I have to go to protect Shelby and Rebel doesn’t want just me.” Audie looks hesitant.

  “What are you talking about, child? Where is my son and what has he done?” I don’t know how to tell this woman what I need to say so I just go for brutal honesty.

  “Last night Rebel and I had a great night together but this morning he had to go somewhere and Jade was in bed with me. She was doing things to me, and I am not okay with that. I cannot share my man with anyone. That is what Rebel wants, and I cannot do it. I won’t subject my daughter to that kind of life. I’m sorry Audie, but I don’t have the money to fight these people, but if they can’t find me then they can’t take Shelby. We are all each other has. Please understand.” I can’t start crying now. I may never stop. Audie walks up to me and puts her arms around me and hugs me.

  “I love you child, and I am sorry for what happened with Jade. I am sorry for what part Rebel played in it. Gladys, Charlie, and I are here if you ever feel safe enough to come back. I know Brody feels the same way. Kaden, Jilly, and Kevin, too. You’re not alone anymore. I understand your fear of losing Shelby. Take this.” She shoves money in my hand.

  “Take it. It’s only my rainy day money. It’s only a couple of thousand.” She shoves my hand away. “Rebel gave me most of it when he has gone out of town on those runs, and I never spent it, and he never asks for it back. He owes it to you. Don’t forget to get you a prepaid phone and put our numbers in it and then get rid of the one you have. You’ll have to get another car at some point. I’ve never been on the run, but that is what they always do in the movies.” Audie is trying to make me laugh.

  “Audie, I may never see you again.” The thought makes me sad, but there is nothing I can do.

  “Take it, Gracie. Be safe. Get in the car and give me the garage door opener. I’ll close it when you are gone. Did you leave the keys in the house?” I see the tears in Audie’s eyes. I hug her one more time and get in the car. She hits the garage door opener, and it opens.

  I leave Audie standing there. She has tears running down her cheeks and so do I. I keep my eyes on the road. I check the mirror behind me to make sure I am not being followed, and then I look at Shelby. She is being such a good girl in her car seat playing with the little steering wheel. I know where we are staying tonight.

  There is a branch of my bank close, and I can go there first thing in the morning. It only takes us an hour to get there. Before I check in, I go through to get us some fast food for lunch and something to warm up for dinner. Once we are in that room, we don’t come out until I go to the bank.

  It doesn’t take long until we are in the room and Shelby is happy to be down and playing. I get the map out of my bag and plan our big trip. The rest of day is made up of playing on the floor and watching cartoons. Shelby eats her dinner, and I give her a bath, and she is finally asleep. I recheck my route for tomorrow, shower and fall into bed exhausted.

  I think of everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, and I am just overwhelmed. First thing in the morning I need to go and get a prepaid phone, and then I get my money out of the bank. Then I can drive two states away and ditch my car and get on a bus. It’s the reason I packed everything so compact. The day after that, I can buy a car and then drive two more states, and then maybe I can breathe. The thought makes me tired. I look at Shelby, and she is sleeping soundly. My baby girl can sleep anywhere. Just the way it should be. Then I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 11


  I’ve been gone longer than I thought I would be but when dad called last night, I made it home in ten hours when it should have been a thirteen- hour drive. When dad said Gracie was gone it made my heart hurt and that can only mean one thing. Gracie has definitely found her way into my heart. Dad warned me that Gracie and Rebel seemed to have some sort of relationship starting but if that is what sent her running then it’s time that I stepped up. I know this will be the start of another fight between Rebel and I, but I don’t care if that means Gracie and Shelby are mine.

  I pull up in my drive, and I am out of my truck, and I see Dad and mom at Ms. Audie’s so I walk over there. “What happened to send Gracie running?” I look at dad but he looks at Ms. Audie, and mom is looking at her, too. This has Rebel written all over it.

  “Let’s go in the house, and I will tell you what I know.” Ms. Audie tells us. Dad lets the women go ahead, and he pats me on my back.

  “Keep your head about you son and think about what you are doing.” I am not going to like this. We get in the house, and I stop right inside and wait. Ms. Audie never looks me in the eyes, so I know it is bad.

  “Rebel, Gracie, Shelby, and I spent Saturday at the festival and fair in Quitman. Afterward we went to the clubhouse for a family cookout.” I already knew this was happening. “As it got late, I brought Shelby home with me, and Gracie stayed with Rebel.” She hesitates.

  “She was going to stay the night, and she did. Gracie did not tell me exactly what happened with Rebel and her but I know he had to go on a run the next morning and he left. When Gracie woke up in his bed, Jade was there with her and from the way Gracie acted she was not doing appropriate things to Gracie when she woke up.”

  What the hell. My head can’t even wrap around this. Gracie is an innocent, and I am pissed enough she spent the night with Rebel, but for her to be left alone in his bed and for Jade to be there and doing who knows what to her. Then it sinks in that Rebel probably fucked Gracie.

  I turn and look out the door, and then I realize this is Jilly all over again but I am not stepping back this time. I am going after the woman I want. Rebel might have left her to run but I won’t. I turn back around. The three must have known I needed a minute, but by the looks on their faces, I know they are not done yet. Something else is up.

  “What are you not telling me?” I look at all three of them.

  “Kendall’s mom visited and left a letter for Gracie. She said she wanted custody of Shelby. Gracie said she didn’t have the money to fight her in court. Gracie was scared to lose her and after what happened with Rebel she wanted to run, so she did. I gave her some money I had saved to go with what she had. She’s been gone since yesterday morning.”

  I look at my watch, and it is late afternoon Monday. She has a good head start, but I know I can find her. I will not roll over for Rebel again. I am going after Gracie and Shelby, and I am bringing them home. They are going to be mine. I do not have to have more than one girl. I only want one woman, and that is Gracie. I will go to the end of the earth to find her.

  “I am going to find her and bring her home.” I look at Ms. Audie. “Rebel better stay away. I was trying to do the right thing and give Gracie time, but when I find her and bring her back, she is going to be mine.” I know I sound like Rebel now, but I feel it in my bones. “I’ll help her fight the Giles.” I think about it, and I know I am right. “I’ll find her.” I go out the door and across the yard to my house and prepare for the hunt of my life.

  Chapter 12


  It’s been nearly a week since I have been home. We finally run down the street gang that killed Gunny’s son and our prospects. We dealt with everyone one of them bastards. It’s been a long trip back. I have tried to call Gracie repeatedly but no answer.

  We pull up in front of the clubhouse. Salty and Cue Ball are here. I need a shower and Gracie. It has been one fucked up week. I walk in the front door, seeing Cue
Ball and Salty are both at the bar. I look at my watch, and it is after midnight. Salty should be at home. I don’t like the looks on their faces. The brothers coming in behind me see it, too.

  Spinner hits the bar so one of the prospects will bring us a drink. I wait, but neither one of them say anything. “What is it now? It better be good. I can’t take more bad.” They look at each other.

  “Your Ma told Sylvie that Gracie took off. Mrs. Giles was at your Ma’s early Sunday morning, and she has been back every day since.” Why wouldn’t Gracie trust me to protect us? Trust the club to protect her. I told her we were a family. We protected our own and she is mine. Her and Shelby.

  “Why the hell isn’t my ol’ lady here then and why is this the first I have heard of it?” I look at Cue Ball and then Salty.

  “Sylvie just got your Ma to tell her today. Your Ma is madder than hell right now. It seems that when you left on Sunday morning Jade snuck her ass into your room and she was in bed with Gracie when she woke up. Your Ma did not say what Jade was doing, but she said it was inappropriate. Those are Gracie’s words to your Ma and Gracie was under the impression that you sent Jade in there to her. Jade has not been around since then either.” What the hell? That bitch snuck into bed with my Gracie? I don’t even know what do to do with that.

  “How the hell did Jade get a fucking key to my room? I locked that door when I left, and I would never let that bitch touch my ol’ lady.” This is not going to go over well with Gracie. That’s why she went on the run. She would never accept sharing. I knew that when I met her.

  I cannot go to my Ma’s tonight; it’s too late. The best thing I can do is get a shower and some sleep and then face my Ma tomorrow morning. Then I will find and bring my girls home. “I want Jade found and brought to me. Leave no fucking rock unturned. I claimed Gracie and Jade fucked with my ol’ lady. She will pay for it. If you find her put her out back in the shed and be sure she can’t get away. Tie her ass down.” I wipe my hand down my face.

  “That’s not all.” I look at Salty and wait for him to spill it. How much worse can it get?

  “Brody went after her Monday afternoon and Audie let Sylvie know that he is going after her to bring her back for himself.” I see red. No one is getting Gracie but me.

  The week since I have been gone I have realized that I love Gracie. I love Gracie and Shelby, and Brody is not getting in my way of having my family with them, and then a thought comes to my thoughts there is a slim possibility that Gracie is already pregnant with my child. I will put Brody to ground if I have to. He will not get in my way.

  All my brothers know the history that Brody and I have. “Get Tip on running down something on the Giles’ and then set me up a meet with the old man. I am getting some sleep and then I will take my family back.”

  I am so pissed that I can’t be with anyone. I go to my room and get in a hot shower. I feel old right now. When I get out of the shower, I grab a beer out of my small refrigerator and down it, and then I climb into my bed. It still smells of Gracie. I just let myself fade into a fitful sleep.

  I feel like I just fell asleep when I hear pounding on my door. Persistent pounding. I get out of bed and grab a pair of jeans. I am going to kill whoever is knocking on my door at, I look at my phone, ten am. I slept later than I thought. The pounding keeps up, and I jerk the damn door open with all intentions of yanking someone’s damn arm off, but there stands my very pissed off Ma. Damn. “Let me finished getting dressed, and I will meet you in the kitchen. Will you make me some coffee?” My Ma raises her eyebrow at me.

  “I have one question to ask before I make you coffee and Antonio Javier Sanchez you better tell me the truth.” I look at her, and I know not to bullshit her because she pulled out my middle name. I nod my head. “Did you send that Jade woman into your bed with Gracie? Because if you did, I have nothing to say to you.” Ma should know better, but I guess I have done a lot of stupid things in the past.

  “I did not, and when I get my hands on Jade, she is going to regret ever crossing me. I warned her.” Ma’s face relaxes a little but she is still pissed and besides that she has her worried face on. I don’t like that.

  “I’ll be out in just a few minutes so we can talk. I need that coffee strong. It’s been a long week.” She comes closer to me and gets on her tip toes and kisses my cheek and then turns and leaves. I close the door and take care of all my morning routine and get my shirt and boots on. I’m anxious to hear exactly what happened from Ma. Then I need to touch base with Tip and see if they have brought Jade in.

  I leave my room making sure I lock it up tight. I need to make sure I get these locks changed. I make my way into the kitchen, and most of my brothers are in here eating. Ma brings me a cup of coffee and then goes back to helping with breakfast. I get the first cup in me before I even speak to anyone. I fill my cup up again, and all eyes are on me. No one dares to speak until I break the silence.

  “Ma come and tell me what Gracie told you. The girls can get breakfast.” I look at Sugar and Whinny, so they know to take care of it. I see they are going to have an attitude about Jade and this is where it stops. Club girls are a dime a dozen, and I don’t put up with shit from them. “Sugar, do you or Whinny have a problem? Because if you do, you can leave now and you will be banned permanently.” Sugar says nothing but Whinny is fast to speak up.

  “No, Rebel. I’m just worried about Jade. She is hurting, but she had no right to do anything about it.” That tells me they knew. I’ll take care of this right after I talk to Ma. Sugar never says anything. She just keeps on cooking and keeps her eyes away from me. She knows I know, but she’s too dumb to know I won’t let that shit slide.

  Ma comes over with her own cup of coffee and sits next to me. Spinner moves next to her and Cue Ball next to him. We are all where we can hear, and she doesn’t have to talk loud enough the girls can hear.

  “Okay Ma, tell me.” She hesitates then starts slowly.

  “When I got up last Sunday morning Mrs. Giles was pounding on my door. It was early, and I thought Gracie had decided to come home early so I opened the door and there stood that woman and two big men. The men wore suits, but they were too bulky to be businessmen. They were the woman’s bodyguards. She was looking for Gracie. She said she knew that both Gladys and I helped Gracie out with the baby. She’d already been to Gladys’ house. She knew about you and Brody and where Gracie worked. She was rude, and if Charlie hadn’t called Kaden, I don’t think they would have left.

  “She left a letter with me for Gracie. Kaden didn’t leave until they left. I called Gracie, and she came home, but she was upset and I could tell. She took Shelby home, but I watched her house just to make sure Mrs. Giles and her men didn’t come back. I knew something was wrong with Gracie. She was upset, and I just had a feeling she was going to run.”

  Ma takes another drink of her coffee. I have finished my second cup and wish I had more, but I am not going to stop Ma now. “I dug out all my money I had stuck away for hard times. I had stuck back a few thousand dollars from over the years when you went out on runs and left me money. When I went over to her house, I heard her in her garage, so I went in the side door.

  “She was just putting Shelby in the car. I knew she upset about more than that Giles woman. I could tell she’d been crying. Gracie isn’t a crier so I asked and she didn’t tell me exactly what that Jade woman did to Gracie, but I know Gracie was embarrassed about it and all red faced. Jade was in bed with her when she woke up. I know Gracie was heartbroken and said she couldn’t share you. She was under the impression that she would have to share you to keep you, Rebel. Gracie looked like she was broken.

  “After everything she has been through and one night at this clubhouse broke her.” Ma is shaking her head. She is right, but I won’t let her go. “Brody came home Monday afternoon, and he left Tuesday morning looking for her. He knows about her staying the night here with you, and he doesn’t care. He wants her for himself, and he intends to get her and br
ing her back and stand beside her and fight that woman.” Not happening.

  “What he doesn’t know is my kid may already be inside her, and I have claimed her. She is my ol’ lady, and he is not getting in the way of that.” Ma doesn’t look shocked.

  “All I can say son is treat her right, and you better get to her before it is too late. That girl is not going to stop running until she has to. I only hope you or Brody find her before that woman. That woman is no good, and ice water runs through her veins.” Oh, I’ll take care of her alright.

  “Ma you need to get home and stay there just in case Gracie calls. If she is going to touch base with anyone it will be with you, Gladys, or Jilly. If she calls tell her it is all a bad misunderstanding and find out where she is so I can go and pick her up. Do you need a ride home? I can get a prospect to give you a ride in my truck.” Ma is already shaking her head.

  “I borrowed Gladys’s car. She wants Gracie home as much as I do. I’ll stay by the phone son but you keep me updated, and I will call you if I hear anything.” Ma comes over to me and kisses my cheek. “Do you want me to finish helping with breakfast?”

  “No need it is done.” Whinny brings us plates and silverware over. I pick my cup up to show Sugar I need more coffee.

  “Take care, son. I love you.” Ma leaves and Whinny and Sugar go back to the stove and fix their own plates and then go to the other room. All the brothers move in as close as possible and start to eat.

  I look at Cue Ball. “Has Tip found anything out yet?”

  “Not yet, Rebel. We did find Jade, and she is in the storage shed in the back.” I think about it for a few minutes.


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