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Takedown (The Las Vegas Series Book 3)

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by York, Marie


  Book Three in

  The Las Vegas Series

  By Marie York


  All rights reserved.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author except where permitted by law.

  Published by

  Marie York

  Copyright January 2016

  Cover Photo by fxquadro

  Cover Design by Gotcha Covered Designs

  Edited and Formatted by TCB Editing Services

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Chapter 1


  Mackenzie had always been a runner. For as long as I could remember, whenever things didn’t go her way, she would take off and hide. Growing up, I learned all of her favorite hiding places: under Mom and Dad’s bed, behind the big oak tree in the far left corner of our backyard, and my closet.

  I’d always give her a few minutes before I would go looking for her. Enough time to let her think and become lonely. Once I found her, she would have that signature pout on her face and tears in her eyes, though she never showed any remorse. She was never one to admit her wrongdoing. Instead, she would look at me with defiance and tell me to go away.

  I never did. I would sit down beside her and, eventually, she would move closer to me until she rested her head on my shoulder. I had a way with Mackenzie that no one else did, not even our parents. It was a sister thing, I would tell them. No matter what, she always let me in and forgave me.

  So, instead of chasing after her right away, I let her go. Besides, she didn’t drive, so she wasn’t getting very far, very fast. And, before I could even go about anything, I needed to know what exactly just happened.

  Julius had lost his footing, and fell backward into the wall. He was pushing himself back up when I shoved a finger into his hard athletic chest. “Tell me what you know,” I demanded.

  “Hey, hey now. No need to poke,” he said, straightening the collar of his blue shirt. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  “Let’s start with why you thought my sister was a stripper.”

  His gaze fell away and, when he looked back up at me, there was sympathy in his light brown eyes. “I didn’t think. I know. She was dancing at some club just outside the strip. What’s the name of it?” He snapped his fingers a few times as he thought. “The Gaslight.”

  “That shithole?!” I exclaimed.

  He might as well have plunged a knife into my gut and pulled it straight up to my heart. Everything I have done. Every single thing to keep Mackenzie from the life I’m stuck with… and it was for nothing. For fucking nothing. She didn’t even wait until she was eighteen, either, which made it all the worse. And, of all places, the Gaslight.

  Being a stripper wasn’t exactly a classy job, but being a stripper at the Gaslight was the low of the low. What the fuck did she get herself into? I ran a hand through the blonde wig I was wearing from my act, and tried to calm down. But, then, I thought of Knox walking into that club, and the anger and disgust returned.

  “What does Knox have to do with it?” I asked, but what I really wanted to know was why he was even there in the first place. He had money, and could afford nicer establishments. He didn’t have to go slumming to some shithole to stare at strippers with C-section scars and track marks.

  Oh, god. My mind immediately went back to Mackenzie. I could only imagine the low lifes she was hanging out with. I swore to God, if any of them as much as smoked a cigarette near her, I would kill them. I did not spend five nights a week taking my clothes off for my sister to become some druggie who did the same.

  “So?!” I yelled, needing answers. Something to convince me it wasn’t nearly as bad as all the horrible scenarios popping up in my head.

  Julius shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. “Uh…maybe you should ask Knox that question.”

  “No, I’m asking you, and I want you to tell me the truth. Why was he there? What did he do to get arrested?”

  He scratched at his head, glancing around the room, as if someone would jump out and magically save him from my questions. Too bad for him, there wasn’t anyone around. He had no choice but to talk, unless he was going to pull a Mackenzie and take off. I stood, blocking his path, but, standing at just over five foot, and him being a six foot six basketball star, if it came down to it he could just step over me. I banked on the fact that he wouldn’t walk away. That he would man up, and tell me what I needed to know.

  I glared at him with all that I had. “My baby sister just ran out of here because of information you know. It is my job to protect her, and I can’t do that unless I know what the hell is going on. So, please. Fuck Knox and whatever bro code you’re pondering right now, and just tell me what I need to know to protect my sister. I’m all she has.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Julius said. “I dragged Knox to that club because it’s what I do. Everything was normal and then, all of sudden, he flipped the fuck out. I had no idea what was going on. He wouldn’t tell me after, either. But now I get it. He saw your baby sister on a stage, and he did what he had to do to protect her. You’re not the only one looking out for her anymore. You have people that care about you and her.”

  He rested his hand on my shoulder, and gave me a half-hearted smile. “Look, I gotta head out. But if you need anything, you got my number, and you have Knox’s, too.”

  “I don’t need his help,” I sputtered.

  “I didn’t say you did. Just saying it’s there, that’s all.” He squeezed my shoulder and headed for the door. A few seconds later, after grabbing my shit, I left too. It had been long enough. I had to find Mackenzie, and we needed to have a serious talk.

  Chapter 2


  I swallowed the rest of my beer, and tossed the bottle with the other eleven empties in the trash. I didn’t drink, but, now that I didn’t have to stay in shape or defend my title, I didn’t give a flying fuck. My title was gone. There was nothing to defend. I was a loser, so who the fuck cared if I acted like one? Not me!

  I stumbled to the fridge, scanning the shelves for another beer, but realized I drank the whole damn twelve pack. My keys were on the counter, but even I knew I was too drunk to drive. Fuck it. I swiped up my keys and headed for the door.

  I swung the door open, and Julius stood there, mid-knock. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Nice to see you too, buddy,” he said, and pushed his way in, since he didn’t need an invitation to come in. My house was as good as his, and the door was usually open for him. But, tonight, I wanted to be alone. I thought he was out feeding his stripper addiction.

  “I was just heading out,” I slurred.

  “Well, then, good thing I showed up when I did.” He snatched the keys out of my hand, and then smacked his palm to my forehead. “Fucking idiot. Were you really going to drive? I can smell your fucking breath from here.”

  “I ran out of booze,” I mumbled.

  “You’ve clearly had too much, or you would remember that you have a fully stocked bar in the game room.”

  I stared at him for a minute, thinking. “Oh yeah. I do.” I stumbled back and went to make my way toward the game room when Julius stopped me.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “Well, too bad for yo
u, I don’t fucking care what you think.”

  He grabbed me by the shoulder and tightened his grip. “I get that you had a rough couple of days, but you know damn well this is not the answer. You’re only going to wake up tomorrow with the same problems. But, you’re going to feel like hell, too. It’s a shitty combination.”

  “Then, I drink more,” I said, throwing my hands up, as if I just solved the world’s biggest problems.

  “Fine, do whatever you want. I’m not your mama. But I did come here for a reason.” He walked to my kitchen, and grabbed two bottles of water out of my fridge. He handed me one, and then sat down on one of the stools.

  “I was at the Honey Pot tonight,” he said, and I let out a sigh of annoyance. He was going to start talking about Mila, and she was just another thing I didn’t fucking care about.

  After that horrible shit she said, just her name made my fists clench. The desire to drive my hand into the nearest wall grew stronger every time I thought about it.

  Julius took a sip from his water, and then put the cap back on. If he had a point, he needed to get to it already.

  “And I care because…” I stammered, hoping he would get on with it already.

  “Mila’s little sister showed up, and I might have blown her cover. Okay ‘might’ve’ is putting it lightly. I fucking blew that shit out of the water.”

  My gaze wavered for only a second, but it was long enough to reveal the sudden shock his words caused.

  “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know. Dude, you gave me no information about that night. I was basically standing there with my dick in my hand. I had no idea what the fuck was going on. I pretty much figured it out when I finally got to meet the one and only Mackenzie.”

  I was too drunk, and those two were the last things I felt like dealing with. “Whatever. Shit was bound to get out, sooner or later. It’s not my fucking problem anymore.”

  “Thing is, when I accidentally ratted her out, she took off. Pushed me, too. For a little thing, she has some weight behind her. Girl knocked me straight into a wall.

  I shrugged. “She’s taken off before. She’ll be back.”

  “Either way, Mila knows you knew. Just thought you’d want to know.”

  “Like I said. It’s not my fucking problem anymore.” And it wasn’t. My life was pretty damn good before I got involved with Mila and her crazy ass sister. So what if the girl made me feel things I had never felt before? “Not my problem,” I muttered.

  Julius stood up from the stool, and shook his head. “You keep saying it, but I’m still not believing it,” he said and headed out, leaving me with my thoughts. And, though I would never admit it, he was right.

  Chapter 3


  I circled the block for the umpteenth time, but there was still no sign of Mackenzie. I didn’t expect her to get far. She was on foot, and there weren’t too many ways she could go. Granted, she had pulled this shit before, but, for some reason, I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn’t get to go away. So, I decided to circle for the umpteenth and one time, holding out hope that I would find her tonight.

  The radio was barely a whisper over the speakers, but that didn’t prevent me from hearing Knox’s name. I wanted to ignore it, but I didn’t have the strength to. I reached over to the volume control and turned it up.

  They were talking about his fight and how he lost. He must be devastated. Everything he ever worked for was gone…I knew how he felt because that’s exactly how I was feeling. Ever since our parents died, I worked my ass off for Mackenzie. To give her the life she was denied. The life she deserved. Yet, in an instant, all my hard work and dedication proved to be nil.

  “I’d imagine he’s home licking his wounds,” the DJ said with an amused laugh.

  “And he has plenty to choose from,” his cohost teased with an annoying voice that sounded like she swallowed gravel.

  I had heard enough. I turned the radio off and continued to creep down the street, switching my glance from one side of the street to the other. By the time I made another round, I gave up and headed home. Who knew? Maybe she was already there locked away in her room sulking.

  I pulled into our parking lot, and right into an open space. It was dark out and, while I loved coming home before the sun rose, I hated to think that Mackenzie was out there alone.

  Before heading in, I ripped off my wig and tossed it onto my passenger seat. I had completely forgotten I still had it on. Being in such a rush to get out of there, I didn’t bother changing either. I was still wearing my white booty shorts with the matching top that covered only a little more than a bra, and was tied in the middle.

  Old man Simpson was asleep on the stairs and, as usual, I stepped over him. Once in my apartment, I didn’t even bother putting my keys on the counter. I went straight to Mackenzie’s room. She wasn’t there. I stood there, staring as if she would magically appear.

  Suddenly, I remembered the day of mine and Knox’s fight. He was here, talking with Mackenzie. If it wasn’t meant to be private, then why were they in her room? Anger began to fill my veins and my teeth clenched. He knew. He fucking knew my sister, my baby sister, was stripping and he never fucking told me.

  If he would have told me, this whole situation could have been avoided. The shock factor would still have been there, but at least I would have had time to formulate a plan. Anything was better than the way it went down. This was his fucking fault. He should’ve told me.

  All this time, I thought he was an honest guy. Thought he wasn’t like the rest of them. I was fucking stupid. I grinded my teeth as the anger built up inside of me. He knew what she was doing. He was in cahoots with her, and completely left me in the dark.

  I shook my head at all the thoughts running rapid in my mind, and then turned on my six-inch stilettos, and headed toward the door. He kept her secret, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she was with him now.


  Knox’s gate was open, and I was relieved because I didn’t think of how I would have gotten through if it weren’t. I hauled ass up his driveway, and threw my car in park. My heels clicked on the walkway as I stormed toward his door. I slammed the palm of my hand against the warm wood over and over until the door finally flung open.

  “Where is she?” I demanded before I even saw his face. And, when he turned, the anger that was raging inside of me, dissipated for the slightest of seconds as I took in the nasty bruises and cuts marking his beautiful face.

  The desire to reach out a gentle hand was strong, but the anger was stronger. So, I took a deep breath and stood tall. The heels were making it easy to do. With them on, I was eye level with him, but his eyes were raking over my body.

  His t-shirt was a wrinkled disaster and looked like he slept in it. His usual tailored to perfection pants were swapped out for a pair of ratty sweatpants. His signature dirty blonde hair, that was always parted just right with every hair in place, was a disheveled mess and in need of a good combing. He looked like absolute shit, and smelled like Old man Simpson.

  “So?” I snarled, snapping his attention back to my face. “Where is she?”

  “Where is who? And what the fuck are you doing here anyway?” he slurred, and it was now abundantly clear he was drunk. “It’s getting late. Isn’t it witching hour? I’m sure you have some pour sap’s heart to rip out?”

  I ignored his drunken rage. “Mackenzie. I know she’s here.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Why the hell would you think she’s here?”

  “You want to play twenty questions? Fine. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” My hands shook with restrained fury as I stared into the black depths of his eyes.

  “I had it taken care of,” he spat.

  My pulsed raced at his words, and I planted my feet wide. “She’s not yours to take care of.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought I was doing something nice for you, but clearly you don’t understand that kind of gesture.”

  “You want to do a n
ice gesture? You buy me flowers. You cook me dinner, or you let me pick the movie. You don’t fucking lie to me!”

  “I didn’t lie to you,” he growled between his teeth.

  “Then, what the fuck do you call it?”

  “Withholding information.”

  The statement was one I heard many, many times before. The fury exploded, and I shoved his chest, knocking him into the wall. “Let me guess. Mackenzie’s words?”

  He pushed off the wall, the darkness in his eyes turning to black ice. Highlighted by swirls of blues, purples, blacks and yellows, he looked like a crazed person.

  “So, where is she?” I questioned again, stepping closer to him until I could feel his hot breath on my face and smell the beer on his mouth.

  I was certain she was here. Probably in one of his gazillion rooms, listening to us right now and laughing her ass off.

  “She’s not here,” he snarled in my face.

  I stood on my tip-toes to be taller still. “I don’t believe you,” I stated.

  “Why doesn’t that fucking surprise me?” He spun away, hands running through his hair.

  “If she’s not here, then where is she?” Panic started to rise, and I did my best to keep it at bay. Panicking wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  “How the fuck am I supposed to know?”

  I looked past the anger, through the burning rage and unyielding fury, allowing myself to show the emotions I was hiding beneath.

  Tears filled my eyes as I looked up into his. “I’m scared. It seems different this time. I can’t explain it. It’s just a feeling. I don’t know what to do or how to find her.” A tear fell down my cheek, and I let it. It was the first tear I shed in as long as I could remember. I didn’t swipe it away angrily, or in disgust. This was me opening up, allowing myself to be vulnerable, and letting the wall I have been hiding behind crumble to the ground.

  Chapter 4


  My hand reached out, wanting to wipe away the tear, the pain, the heartache… all the shit that was torturing her. She was beautiful, with her hazel eyes incased in unshed tears. It was the side of her I knew existed. The side that pulled me in, but she kept so tightly hidden.


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