The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress Page 7

by Marie Kelly

  She had remembered from Nikos’ dossier that his final comment, as there had been for each of the members, was ‘shrewd, fair and forthright’, Mina smiling shyly up at him as he had moved closer to whisper softly into her ear in a voice full of humour.

  “Am I to take it Miss Lane that your brother was not overly happy at having to add another name to his Christmas list?” Mina chuckling back, the comment relaxing them both as she had shaken her head.

  “Apparently not Mr Black, and I’m guessing he is not setting another place at Christmas dinner either”.

  He had laughed loudly at her response, his eyes growing softer, as in a more serious tone she had added

  “It is difficult for him, Mr Black, it is not easy to find that you suddenly have a sister you knew nothing about”.

  She had seen as he had nodded back his look full of respect.

  “That is very forgiving of you, and I do wish you would call me Joe”.

  Flashing him a dazzling smile she had insisted that he then call her Mina, the two falling into silence. After several seconds he had once more lent forward.

  “May I ask you a question Mina?”

  Looking back she had nodded “Of course…please”.

  “How do you intend to vote?”

  The question had caught her off guard, but looking back without even blinking she had answered “With Nikos”.

  Seeing the surprise on Joe’s face she had finished “My understanding is that the company is doing well and that a sale will result in many of the workers losing their jobs”.

  He had nodded softly, his brows knitting together thoughtfully “You are aware Mina that you will gain a great deal of money if you vote for the sale”.

  Frowning slightly she had held his gaze.

  “I have no real interest in money Joe. My life is just fine as it is”.

  Giving a small smile “What you never had you never miss, but it seems wrong to throw so many others out of work for the sake of a quick profit for so few”.

  Once more she could see the respect in the man’s eyes, as she had asked a question of her own.

  “I thought that you were against the sale?”

  Her question raising a look of surprise to Joes face “Why would you think that?” he had replied.

  “Nikos gave me files to read on all the board members. Yours said you were more inclined not to sell”.

  His laugh had made her look up in surprise, seeing how his large smile had made his pleasant features almost handsome.

  “Smart, beautiful and honest - I have to tell you Mina you are not what I was expecting”.

  With wide more serious eyes she had asked softly “And what were you expecting?”

  His eyes had travelled to where Alexander was still sitting, downing yet another drink.

  “I am ashamed to say that I had made assumptions based on other members of your family”.

  With a smile that he had not hinted at her birth situation she had nodded sadly.

  “Perhaps having money can lead to somebody being a little lost in their own lives” she had muttered softly, Joe nodding beside her, his eyes regarding Mina with a new strange light.

  As the music had stopped, she had made to move as he had kept hold of her.

  “Please, one more dance” he had grinned “I feel that I have interrogated you and would like a chance to redeem myself”, smiling Mina had nodded her head, her lips twitching as she had allowed him to keep dancing with her.

  Nikos had frowned watching as she had failed to return from the dance floor, his eyes narrowing seeing the way that the other man had looked at her, a hot fire of jealousy filling the pit of his stomach, scowling at the realisation of his own feelings. Joe was not only one of the board members, but also his most trusted lawyer, he was also not a man who Nikos had ever really seen with many different women, frowning again as he had seen the unmistakable signs of attraction the other man showed. The hand on his shoulder had made him jump forcing a smile as he had seen Claire.

  “You look lonely…come dance with me” she had crooned softly, her eyes shining seductively.

  Rising he had followed her to the floor, taking her hand as he had led her close to where Mina swayed so sensually with the other man.

  “I had hoped that you would have been the one to ask me to this dance” Claire’s soft voice had cut through his thoughts as he had looked down at her in surprise.

  “Did we make plans?” he had frowned, as she had laughed softly shaking her head.

  “I said hoped Nikos” she had repeated playfully, before looking over at Mina.

  “You brought Mina?”

  Looking down in surprise, he had nodded “Yes, she needs to meet with the board” shrugging “seemed like a safe environment for her”.

  There had been silence for a few seconds before Claire had once more spoken, her smooth tone holding something strange, something Nikos had recognised instantly, holding back the sigh.

  “She looks amazing…even more so than the night she barged in on us”.

  “I suppose” he had replied, trying to sound as disinterested as possible, hoping that the woman in his arms would drop the subject. She however, had continued, the jealousy in her voice becoming more palpable.

  “Do you find her attractive Nikos?” the question one which he had no intention of answering, as with a frown he had looked down at her.

  “What is this all about Claire?” he had hissed in as low a voice as possible, she looking uncomfortable, but a smouldering anger filling her eyes.

  “It is a simple question…or are you already sleeping with her?”

  “No I am not sleeping with her” he had fired back, feeling his own anger rise “But if I decided to sleep with somebody else then it would be my business Claire…not yours”.

  He had groaned feeling the way she had tensed in his arms.

  “So what…our relationship is what exactly?”

  The words whispered angrily at him “Am I just somebody you phone when you feel horny?”

  Nikos had been shocked by the change in the woman he had known for nearly a year, her coarseness surprising him.

  “We had an agreement Claire. Nothing too heavy just fun…what are you expecting?”

  Raising her head, their eyes had locked together, in a hurt whisper she had pled “I just thought…that one day you would see what a good thing we have going, that maybe one day…”

  Her voice had trailed off as hurt had filled her lovely features. Groaning, Nikos had felt like kicking himself. Normally he could see the signs, see when a woman was becoming too emotionally involved. However he had completely missed the signals from Claire.

  “I’m sorry” he had murmured softly to her “I just don’t want that. I don’t need that kind of commitment Claire. I am just not interested in a long term relationship. I thought you understood that.”

  Looking down, he could see as she had nodded softly, fighting hard to control herself, her eyes not able to hold his as her expectations had been dashed against his reality, trying to pull a shaky smile to her beautiful features.

  “I guess I should have known” her eyes darting to Mina, shining with tears held back with supreme control.

  “Maybe she will have more luck with you than I did. After all being a long term mistress seems to run in her blood”.

  Nikos had bitten back the return comment that her spiteful statement had risen within him, feeling as Claire had pulled back, stiffly turning and making her way to a table on the other side of the room.

  Nikos had exhaled a long low sigh, moving slowly back to his seat. Rubbing his lip with his finger he had once more wondered why when he was so clear, women always seemed to expect so much more. Claire was only the latest in a long line of ex casual girlfriends, his mind remembering Mina’s words, not understanding why they bothered him so much. Lifting his hand he had beckoned one of the waitresses to bring him a whisky.

  On the dance floor, Mina had enjoyed dancing with Joe, findi
ng him to be a funny man as he had spoken so softly against her ear, he in turn enjoying the quick retorts she would make. When Nikos and Claire had taken to the floor, she had found herself watching the scene that seemed to be unfolding between the two. She had taken in the way he seemed so angry, seeing as his normally so controlled expression had slipped as he had leaned closer to the stunning woman, his words unheard. Her reaction however, was unmistakable, the hurt and bitter look so obvious on her features, before she had pulled herself from his arms and moved away. Mina had instinctively known that the relationship between the two, no matter how tentative, had just ended, not sure why this had made her insides flip so alarmingly. As the music had once more stopped, Joe had led her back to the table, Mina sliding back into her chair beside Nikos.

  Watching as he had sipped his drink, his eyes not focussed on one thing in particular, she had leant forward.

  “Are you OK?”

  He had looked at her ready to tell her to mind her own business, but the real genuine concern in her lovely green eyes had stopped him, Nikos pulling a small lopsided smile to his lips.

  “I’m fine…honest”, knowing that she had seen everything and had understood what had just happened. Nodding she had sat back, Nikos appreciating that she had not felt the need to delve further, one more thing that he could add to Mina Lane’s many attributes.

  The rest of the night had flown by with little else happening. Alexander had been put into his limo, by Nikos less than an hour later, his whole body swaying with the amount of alcohol he had consumed. She had danced with all of the male board members, each and every one impressed with the young woman they were meeting, all liking her very much. Mina had also found that many men from other tables had taken the opportunity to come over and introduce themselves, Nikos smiling at her.

  “Told you, you look good” surprised to see how the beautiful woman had blushed seeming uncomfortable with the attention. He had recognised many of her would-be suitors, all rich, all looking at her with lust in their eyes, Claire’s words coming back to him that being a mistress was in her blood, this thought causing him to scowl gently.

  Finally the night was over, and the two had moved back to their limo, Nikos sighing with relief as the car had moved away.

  “Well, Miss Lane, I think that we can say that you will have the support of the board, so that we will not be looking at any problems with them”.

  Smiling back she had nodded.

  “They were very nice people” she had murmured gently adding softly “I had a lovely evening” flicking a look over at him “I’m sorry yours was not so good”.

  She had seen as his mouth had curved softly into a small smile.

  “Strangely, it was not that bad…guess it was just something that was overdue”.

  His eyes flicking to her, questioningly “Why is it that when you are very, VERY clear about your intentions, women seem to expect them to change?”

  Mina had chuckled, giving a small shrug, her eyes full of mischief “Well I guess that you shouldn’t be so damn adorable” Nikos laughing as he had thrown back “Look who is talking?” Once more seeing as she had blushed, her eyes moving from him, Nikos again feeling the strange heat fill him.

  Not really able to stop himself he had moved his hand to cup her cheek, turning her head back to him, seeing the fire that had risen within her as she had stared back at him, neither smiling now as a small masculine growl had left him, his head moving forward, his mouth not quite touching hers as he had tasted her breath. Mina had felt her heart beating so fast, unaware as she too had moved only fractionally towards him, but enough to encourage him, as his mouth had dropped onto hers, his kiss wonderful, her eyes fluttering closed, her hand moving to caress his cheek also.

  As his kiss had deepened, his tongue had slipped along hers, Mina whimpering softly feeling as his arms had moved to push her backwards to lie along the leather seat, Mina feeling as he had lain over her, both lost in the need for the other, a need swamping them both. His mouth had plundered hers, his hands sliding behind her to pull her harder into him as her fingers had raked through his hair. She had never before felt such a need, her sole thought on the man caressing her, her whole body wanting so much more, as she had moaned softly against his mouth.

  Pulling back from her, he had panted hard with the extreme control it was taking to leave her arms, before looking down on her quivering body her lips so red from his kiss he had lost the last remnants of that control. Leaning down once more he had kissed along her throat, her eyes flying open as she had gasped loudly, his hand moving to her side as his thumb had stroked the nipple which was so visibly raised through the thin material of her dress.

  Mina was on fire, gulping in lungfuls of air as he had continued kissing her, exploring her body, totally unable or unwilling to stop his determined actions. The car stopping suddenly had seen some sense finally bubbling up into her mind, as with a horrified gasp, she had pushed him from her, Nikos quickly rising and throwing himself to the other side of the car, both staring at each other, their eyes showing the shock and confusion with what had just happened. Mina had stared at him her look haunted as she had been unable to speak, seeing as he had ran his hand over his mouth.

  “I…I” he had muttered, panic rising in her, as with relief her door had been opened by the driver, quickly allowing her to flee from the car, pushing the front door open, as she had moved as quickly as was possible in her heels to the stairs. Nikos’ hand on her arm had finally stopped her, spinning her around to face him, Mina unable to look directly at him as she had fixed her gaze on the floor.

  “I’m sorry…Mina, I don’t know what to say” his voice hoarse and husky as she had stood before him trembling.

  “Please… it was a mistake…we both had too much to drink”.

  Her eyes finally rising to meet his, a pleading light deep within them, seeing the confusion still so visible on his.

  “Let’s forget it ever happened…please”.

  His eyes had scanned her lovely features, the desire so strong within him to pull her back into his arms, before blinking he had released her and stepped back.

  “Yes…thanks” not sure what else to say, as she had quickly turned fleeing up the stairs to her room, Nikos watching her with a frown on his handsome face. What the hell had happened? He had wanted her in a way that was raw and so unfamiliar to him, chastising himself for feeling anything for the daughter of Alexander Mentis. Moving into the library for another drink he could still feel the way his blood seemed to boil in his veins, his need for this woman so strong, scowling as Claire’s words had once more come to taunt him. From all accounts Alexander had been smart enough never to get involved with more than just one woman. Nikos was unaware of any other stories of infidelity to his mother. Yet Mina’s mother had managed to capture him and keep him, even fathering a child with him. Quickly downing a shot of smooth golden whisky, his features had become solemn. He was no Alexander Pathos and Mina Lane would be making a huge mistake if she thought he was.

  In her room Mina had paced back and forth her hands wringing as she had groaned softly, moaning and trying hard to calm herself. Finally able to stop, she had flopped down onto the bed her head falling into her hands. “No, no, no” she had groaned to herself, the words torn from her as she had willed herself calm.

  What had happened? Why had he kissed her? Why had she kissed him back? With another tortured groan she had remembered Claire. His breakup with her must have left him feeling vulnerable, Mina giving a half laugh at that idea, the thought that Nikos Dupris could feel vulnerable over any woman seeming ridiculous. He was a man used to being very much in control, Mina knowing that this would include his relationships, justifying that it must have been a combination of his breakup and the fact that he had drank quite a bit after Claire had left. Biting her lip she had groaned again. She had not moved away from him, she had encouraged him, welcomed him feeling the heat fill her at her own actions. What must he think of her? Mina at a lo
ss to understand herself.

  That night she had slept fitfully, the face of her mother and of Nikos filling her nightmare tinged dreams.

  The next morning, Mina had slipped out of the villa early, deciding not to go into the kitchen and risk meeting Nikos. Choosing instead to take a walk she had hoped that on her return his car, still in the driveway would be gone. Pausing she had looked around, frowning softly as to where to go, the sound of the sea luring her towards the cliff-side. Making towards the large tree clinging precariously to the side of the hill she had leant against its strong bark, eyes closed, sighing gently as the sunlight had caressed her tired body.

  “My mother always liked that spot”.

  Nikos’ voice close by had made her jump, her large eyes flying open as her hands had grabbed her heart, Mina crying out in surprise.

  He had sat on a small clump of grass about 10 feet from her, the self same tree that supported her hiding him.

  “I…I’m sorry I didn’t realise” she had stuttered feeling the way her cheeks had warmed both at his comment and his presence, the memory of the previous evening filling her mind once more”.

  Making to move away, he had stood stepping in front of her.

  “Please…stay. I didn’t mean to drive you away”.

  Mina had gulped, once more smelling the scent of him, having to fight the strange desire to close her eyes and breath him in deeper. Looking at the ground she had tried to smile.

  “It’s OK…I should probably go and get some breakfast anyway”.

  His small chuckle had caused her to look up, seeing the smile on his handsome face.

  “Were you avoiding me Mina?” he had spoken softly, as feeling her cheeks burn even hotter she had shaken her head.

  “Of course not, what on earth would give you that idea?” her eyes flashing more defiantly at him.

  “Because“he had replied softly “I was avoiding you”.

  Looking at him incredulously, she had felt the laugh rise within her, her hands lifting to cover her mouth, Nikos starting to laugh also.


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