The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress Page 8

by Marie Kelly

  “YOU…you were avoiding me?” she had said the disbelief obvious on her voice, as he had nodded his head.

  “Yeah…last night was not one of my crowning moments…especially not from the way you looked at me. I am honestly not in the habit of seducing houseguests”.

  With another small chuckle she had looked warmly back at him.

  “It was…unexpected” seeing the way he had playfully winced, his hand dramatically moving to cover his brow “Oh God not …unexpected” Mina laughing loudly, the air between them relaxing instantly, as he had moved closer to her.

  “Perhaps if I promise not to repeat my behaviour Miss Lane, then we can start again?” his handsome smile filling his face, as with a small nod she had agreed.

  “I think that that would be most acceptable Mr Dupris” she had returned, the two giving each other knowing smiles as together they had made their way back to the kitchen for breakfast, suddenly so comfortable with the other.

  Chapter Four

  For the next week things had fallen into a routine. Nikos and Mina having breakfast together before he would go to work, not returning again till late, this time often all that she had seen him. She had found that Dina had very quickly attached herself to her, Theresa initially trying to pull the girl away, telling her not to disturb Mina.

  “She starts school in two weeks” she had laughed rolling her eyes. “Until then …”

  Mina had quickly declared that she was happy to spend time with the small girl, freeing Theresa and Yanis to get on with their morning routine without the extra work of looking after the little girl. Both so thankful to the sweet woman who had genuinely seemed to be enjoying her company, Dina loving all the small art projects Mina would give her. In the afternoon she would then visit her mother, happy to see the peaceful expression on her face, her eyes full of all of her memories. Memories spent with the man she had loved, Mina finding her mother telling her more and more about her father, many of the stories completely new to her.

  She had truly been happy that she had been able to give her mother this time, not even caring that she had had to sacrifice her anonymity to achieve it. In that week they had only gone to one more event, a garden party, in which she had noticed that Nikos had met her there and left before her, full of apologies that work was pulling him away. With a small frown, she had began to wonder if he was deliberately avoiding being alone with her, shaking the thought from her head as she had realised that she was not somebody that he would care about one way or the other.

  Nikos had groaned seeing Mina as she had mingled around the guests at the prestigious garden party. Wearing a chic A-line dress which dropped to her knees she had looked stunning. For that event she had pulled her hair into a clasp allowing the delicate curve of her neck to be visible, Nikos dropping his eyes as his mind had remembered running his tongue down the long milky column, holding back the moan of want that rose within him.

  For over a week he had tried to avoid her, the desire for her not diminishing as the days had passed. He had hoped that she would have shown herself to be shallow, self serving, but each day on returning he would be bombarded with stories of how wonderful she was from all of the others within the house, Dina especially devoted to her.

  Frowning down into his drink, he had once more reminded himself of her parentage, of the fact that she was Alexander Mentis’ daughter, each day realising that this meant less and less to him, clinging to Claire’s declaration that she was made to be a mistress. With a determined rise of the glass he had once more vowed that she would not be his. As she had turned, Mina had finally seen him, her warm grin instantly lighting her beautiful face as she had smiled and waved to him, Nikos feeling the flip flopping of his stomach as he had moved over to meet her.

  Settling into her second week at Nikos’ house it had been Mina who had volunteered to take Dina to get her clothes for school. She had treated the young girl to ice-cream after they had purchased her uniform, Dina excited and nervous all at the same time to be starting school. Mina had laughed as she had corrected all the horror stories of school told to her by Yanis. Scowling, the little girl had vowed to ‘deal with him for making her worry so much, Mina glad not to be in his shoes seeing the determined look on the small girl’s face.

  Looking around she had given a small groan seeing Alexander walking towards her. Too late for either of them to pretend not to have seen the other, he had moved over to her table, nervously smiling at her.

  “May I?” he had asked softly, Mina surprised at the difference in his behaviour as she had nodded “Yes…yes of course Alexander”.

  He had looked at Dina, who was glaring at him, her dislike of the man beside her so clear on her face.

  “Hello Dina” he had managed, trying his best to ignore the obvious glare from the girl. Pulling some money from his pocket he had offered it to her.

  “Why don’t you get yourself a drink Dina?” he had offered, the young child looking doubtfully at Mina who had given her a nod before taking it and moving off to the small kiosk not far from where they sat. As she had moved out of earshot, Mina had prepared herself for the verbal assault, but had been surprised as he had fixed her with a nervous smile, his eyes so unsure.

  “Mina…I owe you a huge apology” he had began, seeing the surprise on her face.

  “I truly did not believe that you were my half-sister…I …well I guess I thought that you were somebody Nikos had made up to get himself out of a sticky situation”.

  Clearing his throat he had continued “When the results from the DNA came in I felt so ashamed at the way I had treated you…my own sister. I really hope that you can forgive me…I really would like another chance for us to get to know each other”.

  Mina had stared at him, her eyes showing the shock of his statement, before she had smiled warmly at him, her beautiful eyes shining so brightly “Oh Alexander” she had breathed softly “I would love that…I really would” giving a small half laugh “I guess that it was a bit of a shock for you…but I really hope that we can…well be family”.

  She had watched as his features had softened in relief, nodding and smiling as Dina had skipped her way back to their table.

  Rising he had nodded to them both wishing them a good day, brother and sister smiling happily at each other.

  The rest of the week had passed in a daze for Mina, growing so used to the relaxed pace on the island, loving the people in the villa, finding them accepting her as one of their own very quickly. Some afternoons after visiting her mother she would stop to see Francesca, the two women often having coffee together as she had confided in her about Yanis and her plans for their wedding the following year.

  “Nikos is so kind…he has offered to let us use his estate…and he even insists on paying for all the food and …well everything”.

  With a soft smile she had looked up at Mina.

  “He told us that he considered Yanis to be like a brother” chuckling “Yanis was so touched he had to do that ‘there’s something in my eye’ thing guys do” Mina laughing with her as the other woman had become serious once more.

  “But he is a good man, and there would be a lot of people on this island out of work without him”.

  The only shadow on her life was her mother’s condition. Each day she would spend time with her, seeing the contentment that filled her being back at the villa. Mina aware as her whole being had seemed to relax, the small wistful happy smile always on her serene features.

  However, each day she had arrived, there were small tell-tale signs of her mother’s deterioration. To start with she had been so concerned with how her daughter could possibly afford the villa; Mina determined not to let her know the details. When pushed hard one day, she had decided on half the truth, telling her mother that the Villa had belonged to Alexander’s step-son and when he had found out about her condition had made it freely available to them.

  “Nikos…Nikos insisted?” had been her only words as she had sank back into her chair, a
happy light filling her eyes, Mina not quite sure why having this from him would matter to her, but matter it did.

  By the end of the second week, her mother was starting to have problems rising from her chair, her breathing ragged, the effort exhausting her, Mina watching with fear filled eyes as her mother weakened so noticeably each day.

  Mid week of her third week in Nikos’ home, she had as usual arrived at the villa Aqua, parking in her usual spot. Frowning she had tried the door finding it locked, pressing the doorbell for her mother to answer. After several minutes, she had felt the panic rise, as with shaky fingers she had fished out her key, throwing the door open seeing the obvious signs that nobody had carried out any of the usual morning rituals, all the blinds still closed. Crying out to her, Mina had rushed to her mother’s room, holding back the cry of shock seeing her lying in bed; her eyes closed her body so still. With legs that shook so alarmingly she had moved forward, breathing a sigh of relief the terror which had swamped her receding as she had seen her mother’s chest rise, the movement almost unnoticeable as she had dropped to her knees beside the bed taking her hand.

  “Mum?” she had whispered, gently shaking the small woman, repeating herself until her eyes had fluttered open slightly.

  “Mina?” she had finally managed, struggling hard to get the words out as she had gasped for air.

  “I…It’s OK…stop talking” she had whispered, trying hard not to let her fear be heard on her voice.

  “I’m just going to phone for the doctor” she had said softly, her mother nodding, not even having the strength to argue.

  Lifting the receiver, she had made the call, holding her mother’s hand, comforting her until the doctor had arrived. He had been a happy fatherly-looking man, who had joked and talked soothingly the whole time as he had examined her mother before taking Mina into the other room, his countenance changing quickly to one of concern.

  “I am going to call for an ambulance to take your mother into hospital. She needs to start on oxygen right away and be monitored”.

  “F…for how long?” Mina had whispered, seeing as he had looked at her with such pity on his features.

  “I am not sure … Your mother is going to need constant supervision Mina”.

  Looking at the man, she had realised what he was trying to say, her head shaking.

  “No…my mother is NOT going to spend the rest of her life in hospital”.

  Her eyes looking beseechingly at him, seeing the discomfort on his as he had repeated “She needs medical supervision Mina…we can only offer that in hospital”

  Remembering Nikos’ words, she had gasped, “I am staying with Nikos Dupris” searching around for her bag before pulling from it the card he had given to her, seeing the surprised frown on the doctors face.

  “He told me that there was a medical team waiting for when my mother needed it” the doctor’s eyebrows rising before he had smiled.

  “Then I would say contact them Miss Lane…your mother needs them now”.

  Moving quickly over to the telephone, she had lifted the receiver dialling his number with fingers that trembled, his voice on the other end sending a strange feeling of relief through her.

  “Nikos Dupris”.

  Mina only able to whisper “Nikos?” Hearing the sharp intake of breath from him “Mina? Mina what’s wrong?” a sound of panic entering his voice.

  “I…I’m with the doctor” she had finally managed. “My mother needs your team…c…could you?”

  She had not needed to say anymore as he had spoken his voice calm and reassuring.

  “I will phone them now Mina…they will phone you right back. It will be fine”.

  Unable to say more, she had hung up the phone, waiting, instinctively knowing that he would not let her down. Within ten minutes the phone had rung, Mina answering it, hearing the authorative voice of a woman who identified herself as the leader of the emergency team. Handing the phone to the doctor, she had moved back into the bedroom to once more hold her mother’s hand, kissing it softly, muttering soothing words telling the frightened woman that it would be OK.

  “Don’t let them put me in hospital” had been all she could whisper, every word a struggle for air, every word tearing her daughter apart. Shaking her head, she had once more been thankful to Nikos for organising the team, something that had meant so little to her when he had first mentioned it so many weeks ago, but now so important.

  “No…no Nikos has organised everything mum. You won’t be going into hospital, the hospital is coming to you” trying to sound upbeat, to inflict a small laugh to her voice, seeing the relief on her mother’s face “N..Nikos again” had been all she had said as her eyes had fluttered closed, blessed sleep taking her.

  The rest of the day had passed in a blur, the team arriving and unloading an alarming amount of equipment which they had taken into her mother’s bedroom, hooking her up to oxygen as Mina had sat silently in a corner watching everything, her insides feeling so numb.

  As night had fallen a strange peace had settled on the villa, all going quiet as the doctors had finally left, only one nurse remaining, coming to sit beside Mina carrying a tray with tea and sandwiches which she had placed on the table beside them.

  “Thought I would make myself some supper Mina” she had said breezily, lifting a cup and depositing it in her hands “Drink up”.

  Looking at the other woman with surprise, she had done as she was told, the warmth of the liquid bringing some life back into her tired and shell shocked body.

  “My name is Alice” she had continued, her voice bright as she had lifted her own cup along with a sandwich.

  “Eat up…” Mina lifting a small quarter of a sandwich in an almost automatic response, before she had paused, her eyes looking at the other woman.

  “How is my mother?” she had asked, the first time she had been able to all day. Alice had smiled warmly back at her, her look comforting.

  “Better Mina, much better. Her oxygen levels are back up and she is breathing easily now”.

  Mina had given a small choked half-sob, the relief filling her as she had nodded, a tremulous smile rising to her mouth.

  “Thank you” she had managed, her eyes showing the depth of her gratitude.

  Giving another smile Alice had pointed at the sandwich “Well if you really want to thank me…..then eat that” she had said kindly, Mina nodding and smiling as she had eaten it, feeling suddenly hungry as she had quickly demolished two more, Alice chattering at her the whole time.

  When they had eaten and cleaned up, she had snuck into her mother’s bedroom, following Alice who had checked on the levels of the machine, smiling encouragingly at her, Mina so relieved to see the colour once more on her face, her chest rising and falling rhythmically unlike that morning. For the first time that day feeling content and sure that her mother was well, her eyes had shown her relief as she had moved out of the bedroom with Alice.

  “It’s late Mina…I understand that you are living on the Dupris estate”.

  Mina had nodded her head softly, frowning as she had looked at the time giving a small groan seeing that it was nearly 1:00 in the morning.

  “Yes…But if you don’t mind Alice, I would like to move in tomorrow. I want to be with my mother as much as possible”

  Patting her arm softly the nurse had nodded.

  “Well I am sure that she would appreciate having you here” her face kindly, as she had walked with her to her car.

  At the villa, Nikos had once more paced the room, his eyes again looking at the clock. Frowning he had wondered for the thousandth time where she was, what was happening, his only information being from the Team lead who had informed him that her mother was comfortable and doing well.

  Moving over to pour himself a drink, he had flicked another look at his mobile phone, tempted to call her, knowing that he couldn’t. She had enough to deal with. She didn’t need his constant interference. With a sigh, his mind had once more flashed to the last tim
e he had seen her that morning, everybody waving Dina off to school, Mina radiant with her large smile as she had laughed at him, her eyes sparkling, the joke he had already forgotten as once more he had needed to hold down the way his body had responded to her.

  The opening of the door had brought him around quickly. Moving from the study he had seen as she had already ascended half-way up the stairs.

  “Mina!” he had called, seeing as she had froze at his voice, her back stiffening as she had not turned around.

  “It’s…it’s fine Nikos” she had managed, so aware of the quiver on her voice.

  “Thank you for everything…you have no idea what being able to stay in the Villa means to my mother”.

  Moving to the stairs himself he had gently spoken.

  “Are you OK?”

  Seeing as she had nodded her voice breaking as she had moved quickly up the stairs to her room.

  “I’m fine…please I just need some sleep…sorry Nikos please…I’ll speak with you in the morning”.

  She had then ran the rest of the way, pushing the door of her room open to escape from him, to find the peaceful solitude of her room, where she could really let go of all of the emotions rushing through her.

  Sinking down onto her bed, she had finally let the sobs tear through her, as her heart had broken. Hearing the soft tapping on her door, she had pulled herself up, dashing away the tears as she had tried to pull herself together enough to answer, her voice coming out shaky and higher than normal “Yes?” the sound of Nikos, raising panic within her. Of all people she did not want him to see her so upset.

  “Are you OK Mina?”

  “I…I’m fine” she had managed the tremor in her voice still audible “Please…..just …leave me alone” her hands frantically wiping the tears which flowed down her stricken face.

  “I’m coming in” his determined voice had made her groan, as the door had opened, Mina turning so that he would not see her face. Looking down at the bed she had coughed softly, trying to sound calm, despite the pain and hurt which invaded every part of her.


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