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Greyson - Part 4: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)

Page 7

by Cali MacKay

  And to make matters worse, it was clear that Juno wouldn’t be happy about him stepping up as alpha, even if he shared the position with Kiernan. Not that he could blame her after all she’d been through.

  “Even if I give you my support, I honestly don’t think they’ll rally behind you as alpha—and you can try to go it alone, but there’s a good chance someone else will challenge you. We’ve got good men in our pack, and I guarantee someone will step forward.” Not to mention this could tear the pack apart. But maybe… “Kiernan…is this something that you truly want? Or is it something you’ve settled on because it was what was expected of you as the son of the alpha?”

  Kiernan took a long pull from his bottle, and let out a weary sigh. “I don’t fucking know, man… It’d have been a hell of a lot easier if I hadn’t spent my whole life thinking this was what I was supposed to do with my life.”

  “Then maybe you need to give it some more thought—and maybe you should have an honest talk with Dad and see what he has to say on the matter. You might realize that you’d be happier doing something completely different.”



  Greyson could not have anticipated the events that would unfold. Starting with answering the door to find not just Ryder but Sadie. “Surprise!”

  “Sadie. What are you doing here?” Greyson gave his sister-in-law a hug, while giving Ryder a questioning glare, ready to murder him. Letting go of Sadie, he stepped aside to let her pass. “You should have told us you were coming.”

  But then Juno was there, hugging her sister. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I wanted to surprise you, and since I was interviewing for a position just a few hours from here, it seemed like a waste to miss out on the opportunity to see you when I was so close.” Sadie then smiled at Ryder over her shoulder. “And since I wasn’t sure where you guys lived, and I had Ryder’s number handy, he was nice enough to bring me over.”

  Juno tossed Greyson a slightly panicked look as she escorted her sister into the living room.

  He pulled Ryder aside and all but growled at him. “For fuck’s sake…what were you thinking?”

  “There was no stopping her—believe me. I tried.” Ryder shook his head. “You got a minute to talk?”

  “Yeah. Juno and Sadie won’t notice we’re gone since they’re busy catching up. What’s going on?” ’Cause Ryder was suddenly looking far too serious, and that never boded well.

  Ryder ran a hand along his stubbled jaw, as if trying to choose his words carefully. “Now that Kiernan’s decided not to pursue becoming alpha, I was thinking I’d throw my hat into the ring—but not if you’re going to go for it.”

  It was the last thing Greyson had expected—though it wasn’t a bad idea. Ryder had a good head on his shoulders and was well thought of and highly respected. “I honestly have no interest in it—and I think you’d be great as alpha. Not sure if you’ll be uncontested, but I’m pretty sure the pack would support you. If you’re looking for my endorsement, you have it.”

  Yet Ryder still looked a bit uneasy—which wasn’t at all the reaction Greyson thought he’d get. “There’s one more thing… Sadie.”

  Fuck, no… “What about her, Ryder?”

  “We’ve been chatting the last few weeks and…she wants to move here, especially since she’ll be an aunt soon. She really misses having Juno around.” Yet there was clearly more on Ryder’s mind.

  “What else? ’Cause I know there’s something you’re not telling me.” Greyson and Juno were finally happy—and everything was peaceful. Yet, he had a feeling Ryder would soon be throwing a wrench into their blissful life.

  “I know you’re going to think I’m crazy, but…I think Sadie’s my fated mate.”

  All Greyson could do is laugh. “Good luck with that.”

  ***The End***

  ***I hope you enjoyed Greyson and Juno’s story! Please read on for a FREE BONUS story—Forbidden, Part 1. For updates on Ryder’s story (Fall 2016) and for news on new releases, please sign up for my newsletter. As always, reviews are greatly appreciated!! Wishing you all the best! — Cali MacKay ***


  Part One

  By Cali MacKay


  Part One of the Forbidden Saga

  By Cali MacKay

  Copyright © 2015 by Cali MacKay

  Published by Daeron Publishing


  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher or author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. The story contained within is the work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual person’s living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual scenes and adult language and is only for readers over the age of 18.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2015, edition 1.0

  ISBN: 978-1-940041-34-6

  I’d like to dedicate this book to my readers. A million thanks for the support!!!


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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Part 1

  Chapter 1


  Phoebe struggled to get free of Kevin’s grip as his hands squeezed around her throat, the rain and wind lashing at them while the storm raged and she fought for her life. The boat pitched on the angry black ocean, sending them both sprawling against the wet deck, freeing her from his grip, leaving her gasping for air in a fight for survival.

  The deck was too slick for her to gain purchase as it tilted and rolled in the storm—not that there was anywhere to escape to. When he lunged for her, she kicked out at him, still sprawled on the wet wood, wondering how it had all gone so wrong, how a man she once loved now wanted her dead.

  Kevin grabbed her leg, his fingers locking around her ankle, dragging her back to him as she screamed and landed a kick to his groin. His grip loosened, and she knew it was now or never. This was her only chance. If she didn’t get off his boat, she’d end up dead. And though she may drown in the cold, dark sea, she knew they weren’t that far from shore—though the icy water might kill her before she ever made it back to land.

  Somehow she managed to get to her feet, fear and doubt threatening to cripple her. But with Kevin ready to lunge for her, she did the only thing she could.

  She leapt.

  The ice-cold water and darkness surrounded her, stealing her breath and freezing her limbs rigid as she desperately tried to push her way back to the surface. A muted shot rang out, piercing the water next to her, as she pushed herself to get as far from the boat as possible. Her lungs burned with the lack of oxygen as she broke the surface, but only for a moment, sucking in a huge breath before plunging back under, a shot grazing her arm as she tried to get her bearings and swim towards the shore.

  The angry ocean tossed her about like a piece of seaweed caught in its tumultuous current, threatening to drown her as she moved on pure instinct and survival. The cold was slowing everything—her arms, her legs, her thoughts—as she did her best to stay afloat. And though the shots continued to ring out, they now seemed to be farther away.

  She flipped onto her back, knowing it’d be easier for her to stay afloat, especially as the darkness and cold threatened to consume her. There…a light…off in the distance…or was it just her mind slowing and a lack of oxygen, as water tried to fill her lungs? If she could just make it to shore…if she c
ould just keep the darkness away…

  And then she was floating in the inky blackness and numbing cold, carried away by Neptune’s wrath.

  Chapter 2


  Hawke pulled up the collar on his wool pea coat as he walked the beach, the frigid wind still whipping in off the ocean after last night’s storm. He loved the quiet solitude of the place, happy to have inherited their remote home on a private island off the shores of Maine. He had no need for the outside world, and when they needed to conduct business, Hawke was happy to leave it up to his twin, Archer, who loved the bustle of the city.

  It wasn’t just the remoteness of the place, though. The rugged wilderness of the area also gave Hawke the inspiration he needed for his work, especially when the sky was grey and the sea was raging—not that he’d been feeling inspired as of late. He hated that it’d been months since he’d painted anything, drifting to his photography instead, though it didn’t fulfill him creatively in the same way.

  Picking up the ball Guinness dropped at his feet, Hawke gave it a hard throw, hoping to tire out his pup, who was too large, too rambunctious, and far too happy to chew his way through half their belongings, earning him a permanent ban from the art studio.

  The waves were still coming in hard, but the tide had receded, leaving driftwood and seaweed washed up on the beach and dunes. Guinness barked—and then barked again like a crazy fiend. Hawke swore that if the dog was rolling around in rotten fish again, he was going to use the mutt as fish bait. But it wasn’t that…not at all. “Fuck.”

  Hawke ate up the distance to Guinness and dropped to his knees, his heart hammering inside his chest as adrenaline pumped through his veins. Where the hell had she come from?

  Hoping she was still alive, he gently turned the woman onto her back and checked for a pulse, trying to ignore how stunningly beautiful she was—and how pale—her dark red hair a stark contrast to her nearly blue skin. There—she still had a pulse, though it was faint and thready, her skin like ice to the touch.

  Yanking off his pea coat, he quickly covered her in it and scooped her into his arms, knowing he had to get her warmed up before it was too late, her condition already tenuous and dire at best. The house wasn’t far, and he made it back in record time, her soaked body cradled against his chest, cold and fragile as he held her tight. “Nearly there, love. I’ve got you…just hold on.”

  The moment he was over the threshold, he was calling out for Archer as he moved toward his bedroom, with Guinness quick on his heels. He had to get her warmed up and out of her wet clothes.

  Archer walked in and immediately cursed under his breath, while Hawke put her down on the sofa and attempted to get her undressed, the fabric of her drenched clothes clinging to her limbs and body, making it difficult to strip her down. “What the hell happened?”

  “Guinness found her washed up on shore, though how she ended up here, I haven’t a fucking clue.” They were the only ones on the island, and though the mainland wasn’t far, it was still a remote part of Maine and he didn’t think she was one of the locals. Then there was also the little fact that no one in their right mind would have been out swimming in the Atlantic in the middle of November.

  “We’ll need to raise her body temperature.” Archer dropped to his side and helped him with her wet clothing, so that they finally managed to strip her down naked.

  It was hard not to feel like he was somehow violating a complete stranger, but the closest doctor was on the mainland over an hour away. Though they didn’t have to boat to shore thanks to the private road and bridge they’d built to connect them to the mainland, Hawke doubted she’d last long enough to make it to the doctor’s. What they needed to do was get her core temperature up before it was too late.

  Worried about her, Hawke cursed under his breath as he started to scoop her up, when he spotted the blood on her arm. “Fuck…she’s been shot.”

  Luckily, the bullet had gone straight through the muscular part of her upper arm. He wasn’t fucking liking this one bit. Someone had shot her—and what? Tossed her into the sea? Not that her wound was enough to kill her, although the ocean would have certainly managed that just fine.

  Archer pulled back the covers on Hawke’s bed. “The wound can wait until after we’ve gotten her temperature up. Get her under the covers, and then strip down. Use your body heat to get her warm, while I go and call the doctor—and the police.”

  “Not the police. Not until we know what happened to her. If someone wants her dead and they catch wind of someone washing up on our beach with a gunshot wound, they’re going to come after her.” The thought that someone had tried to harm her left him pissed off, with a rage coursing through him. He didn’t know what the hell trouble she’d gotten herself into, but there was no way he’d be letting her come to harm while she was in his care.

  Not that any of that mattered at the moment. They needed to bring her temperature up and stabilize her or whoever wanted her dead would get their wish.

  With Archer gone to contact their doctor—a man they could trust—Hawke scooped her naked body into his arms and got her under the covers, before quickly ridding himself of his clothing. Not exactly the ideal circumstances for getting naked with a gorgeous woman, and he had no doubt she’d scream bloody murder and there’d be hell to pay if she came to and found herself, not only naked, but with him naked next to her—even if he kept his briefs on.

  Knowing there was little he could do about their circumstances and their options were few, he climbed into bed next to her and pulled the covers up over them. Scooping her into his arms, he pulled her small body to his, spooning her from behind and holding her close as he fought the shiver that ran through him. She was ice-cold, and felt small and far too delicate in his arms. How she managed to survive the brutal Atlantic Ocean and someone trying to kill her, he hadn’t a clue.

  Desperate to warm her as quickly possible, he tried his best to cover as much of her body as possible, wrapping his arms and legs around her and holding her tight. And though he knew it was so fucking wrong, his body had a mind of its own, immediately reacting to the nearness of her, his cock going hard as it nestled between her ass cheeks.

  Fuck…it had just been way too long. Though he liked his privacy—needed it, even—it didn’t exactly make it easy to get laid as often as he’d like. And even then…things were just…complicated—especially since he rarely left the island and the nearest city was hours away. He was basically a recluse, most thinking that his brother was the famous artist—a lie he was happy to keep alive, and easy enough to perpetuate when few even knew that he and Archer were identical twins.

  She stirred in his arms, sending his heart racing, although she still didn’t wake, and probably wouldn’t for days to come. Not after all she’d been through. When Archer walked back into the room, he reluctantly shifted his attention away from her and to his brother. “Well?”

  “Dr. Foster said we need to elevate the temperature of her core, being careful not to draw blood to her limbs, which would pull it away from her heart. As for the bullet wound, we need to bandage it and make sure we control the bleeding. He’s offered to come out to the island, but it could be a couple days before he can manage it, since he’s out of town at some conference.” Archer tossed a few more blankets on the bed, nestled a couple of hot water bottles against her torso, and then started stripping off his clothes. “Has she warmed up any?”

  Dr. Foster was one of the few people they trusted to keep their secrets, but Hawke would have felt better if their little sea nymph was seen to properly before she succumbed to hypothermia. “She still feels frozen to me.”

  “You can go if you want.” Archer pulled back the covers on the opposite side of the bed and sidled up to her in an attempt to warm her.

  “I’m staying. Even if she sees me, I doubt she’ll remember it. Not in the condition she’s in.” He’d take his chances—because there was something about her he wasn’t ready to walk away from.

; Chapter 3


  Archer couldn’t quite believe that his brother was staying. Hawke had issues…issues caused by one fucker of a stepfather…issues he himself was spared because Hawke had done all he could to protect him, taking the brunt of the abuse to keep him safe.

  As a result, Hawke didn’t deal with people or the outside world, which was a fucking shame, since there was a world of inspiration out there to be explored and experienced. The fact that he’d taken an interest in this beautiful stranger was unexpected, and as far as Archer was concerned, a huge step in the right direction.

  If she somehow allowed Hawke to live a more normal life instead of escaping from it, then Archer would do all he could to make sure that she not only got better, but she stuck around, especially since Hawke only seemed more and more withdrawn these days. He wasn’t even painting, and in the past that had been one of the few things that allowed him some relief from the demons that haunted him.

  The day slipped into night, and though they’d managed to warm her up, she’d yet to open her eyes, leaving him worried about her. It’d be easy enough for infection to set into her wound, and though they managed to clean it and get it bandaged, they hadn’t done much else.

  Her color was better at least. He’d never seen anyone look so blue, as if she’d been touched by the heart of winter. Luckily, the blue had subsided, and though she was still pale, especially in contrast to her thick, mahogany red hair, her cheeks were now flushed with a touch of pink. In the dim light of the room as he held her close, he’d counted the smattering of freckles that danced across her pixie nose, and the truth was there was an ethereal quality to her, like she wasn’t quite of this world.

  He could see Hawke painting her as a mermaid washed ashore—and hoped he would. It’d be good to see him painting again, and not just because he had buyers clamoring for another piece of “their” work. Although Hawke was the artist, Archer was the one who went out into the world, pretending to be “Jackson,” the famous painter. It was why few knew that there were two of them. It was just how Hawke preferred to live his life—away from the city and the public, the media. Whereas Archer had no problem with the limelight, the attention, the women.


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