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Shadowed Secret (Daughters of the Vieux Carré)

Page 6

by Rhys Rowlyn

  “Bye, girl.”

  We disconnect, and I head downstairs.

  I walk into the kitchen, and everyone is staring at me. “What?”

  Cassie dips her chin and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Jean Pierre told us about your awesome fighting skills.”

  My cheeks heat, and I grin. “Yeah, I was a stunt double for several action films. I had to learn to look convincing, so I studied several martial arts, took fencing classes, and am pretty handy with guns.”

  “Sorry, Jean Pierre, but I’m stealing her. She’s my dream woman.” Giles throws an arm over my shoulders, winking at me.

  Jean Pierre steps between us, jabbing Giles’s side with his elbow. “Back off. She’s definitely taken.”

  “I was thinking, maybe you could do some training with the rest of us. Something is going on with these ferals. It’s strange there were two together. I have some skills but could use some extra.” Cassie hands me a bag of blood from the fridge, giving me a hopeful look as I pop the bag in my mouth. “Also, it would be nice if Fleur and Rebecca were able to defend themselves. They’re vampires but lack basic fighting skills.”

  Rebecca frowns, putting her hands on her hips. “Hey, I have…” Her shoulders droop, and she grins sheepishly. “Okay, maybe you have a point. Basically, all I can do is run really fast.”

  I pull the empty bag off my fangs, still finding it hard to believe how easily I’ve adapted to this way of life. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. I already have a gym set up at my house, so it would be a great place to get in a few hours of training at night. Maybe we can start tomorrow. Tonight, I need to visit my mother in the home. I’ve been avoiding it, and it’s way past time. Then I’m going to wolf country to see Joey and Tara.”

  “Do you need to borrow a vehicle?” Cassie sits at the table next to Bram and takes his hand.

  I’ve found all the mates have to be touching, and I have caught myself doing the same thing with Jean Pierre. Giselle is sitting in Phillipe’s lap, Fleur has her arms looped around André’s shoulders, and now Cassie is holding Bram’s hand. Jean Pierre has his arm around my waist. It seems whenever we are in the same room, we gravitate toward our mate. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but for now, I’m not fighting it.

  I shake my head and smile. “Thanks, but we can take my motorcycle.”

  “Holy shit, she rides too.” Giles throws his hands in the air, shaking his head. “Aww, man… You hit the jackpot, dude.”

  Bram lifts his head from Cassie’s neck, his eyes gleaming. “If you’re doing training, I want to sign up for driving lessons. I like the looks of motorcycles.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, big guy.” Cassie pats Bram’s cheek. “You need to master four wheels before moving on to two.”

  “Hey, I’m getting it.” He sticks his bottom lip out, and if he wasn’t such a huge guy, I’d think he was pouting.

  “Yes, dear.” Cassie rolls her eyes, and I laugh as I take Jean Pierre’s hand in mine and drag him out the door.

  We jump the fence to the house the witches are staying in and then jump into my yard. It’s so strange that I lived only two yards away from them. My house’s backyard butts up against the witches’ backyard. I put in the code to the lock and then run in to disarm the alarm. The house smells stale and dusty.

  “So what do you think? Us living here? Normally I wouldn’t ask a guy to move in with me this soon, but I don’t think you’re going to allow me to be on my own, so how about it?” I spin around, holding my hands out and hoping he agrees. It’s not that I don’t like his family, but it’s getting a bit crowded in their house, and it’ll soon be even worse. My heart is pounding, and I’m not lying about it being soon, but this whole mate thing tends to change your perspective on a few things.

  “I would love to. When we got here, I didn’t want to assume but was secretly hoping you would suggest it. We are still close enough if there are any problems, but we will have our own space.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my body against his.

  Putting my hands on his chest, I lean back and meet his gaze. “I didn’t talk to you about it earlier, but I need to see my mom. I’m all she has, even if she doesn’t remember.”

  “It’s fine, mon cheri.” His lips meet my forehead, then he steps back and gives me a slight bow. “I would be honored to meet your mother. The only thing I’m worried about is riding the motorcycle. I’ve only ridden in a car a few times.”

  “You’ll be fine. Besides, if we wreck, we’re hard to kill, right?” I waggle my eyebrows at him, grinning.

  Jean Pierre grabs his stomach, wrinkling his brow with a look of pain. “Oui, but it doesn’t mean we don’t feel pain.”

  Laughing, I lead him out to the garage where my Harley Davidson Softail Standard sits. I’m a bit proud of my bike. Next to it is my vintage 1967 cobalt blue Ford Mustang. What can I say? I love my toys.

  “Why can’t we take the car?” Jean Pierre bends down, looking in the passenger window of the Mustang.

  “It’s a nice night, and I’m in the mood for riding in the open air.”

  I back the bike out and hand Jean Pierre a helmet. He hops on the back and grabs my hips. His hands and thighs tighten around me as I take a curve a bit too sharply, so I may have bruises by the time this ride is over, but hearing him mumble merde every breath is giving me too much enjoyment to stop. Jean Pierre is so calm and reserved about everything. Having him a bit rattled is giving me a surprisingly large amount of enjoyment.

  We park at the home, and it’s only a few minutes after seven. Visiting hours started after six, and we only have until eight, so I rush into the building with Jean Pierre following closely.

  I recognize the nurse at the desk, and she narrows her eyes at me. “I know, Mildred. I’ve not been here in a while. Some things happened that were beyond my control, but I’m here now. How has she been?”

  She shakes her head, muttering something about “young people these days” under her breath. “She’s the same. She doesn’t mention your name, but she’s been sad the last few weeks.”

  Guilt courses through me, and I duck my head. Jean Pierre grips my shoulder. “There was nothing you could have done. Leave it in the past. Let’s go meet your mother.”

  I take his hand, linking my fingers with his, and lead him down the hall to my mom’s room. When we enter, she’s sitting in the chair, crocheting. She has always loved her yarn work, and the nurses say it’s good for her, so I try and bring yarn when I come, but I forgot today.

  I kneel in front of her, placing my hands on hers. “Hello, Mama, how are you?”

  She wrinkles her brow and then smiles. “Why, hello.” She reaches out and pats my cheek. “My, aren’t you a pretty girl, but do I know you?”

  “Yes, Mama, it’s me, Nyla, your daughter.” My voice has a rough edge to it, so I clear my throat. It won’t do for me to burst out in tears. It would only upset her, and she won’t understand why I am so upset.

  “Oh, Nyla. Yes, I remember.” Mama nods, but her eyes are blank. I know she’s giving me the response she thinks I want.

  “Mama, I want you to meet my good friend Jean Pierre.” I stand and take Jean Pierre’s hand.

  She smiles up at us, putting her hand over her heart. “Oh my, what a handsome young man. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “How are you feeling this evening?” He gives Mama a courtly bow, smiling.

  “I’m good. Now who are you?” She smiles up at him, and Jean Pierre frowns, glancing at me.

  I quickly dash away the tear that leaks out. It’s so sad. My mother was once a vibrant woman who was sharp as a tack. Alzheimer’s disease is an awful thing. It took her life away. My mother was only in her early fifties when her diagnosis really went downhill.

  “We’re going to sit here for a while and watch you crochet, okay?”

  “Oh, okay, that’s nice.” She pulls more yarn out to make another knitted square, and I lean my head on Jean Pierre’s shoulder. Life can be so u

  We stay until visiting hours are over, and I promise to come back in a few days and bring her more yarn. She only smiles and nods.

  Once we’re outside, I take a deep breath. “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “Of course. I hate your mother is having to go through this.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders, giving me a squeeze.

  “Yeah, it sucks.” Waving my hands in front of me and stepping away from him, I shake off the sadness of my visit. “Let me text Joey, and let’s go see the girls. I can use some happiness right about now.” We hop on my bike, and I head south toward the swamp. The wolf compound is about thirty minutes away, and riding my bike in the open air is just what the doctor ordered.

  By the time we arrive at the turnoff, Jean Pierre has loosened up, and I can tell he’s enjoying himself. He’s not gripping my hips nearly as hard and has finally stopped muttering under his breath.

  I park outside what looks like a ramshackle, barely standing establishment. Music is blaring from inside, and I hear laughter. We walk in, and everyone goes quiet.

  “I don’t think we’re very welcome,” Jean Pierre whispers in my ear.

  “Nyla, Jean Pierre.” Joey runs over and grabs me in a tight hug. “Everyone, this is the other girl trapped with Tara and me, and this is her mate. He helped rescue us.”

  Everyone nods and goes back to what they were doing, so I’m assuming we’re good. Joey leads us to a back booth, and Tara jumps out to hug me.

  “Oh, Nyla, it’s so good to see you. I missed you so much.” Tara pulls me back to her, giving me another hug.

  I pull away and look her up and down, then I do the same to Joey. “You two look awesome and so much better than the last time I saw you.”

  “Well, I would hope so. Food, water, and freedom will do that for you.” Joey bumps my hip with hers and slides into the booth. “Have a seat and catch us up on life as a vampire.”

  I slide in the booth, and Jean Pierre takes a seat beside me with Joey and Tara across from us. “Life is good. I’m getting used to a blood-only diet.”

  “Yeah, I would imagine that would be a change. At least you have some cool people to help you along. You can’t get much better than Cassie, and from what Joey tells me, Giselle is just as nice.” Tara takes a sip of her drink and gives me a guilty look. “Sorry, Joey told me you can’t have anything. We ate before y’all came. Does it make you uncomfortable for me to drink in front of you?”

  “No, not at all. Enjoy your drink.” I shake my head and smile, but a small part of me feels awkward not having something in front of me. It’s strange how I didn’t realize how important food was to my socializing.

  “So what has been happening in NOLA?” Joey tears the napkin in front of her into strips and keeps her gaze on the table in front of her.

  “Nothing much. We just fought off a couple feral vampires yesterday and now think there is a crazy female vampire on the loose making more ferals as we speak. So just another day in New Orleans.” I give a short laugh, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. I know my news is going to freak them out, but they need to know it’s too dangerous to come to town right now. I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to either of them.

  Joey looks up, her gaze colliding with mine. “Well damn, that doesn’t sound good. I take it you’re warning us to stay where we are?”

  “Oui, that is exactly what she is saying. This vampire is extremely dangerous, and we don’t want to take any chances. It may be a good idea to inform your father of the dangers so he can warn the rest of the pack.” Jean Pierre takes my hand under the table and gives it a squeeze.

  “You won’t have to worry about Joey or me. I have no desire to go into the city right now. Besides your situation, I don’t want to meet up with anyone from my past. The compound is the safest place for me right now.” Tara picks up her glass to take a drink, and her hand is trembling.

  “Don’t worry, the pack will keep you safe, and when we do have to go back to town, we’ll be with others. I refuse to let anything happen to you.” Joey loops her arm through Tara’s, laying her head on Tara’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, when you come back, if it’s in the evening, you’ll have to call me and we’ll get together.” I smile and nod at the girl, hoping I’m making her feel better. “So what has been happening out here?”

  “Oh, nothing much. You see, we live in the boondocks, so not much excitement happens out here. My mama has been feeding us nonstop. It kills her soul knowing we were starved, and she’s determined to ‘fatten us up.’” Joey rolls her eyes, laughing.

  “But hey, her mama can cook.” Tara grins and rubs her stomach in a circular motion.

  Jean Pierre and I stay for another couple of hours getting caught up. It’s been fun seeing the girls, but it’s time to head back to the city. Besides, these two are day creatures, and Tara is beginning to yawn.

  Joey pulls me off to the side. “Please be safe. I know you’re acting as if the ferals and this bitch vampire are no big deal, but I can tell you’re worried. I don’t want to get a call telling me something happened to you.”

  “I promise not to take any chances, but let me tell you, the vampire speed and strength is the bomb. I can kick ass now.” I pinch her cheeks, then throw my arms around her for a tight hug. “Thanks for worrying. It’s been a while since anyone gave a shit about what happened to me.”

  Tara wraps her arms around the two of us, and we part, letting her in for a group hug. “Now you have two sisters who care about what happens to you. We didn’t go through hell in those cages to have something happen to you now.”

  “I promise nothing is going to happen to me, and we’ll be doing this again real soon.” I hope I can keep this promise, but something tells me things are about to get worse before they get better.

  Jean Pierre

  “No, Fleur, you need to widen your stance and try to block my hits.” Nyla has been attempting to teach Fleur and Rebecca basic fighting skills for the past hour, without much luck.

  Neither girl is much of a fighter, but I’m hoping they can at least learn enough to help them get away if they’re ever placed in a bad situation. André and I are sitting against the wall watching, and I’m impressed with how much patience Nyla has. I would have given up in the first five minutes.

  “Giles, come at Rebecca.” Nyla motions toward Giles. “Rebecca, all I want you to do is evade him.”

  Rebecca shrieks, curling into a ball and covering her head. André and I burst out laughing, and Nyla glares at us.

  “Come on, Becca, you know I would never hurt you. You need to practice on me so at least you’ll have some clue as to what to do.” Giles leans down and tickles the girl as she tries to wiggle away from him, giggling.

  There is a loud bang outside. We all stop what we’re doing, looking around at each other for about three seconds until we spring into action.

  Fleur’s eyes are wide, and she runs to André’s side. “What was that?”

  “Rebecca and Fleur, stay here.” Nyla points at the back wall as she runs to the stairs leading out of the basement. “André, there are weapons in that cabinet on the far wall.”

  Giles and I are close behind Nyla as we rush up the stairs and out the back door. The witches’ house has four vampires trying to break in but are coming against their wards. They are throwing things toward the house, and they are bouncing against an invisible wall, making a loud thundering sound when they make contact.

  Before I can stop her, Nyla runs toward one of the ferals and lands a kick to his chest, knocking him into the wards. His body shudders and falls to the ground unconscious. The others back away from the house and turn toward us.

  I rush to the unconscious vampire, ready to tear his head off, but decide to confirm my fears. Pushing up his sleeve, I see an “m” with horns on it tattooed to his inner forearm, and my blood runs cold. Why is Minerva sending ferals to attack the witches? Does she know I’m in the house next door?

  “Is i
t the same tattoo as the others?” Nyla is at my side and nods at the tattoo.

  “Oui, it’s Minerva.” I reach out and catch a sword Giles threw to me and take the vampire’s head off, turning him to dust.

  Phillipe stops in his tracks, turning toward me with wide eyes. “What do you mean, Minerva?” Bram and he have been at the club the last few nights, and from his reaction, I take it no one informed him of Minerva’s return.

  “She’s the one behind the ferals.” I spin around at Nyla’s gasp and slice a vampire across the chest as he tries to attack me from behind.

  Nyla flips over my head, lands behind the feral, and punches him in the kidney. The vampire turns toward her, and she evades a wide swing from him, landing a fist to his jaw and knocking him flat on his back. I make quick work of removing his head with the sword.

  “I thought Alastair was going to take care of her.” Phillipe grabs a feral by the throat and holds him in the air, then frowns at me.

  I toss him the sword, shaking my head. “Oui, but it appears he didn’t do a very good job.”

  Phillipe lets the vampire go, but before the creature can regain his footing, Phillipe swings the sword and takes the feral’s head. The remaining feral looks around and, realizing he is alone, runs away. Giles chases after him but returns shortly, shaking his head.

  Bram comes out into the yard from the witches’ house and joins us. “What are you two talking about?”

  “These ferals are being controlled by your long-lost sister?” Phillipe leans the sword against the house and scrubs his face with his hands.

  “What do you mean? I don’t have a sister.” Bram tilts his head to the side, wrinkling his brow.

  “Minerva is in town,” I say deadpan.

  “Surely not. I really hate that bitch.” Bram runs his hands through his hair, pacing in front of us. “Damn, if that’s true, the only one who can do anything about her is Alastair, unless we’ve gotten lucky and she has finally gone feral.”

  “No, I can tell you she hasn’t.” I know we haven’t gotten that lucky. She sent more ferals our way. And now we’re going to have to figure out what or whom she’s after, as well as a way to trap her until we can locate her maker and finally be rid of her.


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