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Stars Collide

Page 15

by H. P. Munro

  Freya paced the floor biting at her thumb and watching Dan as he listened to whoever was on the phone. He nodded occasionally, “I’ll be sure to let her know.” Hanging up the phone, he stood up from the sofa and walked over taking his friend in his arms, “That was the journalist from V who did your interview, apologizing. Her girlfriend got hold of her notes from the interview and apparently said something to someone, who said something to someone.” Dan rolled his wrist, “Aaaand it wound up on the telly. She’s very sorry.”

  Freya pulled away a resolute expression on her face, “I need to speak to her.”

  “The journalist? She didn’t leave a number,” Dan frowned looking at the phone to see if it had registered the number.

  “Jordan,” Freya corrected, taking the phone from Dan and calling Jordan’s cell. She crumpled as the call went straight to her messaging service.

  “Voicemail?” Dan asked, taking Freya back into a hug when she nodded and her lip began to tremble.

  The phone started to ring again, however Freya looked at the caller ID and ignored it.

  “I need to speak to her,” Freya hauled herself out of Dan’s embrace. Rushing over to the sofa she pulled on her sneakers and grabbed Dan’s zipper hoodie, pulling it on, “Can I take your car?”

  Dan spun round trying desperately to remember where he’d put his keys earlier after collecting his car from the autoshop. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed them from the counter. Turning to run back to Freya he stopped, turned back and grabbed his cell.

  “Here,” he said as he entered the room. “Take my cell too, I’ll keep yours here and answer the calls that are already starting to come in.”

  Freya gave him a grateful smile, “You know if I wasn’t gay and you weren’t gay, I’d so marry you.”

  Laughing Dan gave her a hug, “You did marry me and divorce me and wait…” He looked at her in mock surprise, “You’re a lesbian? Why didn’t you say before?” He let go and pushed her off towards the door, “I love you but I’m warning you, if you so much as smear Bunty’s paintwork I’m going to make money while you’re hot news and sell the photos from New Year two thousand and six.”


  Jordan had been sitting in the dark ever since she had hung up the call with Sabrina. She’d turned off the ringer on her home phone and switched off her cell.

  She wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone right now.

  She shook her head, recalling all the time that they had spent together. It hurt enough that Freya didn’t trust her enough with that piece of information, but all this time she had been confused about her growing feelings and attraction towards Freya and it was obvious to her now that Freya didn’t share those feeling or emotions. It had to be just her that felt it or Freya would have said something. She’d have told her that she was gay.

  Jordan took a deep breath, pulling her shoulders up towards her ears and held it. Eventually she let it back out dropping her shoulders. She walked over towards the wall where she had hung the framed photo and letter that Freya had given her for her birthday.

  Deep in thought as she looked at it, a bang at her front door made her jump. She rubbed her hand over her face almost in an attempt to wipe her brain clean as she went to answer it, praying it wasn’t the media harassing her for a comment.

  She checked the spy hole, frowning at the figure standing with a hood up over their head. She put the chain on the door and pulled it open slightly, “Who is it?”

  “It’s me Jordan, I need to speak to you.”

  Recognizing Freya’s voice, Jordan closed the door.

  Freya’s heart sank as the door closed, she gulped back tears and was about hammer on the door again when it opened fully. Jordan reached out and grabbed her by her outstretched arm yanking her inside and closing the door quickly and locking it.

  Using both hands Freya pushed the hood down and unzipped Dan’s hoodie.

  “I’m so, so, deeply sorry that I didn’t tell you. I was going to, tomorrow night, but then the story,” she dropped her head down and stared at the floor.

  “You didn’t have to tell me anything you didn’t want to Freya,” Jordan shrugged, masking her hurt.

  “No, but I did,” Freya’s head shot up and she grabbed Jordan’s arm. “I really did.”

  Jordan peeled Freya’s hand from her arm. “Why did you? Why are you even here? And why are you dressed like the Ben and Jerry’s cow?” she asked as she took in Freya’s garb for the first time.

  In spite of herself Freya laughed, stopping as she saw the seriousness on Jordan’s face.

  “Sorry…I’m,” she took a deep breath as she braced herself for what could be the speech that could change her life. “I’m here because I’m going crazy, because I really really like you. I have done even before I came onto the show, I used to have you in your uniform as my screensaver.” Seeing Jordan’s eyebrows raise, Freya gulped, “Aaand you didn’t need to know that right now, but I...I need to know, ’cause I may have read the signals wrong, ’cause Dan says that my gaydar is wired to the moon on occasion, but I need to know if youmf-”

  She stopped as Jordan placed a finger to her lips, “I thought that we were friends and as friends that you would have felt able to tell me this earlier.”

  Freya went to speak but Jordan pressed her finger firmly against her lips stopping her.

  “Because had you told me this earlier, I would have told you that I don’t want to be your friend.”

  Freya’s shoulder sagged at Jordan’s words. She felt her heart sink and large lump rise in her throat, seeing Freya’s reaction, Jordan shook her head slightly. “Freya,” she whispered moving closer. “I don’t want to be your friend,” she repeated as she removed her finger and replaced it with her lips.

  Holding Freya’s face, Jordan pressed her lips gently against Freya’s and heard a small whimper come from her co-star. She smiled into the kiss as it deepened. She could feel a smile playing on Freya’s lips as she continued to kiss her with the abandon that she had yearned for during their on-screen kisses.

  Freya had a taken a millisecond to recover from the shock that Jordan was actually kissing her and this time is was not for work. Involuntarily a whimper left her as she returned the kiss, unable to stop smiling that she was kissing Jordan. She raised her hands to hold Jordan’s face in place in case, by some strange twist of fate, the kiss was in fact only a dream that she needed to hold onto for as long as she could.

  What started as a hesitant almost teasing kiss rapidly grew, as pent up passion started to pour out. The kisses became deeper, more frantic as their tongues started a battle for dominance, each desperate to explore the other. Freya’s hands slipped from Jordan’s face and tangled in her hair. Still kissing her, Jordan dropped her hands down Freya’s neck and started to push at the material of her hoodie to slide it from her shoulders. Freya released her grasp and allowed the top to be stripped from her, landing in a puddle of material at their feet.

  Jordan pulled reluctantly from the kiss, her breathing ragged.

  “Bedroom, now.”

  Freya’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, her eyes wide.

  “Really? I mean I’m all up for bedroom but I don’t want to rush youuuuu.” Her words were cut off as Jordan grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the hall towards her room.

  “I have thought of nothing else but being with you, ever since those damn oranges. So yes, bedroom…Now!” Jordan growled as she pulled a giggling Freya behind her.

  Entering the room Jordan stopped and turned, releasing her grip. Freya could see a mix of nerves and determination on Jordan’s face that she found irresistible. Giving her a gentle smile she pulled Jordan closer and placed her lips softly against the taller woman’s. Pulling away she started to trail her lips down Jordan’s neck.

  “There’s no pressure,” she murmured.

  Jordan’s head sagged backwards at the sensation of Freya’s lips on her neck.

  “I want you,” Jordan managed to say, her voice
thick with emotion.

  Freya lifted her head to look back into Jordan’s eyes. She cocked her head and smiled, “I want you too.”

  Jordan lifted her hands, which were trembling slightly, and pulled at the zip of Freya’s ridiculous outfit. She slowly dragged it down exposing the valley between her breasts. Her eyes followed the route of the zip as it traversed past Freya’s abdomen, which was rising and falling with her rapid breathing. Lifting her hand Jordan allowed the back of her fingertips to trace up the gap in the material until her hand cupped Freya’s face and pulled her into another kiss.

  As they kissed, Freya’s fingers started to pull gently at the hem of Jordan’s top. She felt Jordan smile at the realization of what she wanted. They separated, their eyes never losing contact as Freya tugged Jordan’s top over her head. She felt her already pounding pulse increase as she took in her first look at Jordan’s naked torso.

  Wrapping her arms around Jordan’s waist for support, she dipped her head down and started to kiss her way down towards Jordan’s breasts. Briefly, she felt the taller woman’s heartbeat against her cheek, before she changed position and took a hardened nipple into her mouth. She was aware of a gasp as Jordan stumbled slightly. Freya tightened her arms around Jordan to hold her in place as she swirled her tongue around playing with the sensitive bud.

  Freya lifted her head back up desperate to kiss Jordan again.

  As they gave into a searing kiss, she felt Jordan’s hands slip inside her clothing at her waist and start to work their way up towards her breasts. Her breathing increased as Jordan’s hands found their destination.

  Jordan pulled away and watched Freya’s face flush with pleasure as she held her breasts in her hands almost reverently. Freya took her bottom lip between her teeth as Jordan swept her thumbs simultaneously across sensitive nipples.

  At Freya’s response, Jordan became suddenly impatient. She swept her hands up towards Freya’s shoulders and pushed the clothing down releasing Freya’s top half. She snaked her hands around Freya’s back touching for real that which she had stroked in a photograph only days before. Her hands slipped down the crevice at the bottom of Freya’s back as her hands moved round to glide the material of Freya’s clothing down over her hips.

  Freya used the toes on one foot to grip the heel of her sneaker on the other and push it off. She repeated the process and then stepped from the pool of clothes at her feet, leaving her naked. She moved and sat on the edge of the bed. Pulling Jordan towards her she kissed patterns on Jordan’s stomach as her hands pulled at the tie on Jordan’s pants. Releasing the knot she pulled at the cloth, smiling against Jordan’s hot skin as she felt her shimmy to help with the removal.

  Jordan twisted her hands through Freya’s hair enjoying the feeling of her stomach being adorned with wet kisses. She looked down and smiled as she saw Freya’s green eyes looking up watching her every response. Kicking off her pants she pushed Freya back towards the bed. Freya moved herself further onto the bed as Jordan lowered herself down slowly until finally she was lying on top of Freya.

  “You okay? Am I squishing you?” she asked smiling, mirroring Freya’s question to her the previous night during filming.

  Remembering Jordan’s response Freya replied, her voice husky, “I’m good.” She smirked as she recalled Jordan’s line from the scene they’d shot, “I think you made first base.”

  Jordan grinned as she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder, “Believe me I have plans to go much farther than first base.”


  Jordan propped herself up on her elbow and looked down on the sleeping form of Freya beside her who was laying on her front with her hands tucked up under her pillow. Smiling, Jordan reached out and started to trace patterns on Freya’s back. She allowed her fingers to follow the outline of Freya’s shoulder blade, grazing the back of her hand down her side. She still could not believe that she was here, that last night she had been with a woman for the first time. Though it was more than that. Last night she had been with Freya for the first time.

  She felt her stomach flip as she recalled the events of the previous evening and her thoughts awakened a desire in her to feel the now sleep-warm body lying peacefully shudder against her again. She yearned to feel the exquisite pleasure of those delicate fingers, currently obscured by a pillow, slip inside her and to hear Freya’s gasps intermingle with her own as they brought each other to release.

  Carefully pulling the covers up to make room, Jordan moved so her body covered Freya’s. Pressing her groin against the dark-haired woman’s bottom, she held herself steady on her hands as she started to pepper the exposed back beneath her with kisses. She trailed a path down Freya’s spine barely lifting her lips as she moved herself down kissing each bump of the blonde’s vertebrae as she went. She paused, smiling, at the dimples at the bottom of Freya’s back, placing her lips into the indentations. She was continuing her journey when she felt Freya move.

  Raising herself sleepily onto her elbows Freya looked over her shoulder. She smiled as her eyes locked with deep brown ones, their owner currently resting her chin on her hands splayed across Freya’s backside.

  “You planning on taking advantage of me while I was asleep?”

  Jordan cocked an eyebrow, “Maybe.”

  Freya turned her top half, waiting for Jordan to raise herself so that she could extricate her legs from under her. Turning to lie on her back she reached down and pulled Jordan up onto her. She pushed back the soft blonde hair that was falling messily around Jordan’s face, tucking it behind her ears. “Morning,” she smiled.

  “Morning,” Jordan leaned down and pressed her lips against Freya’s in a chaste kiss. “Do you want breakfast?”

  “What have you got in mind?” Freya replied in a flirtatious tone. However, just at that moment her stomach growled loudly.

  Jordan looked down between their breasts towards Freya’s stomach, “How about eggs and then maybe what I have in mind later?” She pushed herself up and smiled down at Freya. Unable to resist, she leaned down and nipped gently on Freya’s nipple, “Just so that you eat breakfast a bit quicker.” She jumped from the bed and walked across the room.

  Freya propped herself up onto her elbows as she watched Jordan move across the floor, dropping back down onto the pillow when she covered up under a robe and left the room. She glanced over at the clock and groaned at the display reading of five thirty. As her hand reached across the bed and she felt the warmth from where Jordan had lain she realized that she didn’t want to be around the remnants of Jordan’s presence, she wanted to be beside her. She got up and found her onesie at the other side of the bed where it had been discarded the night before. She pulled it on and walked towards Jordan’s kitchen pulling up the zip as she walked. She walked through the hall and saw Dan’s hoodie puddled on the floor. She picked it up and checked the pockets finding his cell phone. She frowned as she saw twenty missed calls apparently from herself. Dialing the message retrieval, she walked into the kitchen.

  Smiling, Jordan handed her a glass of orange juice, “Not orange slices but the next best thing.”

  Pulling herself onto a breakfast bar stool Freya laughed as she recalled the reference to the fanfiction paragraph that Jordan had read aloud, her smile turning to a frown as she listened to Dan’s messages.

  “Dan says that there are photographers camped outside my house.”

  Jordan narrowed her eyes. Leaving the room for a minute, she returned shaking her head, “They’re here too.”

  “Crap. How the hell am I going to get home without them seeing me?” she took a sip of orange juice and noted the look of disappointment on Jordan’s face. “Jordan, look at me please,” she begged. “I’m not ashamed of anything. Hell, I’d quite happily take out a billboard announcing to the world about what happened last night between us.”

  As Jordan gave a soft chuckle, Freya slipped off the stool and stood in front of her.

  “But I want this, I want us,” she took Jordan�
�s hands in hers. “I just don’t want us to have the added pressure of everyone watching our relationship develop. We should be able to do things in our own time and not have to worry about that sort of stuff.”

  Jordan nodded. “No, you’re right, plus I have some conversations to have with my family. I’d rather they heard about us from me and not the media. So we lay low for a few weeks and it will all die down and then…” she hesitated to finish the sentence.

  “And then,” Freya smiled pulling Jordan into a hug.

  “Besides,” Jordan murmured against Freya’s shoulder. “I don’t want anyone to take photos of you leaving here in that ridiculous outfit.”

  Freya pulled from away from the hug, “Hey, I will let you know that this has a one hundred percent record with the ladies. The one time that I wore it around a gorgeous woman she practically ripped it from me and I got lucky.”

  Jordan placed a quick peck on her forehead, “The desperation to get you out of it was only because of how incredibly ridiculous you look in it.”

  “Yeah. You keep saying that ’til you believe it,” Freya scoffed. “We both know the truth.”


  After a relaxed breakfast, Freya dropped her head onto the table, “So today I need to speak to Dominick, who’ll kick my ass. Then I need to speak to Eleanor, who’ll kick my ass.”

  “But first we have to get you out of here unseen,” Jordan said rising from the table and grabbing her phone.

  Freya watched in confusion as Jordan made a call, “Hey Alice, it’s Jordan. Yeah hi. I know I saw them. I’m sorry about that, I’ll pay for any damage to your lawn. Listen I could do with your help with something.”

  Thirty minutes later and banned from leaving the house in her onesie, Freya was dressed in work-out gear borrowed from Jordan and was finely balanced on the fence in Jordan’s back yard.

  “You okay?” Jordan asked concerned at the contorted look on Freya’s face as she lay across the top of the boundary between her backyard and her neighbor’s property.

  “Yeah I’m just peachy,” Freya replied looking down towards Jordan.


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