Book Read Free

Stars Collide

Page 18

by H. P. Munro

  “Or something in the past that refuses to let go of its power on the present,” Belinda read, adding a spooky inflection to her tone.

  The director read aloud the shots again, “We move to Sam who is looking at the scars on his leg. He rolls his trouser leg down and then, wide shot, we see Sandy has been watching him.”

  “It could even be something as important as who you love.”

  “Emily in the shower, turning round and smiling as Georgia enters the shower cubicle beside her. They kiss.”

  “The funny thing about secrets though, is usually they don’t stay secrets for very long.”

  “Final scene. Anthea enters the shower block and interrupts Georgia and Emily, mid…” the director blushed slightly. “Well, you get the idea.”

  Both Jordan and Freya’s heads shot up out of their scripts as panicked looks crossed their faces. They caught each other’s eye, both thinking the same thing.

  Nine weeks had been a long time!


  Freya opened her trailer and smiled as she recognized the scent of Jordan’s perfume. She had barely closed the door when Jordan was upon her.

  Freya smiled as they kissed, her smile fading as Jordan’s hands wandered down to cup her ass. She groaned as Jordan squeezed and pulled her closer. She dropped her head back and allowed her arms to fall, pressing her palms flat against the door trying desperately to control herself as Jordan moved her lips onto her neck.

  “Oh God Jordan, you need to stop. Right now,” Freya groaned grabbing Jordan’s face. She smiled as she leaned in to press a soft kiss on Jordan’s swollen lips, “Seriously I’m ready to explode and I’m due on set in fifteen.”

  “That would be two of us, exploding I mean. I’m not needed ’til later when I believe I get to work with my favorite actress,” Jordan grinned as, despite Freya’s protests, she returned her lips to her all too tempting neck.

  “Awww thank you,” Freya smiled, swallowing hard as Jordan kissed a sensitive part of her neck. Jordan chuckled mischievously against her skin.

  “I was talking about Dianne and her ‘No sex in the showers’ speech.”

  “It’s a good scene,” Freya said seriously. “I would never admit it to her, but I actually get kinda scared when she chews us out.”

  “I know. I love it when she goes all commanding officer with a heart.”

  “I’m not sure that I could handle an actual dressing down from her.”

  “Hmm,” Jordan hummed against her neck. “When you start talking about dressing down, it makes me think about undressing you.”

  “Behave you,” Freya swatted her on the ass as she leaned in to kiss her again.

  As they pulled apart Jordan growled. “I’m not sure I can take much more of this abstinence thing,” she groaned, pulling away from Freya and moving towards the seated area. “Tomorrow we’re filming the shower scene.”

  Following her, Freya moaned, “Please don’t remind me. Regardless of how unsexy it’s going to be, being on set, I’m still going to struggle.”

  Jordan started to chuckle, “What, are you telling me that you don’t find flesh underwear and moleskin tape-on nipples sexy?”

  Freya cocked an eyebrow and smirked, “On you, everything is sexy.”


  Blake looked down at the mannequin as he said his line, “Who the hell texts while driving for God’s sake? He never stood a chance. Dammit, bone fragments have nicked the artery, he’s losing too much blood.” He looked up and yelled, “Where the hell is Van Hausen?”

  Freya looked up from her place at the stomach of the mannequin, “We’ve still got a bit of time. I’m not going to let a soldier who came back from the front line in one piece, lose a leg after going out for a jog. We can put in a shunt, get a vascular clamp in and try to control the bleed ’til she gets here.” Turning to the nurse at her side she said quietly, “Page Captain Van Hausen again for me.”

  Both actors turned towards a machine that was emitting a sudden beeping. Freya exhaled, “Crap he’s losing it faster than we can put it in. Hang another bag of O-neg. Holt I need you to do what you’re doing faster, his BP is dropping.” She frowned shaking her head slightly, “Push in five of epi. Damien, I’m having a hard time locating the source of the intra-abdominal bleeding.” Her hands started to move around faster, “Crap crap crap.” As the noise from the monitor started again Freya looked towards it then scanned the room. “Get Van Hausen in here now!” she yelled.

  “Cut and we’re done here,” the director said, stepping out from his position.

  Freya stood back and rolled her shoulders. Blake pulled off his mask and held up a gloved hand stained in fake blood. “Good work,” he grinned.

  Freya laughed and smacked her palm against his.

  They waited on set while the next scene was set up. While Blake was off speaking to the special effects technician, Freya was loitering around inspecting the contents of the Craft Services table. She was frowning as she decided what to eat when she heard a familiar laugh. She looked up and smiled as Jordan arrived on set, her hands deep in the pockets of her scrub pants.

  “Hey you,” she greeted Jordan as she picked up a pastry.

  Jordan grinned as she came over towards Freya, “Hey yourself.” Jordan bit down on her bottom lip as she looked at Freya hungrily. “You know I’m really ravenous right now,” she purred as she picked up an orange from the fruit bowl and tossed it in her hand.

  Smiling, Freya grabbed the orange from midair. “You need to stop, seriously,” she whispered. “Because,” she leaned closer and whispered softly in Jordan’s ear. “I am aching for you to touch me right now. I can feel how ready I am for you.” She glanced around quickly to make sure no one was paying any attention to them, particularly as Jordan’s jaw had dropped, “So you need to stop, unless you’re ready to do something about that.” She leaned back, placed the orange back in Jordan’s hand and smiled.

  Jordan watched stunned to silence as Freya left the room.


  Walking into the OR Jordan held up her wet hands, “Sorry I got held up in surgery. What do you need?”

  Blake turned and glared at her as he picked up the prosthetic leg and handed it to an extra.

  Freya looked up with anger in her eyes as she looked over towards Jordan. “Holt I need you back here now,” she barked dropping her eyes back down towards the mannequin. “Dr Van Hausen, you’re not needed now,” she said coldly without looking up.

  Jordan’s head reeled back and she rocked on her heels, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Okay,” she muttered and turned to leave.

  “Cut. Thank you all for your work today.” The director smiled and shook hands with the actors, “Ladies I’ll see you at seven tomorrow on the closed set.”

  Jordan and Freya gave each other a quick look at the mention of the following day.

  “See you tomorrow,” they said simultaneously.


  Freya picked up her cell. “You should be asleep,” she said smiling as she settled back into her pillows.

  “Can’t,” Jordan pouted. “Anytime I close my eyes I picture sexy time with you.”

  Laughing, Freya snuggled under her duvet, “Really and what are you picturing?”

  “We’re in the shower and we’re kissing and I’m soaping you all over,” Jordan closed her eyes bringing up the picture that had been tempting her for hours.

  “Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Freya teased as Jordan snorted down the line. “We’re on the set in four hours. Seriously Jordan, sleep.”

  Jordan pulled a pillow over and spooned into it, “I want to sleep beside you. I want to be curled up against you right now. I’m done waiting Freya, I’m serious. I want to date you properly and not sneak around anymore.”

  Freya sighed, “I know, me too. How about this weekend? We’ll go on an official date.”




  Curling her to
es on the cold floor and pulling her robe tighter around her Jordan glanced round at the small crew working the shower scene as she waited beside Dianne for Freya to come onto set. She was nervous as hell as this was the first time that she’d actually had to get naked. Usually she was under covers so could get away with not being totally exposed, but this was her first time in the flesh-colored thong which, at present, was riding so far up her ass that she was sure her spine was going to split.

  She wriggled trying to get more comfortable as Freya arrived wrapped in her robe. “Morning everyone, isn’t it a lovely morning to get naked in front of people you work with,” she joked, greeting the crew and her cast mates.

  There was laughter followed by a series of murmured greetings as she walked over and joined Jordan and Dianne, running a hand over her wet slicked back hair.

  The director came over and smiled encouragingly, “Ladies, we all know that standards and practices have been all over our ass about this scene so, just like we rehearsed, now is not the time for artistic interpretation. So like we talked about, we’ll be outside of the door. The camera will be following Anthea’s line of vision on this shot and then, Dianne, we’ll come back and shoot you entering the door from the other side.”

  They nodded their agreement and waited for the scene to be set up fully.

  Ten minutes later Jordan and Freya were standing in the shower.

  “Okay, we’re ready to roll,” the director’s voice came from outside.

  Jordan loosened off the tie of her robe and let it fall from her shoulders, watching out of her peripheral vision as Freya did the same. They handed the robes out of the shower to a crewmember, who left the set.

  “Cue the water.”

  They jumped a little as the water hit them for the first time, grateful that at least it was warm.

  “We’re rolling, positions everyone.”

  Freya gulped as Jordan backed herself up against the cold tile and threaded their fingers. Bracing herself on the floor of the shower Jordan lowered herself so that Freya was standing over her. Smiling she lifted their hands above her head before resting them against the tiles. She reached up with her other hand and pulled Freya down by the neck and not waiting for any direction she started to kiss her. Freya dropped her shoulder, placing her free hand on the top of Jordan’s thigh as close as she could dare to where she really wanted to be. They were treading a fine line with standards and practices. It had taken a multitude of conference calls, eight hours of work-shopping the scene and numerous, often heated, discussions, before it was finally agreed that Freya’s hand could be there, provided she didn’t move it during the shot. She could though flex her shoulder muscles as if moving.

  “Quiet on set. Action!”

  Dianne opened the door and entered the shower block to be greeted with the sight of Freya pressing Jordan against the shower wall. “What the hell do you two think you’re doing?” she shouted.

  Freya pulled away, turning sharply towards Dianne. Jordan’s eyes widened as she attempted to hide behind Freya.

  “My office. Now!” Dianne yelled, retreating from the set.

  “Okay, still rolling, can we reset really quickly and do a couple more takes and then we’re done. Dianne can you remember to move to the left for the camera over your right shoulder,” the director shouted.

  Dianne nodded as she prepared to repeat the scene.

  “You okay?” Jordan asked quickly before they started the scene again.

  Freya smiled and took the opportunity while they were alone to run her free hand over the exposed flesh of Jordan’s ass. “Peachy,” she replied squeezing gently, then retook her position against Jordan’s lips.


  Freya opened her front door, before she had time to register what was happening Jordan’s hands were on her face pulling her into a deep kiss. The two women stepped back into Freya’s home as Jordan kicked the door shut with her foot. Never pulling back from their kiss Jordan tossed her purse on the floor and shrugged her way out of her jacket. Hands pushed and pulled at clothing. Discarding items as they bounced off pieces of furniture Jordan navigated them in the general direction of Freya’s bedroom.

  They smacked against the doorframe, before stumbling through it and crab-walking their way towards the bed. Freya squealed as the back of her legs hit the bed tipping her backwards. Jordan laughed as she practically pounced on top of Freya and continued with determined focus to strip them both as fast as possible.

  Dan sat on Freya’s sofa, his eyes wide at the scene he had witnessed. He turned back to the pile of photographs he and Freya had been reviewing for his final exhibition selection and, gathering his prints up, he tapped them delicately on the table before placing them down in a neat pile.

  “I’ll just be off then,” he said to no one as he stood up and collected his jacket. Reaching the door, he smiled as sounds of squeals and laughter drifted from Freya’s room, waving his arms in the air like a conductor of an orchestra he sang, “Let the nubbing commence!”

  His smile faded however as he stepped out and saw Jordan’s Audi parked in a deserted manner behind his Mustang. Sucking air between his teeth he re-entered the house and picked up Jordan’s discarded purse. Rummaging around, he found the key to her car and slipped it from the key chain. He pocketed the key, removed his own car key from his pocket and picking up a pen and paper from the coffee table he scrawled a quick note.

  Hey horny lady…SWAPSY!

  Enjoy driving a real car for a change.

  Get in touch to exchange

  D x

  Happy with his note, he placed his key on top of it and slipped out of Freya’s home, muttering in a Gollumesque voice, “My precious, come to Dan pretty lady.”

  “What was that?” Jordan asked pulling back reluctantly from Freya’s lips at the sound of the front door closing.

  Freya looked momentarily confused, grimacing slightly as she realized the potential source of the sound, “That’ll be Dan letting himself out.”

  Jordan’s eyes widened, “Oh my God, that was his car in the drive, I didn’t think. I’m so sorry!”

  Grinning Freya flipped them over so she was on top. Resting her weight on her elbows she enjoyed feeling Jordan beneath her, with no barrier between them.

  “I’m not, he’s a big boy, he’ll survive,” she leaned down and started to kiss Jordan slowly, changing the mood between them immediately from lust-filled frantic activity to slow, languid, caresses. Pulling away she smiled gazing deeply into the dark brown eyes staring back at her, “Hi.”

  Jordan’s lips parted into a broad smile, “Hi.”

  Freya exhaled a slow satisfied breath as she closed her eyes and returned her lips to Jordan’s.

  Lightly tracing patterns with her nails on the soft skin of Freya’s back Jordan trailed her hands until they settled on Freya’s backside. She pressed her closer to her as their hips started to dance against each other desperately seeking the purchase that would allow their passion to build. Impatient to explore Freya’s body further Jordan carefully flipped them back over to their original position. She started to kiss her way down Freya’s neck following the outline of her collarbone, before dropping to take a pebbled nipple into her mouth, alternating between swirling her tongue around and flicking it over the sensitive tip. Freya’s hips bucked involuntarily at the attention that Jordan was paying to her breasts.

  Jordan could feel a rapid beat pulsing through her as she left Freya’s breasts and began to pepper the brunette’s taut stomach with light kisses. She smiled as she felt the muscles in Freya’s abdomen contract as her breathing became more hurried. Her chin brushed against the soft trimmed hair that plunged deep to where Jordan knew Freya wanted her. She hesitated as she inhaled the unique scent of Freya, feeling her own arousal pool. This was her first time in this position. When they had been together before Jordan had been so overwhelmed by the sensation that Freya created in her that she had lost herself in the feel of Freya. She had been surprised by th
e physical differences between them. Touching Freya felt familiar and yet so different to when she had touched herself. She had reveled in the feeling of exploring the reactions that she could produce in Freya with her touches. She felt like an eager pupil opening her eyes in wonder at the response created in both of them with each new experience.

  Freya felt her hesitate. Looking down, her eyes filled with love as she watched Jordan. She reached down and hooked a finger gently under Jordan’s chin bringing her face up. “You don’t have to,” she smiled letting Jordan know that it was okay. “Not everyone likes it.”

  Jordan gave her a smirk, “Oh I want to.” She pushed herself further down between Freya’s thighs, pushing them wider apart as she studied Freya, her smirk became an wide smile. “You’re beautiful,” she breathed, before tasting her lover for the first time.


  Jordan woke as bright sunlight flooded the bedroom, she immediately tightened her grip around the warm body beside her.

  “Jordan, you’re squeezing me and I need to pee,” Freya grumbled, twisting to face Jordan, who snorted softly.

  “And a good morning to you too.”

  Freya gave her a quick grin and leaned over to peck a kiss on the end of Jordan’s nose, “Morning sunshine.” She pulled herself from Jordan’s almost vice-like grip and stumbled her way across the bed, hopping off the end and entering the bathroom. Jordan lay staring at the ceiling as she heard the toilet flush and the shower being switched on. The bathroom door opened and Freya’s head popped through, “I know we’ve already filmed it, but I wondered if you fancied perfecting that shower scene?”

  She had barely reached the word ‘shower’ when Jordan sprang from the bed to join her.


  Lloyd Mitchell sat in his car sipping on his coffee, swearing as the hot liquid surged through the small hole on the plastic lid scalding his top lip. He sat with unwavering eyes trained on his potential pay dirt. Everyone else had moved on to the next thing, but Lloyd had a feeling about this one that just wouldn’t go away. He noted the Mustang parked in the drive. Knowing that it belonged to the British photographer Lloyd assumed he must have stayed the night, which from Lloyd’s experience over the past weeks wasn’t anything unusual.


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