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Stars Collide

Page 29

by H. P. Munro

  “So yes I’m freaking out a little,” Dan added quietly, ignoring Freya’s comment.

  Jackson walked over and took Dan into his arms. “I love you and I know you’re freaked,” he said gently. “I just want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Dan hugged his boyfriend tightly. “Yes,” he whispered against Jackson’s shoulder. “Yes I’ll marry you.”

  Freya leapt off her stool and wound her arms as far as she could round the two men. “Yay,” she cried squeezing them. “Although Dan, still miffed,” she added, her head tucked underneath Jackson’s armpit.

  Jordan watched the three of them with her head tilted to the side in thought. She felt her breath catch as she came to a decision.


  Freya hopped off the golf cart outside her trailer and thanked the driver before walking the short distance to her sanctuary on the set. She grimaced at the pain that the shoes her character insisted on wearing caused her. It was times like these that she really missed her scrubs and uniform.


  She looked up in surprise as she opened the door to the trailer and climbed in. “Jordan? Did I forget something? Has something happened?” she asked, panic edging on her voice as she looked at her girlfriend standing with her back pressed against the units that edged the trailer.

  “Nope, you didn’t and there hasn’t,” Jordan smiled, pulling Freya to her and kissing her. “I just wanted to see you so I sneaked off my set and infiltrated yours.”

  Freya grinned widely. “I like it when you infiltrate,” she hummed, pressing her lips against Jordan’s. “I have about an hour before I’m due back on set,” she murmured lowering her lips onto Jordan’s neck.

  Jordan’s hands grasped the work surface behind her as she was almost overtaken with desire. Her eyes rolled back into hooded lids, before she gathered her wits again, “I brought you dessert.”

  Giggling against Jordan’s neck Freya continued to kiss, nibbling beneath Jordan’s earlobe. “And I’m just about to have some of that dessert,” her lips grazing Jordan’s skin as she spoke.

  “No, actual dessert,” Jordan laughed pushing Freya away from her gently and taking a deep breath to compose herself. She moved away from the counter that she was leaning against to reveal a pie sitting on top.

  Freya laughed. “I’m pretty sure, we’ve had this conversation before,” she chewed on her cheek in concentration. “You bought me pie?” she asked, summoning up the words that she had used on that occasion.

  Jordan shook her head and smiled remembering her response, “Nuhuh, I made you pie.” She pulled out a fork and sliced a piece of the pie and put it onto a plate, passing it to her girlfriend, “In fact I made you my own special recipe key lime pie.”

  “You made me your ‘marry me’ dish,” Freya smiled, closing her eyes in pleasure, as she tasted the dish.

  Gulping Jordan nodded, “I did.” A hesitant smile played on her lips, she licked her lips, “Freya?”

  The dark-haired woman was making small appreciative noises as the pie melted against her tongue. “Hmmm,” she groaned, breaking off another slice to bring to her lips.

  “Marry me?”

  Freya’s fork stopped in midair, the pie slithered from its perch on the cutlery and dropped back onto the plate. “Say wha..?” Freya asked in a dazed tone.

  “I made you my ‘marry me’ pie because that’s exactly what I want. You to marry me,” Jordan said expectantly.

  Still stunned Freya licked crumbs from her lips and placed the plate carefully down onto the counter. She looked lovingly at her girlfriend and nodded slowly.

  Jordan’s hesitant look fell from her face, replaced by utter joy as she swept Freya up into her arms, “Seriously?”

  “Seriously, I want to marry you. I have since the first time I had your pie,” Freya grinned as Jordan lifted her feet off the ground.

  “You dirty, dirty, woman,” Jordan chuckled.

  Freya frowned, “I was talking about your pie, not your pie.” She waggled her eyes suggestively, “However…” she pulled away from Jordan and flicked the lock on her trailer door, “I do think we have a little celebrating to do.”

  August 2014

  “You should pee before we go in,” Dan instructed, playing absently with the platinum wedding band on his finger. Even after two months of marriage he still wasn’t used to the band and it had become his new ‘go to’ nervous habit. “’cause once you’re in, you’re in.”

  Freya jiggled her leg nervously against the floor of the limo, she looked down at her hands, smiling as the light caught the diamond on her left hand.

  “He’s right,” Jordan added. “I’ve regretted not going before when I’ve been at these things.”

  Freya grumbled, her level of anxiety had been steadily increasing all day as she was primped and preened for the awards show. Her desire to bolt had almost overwhelmed her as Jordan had zipped her into the dark blue dress that she had chosen for the event, her stomach only stilling as her fiancé kissed her shoulder.

  “I hate these things normally, but being nominated has just put my hatred up about twenty notches,” she moaned. “Usually I just sat there for my parents and watched, but now there are expectations on me.”

  Jackson shrugged. “I don’t get what the big deal is. You practically grew up playing with Oscars like Barbie dolls and Jordan keeps her awards in the loo,” he remarked referring to the TONY and SAG awards that decorated their bathroom at home.

  Jordan scowled at him. “You are going to be great,” she said turning her attention to Freya. “I am so, so, proud of you and I will love you no matter the outcome,” she said gripping Freya’s hand as the limo pulled up outside the theatre hosting the awards. She prompted Dan with her head, frowning at him.

  “Me too,” he added, rolling his eyes.

  The limo driver opened their door and Jackson and Dan stepped out to shield them from the photographers as they climbed out of the car. Freya let out one last burst of air before positioning her face into a professional mask of smiles. She paused at the car before Jordan reached down and laced their fingers. “Let’s go rock the red carpet together,” she whispered to her fiancé.

  Nodding, Freya walked with Jordan as they were followed by their two best friends. For the first time ever she was almost enjoying the experience of the red carpet as she gripped Jordan’s hand tightly. The actresses smiled and posed for the cameras. Hearing shouts from the stands, for the first time since she climbed out of the car, Freya smiled genuinely across at the fans waving to her. She laughed and squeezed Jordan’s hand to get her attention, pointing out a sign in the crowd saying ‘Dollhausen all the way’. They both smiled broadly and waved at the fan holding the sign. They entered the theatre and paused before separating, as they were there with contingents from their respective shows and not sitting together.

  “I’ll see you afterwards,” Freya said, giving Jordan a hesitant smile.

  Jordan smiled warmly in response. “I will see you afterwards,” she repeated in response. She gave Freya’s hand one last squeeze then turned with Jackson towards the entrance for her seat.

  Freya looked at Dan, “Well Mr Wright, escort me.”

  Dan grinned and held his arm out. “You sure you don’t want to pee Egg?” he asked again.

  “For the twentieth time, no I don’t need to pee,” Freya growled.


  Freya turned around in surprise at Jordan’s voice behind her. She looked across the foyer to where Jordan stood looking resplendent with her curves accentuated by the cut and flow of the striking red dress.

  ‘I love you,’ Jordan mouthed.

  Nodding, a wide smile on her face, Freya mouthed, ‘I love you too,’ in response.

  Jordan lifted her shoulders in happiness then swept off to take her seat.

  Freya turned back to her friend and thumped his chest, “Okay, now I need to pee.”


  Freya hated these events. She sat fidge
ting and grumbling to herself that her dress, while it looked fabulous when gliding down the red carpet or posing for photographers, was too darn tight to sit in, especially when the ceremony threatened to go on until the end of time.

  “Will you stop fidgeting and sit still,” Dan hissed beside her. He straightened back up, and tugged on his tux jacket as he shot her one last glare before focusing back on the stage.

  Freya frowned giving a slight wiggle of her shoulders as she attempted to get comfortable.

  “Don’t frown. If they pan to you, you’ll look terrible,” Dan muttered out of the side of his mouth.

  Relaxing her face Freya refocused her attention on the stage. She needed to pee, badly, and now that she was thinking about peeing the need to pee was even greater. She leaned over towards Dan, “I need to pee.”

  “But you went before we came into the hall.”

  “I know and now I need to go again,” she hissed in reply.

  Dan rolled his eyes, “You don’t need to, you just think you do. Now sit still and look pretty.”

  She sat up, her leg jiggling nervously as she turned and looked around her. The familiar faces of people she knew or watched on TV surrounded her, though she sighed at not being able to see the face that she was most desperate to see. She knew she was in the hall somewhere but short of standing up and straining her neck around, Freya hadn’t been able to spot her.

  She looked down as she felt a hand rest on her knee to stop the movement.

  “She’s here, you saw her go in. Now sit still for one bloody minute.”

  She placed her hand on Dan’s giving it a tight squeeze. Embarrassed at being so transparent, Freya settled down. As the ceremony progressed she clapped when prompted by Dan. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach take on albatross proportions as her nerves increased the closer they came to the category that was their reason for attending.

  “The nominations for outstanding lead actress in a drama series are…”

  Freya sat up, her nerves now playing havoc with her desire to pee. She clapped as the nominees were read out, stopping as her own name was called and giving a smile and a wave to the camera.

  “If you lose, just keep smiling, but just so you know we’re through ’cause I was only with you for the fame,” Dan whispered, making Freya belly laugh.

  “And the Emmy goes to Freya Easter for The Publicist.”

  Freya froze, her eyes widened as she realized that she had won. She stood up slowly and kissed Dan quickly then started to make her way towards the stage. The sound of clapping and cheering blurred her senses as she nervously pressed at the material of her dark blue dress. She climbed the stairs unable to stop smiling as she accepted the award and kissed the host and award’s presenter, who pointed her towards the microphones in the center of the stage. She walked over looking at the gold statue in her hand.

  Looking out across the hall Freya let out a deep breath, “Wow, just wow. I have so many people to thank. The cast and crew of The Publicist, you make coming in to work each day an adventure and pleasure. My agent Dominick for putting up with me. To Eleanor French for her talent, drive, and passion. It is a joy to work with you and be part of something wonderful.” She took another breath desperate to cram her thanks in before she got the wind up sign, “To my parents for their unwavering love and support, and Anna I’m sure that you’ll be overjoyed that, finally, I’ve added my contribution to the Conor haul. I love you Grandma, and yes she will kill me for calling her that. My two best friends Dan and Jackson, I love you more than is healthy, and finally.”

  She stopped and put a hand above her eyes to block out the spotlights distorting her vision.

  “I know you’re out there somewhere,” she smiled as she spotted two tear-laden brown eyes watching her, hands up at her mouth only partially hiding the wide proud smile that was plastered on her face.

  “There you are. My soon to be wife Jordan with whom I fell in love when I first saw her in BDUs and a tank top. That woman can rock a uniform. Despite that, I had to wait an age for our paths to cross, for her to love me back and then for our stars to collide again to make it stick. I love you more and more each day,” she grinned wildly holding up the award. “Honey, I finally have something for our bathroom!”

  Other Titles by Author


  Finalist - 2014 Golden Crown Literary Society - Historical Fiction

  ISBN-13: 978-1482023572

  When in 1943, twenty-five-year-old Lily Rivera is widowed, she finally feels able to step out of the shadows of an unhappy marriage. Her love of flying leads her to join the Womens Airforce Service Pilots, determined to regain her passion and spread her wings, not suspecting that she would experience more than just flying.

  Helen Richmond, a Hollywood stunt pilot, has never experienced a love that lifted her as high as the aircraft she flew…until she meets Lily.

  Both women join the W.A.S.P. program to serve their country and instead find that they are on a collision course towards each other. But can it last?


  Highest and Rank -

  #1 Lesbian Romance

  #1 Lesbian Fiction

  ISBN-13: 978-1495400544

  Dr Maddie Marinelli is looking for a fresh start; she's leaving behind the ghost of a failed relationship and looking forward to starting a new job and life in San Francisco...what she didn't count on was car trouble and the colorful residents of Grace Falls.

  Alex Milne has spent most her adult life putting other people’s needs first. She is busy raising her daughter in her hometown while running her business and the last thing she expects is to be attracted to Grace Falls' newest, albeit reluctant, resident.

  Sometimes you don't know what it is you're looking for, until it comes along and finds you.

  About the Author

  H.P. Munro lives in Edinburgh with her wife and a wauzer named Boo. She started writing in 2010 when a new job took her away from home a lot and she found herself in airports, on flights and in hotel rooms with room service for one. The job didn't last but the love of writing did.

  Her début novel Silver Wings has been shortlisted for the Golden Crown Literary Society Historical Fiction award in 2014 and her second novel Grace Falls was published in Feb 2014 and quickly became a lesbian romance bestseller.

  She is currently working on her fourth ‘Return to Grace Falls’.

  How you can connect with HP -

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  Twitter - @munrohp


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  Table of Contents

  About the Book



  May 2011

  June 2011

  July 2011

  August 2011

  September 2011

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  November 2011

  December 2011

  February 2012

  March 2012

  April 2012

  May 2012

  June 2012

  July 2012

  August 2012

  October 2012

  November 2012

  December 2012

  January 2013

  February 2013

  March 2013

  April 2013

  May 2013

  June 2013

  December 2013

  January 2014

  February 2014

  August 2014

  Other Titles by Author

  About the Author



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