Because of Her

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Because of Her Page 4

by Ava Danielle

  Now, by whatever gracious reason the universe allowed, I’m engaged to Jenna, the one I girl I always wanted and yearned for.

  She’s mine now.

  By chance, by fighting, by letting my feelings out at the exact time they needed to get out. I never forgot her. I never gave up on her in my mind.

  Her proposal took me by surprise. I had already planned to propose to her again, later down the road in a different and meaningful way, but she beat me to it. It was sweet. The guys at the station thought it might be a little much for a girl to propose to the guy, but they also see it as a different proposal – Jenna and my relationship has never been usual – this adds to our story.

  Back in her room, I did propose to her again in a more private setting before sliding the rose gold engagement ring I had engraved for her on her finger. The date of my first email to her has been engraved as a reminder love can happen at any moment, especially when you’re down in a dark hole.


  A few months of wedding planning have surpassed. Bennett and I finally moved in together. We decided to buy a house. In the beautiful countryside of Nashville, we found a stunning private, gated estate. Initially we were looking for a house with only three bedrooms but these five bedrooms couldn’t be passed up. It has a big back yard for future barbecue’s and family gatherings, maybe even little Grey’s running around when the time comes. The gray exterior is inviting and bright.

  Inside the floors gray laminated and off white walls invite anyone over. I had fallen in love the minute I stepped into the kitchen, even if I can’t cook, I can’t wait to watch Bennett enjoy his passion for cooking. The open floor plan makes for lots of space to entertain and enjoy our home.

  However, my favorite room would have to be the bathroom. The claw foot white marble bathtub will make for many nights of relaxation. The gray and white tile floor with underfloor heating and white cabinets fills the room with ease. This bathroom will be my sanctuary.

  “That’s the last of the box,” Bennett leaves the bedroom with an empty box.

  “Awesome, so now we can live?” I joke after all the unpacking and cleaning up is finally finished.

  “Looks like it,” he pushes me onto the bed.

  “Where’d you put the box?” I’m confused inching away from him.

  “In the hallway, I have better things to do,” he nuzzles my neck.

  “Oh yeah, like what?” I giggle as he tickles me with his lips on my neck.

  “Like making love to you,” he sucks on my neck instantly turning me on.

  “What if I have other plans?” I try to act as if I’m not interested.

  “You don’t,” his lips lick my earlobe.

  “You don’t control me,” I joke.

  “Wanna bet?” his lips press hard against mine and I can’t control myself any longer giving him exactly what we both desire.

  “Let’s go to the tub,” he releases and carries me to the bathroom.

  Sinking down in the almost scorching water, wincing slightly, before sighing as my body gets used to the warmth. Leaning my head backwards closing my eyes, loving how the hot water relaxes my muscles.

  Suddenly, I feel his hands run up my thighs, coming to a stop at my hips, as water moves against me, put into motion by his body.

  “Have I told you lately how gorgeous you are?” he murmurs as I open my eyes to look at him.

  Giving a cute smirk, he smiles back.

  Lying across from me in the big claw bathtub, I feel him inch closer to me, placing his body on top of mine he pulls me closer with his arms around my neck, stretching for a deeper kiss. Stopping only when I gasp.

  “Have I told you how much I adore your skin?” he tugs lightly on my back.

  “I think you might have mentioned it a time or two,” I smirk.

  Returning the smile his hands continue to wander my body, mainly towards my thighs. Cocking his head raising an eyebrow, he knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  Biting my lips, I feel a finger run down my slit, before going slowly back up. I shiver from his touch watching him as he does once more. He’s teasing my body. Giving me exactly what I need.

  Slowly circling my clit, he watches me lean my head back with pure desire in my eyes. Raising my legs placing them over the edge of the porcelain, moaning as I arch my back, his fingers picking up the pace.

  Gripping the edge of the tub with my hands, his fingers deep inside of my pussy, his lips nibbling and licking my throat. My breathing picks up speed, my chest heaving up and down, my nipples rising from beneath the warm water, up into the colder air, and back down again. The change in temperature makes my nipples harden and send almost painful charges of lightning down to my clit.

  It’s enough, combined with his mouth and fingers, to send me over the edge. I have to cling on to the edge to not slip beneath the surface of the water as my body trembles, a small cry escaping through my lips.

  A breathless chuckle appears just beside my ear, shivering, which triggers a few more clenches, “are you okay?” he asks.

  “More than okay,” I grin, “Feeling amazing.” I lean in to kiss his gentle lips.

  Releasing his hold and sliding my legs back down into the water, we both sit up a bit straighter locking eyes with each other. “Turn around,” he more or less orders. Giving him a look of half-defiance, before doing exactly what he asks.

  Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulling me close, resting his chin on my shoulder. Sliding my legs on each side of the tub, he mumbles into my ear, “Put your hands on the edge too, and hold on.” Gripping the side of the tub I feel his fingers massage my breasts. Softly at first, slowly applying more pressure, until kneading them. Every now and then, he lets his thumbs flicker over my nipples, each time hardening them a little more. My breathing more labored as he starts to pinch them, lightly rolling them between his fingertips. Wriggling beneath his touch, his teeth scraping along my skin, I start to moan. Pulling back the hood of my clitoris, I jolt each time. The way his body presses against mine has me trembling. I feel his cock slowly penetrate my pussy. He’s filling me up. I try to keep calm but he has me groaning and yearning for more. Thrashing around, water splashing over the edge, I moan and moan louder. “Oh god,” I scream as I feel the climax fill me. He continues to push deeper and harder thrusting me nearly into oblivion.

  A quiet “oh god,” escapes from my lips, my hands releasing the edge of the tub, pulling my arms up. Within a moment, I’m slipping down beneath the surface, and just staring at him, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

  “I told you to keep a hold on the edge,” he smiles pulling me close kissing my wet hair.

  “Not my fault I slipped,” I shake.

  During all the flailing, a lot of water had gotten out of the tub and the water started to cool down.

  “Let’s go warm up in bed,” he picks me up and carries my wet and naked body to the bed wrapping me in the bed sheet to warm my cold body.

  We’ve christened the house not just once or twice, but several times.



  As a little girl I never played having a dress-up wedding. I never dreamed of a wedding. I was smart enough then to know, when I’m older my tastes would change and things would happen naturally, there wasn’t anyone that could prepare me with wedding boards or such for an important day as a wedding.

  I actually never saw myself getting married – I’m too independent to share myself with another person. That’s what I thought. Until I planned my wedding to Bennett… the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  Here I am, dressed in my demure, yet stylish lace mermaid formal wedding gown, the epitome of classic beauty. Sheer lace cleavage, mermaid skirt with scalloped hemline. The back bow holding it all together is red, matching the red high heels.

  “You ready?” Cassie, my maid of honor catches me off guard staring into the mirror.

  “I think so,” I smile.

my hair pinned up with little flowers, half-flowing, half-braided, my makeup on point, we wait for the time to be picked up by the guys to take us to the reception. We opted to not marry at a church, but instead at the Mint Springs Farm, a rustic wooden barn for weddings and entertainment. My dream was it to marry under the starlight sky with candles and lights glimmering.

  The wedding is a mix of his firefighting roots and my rustic country taste. We’ve combined bits of him and his personality along with mine. We meshed them together and found the perfect little wedding.

  “Let’s go,” I grab Cassie, who is stunning in her red one-shoulder knee length dress.

  As we sit in the back of the car headed towards the farm, I look out of the car window and admire the house we call home. Bennett and I nearly lost everything, I nearly lost everything I had ever wanted. I found love when I thought I lost it all. I found love and held on to it tight, even through the hard times. I am beyond blessed and thankful for the life I was given and had never imagined.

  “Fuck,” the driver screams as we spin out in the middle of an intersection.

  It wasn’t but a minute ago I was thankful for the life I have.



  The firefighter cuff links and axe tie clip capture my full attention. The letter that falls from the box nearly gets ignored. As I unfold the paper and start to read, I can’t contain the tears forming in my eyes.

  Dear Bennett,

  It hasn’t always been easy with us. I know I’ve been on your mind longer than I probably thought of you, but that’s okay, but it doesn’t mean I love you any less, it means I wanted to be sure we were meant to be – and we are!

  You sent me words when I needed them most. You loved me when I needed it most. You showed you cared when I thought the world is falling apart. I wouldn’t be where I am without you. I wouldn’t be as happy as I am with you.

  I’m going to marry you. I will be your wife. You will own me (don’t let that go to your head) and I will be sure to make you happy and proud every single day we’re married (till death – I hope you realize that)

  You’ve made me the woman I am now, you believed in me when I thought the world had given up on me. You were my knight in shining armor – or should I say my fighter with the red truck (it’s better than a horse)

  I love you, truly, deeply, forever. I wouldn’t want anyone else. I look forward going to bed with you every night and waking up next to you every morning. Those moments I will treasure more than you’ll ever know.

  Love you always,

  Your future wife

  As I fold the letter back up and place the cuff links and tie clip on my suit, I’m waiting for my beautiful soon-to-be wife to arrive. It feels like hours have passed by as I worry about being stood up. I don’t think she would – she loves me.

  Pacing my room, I wait for Braxton to tell me it’s time. But instead, he tells me she’s not here yet and there had been sirens he heard not too far away. As we both start to panic, I decide to walk the wedding grounds for some fresh air.


  Not so patiently but waiting.


  There comes a time in your life where you have to learn to move forward no matter how hard it might be or how much it hurts. You have to learn to forgive, forget, and finally accept you fucked up. It’s not always easy, it’s not always the thing you want to do, but you know you’re a grown up and it’s what’s best. It kills you inside. You want to give up so often, or fight for what you believe should be yours, but was it yours to begin with?

  Everything I thought I had with Jenna was all an illusion. I didn’t really deserve her. I wanted to believe she’ll always be mine, I threatened anyone that got in my way, but it didn’t stop him from finding a way in. I don’t blame them, I don’t blame Bennett. She’s a special girl and any man would be so lucky to have her. Especially someone that will treat her right and truly loves her.

  Bennett has loved her since the day we met her, I just didn’t want to accept it. For selfish reasons, I wanted to keep her, make her mine completely without even considering what her feelings were. I promised her everything she wanted back then, pretended to be the perfect boy, only because I didn’t want him to have her. It’s fucked up, I admit it, but if you like someone and want to be sure no one else gets them, you’ll do anything, even if it’s stupid.

  Now I’m living my life giving them the space they deserve. It’s taken a lot of soul searching, some therapy, and lots of alcohol to finally figure out, I can’t control everything and everyone. I have to let other’s make their own choices. It’s hard. I still miss her every day. Everything I did, I did for her, to protect her, to give her what I thought she needed.

  Through a friend, and because Nashville isn’t all that big, I overheard their wedding is today – I’m happy for them.

  I think.

  I wasn’t invited, but that doesn’t surprise me. They’re doing great – they don’t need me.

  Driving to work in my uniform, I’m able to distract myself from thinking too much about Jenna and Bennett. I was lucky enough to snag a job with the FBI after my drug bust deal. It’s been a hard and long road, but so worth it. I love my job and even surpassed any expectations they had of me. To say things are looking up is an understatement.

  The road has been blocked, “come on, fuck. I gotta be at work,” I complain as I get out of the car to see what the traffic holdup is.

  “There’s been an accident,” another person gets out of their car with a phone in hand.

  “Shit, they need help?” I’m worried about the people involved without even seeing the accident.

  “Not sure how far ahead it is,” he says.

  Parking my car on the side of the road, I walk towards the wreck unsure how long it will take me to get there. It sure beats sitting in traffic for an unprecedented amount of time.

  As I arrive I see a bride sit on the side of the road in tears, “Oh my god, are you okay? Can I call anyone? Has anyone called 911,” I shout around before actually looking at the bride.

  “I’m fine,” she mutters.

  “She’s fine, Noah,” I hear a voice from behind.

  “Noah?” the bride looks up.

  “Shit, Jenna. What happened?” I look her up and down searching for any wounds.

  “Don’t touch her,” I hear the voice that could only be Cassie.

  “What happened?” I ask them both.

  “I don’t know, that car came out of nowhere,” Jenna whimpers.

  “Here,” I pull my jacket off, “cover up,” and hand it to her.

  She obliges without a second thought, but Cassie seems to make a fuss.

  “Noah, she’s about to get married, quit trying to weasel your way back in,” she’s annoyed, “Where the hell is the ambulance?”

  “I told you, I don’t need it, I just want to leave,” Jenna argues.

  “You should get checked out,” I try to reason with her.

  “I’m fine, I just want to be with Bennett.”

  Those words being released from her lips make it all such a reality for me. I’d never really heard her plea for him but watching her sit there in tears begging for only one person to make her feel better, it’s made me see it all crystal clear. It’s been right there in front me, I just didn’t want to see it. She never belonged to me. She’s always belonged to him. And now, all I want for her is happiness.

  “Cassie, can you call Bennett?” I ask trying to figure out a way to help while I sit next to Jenna on the concrete, “are you sure you’re not hurt?”

  “Someone needs to help that grandma,” Cassie leaves us behind.

  “You should probably wait for the authorities to do their job,” I remind her as we watch the police scurry around.

  “Can we ask you a couple of questions?” a female police officer I’m familiar with approaches Jenna.

  We both nod at each other as Jenna annoyingly interrupts, “Of course it’s you,” she rol
ls her eyes, “the grandma came cutting out of the corner, my driver swerved, she didn’t see him, ran right into us, and I’m late for my wedding, anything else?” Jenna replies in a hasty tone.

  “So, it was Mrs. Jones’ fault? That’s what the evidence shows as well.”

  “Awesome,” Jenna replies, “I’m glad you take the evidence’s word over mine, not even sure why you’d ask me, we already know you have the answers for everything before you ask.”

  “Jenna!” I intercept.

  “Oh, shut up,” she huffs, “Can you take me to my wedding?” she bravely asks me.

  “Me too?” Cassie adds.

  “They’re free to go, we’ll have the vehicles towed and make sure Mrs. Jones is taken care of,” the officer voices as I help Jenna off the ground.

  “And you’re sure you’re alright?”

  “Would you stop asking me that, Noah. I want to get married. No stupid grandma is going to get in the way of that.”

  “Did you have something to do with this?” Cassie catches me off guard with her accusation.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me, did you have something to do with this to keep the wedding from happening?”

  “As if I would jeopardize a life for that. I get it. They’re meant to be together, nothing I would ever do could stop that from happening.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time,” Cassie exclaims.

  “I’m glad you’re finally seeing it for what it is,” Jenna allows me to help her into my car that is parked nearby.


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