Because of Her

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Because of Her Page 3

by Ava Danielle

  Jenna walks out of the house and I feel a punch against my cheek from my left as I watch her walk away.

  “Fuck,” I scream as Noah continues to pound into me.

  “It’s all your fault,” he shouts, “it’s all your fault, I’ve lost everything.” I finally find the strength to back away and lean in to knock his ass out. He’s lying on the floor and I can’t resist saying, “Good luck,” and walk away with Noah lying on the kitchen floor.


  Weeks have gone by and it’s been extremely silent from Noah. I’m back in my room at Cassie’s, our friendship has resumed back to normal, I’m back to working and running my magazine, my relationship with Bennett is finally growing, and things are just perfect. I haven’t been this happy in a long time. Something is holding me back though – if I’m this happy, something can just come along and ruin it again. It scares the shit out of me. Knowing at any moment Noah could potentially lose his mind worries me. Instead I focus on work and my relationship, putting Noah in the back of my mind.

  “I’m running to the store to get something for dinner, do you need anything?” Bennett asks as he slides on the bed next to me while I’m overlooking my bank account on my laptop.

  “Nothing I can think of off the top of my head,” I never look away from my screen.

  Bennett inches closer to me placing his finger under my chin pulling my face towards him, “I love you,” he whispers as he softly presses his lips against mine and I completely ignore everything around me.

  “I love you too,” I grin as our eyes stare at each other and we enjoy the moment.

  I must have fallen asleep after Bennett left; I woke to the sound of dishes, pots and pans, and some quiet music. The door to the bedroom had been left open and as I stand at the top of the stairs I can see Bennett in the kitchen cooking and shaking his hips to the music. It’s the cutest sight and I enjoy the entertainment for a while watching him shake his hips. I can’t control the giggle as he tries to spin and nearly bumps into the counter and trips slightly. He hears me and stops dead in his tracks, “did I wake you?” he stares.

  “Keep going, you looked good,” I smile walking down the stairs towards him.

  “Come help me,” he begs as I shake my head no and continue to watch him from the table.

  “You don’t help, you don’t get to eat,” he snarls.

  “Probably better for my figure,” I joke.

  “What the fuck ever,” he huffs as he hands me a bowl, “try this.”

  “Mmmm, yummy, what is it?” I lick my lips with his eyes contently on my lips and I can see the desire burn in his eyes.

  ”I’m not telling you,” he teases.

  The relationship with Bennett and I is exceeding any expectation I had ever had. We love each other unconditionally and after all the Noah drama, I’m hoping things only get better from here on out. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. He makes it all worth fighting for. Every hardship this past year threw at me, I surpassed because of Bennett. He was the reason I fought and him pushing couldn’t have come at a better time. He opened my eyes. Every relationship deserves happiness. There shouldn’t be anything one sided, there shouldn’t be one happier than the other, there should not be secrets or repercussions. It’s all about being with the person you love unconditionally.


  I found out some disturbing news through a friend I must intervene. I know it’s wrong of me, I know I should give up, but I won’t let go. She will be mine.


  There’s no stopping me.


  Setting up the camera on the ground of the John Seigenthaler bridge downtown Nashville, I ignore the people walking around. The sun has set and the lights from the city beam. This is the moment I wait for Jenna to arrive as I patiently pace back and forth. Nervous I fidget my fingers inside my jeans pocket moving the box around.

  Predators’ banners hang proudly above the bridge. Each player proudly displayed with pride as they head towards the Stanley Cup. The city is a bustling mess when it comes to Hockey season. It’s the busiest time of the year besides the CMA Festival. Here I am standing anxiously waiting for her to arrive. And once I see her I can’t stop the smile that has graciously crossed my face.

  “What are you doing?” she grins happy to see me.

  Dressed in a beige knee length shift dress she inches closer to me as I pull the box out of my pocket and hear her sigh. I can see the fear cross her face. She doesn’t hide it. Am I even more nervous now to ask? Fuck yeah, but I won’t be stopped.

  Placing my right knee on the ground, bystanders stop and observe, but there’s one person loud and clear to interrupt this special moment.

  “Forget it,” he shouts and punches the box out of my hand. As I try to get up he places his hand on my shoulder holding me down.

  “Noah, what are you doing?” Jenna looks scared.

  “It’s okay,” I try to calm her.

  “She’s mine, why do you not get that? She was mine back then, she was mine after, she’s always been mine. You’re forcing her into something she doesn’t even want, you’re pretending to win against me. I see through it, Bennett. I see through you. You’ve been out to get me since high school, you didn’t want her, you just didn’t want me to have her, and you’re still like that,” Noah looks at Jenna and pleads, “don’t you see it? Why can’t you see it? All that romantic bullshit, it’s because that’s what you girls want, so he’s giving it to you.”

  Noah walks towards Jenna, she’s frozen, still confused about the situation. I’m standing behind watching the unexpected unfold.

  “Is that true?” she asks me doubting our relationship.

  “If you think that’s true, then you don’t know me at all and this is the biggest mistake,” I’m upset she would believe anything Noah would have to say. “This was supposed to be a special moment, not an I’m out to get Noah moment,” I’m upset.

  Picking the ring box back up and placing it in my pocket I walk past her and Noah leaving them both behind, choosing to ignore any words that may fall.

  Leaving them to fight it out.

  My ego bruised, upset she would believe anything Noah says, I sit in my car taking a moment to breathe. This was supposed to be a proposal to make her mine. Mine because I love her, not because I’m trying to win.

  I thought things were getting better.

  I thought she would be mine.

  I thought we finally surpassed all the drama and hate and hardship.

  Sometimes it hurts in love. Sometimes you have to let go of something or someone you loved more than anything.


  Left behind by the person I thought would never leave me I’m standing at the edge of the bridge overlooking the Cumberland River with Noah by my side.

  How did I get here?

  How did the one thing that matters most to me just leave me behind?

  Upset with the uncontrollable tears I refuse to be touched by Noah.

  “I needed you to see,” he whispers.

  “See what? That you can ruin everything that happens in my life? Noah, you destroy everything.” I finally give him every single thought that has ever crossed my mind.

  “What do you mean?” he seems genuinely confused.

  “You left me for drugs, cops, all kinds of shady things. Money problems you couldn’t tell me about. You never trusted me. You never confided in me. Then you try to blackmail me, which almost worked. You gave something important to your once best friend in order to keep me, but you still lost me, and it’s something you can’t live without.”

  “What makes you such an expert on my life?” he snorts.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You manipulate.”

  “Yeah, okay,” he huffs.

  “You ruined what was supposed to be a happy moment in my life. We’re over Noah, does that mean you’re going to destroy everything that that would make me happy?”

  “I’m sad you woul
d even think that.”

  I can’t help but laugh, “You just did that. You ruined yet another thing in my life.”

  He tries to wrap his arms around my hip but I move away, “NO!” and in the corner of my eye I see the neglect cross his face.

  Noah and I had a good relationship. It was decent. But it was nothing in comparison to Bennett and I. We had passion, desire, love, and a need for each other. Noah and I were reserved, held back, and decent. His hands were never all over me when we were close, unlike Bennett who can’t seem to keep his hands off me. He’s very touchy feely and loves to show me off, another attribute Noah was lacking. I’ve come to realize Bennett is my better half.

  “Take it easy, Noah,” I try to walk away but take one last look at him, “It’s time to let me go. Move on with your life. There’s someone out there waiting for you to pick her up. She needs you more than me. She needs you to be her hero. I’m doing great without you, probably better without you, don’t waste your time with me.”

  I know it sounds harsh. I know he has hopes, has always had hope, but I’m not the girl for him, no matter how often he might tell himself otherwise. One of us has to be the strong one in the relationship and if it’s not going to be him, it might as well be me. A part of me might remember him and have a little bit of love for him, we were together for a long time, I even grieved for him when I thought he was dead, but I have to remind myself, it wasn’t real. There was too much deceit. There was too much heartache in a relationship where it shouldn’t have been. Maybe I made mistakes. He sure did. It’s not a relationship I plan to continue.

  “Goodbye,” I make sure he hears it and I’m surprised to hear a sincere goodbye in return.



  I miss her!

  I miss her like crazy.

  I’m holding on to a ring I was only seconds from proposing to her with.

  I’m placing a ring on my pinky that could be on her finger claiming her as mine.

  I’m in pain. Excruciating pain of missing her.

  Maybe I didn’t try hard enough?

  Maybe I was too sweet? Too caring? Too understanding?

  Maybe I was too romantic? Like the outside world seems to think.

  But everything I did, I did to prove how real my love for her is.

  Everything I did, was to show her how much I adored her.

  She was to be mine.

  Lying in the bed at the fire station I wait for the alarm to sound to distract me from my thoughts. I’m tempted to call her every few minutes but find it best to just give her space, have her figure out what she’d like without me pressuring her. Making her come to terms herself if she wants him or me. At this point, she has to choose. Whether it’s him or I, I have no idea. I do hope she doesn’t think I was trying to win some sort of manly competition. I legitimately love her to pieces and want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, the one that makes me smile and I love to show her off. If I lost that, my whole world would fall apart.


  It’s been some time since I’ve spent a night alone, in this bed, in this apartment.

  It’s been some time since I had to fall asleep thinking about him rather than having him next to me. I know when he’s at work, he’ll come home to me, or he’s thinking about me, but is Bennett thinking about me the same way I’m thinking about him?

  I messed up. I should’ve never given him the feeling I would consider him trying to win some feud. I should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt than jump into some conclusion. I’m hoping that with my next plan I can open his eyes and show him exactly that he’s the one for me. He deserves it. He deserves me as much as I deserve him. And I’m willing to go through any length to prove it to him. In fact, I have the biggest surprise and perfect place to rekindle with him.

  Pacing the bridge in fear he won’t show; multiple scenarios cross my mind on how to mend all of this. It’s only been a day and we’ve never had such a fight, but I’m positive we can get past it. It’s been fifteen minutes when I have nearly given up and grab my purse to walk away.

  “Leaving so soon?” I hear Bennett’s voice behind as I bend down.

  “No,” I smile as I get up and face him.

  “Hi,” he smirks.

  My heartbeat picking up and nearly jumping out of my chest, “Hi,” I smile as we stand across from each other in the middle of the bridge.

  “You’ve summoned me?”

  “Uh, yeah, can we sit down?” I walk towards a bench as he follows suit.

  We’re only inches from each other but I feel like we’re worlds apart. It’s a different situation. One that doesn’t sit well with me. We’re usually all over each other but at the moment it’s more of a stranger relationship. I want to say something, but not sure where to start. Instead, he makes the first move.

  “You need to decide,” he opens up.

  “About?” I’m confused.

  “If it’s me or Noah,” his words catch me off guard.

  “It’s you. Of course, it’s you,” I place my hands on his thighs, “did you really think I wouldn’t choose you?”

  “I don’t know what to think, you didn’t argue some of the things Noah said yesterday,” his words hurt me.

  “Bennett, I was baffled at the things he said,” I admit, “but I would never doubt your feelings towards me.”

  “Not what it seemed like to me.”

  “Oh my god,” I slide closer to him, “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Bennett, I love you, only you, I want to be with you.”

  I stare into his eyes and wait for some kind of reaction.

  His lips press against mine in a swift motion, I wasn’t prepared, “I love you,” he mumbles against my lips as if all is forgiven.

  Cherishing our kiss, I ignore everything and everyone around us. This moment is only for us. We’re devouring each other in the most passionate ways. His hand wanders as I pull back, “I have a surprise for you,” I grin as I pull out an envelope out of my purse and hand it to him.

  “What’s this?”

  “Just open it,” I demand with a smile.

  As he’s lifting the tab of the envelope and pulls out hockey tickets for the next Predators game I see his face light up with joy. “You didn’t,” his eyes widen as I mumble, “I did.”

  He squeezes me nearly taking the life right out of me, “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”

  Back at my place we cuddle in the bed together before it’s time to leave and go to the stadium for the game. I’m lying on his chest listening and feeling his heartbeat. We’re quiet enjoying the moment, every once in a while, he will kiss the top of my head to let me know he’s still here. I missed being cuddled up inside his arms. I know it was only a day but that’s one day too many without him. There are more surprises in store for tonight he has no idea about and my anticipation is growing.

  “I got you a new jersey,” I whisper softly.

  Shifting his body to look towards me, “you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I did,” I hand him a Predators shirt.

  “How cool, it has my name on the back,” he’s overly excited and doesn’t waste any time trying it on, “looks good on me, don’t it?” he nerds out.

  “Looks great,” I pull one out for me, “I have one too,” I smile not allowing him to see it though.

  Later that afternoon as we enter the Bridgestone Arena, we’re overwhelmed by the action-packed arena – action packed with overly excited fans, the security, and excitement of the possible Stanley Cup win against Winnipeg. Everyone is rooting for our Predators with full excitement and while Bennett and I find our seats, we can’t hear our own thoughts over the screams and uproars.

  The national anthem sung by none other than Carrie Underwood herself – a gorgeous human being with such a soulful voice, she brings the entire arena to quietness as her voice echoes through. It’s a blissful moment.

game starts and I’m mostly excited about the secret I had handled with the crew of the arena. Bennett is sucked into the game, fully engrossed in all the moments, the slams, the scores of the game, he doesn’t even notice the fact my Jersey has a special meaning. One he’s soon to find out. He jumps up with excitement after a score. The moment the kiss cam finally catches us, I take charge and follow through with my plan.

  His smile lights up as he sees the camera directed on us on the big screen. He tries to kiss me as I pull back and get on my knees. I’m holding a box with a ring, “Will you finally be my husband?” I ask over the thrilled crowd.

  He nods his head and grabs a hold of me to kiss me, “You’re crazy,” he shouts as I show the back of my jersey to the camera. Mrs. Grey!!! Bennett’s eyes widen with joy.

  I plan to be his. Forever. And as his proposal didn’t go as planned, I figured I would have to step up my game. I wanted him to know I choose him and no words would’ve been able to fill that. I wanted him to know I choose him because he’s the person I want to be with. I choose him.

  I didn’t want just him to know, I needed the world to know. I needed to show him how much I value him.


  Back in high school I never wanted to really be with anyone but Jenna. Jenna was taken though. Taken by my then best friend. There were other girls, but there was just something about Jenna that made all the other girls be nonexistent to me. I kissed them. I made out with them. I tried to date them. But they just weren’t the girl I wanted to be with. I was hoping after high school I could move on, and I did. College I dated a girl for a year and then I met Sabrina and we got married. We got married because I didn’t think I could ever find a Jenna and she seemed to like me a lot so I did it, got married thinking that was what I had to do. I wasn’t happy. I gave Sabrina everything she wanted or asked for, anything to make her happy, leaving my own happiness behind.


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