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Billionaire Protector

Page 46

by Kyanna Skye

  She nodded. As long as he wasn’t actually being accused of murdering someone of prominence, technicalities could enter into his defense, and since his troubles were business-related then the charges against him wouldn’t be viewed as so bad that the Russians could just send him back without a word and ignore the extradition treaties. He was in America when the money went missing, your honor. How could it have been him?

  It was a simple move. Simple, but effective.

  “So that’s your defense,” she said, seeing the plan that had formed in his head. “You actually did do the things they say… but by being here – at the embassy – and by not trying to run, you make yourself look innocent and cast reasonable doubt.”

  He saluted her with his glass, “Highest marks to you, Regina.”

  “That still leaves us with the trouble of having to prove that you’re innocent.”

  Alexi looked indifferent for a moment. “I had hoped we would have time to plan, Regina. But it seems fate has chosen to waylay us both. But if I were to guess, it is not necessary to prove my innocence. We simply need to give them the same kind of doubt as they gave me when on the hunt for Lada’s killer.”

  She rolled that around in her mind. “It would help if I knew everything that Abram knows about what’s going on.”

  “You may yet have the opportunity,” Alexi said, sipping his drink.


  “Abram represents people who are impatient for a great many things. The old aristocracy that I mentioned, they are not accustomed to having to wait for anything. They will press Abram, even now perhaps, to reach a climax that is in their favor. Abram will, most likely, speak to you and attempt to sway you to his side of things. At this point – if your reputation is true – you may learn something you did not suspect.”

  He drank the last of his vodka.

  Chapter 7

  Regina lay in her bed, staring at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It was nearly 2 AM and she hadn’t found the effort in herself to sleep. Her mind was teeming with thoughts and ideas like it usually did when she was confused or uncertain about something case related. But for the moment, the case was the last thing on her mind.

  Alexi… she thought as a girlish smile touched her face.

  Despite the fear she had felt earlier, there was something pleasing about him. A part of her mind, which she had always attributed as ‘the lizard brain’ told her to stay away. Instinct warned her that Alexi was as dangerous as a volcano on the verge of eruption and it was, therefore, wise to keep her distance. People visit active volcanos all the time and don’t get burned, she thought ruefully. Yes, there was something about being in his presence that made her feel like she was getting too close to the edge of that volcano, staring at a bubbling pool of magma that could overflow at any moment. And yet, there was something about him that called to her.

  She felt like flotsam drifting aimlessly on a wide sea that was suddenly being drawn in by a whirlpool. She could see the danger ahead but it felt like there was nothing she could do about it… maybe she didn’t want to do anything about it. She couldn’t control the feelings she was having any more than a bird could control the winds that it flew on. Everything was just… happening.

  Why? She had asked herself that same question ever since she had been shown to her room since dinner ended. This was insane… it was downright laughable. She couldn’t begin to wrap her mind around what was happening.

  She had met attractive men before and numerous times. Some she was attracted to for their prowess, they had been athletes of one variety or another. One or two she had been attracted to outright because of their intellect if not for their physical presence. There had even been one that she had been attracted to for his wealth. But she had never – never – been so attracted to a man like this before; and it wasn’t for his wealth or his appearance… it was something else.

  It was because he was dangerous.

  She thought on that for a few moments. Alexi was an ex-Spetsnaz, so clearly he was dangerous. He was handsome and he was rich; a triple threat. Yet, after listening to him at dinner, he had a softer side. There was something that was unusual about him that way, a rare combination of a rare man.

  It was odd. She had always prided herself on being able to control her environment and those that were in it, much like how Carver controlled his office. People were, of course, harder to control, but if she could assert some kind of dominance over her surroundings then she could at least control the people that she was associated with.

  Not this time. This time was different. This time she was hardly the one in control. It was she that was being controlled and not vice versa. And somehow, she felt comfortable with that.

  She rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling of her room. It wasn’t as luxurious a place as she had thought it would be. Embassies weren’t built for the comfort of prisoners – or detainees – or for those that might be working for them. But she had the basics: a bed, a wardrobe, a chair, and a private bathroom. She had been content with less when on the job.

  She tried to focus on the case. The preliminaries were done and tomorrow – today – would be the main event. And she still had no idea how she was going to get her client out of his current predicament. International law was always difficult in that certain countries had unilaterally agreed to certain give-and-take when it came to domestic laws vs. foreign laws. Russian laws could extradite Alexi if Utkin decided to see it that way, but American laws could exonerate him easily enough if she just had more data to work with.

  Can’t make bricks without clay, she thought, rubbing her forehead.

  She knew what Abram’s gameplay would be, but that didn’t add up to knowing his overall game plan. International law didn’t always require full disclosure and from what Alexi had told her there wouldn’t be any. It would come down to a war of arguments, basically. It would be the reasons why she believed that Alexi was innocent vs. the reasons that Abram thought he was guilty.

  Come on! These are Russians! They don’t do anything piecemeal! That was certainly true. Given everything that was at stake back in the Motherland then this certain to be a packed court against Alexi. Abram might have something up his sleeve that she couldn’t talk her way around. And without access to his files or any other kind of documentation, then her chances of finding a loophole to exploit were looking pretty slim. And there was always the chance that the judge had been put on the take. That was also the Russian way when big business was involved.

  That’s the American way too though, isn’t it?

  She didn’t know Utkin but from what she had seen he didn’t strike her as the kind of man that could be bribed. The Russian Federation might have been built on the ashes of an old system where favors were the normal currency of government, but even so, that didn’t automatically condemn all of the people in power. She didn’t follow Russian politics very closely except where a case was involved, but she knew that there were a few politicos over there that were being politically shamed because they refused to go along with the old way.

  Unless Utkin is one of them then the odds are not so great.

  She sighed and blew out a puff of air. She was no closer to solving her problems than she had been when the initial hearing had been concluded today. She couldn’t talk to Abram… she couldn’t look at any files… she was shooting both from the hip and shooting blind. Not a good strategy.

  Carver said this would be interesting…

  Her thoughts were distracted when her door cracked open and a lance of soft yellow light crossed through the darkness of her room, shining into her eyes. Light from the hallway outside spilled in before it was cut by the figure that pushed her door open and entered silently into her room. Her breath was stolen away once more as she saw the familiar shape of Alexi standing there in her door.

  He was dressed only in what looked like a pair of sleeping trousers while the rest of him was pleasantly bare. The light that silhouetted him from behind seemed
to almost be hugging his features and asinine as it seemed, she envied the light for being able to caress him like that. His shape was just as she had imagined it, full of muscle that looked like it supported a healthy shape of a man. His torso was so handsomely made that it was begging to be touched and she felt her hands ready to volunteer for that service if only he would ask.

  In his hand she noticed that he held another bottle of vodka, this one drained only of a fourth of its contents, but the manner in which he moved did not suggest he was inebriated. She felt a sudden flutter in her belly, though if it was a feeling of excitement or dread, she was uncertain.

  “Alexi?” she asked, sitting up on her mattress and holding up one hand to shield her eyes against the light from outside. “What’s wrong?”

  The hulking figure stepped into her room and gently closed the door behind him, enveloping them once more in darkness. Her heart rate began to accelerate with an equal mix of fear and excitement. Regina had not been alone with a man in some time and a flurry of feelings began to swirl within her. In the back of her mind, her keener senses advised her that she had to keep her relationship with Alexi strictly professional. Another part of her mind was screaming to seize the opportunity of a lifetime.

  Alexi came closer to her, his feet barely making a sound on the carpeted floor. With the door shut her eyes began to adjust to the darkness again. She could make out his features just enough from the moonlight outside her window to see that his dark brown eyes were fixed on her.

  “I’m sorry to bother you,” Alexi said, his voice soft.

  She noted that he didn’t sound drunk. “I wasn’t asleep. Is everything alright?”

  He sat down on the mattress beside her. Her heart took another leap forward, threatening to climb up her throat with excitement as fear began to dwindle away.

  “I… I was thinking of Lada.”

  Her excitement began to fade and disappointment replaced it. “Oh? Are you alright?” she asked sympathetically.

  He shook his head. “No… I… I need you.”

  The words plucked a nerve like a guitar string within her. “Me?”

  He looked up at her and his gaze seemed to reach right through her. It was as if some magical and invisible hand reached out through his eyes into hers and clutched at her very heart. He looked innocent through such a gaze… even childlike.

  “I was thinking of Lada… and I realized… something.” He paused, his eyes seemed to be searching the darkness between them as if the answer hung in the very air. “I realized… I don’t want to think of Lada. Not anymore.”

  Regina froze, unable to speak or move as a glimmer of hope began to light up the darkness around her.

  Alexi took a small sip from his bottle. “I spent years trying to unravel the mystery of her death. It was all I thought about.” He looked at her uncertainly, as though his words were gibberish even to him. “It occurred to me… I was keeping her locked up. Or at least, I was keeping her memory locked up inside of me.” He looked at her, his eyes seeking for the benediction of his words. “I don’t think she would have wanted that. Does that make sense or am I speaking as a mad man?”

  She felt a small tug at her heart strings for it. His realization had come too late perhaps, but at least it had come. “No…,” she said, her voice matching his in softness. “I think she would be proud of you for realizing that.”

  He took another small sip of his bottle and offered it to her. She declined with a shake of her head.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  He looked across at her and the look on his face was purely apologetic. “For losing my temper this evening with you… I… I haven’t lost control like that in some time. I am ashamed I did so.” He sighed and looked at the bottle as if another thought swirling around inside of it. “I realized something else tonight too.”


  He looked at her somberly. “My fortunes for a favorable outcome to this trial are not pleasant, are they?”

  She managed to muster up a positive voice and an expression to match. “It’s only just begun. We haven’t even heard Abram’s opening arguments yet. All we know is what he intends to do. There’s no guarantee he’s going to win.”

  “And no guarantee you can win either, is there?” She began to respond but he silenced her with a hand. “Please, Regina, I have been in business long enough to know that my prospects are grim at best. There are too many interested parties in play that have much to lose should the court find in my favor.”

  From her own experience, she could tell that he wasn’t lying. He wasn’t hopeful, but there was nothing in his tone that suggested that he had no confidence in her. All she could do was sit there in silence.

  He began to take another drink from his bottle but stopped. He lowered the vodka and looked at it, almost as if he had never seen it before. “I suppose tonight is a night for revelations. My past… my future… they seem to have merged together tonight, haven’t they?”

  She shrugged. “I suppose so.”

  He looked at her. “If you’d like to be released from your contract to be my legal representation… I would not find fault if you did. I would hate to see a reputation such as yours marred by a blemish such as this. And I would, of course, pay the legal fees for your services thus far and I will see to it that you are not cast in any kind of a negative light for your services.”

  The excitement rose up within her with such ferocity that she felt the lizard brain overcome every other facet of her mentality as if it had been given rocket boosters. Without thinking about it, without caring what her professional standing might look like when it was done, she reached out and took his face in her hands.

  In a single swift movement, she brought his lips to hers.

  He didn’t resist.

  His breath was warm and though there was the slight taste of vodka, she felt a tingling sensation spread over her. His skin was smooth as if he could have shaved five minutes before, but through her fingertips, she could feel the hardness of his jaw. It felt as if he contained the power that she couldn’t even fathom how to measure.

  It felt as if the kiss had lasted hours though she knew it could only have been moments before she allowed their lips to part. As she drew gently away she surveyed his face. His eyes were still closed from their simple embrace but she noted that his breathing had changed. His breath came in softer, more slowly, like he had just taken a dive into a pool and finally surfaced for air. When he opened his eyes she saw a gentle smile form on his handsomely chiseled face.

  This was insane… she had met the man less than six hours ago and here she was. The pull he exuded was undeniable and she couldn’t stop herself wondering – hoping maybe – that she had the same effect on him. But whether she did or didn’t, she didn’t care… in this moment it felt like she had won the prize either way.

  “Another revelation?”

  “Yes,” she replied with a smile, “one of mine.”

  His smile remained, becoming more inviting. “We will still have our problems in the morning.”

  “The morning can wait,” she said, her voice becoming breathless.

  He dropped his vodka bottle carelessly upon the floor and bridging the gap between them once again and placed his mouth on hers with such fervor, such tenacity, that she fell over onto her pillows once again. He stretched out on top of her, his hands planted on her shoulders before stretching out and seeking out her hands.

  Their fingers interlocked and she again felt his strength, both in his fingers as they clenched tightly around her smaller ones and in his tongue as it probed the inside of her mouth.

  Her lips parted invitingly, welcoming his tongue into her mouth. His taste was sweet, even with the vodka on his breath. The heavy drink still held a profound effect and she felt herself becoming drunk, but off of his kisses and the work of his tongue.

  He pinned her against the bed and she tried to wrap her legs around him, but her sheets prevented her
. She felt like a fly, caught in a well-made spider’s web, unable to move and unable to escape the pressing feeling upon her. Somehow, the feeling of helplessness added to her passion and a soft moan stirred within her mouth.

  Encouraged by the muffled sound, Alexi began to kiss his way south. His lips and tongue gently pecked at her chin… her neck… and slowing at her chest. His hands freed hers and he brought them to the neckline of her silken nightgown.

  With the kind of power, she would expect a god to have he ripped the garment cleanly down the middle, reducing it to worthlessness. Not that she cared… she would have sacrificed a thousand expensive sleeping gowns to witness a display of that kind of power.

  Her breasts, freed from the confinement of the silk, his mouth resumed its course. His lips and tongue tasted each of her nipples in turn. His tongue traced lazy circles around her areolas. Her breasts were not large but she reveled in how he took his time exploring every inch of them with his tongue.

  Lightly, he traced invisible lines to the narrow valley between her breasts as he adjusted himself on the bed, licking his way down to her belly and beyond. When he came to the hemline of her panties again, with godlike strength, he ripped the obstacle from his path. Were he truly a god she would have thought that this is how women prayed to him and she would gladly have offered herself at his altar.

  In a move that surprised her, he picked her up from off of the bed as though she weighed nothing at all, hooking her legs over his shoulders, and he planted his mouth upon her most sensitive of places. She felt the heat of his mouth rush through her and once more the idea of Alexi Romanov being likened to a volcano filled her mind for but an instant. It was as if his mouth had become a lava tube and she was the vessel that housed the warmth he offered.

  Despite her posture, she felt herself buck as his tongue slipped inside of her. He expertly explored her inside… the tip of the tongue taking careful time with her labia… her mons… all of it was subject to the demands his mouth made and she happily accepted it. Her back curved until only the tip of her head was resting on her mattress, her ruined nightgown slipped from her body as her arms stretched out looking for something to grab a hold of. But all she managed to find was air, empty and unwilling to give her balance as Alexi lifted her further from off of the bed with ease.


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