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Billionaire Protector

Page 65

by Kyanna Skye

  “Oh, god,” she whispered, bending her forehead back to her knees. She whimpered, trying to keep her sobs as silent as possible.

  She had no idea why, but somehow it seemed important to her that someone still thought of her as a good person. Chad already knew the truth, even before she had tried to cover it with her lies, and he knew even more now. And whatever reason he had for coming here…

  “I want you,” he had said. The words rebounded off the walls of her mind as if they had been shouted in a room with a high-vaulted ceiling. And she ached from hearing them.

  She wanted to believe that they were true. That they were true on some level she didn’t doubt, but what she did doubt was that they were true the way she wanted them to be. What does he want? Does he want me? Or does he want my body? From everything that she had heard about him, namely his sexual escapades, it was easy enough to believe that he only wanted her body. He had come home to the place where he had been most promiscuous. Kelly knew that if she threw a coin in the air it would land at the feet of some girl that Chad had fucked when he was still here. Hell, even if she dropped that coin at her own feet it would still be true.

  That thought stung at her as well. Yes, she had admitted to herself long ago, that she had felt something for Chad Cinch once upon a time. Where others worshipped him for his prowess as a football player, she had found something else in him to admire. She had found him attractive… charming… he’d said all of the right words… made her feel good… and she’d wanted him. She’d tutored him off and on for a time and she had found herself looking forward to that time they’d spent together whenever he needed to hit the books. And then, in the course of a single night, she had found herself wanting more.

  She wasn’t an idiot. She had heard about Chad’s reputation from other girls… but she had been naïve and hadn’t believed it. She liked to think that he presented the persona of the run-of-the-mil bad boy and she had found that marginally attractive as well. But when they were alone together, he wasn’t that guy. He was… someone else. He was different… and that held more appeal. And she’d wanted it, even if only for a little while.

  And she’d gotten it.

  “Fuck,” she whispered to the darkness.

  From somewhere through the door, the silence of the night slowly dissipated and a new sound reached her ears. She froze, her ears becoming as alert as a dog’s. She waited, hoping to receive some sign that Chad had sobered up enough to make his way to the door and shown himself out.

  She looked at the clock on Ellie’s bedside table. It read 4:19 A.M. Damn… Realizing how long she’d been sitting here shocked her. It had been just after 1 A.M. that Chad had pulled his crazy stunt of climbing the fire escape to get to her window. And that she had been sitting here this whole time, wrapped up in her own thoughts, made her feel all the more uncomfortable.

  The familiar sound of water running, the gentle patter of water on the plastic floor reached her ears.

  He’s taking a shower?!

  The realization hit her as if he had walked into this room and smacked her across the jaw. He’d done the opposite of leaving. He was staying… and he was making himself comfortable.

  “Christ,” she whimpered.

  She rocked back and forth on her hindquarters. The air suddenly seemed to have become more charged than it had been a moment before. It was heavy, like it actually hurt her lungs to breathe.

  She cringed. The idea of him being in her home… in this small pocket of the world that she had carved out and claimed as her own… and using it as if he were welcome to it any time he liked… it was officially too much.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” she uttered.

  She pushed herself up to her feet, unlocked Ellie’s bedroom door, and slipped out into the dark hall beyond.

  She saw a light coming from under the bathroom door and the sounds of the shower running confirmed her fear. She stiffened her resolve. Chad had been here for hours and in all that time he hadn’t bothered her, but now he had crossed the line. If he was sober enough to shower then he was sober enough to drive home. It was time for him to leave.

  She threw open the bathroom door and halted in her tracks.

  A wave of heat and steam rushed out to meet her. The steam cleared and revealed to her an image that stole her breath away and stirred more than a few old feelings within her.

  Well… what did I expect to find in my shower other than a naked man?

  His clothes were scattered across the floor and Chad stood there under the simple jets of her shower. The image of his body was obscured through the glass shower doors. Though his back was to her and the image of his skin was clouded by the fogged glass she could tell that he was covered in more tattoos and scars than she remembered. His muscles tensed and the water dripped off of his flesh over more ridges than she would have thought possible. His shape had improved since the last time she had seen him naked. He was more developed; his muscles were more highly toned. Apparently a life in the NFL agreed with him.

  “Chad…” she said, her voice barely a whisper that didn’t reach him over the hiss of the shower.

  He kept his back to her, his hands resting against the tiled wall of the shower as though he were being arrested. The water continued to beat down on his head, strings of water dripped from off of his body.

  She gathered her strength and stepped further into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and coming closer to him. She gingerly reached out and opened the shower door and a fresh wave of steam reached out to envelope her.

  “Chad!” she said, the volume of her voice rising.

  This time he heard her and slowly he turned to face her.

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  He was hard.

  His cock was already standing at attention, as if she were a general and he some lowly soldier ready for inspection. Unable to help herself her eyes drifted down to his cock. It was ready and begging for her attention.

  Her eyes traversed over his body. His abs were rock hard and looked fit enough to grate cheese over. His pectorals were well formed, his shoulders broad, his thighs and calves thick from years spent running a football across a hundred yards of turf. His hair had been washed into a wet mess and thin threads of water dripped from the tips of his scalp. The veins of his neck pulsed almost as much as the veins within his penis.

  The water dripped from off of him and every single droplet seemed to cling to him as if the water itself didn’t want to leave so perfect a form. For a moment she forgot that the steam was being generated by the shower and thought that it was more likely that he was turning the water to mist by doing nothing more than standing there.

  His eyes locked and hers and years’ worth of old feelings came back over her. She felt it again… that old pull… that same desire that she’d felt years ago. It overtook her as if she had just stuck her head in a bear trap and suddenly her mind seemed detached from the rest of her.

  “Kelly…” he said softly, his voice just as endearing as the rest of him.

  For a moment, all she could do was stand where she was. As she looked into his eyes, her own grief, her anger, her self-resentment, every little detail of her life that had formed her into the person that she was now seemed to evaporate just as quickly as the steam that surrounded them both.

  A fresh tear formed on her face, but this one was born from a different emotion. And that emotion overpowered her as he stepped out of the shower to stand evenly with her. He was so close that she could feel the heat rising from off of his body.

  “Goddamn you,” she said, her voice breaking. “I want you, too. I’ve only ever wanted you.”

  There was silence between them. It was the same silence that had passed through them once before, years ago. The silence seemed so palpable that it felt like an invisible barrier had gone up between them. Despite that, Chad managed to surmount and shatter that barrier with the simplest of ease.

  Slowly he reached out a hand. His fingers found the si
mple cotton belt of her housecoat and with slow and deliberate movements he untied it. She kept her hands to her side, not stopping him or helping him as he parted the flaps.

  He used both hands to slowly reach inside her cotton garment, parting the folds. Slowly more and more of her skin was exposed to the heat of the already steamy bathroom. But her skin felt so warm, her blood like fire, that she didn’t even notice the heat generated by the hot water any longer.

  With a tantalizing touch, he slowly ran his fingers up from her abdomen, through the narrow valley between her breasts to her shoulders. And with a simple push he slipped her from out of her garment entirely and it fell into a heap at her ankles.

  His eyes took in the sight of her, though she was dressed still in her panties and her bra she could feel his interest growing. She trembled under his touch as he used the back of his fingers to lightly caress her chest… her belly… her thighs. She remembered that touch. She remembered how electrifying it had felt and how powerless she had been against it.

  He stepped to her, standing so close that she could feel the tip of his cock lightly prodding her. His hands found her breasts, lightly squeezing them. Her body began to ache for more of his touch. It had been so long since she had been with a man… four years in fact… and the last man that she’d been with stood before her now.

  His hands snaked around her, finding the clasp of her bra and unhitching it. With fingers so delicate in their touch he gently pulled the garment away and dropped it to the floor. His fingers lightly traced the edges of her areolas and brushed against her nipples, making them hard.

  His fingers went south, slipping inside the elastic band that held her panties in place. To her delight he dropped down to his knees, like a humble man about to pray to the statue of a chosen goddess. She could only watch him, her body trembling under the soft strokes of his fingers as they slowly began to pull her panties down until they too pooled on the floor at her feet.

  Then he stood, his fingers interlacing with hers and slowly he pulled her under the warm jets of the shower.

  Chad pulled her to him.

  He felt like a magnet and she was some piece of metal that ordinarily was not drawn to his power. But through some magnificent trick of nature, she was now attracted to him. He reveled in that power, but not in the way he usually did when a woman was drawn to him.

  With others, it had been nothing more than sex. It had been only the pleasures of the body that he sought. But with the woman now in his arms, it became more important than that. It felt like together they were forging something unique… something special… something that even he, with all of his wealth and fame had always been lacking.

  But with Kelly, he found it in abundance… whatever it was.

  It was powerful, this feeling. It overcame the confusion, the anger, the strange awkwardness he had felt… even the cold indifference that she had presented him with all day were suddenly lost and absorbed into the void. It was as if their feelings were being cleansed by the steam of the shower. All that mattered was that they were here, together.

  He ached for her touch.

  He put his mouth hungrily upon hers and she welcomed and returned the affection. Her arms snaked around his neck, her fingers running through his thick scalp, exciting him. His hands snaked around to her ass, clutching it, squeezing it. A painful and delighted moan left her.

  She parted their kiss for only a moment. “God… I don’t know what I’m doing,” she whispered, uncertainty was still rife in her voice.

  That was enough to cause him pause. “Do you want to stop?” His heart skipped a beat as the words left his lips. More than anything he wanted them to go on. He wanted to relive that night that they had shared long ago… but he wanted to do it right. There was no party in the next room. They had no need to be quiet for fear that the other party guests would hear and see them. Tonight was entirely for them… at least he wanted it that way.

  He was quiet, waiting for her response. Silently he prayed that she would not want to stop. He had heard her words, “I want you, too,” she had said. That seemed more than enough for him… more than he had ever hoped for.

  “No,” she said, shaking her head gently from side to side, locking eyes with him. “No,” she repeated. “I don’t want us to stop.”

  He needed nothing else.

  He hiked one of her legs up around his hip, her foot arching over the back of his leg. Her tongue slipped eagerly into his mouth, exciting him. Her tongue played with his, slipping in and out and probing every last crevice of his mouth as if she had never explored it before. He remembered that about her… she was good with her tongue.

  Her hands slid down from around his neck, combing over his pecs and abs as if she were blind and reading brail. He almost gasped as her hands found his dick, one hand holding steady at the base while the other began to gently massage and pump him.

  He did his best to keep their kiss connected, but the actions of her hands demanded his focus. He wanted this… god, he wanted this! Not just the sex, but what it was attached to. He felt amazing and only Kelly had ever made him feel this way. She wasn’t just that quiet girl who loved to play the violin that he remembered. She had a fire… a wild side that only he had ever seen. And he felt that fire even now, growing and growing between them to the point where even the heat of the shower was dwarfed by that kind of fire.

  “Shit…” he gasped as her hands stroked him eagerly, “oh, shit!”

  Her tongue slipped one final time into his mouth before she withdrew from him and fell to her knees. He was surprised by the movement and he felt passionately enthralled to her as her mouth slid over his cock, taking over what her hands bad begun.

  Fuck! She’s learned a few things since the last time!

  Her mouth was even warmer than the hot water that drenched them both. He leaned against the wall of the shower, the power of her mouth alone made him feel weak and helpless. With her left hand she played with his balls, gently cradling and kneading them and sending him right to the edge of control. With her right hand she reached up, her fingers splayed, running over his wet torso. The tips of her fingers traced the edges of his muscles and teased the seams of his scars.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as she bobbed up and down on him. She moved slowly at first, then faster and faster, driving him to the verge of madness. God! Her mouth is so warm! No other woman that he’d ever been with had been this good. Even ones that had known very well how to please him had never been like this. Something had been absent with those others… something that only Kelly seemed to have.

  She pulled him from her mouth and looked up at him, a small smile forming on her face. He liked it when she smiled. It was magnetic, forcing him to smile as well. He cupped her face in his hands and guided her back to her feet. He put his mouth on hers and once again her tongue entered eagerly into his mouth. The cold indifference that she had met him with was gone, like it had never existed.

  “God, I want you,” he repeated, his passion and desire flaring as if suddenly fueled with napalm. His hands slipped down to her ass and grasping them firmly he lifted her from off the slippery shower floor and with no more effort than was required to lift a football above his head, he hoisted her up and pressed her against the wall so that the palms of her hands could touch the ceiling.

  She gasped as he held her aloft, burying his face in the narrow space between her legs. Her gasp turned into a pleasurable moan as he stuck his tongue inside of her. Desire lent him strength as he held her up with one hand and using his free fingers he pried apart the folds of her pussy. His tongue and fingers eagerly explored her inside and out. That was something that he had not done to her before. But years’ worth of practice had taught him the right way to pleasure a woman.

  He licked at her mons… he teased the folds of her vulva both inside and out, he tickled her G-spot with the tip of his tongue. He could taste the sweet and saltiness of her at the same time. Her legs folded around his neck, the backs of her knees res
ted on his shoulders, giving him leverage.

  He pressed his face so deeply into her that she moaned aloud, her fingers running through his hair like mad, driving him on. It was so strange. He had not done this for her either, when last they had been together. It was suddenly as if he was possessed by some kind of hunger that only she could fill. And now that he tasted her, he didn’t want to eat anything else. The realization hit him as hard as any offensive player he’d encountered on the field.

  He liked it.

  His lips pried her pussy apart while his hands shot up her belly the same way that hers had over his torso. His hands felt their way up to her tits, squeezing them firmly. Again she moaned under his touch. Inside and out, he was able to feel the warmth generated by her.

  “Put me down,” she half-whispered, “Chad, put me down.”

  Though he felt as if she could have gone on forever with her this way, he obeyed. Gently, he lowered her back to the floor, her legs unhooking from over his shoulders until he set her lithely back upon her feet.

  Her mouth once more sought his out, her hands brushing against the stubble on his face. His hands explored her flanks, the tips of his fingers sensuously running up and down her sides. She lightly giggled at his touch, but their kiss endured.

  She gently broke away from his lips, kissing her way along his cheek until her lips hovered just above his ear. “Fuck me,” she whispered. “Do whatever you want with me.”

  He obeyed, taking her and putting her against the glass wall of the shower, her hands and breasts pressing against the steamed glass. He put one hand on the back of her neck, the other on her hip.

  Slowly, he slid into her from behind.

  God, she’s even warmer here!

  This too, was something that they had not tried before. It felt amazing. His first thrust conjured a small moan from her, as did his second, and third, and fourth. Together, they settled into a rhythm. He could feel that same sensation growing within him that he had not felt for four years. There was a sense of rightness to being with Kelly. It was as if they were supposed to be this way and that every other woman he’d had before now was nothing more than a diversion… something that had kept him distracted from what was more important. Distracted from what was most important. And that he had been without this – without Kelly – for all this time seemed as stupid an idea as fireworks on an oil rig.


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