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Eternal 3: Eternal Surrender

Page 4

by Ann Lory

  “Very well.” He moved back to her, gripped her arm, and walked her quickly through the door. “I’ve seen your clothes. They’re old and holding on by threads.”

  Alyssa elbowed him in the stomach, trying to wrench free from his ruthless grasp. Her efforts were rewarded with the tightening of his fingers, bruising her tender flesh. She hated feeling inferior to him. He was right. Her clothes were worn, but she had a couple of shirts like the T-shirt she was wearing that were still in good condition. Not torn or nearly see-through thin. Then his comment registered.

  “You ass! Have you been following me? Did you go through my things?” She continued to yell at him all the way to a black Harley. She was vaguely aware of an expensive-looking car nearby. If he kept pushing her she’d key it. “Let me go!”

  At her words, he shoved her none too politely toward the motorcycle. His features were drawn and harsh when he pointed at her, then the vehicle. “Not another word. Get on.” He tossed her a small black helmet and took a threatening step toward her when she didn’t immediately don it. She shoved the helmet on her head and straddled the back of the bike.

  Climbing on in front of her, he reached behind him to shift her arms around his waist as the motorcycle roared to life. The garage door lifted with a click of a tiny button, and they were off toward downtown Miami.

  Alyssa’s mind churned as they drove down a long, empty stretch of private road, then a more populated highway, and eventually, the well-lit streets of the city where many shops were open and people milled around.

  How would she escape? She needed to be ready to run at any given moment. When she got free, she’d return for Mr. Vampire and see how he liked being pushed around.

  He glanced over his shoulder. She glared at him. “What?”

  He didn’t answer and went back to watching the road, though she thought she’d seen a hint of a smirk. Realizing he was probably reading her thoughts, she tried her best to close her mind to him.

  Deciding not to dwell on it for now, Alyssa looked around and couldn’t help but notice as they finally reached town that many women seemed to follow them with their gazes as the two of them swept by. Although she couldn’t argue that he was unbelievably handsome, and that it was almost a sin for anyone to be that good looking and sexy, he was still a walking abomination. Alyssa wanted to yell at them for their ignorance.

  What are you gawking at? Despite his physical attributes, he’s a vampire, for crying out loud.

  At last, Damian pulled up in front of a popular clothing store, parked, and then guided her inside. “Get whatever you need, I’ll wait here.” She was about to walk away when he pulled her back to him. "Don’t try anything.” His voice was low but carried the underlying warning clear as a bell.

  Nodding, she left him and started picking items off the racks, not really paying attention to what she was grabbing. Heading to the dressing room, she could feel his attention on her, his eyes watching her every move. Once she was in the secluded area, she dropped the clothes to the floor and swiftly checked each available stall for any kind of an exit.

  Finding no other way out, Alyssa looked at the young woman behind the counter at the entrance who was folding clothes and getting them ready to be put back in the main shopping space. Her hair was streaked with blue and her nails painted black. Alyssa hoped she was pegging the girl right, that she would ask no questions and just provide the helping hand Alyssa needed. She raced toward the girl and grabbed her arm, speaking in a low whisper and praying that Damian couldn’t hear.

  “Please, you have to help me.”

  The girl’s blue eyes widened, and she took a step back, jerking her arm from Alyssa’s.

  “My ex-boyfriend is following me, and I can’t stand to see him again after he cheated on me with my best friend. He thinks all I need to do is listen to him explain why he slept with that bitch and I’ll forgive him.” The lies came easily to her lips. Alyssa anxiously checked to make sure Damian didn’t suddenly appear. “Can you help me sneak out of here, please?”

  The young woman nodded, her face changing from wariness to one of determination and delight. Alyssa mentally let out a loud whoop, then covered her mouth quickly as if the sound had actually escaped her lips, worried that Damian might have picked up on her happy thought. When he didn’t storm into the dressing room, she turned back to the girl and almost smiled when she realized she’d been right; the girl liked to live on the edge.

  “We can’t have that, the freakin’ bastard,” the girl said. “I hope you kicked your friend’s ass.” She didn’t wait for an answer as she grabbed a clothes cart, then looked at Alyssa. “Get in. I’ll throw some clothes over you and take you to the back of the store. You can leave from the back alley.”

  Alyssa gave her a grateful smile and quickly climbed into the cart. Lying down, she curled into a ball as the girl tossed clothes on top of her. Her heart seemed to be pounding out of control, but she tried to remain calm as the cart moved into the main room. She held her breath as the wheels glided softly across the floor.

  Damian stood with his arms crossed over his chest, staring in disbelief as the cart Alyssa hid in was wheeled across the floor. Did she really think she could fool him, that he hadn’t expected her to try something or listened to her conversation? He knew the sound of her heartbeat, recognized her scent, and she was attempting to escape right beneath his nose? He’d smile at her daring, if he wasn’t so angry at the fact that she was trying to play him for a fool.

  Damian waited until the saleswoman pushed the cart through the doors leading to the back of the store. Then he turned and exited the building, walking around to the freight area on silent feet. He waited patiently as he heard the back door click open, then Alyssa’s light steps as she moved swiftly.

  He watched as she turned toward the alley opening, obviously prepared to make a break for it, and then stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. Damian was pleased that his vicious smile made her eyes widen with fear.


  Chapter Four

  Alyssa pivoted to run, but with the blink of an eye Damian blocked her route. No matter which direction she turned, he was there. Finally, she shrieked and struck at him, but he caught her wrist and jerked her against him. His free arm twined around her waist, holding her prisoner until all she could do was stare up at him.

  “Why are you doing this? Are you waiting to turn me over to D’Angel? Is this some kind of torture so that I won’t know when the final blow comes until it’s too late?”

  Releasing her wrist, he brought his hand up, cupping the back of her head with slight pressure. He put every thought into making the touch gentle. It wasn’t second nature anymore, hadn’t been in centuries. She laid her cheek against his chest, allowing him a moment to enjoy the feel of her in his arms.

  Her body shook, and he could sense the frustrated tears burning her eyes.

  “Go ahead and cry, little one.”

  Alyssa jerked back and gave him a scathing look despite the damp sheen of her eyes. “I’ll never cry in front of you.”

  Damian sighed.

  “Your kind killed my family, and I won’t rest until the ones responsible are dead. Do you hear me? Dead! You’re in my way, and I won’t let you stop me.” She raised her fists and beat them against his chest. “You! This is your fault! I hate you! I hate her, them, everything they did to us!”

  He let her vent, knowing she needed a way to release her pain, her fury. Her pummeling was barely palpable to him, but her rage and sorrow beat at him, cracked the wall around his heart. He felt the pieces begin to crumble, until finally he could stand no more.

  With a fierce cry, he tightened his arms around her and tilted her face toward his. The light from the store’s back door made her tears shimmer like diamonds.

  He lowered his head, and she didn’t resist as his mouth claimed hers. She didn’t even fight as he gently moved his mouth over those ripe lips, coaxing her to open for him; when she did, it was heaven.<
br />
  Her kiss was warm and inviting as he savored her; his tongue swept into her small mouth, stoking a fire within him as she met his passionate demands tentatively, yet willingly.

  Her whole body seemed to burn from his kiss as he became more aggressive, insistent. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she instinctively pressed herself along the length of his body, craving more. Knowing somehow that he could end this sweet torture that he had begun.

  One of his hands traveled along the nape of her neck, entwining his fingers in her hair, while the other pushed against the small of her back, grinding her against his arousal. It was all so overwhelming, and her senses were wild with an urgent and now familiar need.

  She melted into him, his arms alone supporting her body. His mouth caressed the flesh of her neck, and her head flung back in ecstasy as he seared her skin with his lips. She crooned when she felt the roughness of his tongue.

  She didn’t think she could stand much more. When his mouth claimed hers again, her own tongue tasted and teased his lips, grazing along his teeth and fangs and…

  Fangs. She sucked in a startled breath as reality came crashing back on her, ripping her from pleasure into hell.

  Alyssa shoved against his chest. He released her immediately, and she staggered backward, would almost have fallen if he hadn’t caught her arm.

  She wrenched from his grasp. “You snake, using your powers to seduce me.”

  He arched a dark eyebrow, and she thought she saw humor in the depths of his ebony eyes. “No, little one, I didn’t force you. You succumbed of your own free will.”

  Humiliation washed over her, and anger. “I’d never willing give myself to scum.”

  He smiled then, baring his gleaming white fangs. Although she should’ve been disgusted, Alyssa was struck once more at how his whole persona changed with just a grin.

  “But you did.”

  Unable to face him with the truth of his words between them, she whirled toward the nearby busy street, aware he followed close on her heels. A soft chuckle played in the back of her mind.

  Damian snatched her hand, and she had to fight the urge to close her fingers around his. “Do you want to try this store again, or would you like to go someplace else?”

  Shaking her head, Alyssa yanked her hand from his and returned to the store. This time, she chose several items off the rack that were actually her size and style. She went to the intimates section and grabbed some underwear and a few bras. She felt her face burning when Damian picked up a pair of see-through panties and casually handed them to her. Snatching them from him, she dumped them back on to the table where he’d gotten them, then stalked up to the purchase counter.

  Damian grinned. “Aren’t you going to try on any of those? You might actually find a room in the dressing area.”

  She glowered at him, but he laughed, actually laughed, although he seemed to be more stunned by it than she. The sound was deep and rich, gliding over her…and almost made her smile. Almost. “I’m glad you find this all so amusing.”

  Damian slowly handed money to the sales girl, ignoring her as she smiled prettily at him from the register. The girl packed the clothing in a large bag, and Damian retrieved it before Alyssa could. Then he took her elbow and led her toward the exit. They were almost out the door when Alyssa’s earlier co-conspirator rushed up to them.

  She stared hostilely at Damian, then turned her attention to Alyssa. “You’re not getting back with him after he screwed your best friend, are you?”

  Alyssa smirked at Damian, but her glee at putting him on the spot didn’t last long; he captured the woman’s gaze with his eyes and spoke softly to her.

  “You have never seen this woman before. Everything is fine here, just another day on the job. Thank you for a pleasant shopping experience.”

  Alyssa groaned and opened her mouth, but Damian ushered them quickly to the Harley, leaving the dazed woman behind.

  “Cheating boyfriend, Alyssa? Is that the best you could come up with?”

  Glancing back at the woman, Alyssa twisted against him, surprised when he let her go. “That was rude.”

  He shrugged. “Where would you like to eat?”

  “Nowhere with you!”

  “You’re upset because your plan failed.”

  “No. Forget upset. I’m furious because of you. Nothing more; just you!”

  He exhaled slowly, closed his eyes, and rubbed his hand across his forehead.

  Do vampires get headaches? she wondered incongruously.

  “Let’s go calmly, or I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you.”

  Disgusted, she whirled away from him and his touch. “You would, too.”

  * * * * *

  Alyssa consumed her meal, figuring it had been a good forty-eight hours, minimum, since she’d eaten last. She was trying hard to not shove the food in her face like she really wanted to, forcing herself to try and eat somewhat like a lady. The roasted chicken with seasoned, whipped potatoes and green beans was delicious. As she ate, she watched the man ‑‑ she groaned silently, catching her slip ‑‑ the monster sitting across from her.

  Fortunately, he didn’t appear to notice her absorption with him; instead, he seemed more focused on what was going on around them. The people walking by them, the cars on the street. His eyes constantly watched the shadows and the dark sky above. Not only was it difficult to enjoy the outdoor café’s atmosphere because of her dinner companion, but his constant glances here and there were unnerving.

  Unable to help herself, she asked, “What are you so anxious about?”

  He straightened in his chair. “Nothing; everything is fine.”

  “What are you expecting?”

  He hesitated briefly before replying. “As I said when we first met, you’ve upset someone. Let’s just say she may be looking for you.”

  Fear clutched at her heart, no matter how hard she tried to bat it down. She wondered if he could feel it, sense her dread, because he suddenly appeared regretful. Was that remorse? It couldn’t be.

  Her eyes widened and she looked down at her plate as a myriad of unexpected thoughts filled her head. How she wished he wasn’t a vampire. How she enjoyed the feel of his arms around her. How attractive he was when he smiled. Where are these thoughts coming from? And how could she feel this way for a vampire, of all things?

  Alyssa was shocked by the sudden glimmer of warmth she saw in his dark gaze. She wondered briefly what caused it, but decided she liked how it changed the coldness of his eyes to something more…appealing. Mentally shaking herself and clearing unwanted musings aside, she spoke. “Why are you protecting her?”

  “Protecting whom?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You know who I’m talking about. Why?”

  He sipped casually at his wine. “You should be more worried about yourself.”

  She slammed her fist down on the table, the clatter of silverware and dishes drawing attention to them. It didn’t seem to faze him in the least. “Why are you avoiding the question?”

  Shrugging, he took a long swallow and finished his drink. Then he looked at her, motioning toward her half-eaten plate of food. “Are you done?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then I suggest you hurry, so we can leave.”

  Picking up her fork, she speared a piece of chicken, pretended it was his heart, then bit venomously into it. When she peeked at him next, his mouth was curved in a tell-tale way.


  “Be careful when devouring my heart; I wouldn’t want you to choke.”

  “I told you to stop that,” she hissed, pointing her utensil at him.


  She did, quickly polishing off the rest of her meal, then followed him back to his Harley after he’d paid. They rode back through town, but she was surprised when he stopped in front of the hotel she’d arranged to stay at while hunting D’Angel.

  “What are we doing here?”

  He turned and looked over his shoulder at
her. “I thought you might want to grab the rest of your things and check out. I know you don’t have much.”

  It was clear he had been watching her. She couldn’t help but ask. “How long have you been following me?”

  “A while.”

  That angered her; he seemed to know so much about her, but she knew nothing about him. She climbed off the bike without another word, but her eyes were accusing as she removed the helmet. He visibly bristled as he reacted to the uncomplimentary mental imprecations she deliberately tossed at him.

  “Get your things! You have five minutes. Starting now.”

  Shoving the helmet at him, she sprinted to her room. Once inside, she slammed the door shut, then rapidly collected her clothes ‑‑ a couple of pairs of jeans, a few shirts, pajamas. She saved her prized possession for last.

  There on the bedside table, in a peeling gilt frame, was her family and a younger version of herself smiling out at her. She grinned faintly now as her fingers gently traced over her parents’ and brother’s faces lovingly. Finally, with a sigh, she rolled her clothes up in a ball with the picture and a small plaque tucked safely inside, shoving the items into a tote bag.

  Once she’d checked out and returned to Damian, it was closer to ten minutes than the five he had allotted her. Unexpectedly, not only didn’t he comment, but there was sympathy in his eyes. At his look, Alyssa clamped down on the emotions she had allowed herself to feel. Still, she wondered why he’d thrown his life away to become one of the monsters, and most importantly, why he protected a murderer.

  “What are you thinking, little one?”

  “Why are you asking when you can read my thoughts whether I wish it or not?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “You keep yelling at me not to.”

  An involuntary grin tugged at her lips, but she hurriedly averted her face, slipped on the helmet he extended to her, and climbed on the bike behind him.

  She delicately set her hands on his hips, but was forced to clutch his waist as he gunned the bike into traffic, pressing her breasts against his back. She watched his hands tighten on the handles and thought of those hands on her flesh. Imagined how they would make her feel. Fire scorched through her body.


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