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Eternal 3: Eternal Surrender

Page 7

by Ann Lory

  The caress of his tongue along her flesh came too soon; she opened her eyes and clutched him for support as the quaking sensations he’d raised with his feeding slowly dissipated. His hands closed over her upper arms, and he brought her away from him.

  His lips lightly brushed hers. “Thank you, little one.”

  Disoriented, she let him help her to her feet, then moved a few steps before she lowered herself to the bed. She watched as he sank down into the soil that lay at the foot of the bed. The dark earth covered him, and finally the floor did as well, shutting him within.

  Should you have need of me, you have but to say my name.

  Alyssa blinked. She hadn’t called him by his name once since the moment they met, and even now she could not bring herself to do it. Too many fears and longings of surrender came with that whispered word.

  He’d woven his way into her heart, and there was no way to get him out. She’d willingly given him her blood, had found pleasure in the fact that she could help him with that which he needed most. It brought her a certain joy.

  Despite the fact that he’d forced her to stay in his home, she’d enjoyed being near him. Desired his caresses. Wanted to feel his hands upon her flesh, his lips against her own. She needed him, but all these thoughts and feelings terrified her.

  She was afraid she was losing her heart to a vampire; the fear that she was betraying her family tore at her heart until it hurt even to breathe. Alyssa knew without a doubt that if she lost her heart completely to him, she would be forever lost. He’d completely claim her: heart, body, and soul. She couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t let him have her and hope that everything would somehow be all right in the end. That somewhere at the end of that long, dark tunnel of her vengeance track was a glimmer of happiness ‑‑ and that it was with him.

  Rising from the bed, she grabbed her tote bag, shoved in her clothes, family picture, and other belongings, then stuffed the stake into her backpack. She left the clothes he’d purchased for her, then made her way across his chamber to the open door, casting a last look at the floor that shielded his resting place.

  She couldn’t afford to love him. For the sake of her vow, for the sake of her family, the price was too high.

  He knew the second she left his house, and he knew why, but there was nothing he could do about it for now.

  Shutting down his lungs and heart, Damian let sleep claim him, aware he’d always know where she was because he was a constant shadow in her mind. He’d find her after he had healed. It was inevitable; he just hoped D’Angel didn’t find her before he did.

  Chapter Eight

  After checking into a motel in Raleigh, North Carolina, Alyssa reviewed her rapidly depleting funds. Her attempts to lay some false trails with her escape had dug into her reserves. It was time to settle down for a while and get a job before moving on to the next town. Tossing her bag onto the bed, she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. She wasn’t much interested in what appeared on the air these days, but she liked the noise better than the silence that left her alone with her thoughts.

  Digging in her bag, she pulled out fresh underwear, her sleepwear, which consisted of a pair of flannel pants and a tank tee, and her toiletry bag, then headed to the bathroom. As she bathed, her thoughts turned to Damian. She wondered if he’d already risen, and if he was in a rage to find her gone. Or maybe he was happy. For some reason, that thought didn’t sit too well with her, and she quickly brushed it aside.

  She’d have to stay one step ahead of D’Angel and her offspring wherever she went, remain on her guard at all times. Could she do it? And if she couldn’t, would it be possible to prevail against her pursuers? Damian was powerful, and she couldn’t defeat him even during the day. And she’d seen firsthand the strength of D’Angel.

  It had been three days since she’d fled, and Alyssa missed Damian. Her thoughts often went to the ebony pools of his eyes, his thick black hair and the way it framed his face. She loved how tall he was; even though he towered over her, she somehow seemed to meld perfectly to his frame. His broad chest and hard, flat stomach made her want to run her fingers over every ridge.

  Realizing what she was doing, Alyssa groaned and stuck her soapy head under the stream of water. She had to stop thinking like this, needed to move on and get as far away from him as possible. Going by bus was slow, but it was all she could afford, so North Carolina would have to be far enough away for now.

  Shutting the water off, Alyssa grabbed a towel, wrapped her hair up in the towel and twisted it into a turban, then dried off and slipped into her clean clothes.

  Next, she brushed her teeth, staring at herself in the mirror. Her green eyes looked dull, even to her. Sighing mentally, she rinsed, then released her hair from the towel and began to dry the dark strands.


  Alarmed, Alyssa straightened in the middle of the bathroom. Whirling around, she expected to find Damian there, but the doorway was empty. Cautiously, she placed the towel on the countertop and grabbed her hairbrush from the toiletry bag, holding it in front of her despite knowing how ridiculous it was as a weapon.

  She walked slowly into the main room, but it was empty, too. Looking over at the door and seeing it was still locked, she relaxed and let out the breath she had been holding. Imagination could be a dangerous thing, she thought with a wry grin.


  Startled and aggrieved, she made a wide sweep of the room. Her heart was pumping from fear. Or was it excitement?

  “Where are you?” Silence answered her. She knew deep down he was coming for her, and it terrified her to realize that this might be what she’d really wanted all along.

  Racing frantically around the room, she stripped off her flannel pants, jerked on her jeans, T-shirt, and shoes, and crammed all of her other items into her tote bag. Tossing the bag over her shoulder and her weapons bag over the other shoulder, she slowly opened the door to her motel room, peering out into the darkness.

  Was he out there? Was he watching her now, or was he just now coming for her? No matter. She had get away. She stepped out into the night, then closed the room door softly behind her, and began to walk quickly toward the bus station down the road, praying that another bus would be running sooner rather than later, but this late at night she knew that kind of luck would not be with her. At this point, it wouldn’t matter where she went as long as it was away from him.

  Every alley she passed seemed ominously dark, and she felt as if eyes were watching her, but knew it had to be her nerves, her own fear making her jumpy.

  Alyssa, I want you to listen carefully.

  She froze, her gaze moving cautiously around her, searching.

  I am a few blocks behind you, but ahead of you is Roberto.

  Alyssa swallowed hard as the shadow of a man darkened the sidewalk in front of her. A male was watching her, his eyes glowing. Was that Roberto? Was he one of D’Angel’s men?

  If you want to live, then you must do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it.

  Roberto snarled once; then he was gone. Her eyes went wide as Damian screamed in her mind to hit the ground. She dropped and felt a breeze rush over her. When she rolled to her back, she witnessed the collision of Damian and Roberto’s bodies.

  They slammed together, the force jolting them backward. Damian crashed into a brick wall and Roberto flew into the street.

  Damian recovered first, and stood between the other vampire and Alyssa. She quickly sought cover, secured her back against a wall, and dug through her weapons bag. She seized the first item her hand came around, a wooden stake.

  Roberto moved toward Damian; Alyssa went to Damian’s side, but he pushed her behind him, his hand resting protectively on her. Alyssa slipped the stake to his hand, watching as his fingers closed around the wood.

  It wasn’t long before the men were taunting each other.

  “D’Angel should have killed you the first time you went against her wishes all those centuries ago.

  “She does not own me.”

  Roberto spat angrily. “She’s your maker, but you’re her weakness. If you were not her ‑‑”

  “Alyssa is mine, and I won’t give her up. Not even to D’Angel.” Damian’s voice had dropped low, threatening.

  The other vampire seemed unaffected. “I am D’Angel’s messenger, but I was hoping to remove a thorn from her side. How lucky I was to have come across this mortal, whom I would not have killed but for you. Know that for your betrayal, D’Angel’s casting you out and severing all ties…and she’ll kill you.”

  Damian looked back at Alyssa; something flickered in his eyes. Alyssa wondered if D’Angel was, or had been, his lover. She had to fight down a sudden spurt of jealousy. She met Damian’s gaze; his look hardened before he turned back to Roberto.

  “So be it.” The words were final. Alyssa blinked. He was actually turning his back on the one he had served and protected for countless years? All because of her, and she still didn’t know why.

  Alyssa swallowed hard, especially when Roberto stared at her and growled. She never saw it move, but Damian’s hand abruptly appeared with the stake over Roberto’s heart. The tip pressed into the vampire’s flesh but didn’t enter completely. Roberto hissed loudly and angrily, his whole body tensing.

  “Are you going to kill me, Damian?”

  Damian shook his head slightly. “Not today, but I will if you ever try to harm Alyssa again.”

  Roberto stepped away, a hole appearing in his shirt from the point of the stake. He made an over-exaggerated bow; then his body shimmered and disappeared into a mist that wove down the street away from them.

  Alyssa released a long, slow breath of relief. Her gaze returned to Damian, and she was startled to find that he was facing her, his black eyes glaring down at her. Anger radiated from him, and this time, it was all directed at her.

  She had to force herself not to move away from his looming frame.

  “You ran from me.”

  Yes, she had. She wanted to flee now even as she fought to keep from drinking in every exquisite detail of him. He seemed to blend in with the shadows that surrounded them, but his eyes glittered. She couldn’t help it as her gaze did a quick run over his body, seeing that he was okay, that he had recovered from his wounds. She noted that his hands were still red and raw looking, but they were healing quickly. Then her gaze focused on his onyx one, and that familiar cold look was there. The frozen stare had left him for a short time, but now it was back, and that was her fault.

  “Why did you run?” The words seemed to echo around her.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and averted her gaze. “I can’t…I can’t tell you.”

  He stepped toward her, not giving her an inch of room. “Why?” he demanded again.

  Her blood ran hot though her body at his proximity, the sound of her heartbeat pulsing in her ears. She had to get away. Alyssa shifted around him, picked up her dropped bags, and quickly started jogging back toward the motel.

  She cried out in surprise when Damian grabbed her arm and roughly spun her around to face him.

  “Don’t walk away from me, Alyssa. Answer my question.”

  “Damian, you’re hurting me.” She rubbed her arm when Damian let go.

  His look softened, and he stepped closer to her. His body brushed along hers, and she sucked in a quivering breath. “Talk to me, Alyssa,” he whispered, his hand going into her hair. The sensation of his fingers playing along her scalp caused shivers of desire to ripple in her stomach.

  “Because…” Her gaze swung to his. “I’m afraid.”

  “Why? I’ve proven I would never hurt you.”

  She gave him a disgusted look. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Then explain it to me.”

  She flung her arms wide. “Why don’t you just read my mind?”

  “I want to hear it from your lips.”

  Her chest felt tight as she struggled with the words. “I’m afraid of what you do to me,” she said quietly.

  He stood frozen, his face expressionless.

  “You make me feel things, and it terrifies me.”

  His heart soared, his anger immediately melting away. Her words spoke volumes. “Alyssa, I ‑‑”

  She shook her head, her raven-black hair tumbling around her shoulders. “No!” She raced down the road.

  He watched her go, not quite believing what she’d said, what her words meant. Could it be that she wanted him as much as he wanted her? If so, of course she’d be afraid. She’d been fighting others like him ever since her family had been killed, but then he’d turned her world upside down in that alley outside the club. For a moment, it made him smile to know he was not the only one suffering.

  He went after her then, determined she would return with him. She belonged with him.

  She stood facing him inside her motel room; the door was wide open as if in invitation. He took a step to enter, but his body slammed into an invisible shield. His eyes met her emerald ones.

  “Invite me in.”

  She didn’t say anything, just continued to stare at him. He could tell she was debating whether she should or not.


  She opened her mouth, then clamped her lips shut. Her gaze darted to the wall by the door where a little wooden picture hung. Home is where I am. Understanding dawned.

  Alyssa had been traveling for years without a permanent home, taking a room here and there. Each one became her home, no matter how brief, and that likely explained the shield that now kept him out.

  He struck it as if he could crack it with his fist, and she jumped. “I understand your fear and confusion, but you can’t let them rule you, can’t let them become your prison.”

  She walked over to the wall, plucked the cross-stitched picture from the wall. She stared at it for a moment, rubbing a finger over the little house. “My mother made this,” she said quietly, before placing it in her tote. “I’m glad I didn’t have to leave it behind.” Resituating her backpack and bag, she walked toward him, stopping just short of the doorjamb, close enough for him to touch, and yet impossible for him to do so.

  “I’m ready to go when you are,” she said. She looked defeated, vulnerable, and alone, as if the weight of the world had just settled on her shoulders.

  He inclined his head slightly and stepped back, offering his hand. He noticed that she still hadn’t invited him in, but when she placed her hand in his, he knew it was a turning point between them.

  He placed a finger beneath her chin, bringing her gaze to meet his. Those cherry-ripe lips of hers were a mere breath from his own. How he wanted her, but he fought the passion stirring in his body. This was not the time or the place. When she finally surrendered to him, she’d be completely willing and without fear or reservations. She would give him everything; he’d make certain of it.

  She remained silent, but her emotions of longing and want beat at him. With a sigh, he kissed her forehead tenderly, knowing it was safer than tasting those luscious lips.

  “Come then, little one. It’s time to go home.”

  Home. She knew it wasn’t the place she’d left seven years ago, but the one she’d found with Damian.

  She watched in fascination as his body began to bend and contort. Long, massive wings formed from his arms, black feathers sprouting like fur from his skin. His feet became scaly, like that of a bird ‑‑ the biggest bird she had ever seen ‑‑ with razor-sharp talons

  He was reading her thoughts again. I would normally never be this large, but I need to be of a great enough size to carry you. I try not to fly too much in my human form. His mental voice turned amused. If seen, it tends to upset people. This way, it’s just a large bird way up in the sky, and they won’t really be able to distinguish my size. Climb on my back, little one. The nickname, once annoying, was now tender to her ears. With the help of a wing, she found herself sitting atop his back.

  She almost shrieked when his wings gave a
great flap, and then they were climbing into the sky. She clutched the dark feathers on his back, squealing excitedly despite herself.

  When they leveled out, the earth speeding by them below and the stars whirling above, she wondered for a moment if she dared to reach out and try to pluck one from the sky. Then she heard Damian’s low chuckle in her mind as he teased her about her “you scream like a girl” moment.

  You’ll be fine, Alyssa. Rest now. We’ll be home tonight where you’ll be safe with me.

  His words sounded terribly inviting, and the softness of the feathers beneath her hands beckoned her. She leaned forward and snuggled in the plush down. For a moment, despite the cool breeze around her, she was surrounded by his warmth, but the comforting feeling soon sped away.

  He was still a vampire, albeit no longer a part of D’Angel’s fold, and she still had justice to mete out.

  Chapter Nine

  Damian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, fighting the ache had settled around his heart as he felt her guilt and grief. And yet her confession had warmed him, despite her fear. He’d make her happy no matter the cost.

  Many miles later, Damian was startled from his thoughts when he felt the presence of another vampire. His eyes searched the night sky, his keen hearing straining to hear the other’s approach. When he looked toward the earth, he saw the unmistakable golden hair of Christian Mason, who stood in front of his plantation-style home. Their eyes locked as Damian called out to him, a hawk’s cry ringing through the night. He soared down to the ground, his body shifting and reforming, even as he twisted to bring Alyssa into his arms, cradling her close.

  When he landed, he wore a genuine smile ‑‑ and almost laughed at the puzzled look on Christian’s face. Damian was aware very few had ever seen him with anything but an expressionless mien.

  Christian approached them, his eyes taking in the woman asleep in Damian’s arms. “Dare I ask?”

  “I’ll tell you everything if you would allow us a place for the day.”


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