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Decoding the IRA

Page 38

by Tom Mahon

59 Unsigned to HS, 21 September 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (33).

  60 Unsigned to HS, 26 September 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (28).

  61 HS to MD, 26 September 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/150 (29); HS to MD, 29 September 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/150 (27).

  62 Unsigned to HS, 3 October 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (25).

  63 HS to MD, 14 October 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/150 (21).

  64 CS to OC. Britain, 8 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (218).

  65 CS to OC. Britain, 23 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (81); OC. Britain to CS, 27 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (79).

  66 Hanley, The IRA, 1926–1936, pp. 33, 220. MacEoin, The IRA in the Twilight Years, p. 129; MacEoin writes that Killeen served three months, while Hanley states six months.

  67 HS to CS, 6 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (80).

  68 ‘For CS’ to HS, 8 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/41 (29) Act; CS to HS, 13 November 1926 in P69/41 (20).

  69 Act. CS to HS, 13 November 1926 in P69/41 (20). HS to CS, 10 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/41 (28).

  70 CS to HS, 14 October 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (76).

  71 HS to CS, 17 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/41 (32).

  72 CS to OC. Britain, 23 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (81); CS to S. Capt W, 30 April 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/44 (16).

  73 Unsigned to CS, 7 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (310).

  74 Unsigned to CS, 5 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (260–1).

  75 OC No 2 Area to CS, 18 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (191).

  76 CS to QMG, 12 March 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/44 (320).

  77 CS to HS, 14 October 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (76); HS to CS 17 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/41 (32)

  78 website, 22 December 2005.

  79 MD to HS, 17 October 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (20).

  80 Hart, The IRA at War, pp. 194–220; Wikipedia, ‘Henry Hughes Wilson’,, reviewed 21 February 2008.

  81 New York Times, 7 October 1905.

  82 CS to HS, 28 January 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (311).

  83 HS to CS, 6 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (80).

  84 Parsons’ shop was a well known Dublin landmark and at the time was a general store and newsagents owned by Benjamin Parsons. During the Anglo-Irish War, a printer was installed in the basement to produce a republican newssheet. In 1949 the family sold the shop; see: Lynch, B., Parsons Bookshop (The Liffey Press, Dublin, 2006), p. 3; HS to CS, 27 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (186).

  85 Lawlor, Seán MacBride, That Day’s Struggle, pp. 86–7.

  86 Newspaper cutting, no date, P69/48 (52-53). File on Ethel Chiles, National Archives, Kew, KV 2/591. HS to CS, 18 March 1924 [1927] in MTUCDA P69/48 (210). MD to HS, 6 May 1927 in MTUCDA P69/48 (50). HS to CS, 14 May 1924 [1927] in MTUCDA P69/48 (23).

  87 Martin to [no name], 19 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (187).

  88 OC. Britain to CS, 21 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (186); CS to OC. Britain, 3 May 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (73–4).

  89 Unsigned to Rev. McKenna, 27 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (176).

  90 CS to OC. Britain, 23 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (82).

  91 OC. Britain to CS, 27 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (79).

  92 O’Farrell, P., Who’s Who in the Irish War of Independence and Civil War, 1916–1923 (Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1997), p.26.

  93 OC. Britain to CS, 24 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (80).

  94 CS to OC. Britain, 17 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (195).

  95 CS to OC. Britain, 3 May 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (73–4).

  96 Ted to CS, 14 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (5–6); HS to CS, 17 May 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (20). MD to HS, 28 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/ 48 (17).

  97 CS to Ted, 16 June 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (4).

  98 CS to OC. Britain, 23 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (82).

  99 OC. Britain to CS, 27 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (79).

  100 CS to OC. Britain, 23 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (82).

  101 OC. Britain to CS, 27 April 1926, in MTUCDA P69/44 (79).

  102 S to Mr Jones, 10 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/183 (173–4).

  103 CS to HS, 9 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (308).

  104 Unsigned to CS, 5 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (260–1).

  105 CS to HS, 10 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (250).

  106 CS to HS, 14 October 1923 [1926] in MUCDA P69/47 (76).

  107 HS to CS, 17 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/41 (32).

  108 MTUCDA P 69/196 (50); IO Number 3 Area to DI, 9 December 1926, in MTUCDA P69/193 (67).

  109 Letter from the Midland battalion, in MTUCDA P69/193 (8).

  110 Newspaper cutting, 25 December 1927, in MTUCDA, no reference number.

  111 Newspaper cutting, no date, attached to a document from the DI to the adjt. Tipperary brigade, 16 November 1927, in MTUCDA P69/197 (66).

  112 HS to CS, 14 Dec 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (9).

  113 CS to HS, 24 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (297–8).

  114 CS to HS, 28 January 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (311); CS to HS, 24 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (297–8).

  115 CS to HS, 28 January 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (311).

  116 Unsigned to CS, 7 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (310).

  117 Unsigned to CS, 18 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (308).

  118 CS to HS, 24 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (297–8).

  119 CS to F. and Accts Officer, 1 March 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (277).

  120 CS to F. and Accts Officer, 1 March 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (277).

  121 CS to HS, 10 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (250).

  122 HS to CS, 25 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (293–4).

  123 HS to MD, 1 December 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/150 (9).

  124 HS to CS, 16 May 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (22).

  125 Unsigned to HS, 3 October 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (22).

  126 HS to MD, 1 December 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/150 (9).

  127 Unsigned to HS, 5 December 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (8).

  128 HS to MD, 5 January 1924 [1928], in MTUCDA P69/150 (3).

  129 HS to CS, 25 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (293–4).

  130 CS to HS, 28 January 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (311).

  131 Unsigned to CS, 7 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (310).

  132 CS to HS, 9 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (309).

  133 Unsigned to CS, 18 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (308).

  134 HS to CS, 25 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (293–4).

  135 CS to HS, 24 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (297–8).

  136 Unsigned to CS, 5 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (260–1).

  137 CS to HS, 10 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (250).

  138 Unsigned and unaddressed letter, 29 March 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (183). HS to CS, 3 April 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (182).

  139 MD to HS, 25 April 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (59).

  140 HS to CS, 27 April 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (57).

  141 MD to HS, 6 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (50).

  142 HS to CS, 14 May 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (23).

  143 MD to HS, 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (21).

  144 HS to CS, 24 May 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (18).

  145 MD to HS, 28 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (17).

  146 MD to HS, 17 October 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (20); HS to MD, 20 October 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/150 (19).

  147 In this chapter the name ‘Fitzgerald’ is presented in this format when it is taken from decrypted cipher or other IRA correspondence. In the cipher there is no distinction make between capitals and lower case letters and therefore it would be presumptuous of James or myself to write it as (the less common) ‘FitzGerald’. However, the arms merchant, Francis FitzGerald’s family are known to have written their name with a capital ‘G’. Therefore for the purposes of accuracy I’ve used both formats, depending on whether the te
xt came from IRA documents or referred directly to Francis FitzGerald or his brother, Desmond.

  148 Dáil in Committee – Reports of the Committee of Public Accounts. Dáil Éireann, Vol. 12, 7 July 1925; Irish Times, 12 September 1927.

  149 P. A. Murray in the O’Malley Notes, P17b/88.

  150 MacEoin, The IRA in the Twilight Years, p. 238.

  151 Ibid., p. 238.

  152 Dr Garret FitzGerald is of the opinion that the ‘Merchant’ was not the same person as Francis W FitzGerald. At the time I contacted Dr FitzGerald I had made the mistaken assumption that the Merchant’s name was ‘T. F. Fitzgerald’. This was based on a misreading of the text of P69/48 (59), 25 April 1927. Originally James Gillogly and I thought that the decryption of Paragraph 7 (130) should read: ‘T F Fitzgerald has not paid up … ’. However, we went back to double check our copy of the document and realised that we had mistaken an ‘I’ as a ‘T’ and thus the first two words of the decryption should instead be ‘If Fitzgerald … ’ Due to the font used on the typewriter by the IRA at the time it is relatively easy to mistake these two letters. Therefore I gave the wrong initials for Fitzgerald aka the ‘Merchant’ when in communication with Dr Garret Fitzgerald.

  153 Hart, The IRA at War, pp. 153–4.

  154 Ibid., pp. 170–1.

  155 The Irish National Foresters was a moderate nationalist organisation which was primarily a benevolent and fraternal society. A small number of branches are still in existence. OC No. 3 Area to CS, 11 Oct 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (66–9); CS to IO No. 3 Area Britain, 16 October 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (96).

  156 Adjt to AG, 13 November [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (53).

  157 Adjt to AG, 28 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (57).

  158 MA to QMG, 21 November 1924, in MTUCDA P69/37 (226).

  159 MA to QMG, 16 February 1925, in MTUCDA P69/37 (227–8).

  160 AG to QMG, 17 November 1924, in MTUCDA P69/138 (12–13).

  161 Adjt to AG, 28 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (57).

  162 In the documents it’s clear that the unit that was refusing to co-operate was the Special Services Section based on the docks, and though it’s not directly stated, Tom O’Malley would appear to be a member of that section, though it’s possible he could have been an ‘old timer’ member of another section of the Liverpool Company. OC No. 3 Area to CS, 8 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (66–9); IO Liverpool to CS, 27 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (29–33).

  163 CS to OC No. 3 Area, 12 October 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (63–4).

  164 CS to IO No. 3 Area, 12 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (61).

  165 Adjt. to AG, 5 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (56).

  166 For AG to adjt. No. 3 Area, 16 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (58).

  167 OC No. 3 Area to CS, 8 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (66–9).

  168 CS to OC No. 3 Area, 12 October 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (63–4).

  169 Adjt to AG, 28 October 1926, in MTUCDA P 69/47 (57).

  170 For AG to adjt No. 3 Area, 16 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (58).

  171 CS to OC No. 3 Area, 18 February 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (242).

  172 Report on Britain, 17 November 1924, in MTUCDA P69/44 (366–9).

  173 CS to adjt. No. 1 Area, 6 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (45).

  174 Unsigned to HS, 3 October 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (22).

  175 Coogan, T. P., The IRA: A History (Roberts Rinehart Publishers, Niwot, Colorado, 1993), p. 33.

  176 CS to OC No. 1 Area, 11 October 1927, in MTUCDA P69/150 (15).

  177 KV 2/591 National Archives, Kew.

  178 CS to OC No. 2 Area, 14 October 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (98).

  179 CS to OC No. 3 Area, 12 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (108). Adjt No. 3 Area to AG, 13 November [1926], in MTUCDA P69/47 (53).

  180 Commandant No 2 Area to DI, 30 Aug. 1927, in MTUCDA P69/196 (83).

  181 Hart, The IRA at War, p. 144.

  182 Ibid., p. 170.

  183 Ibid., p. 157.

  184 Organiser’s report on Irish republican organisation in Scotland, 20 September 1923, in MTUCDA P69/44 (373–4); report on position of republican organisation in Scotland, 20 September 1923, in MTUCDA P69/44 (371–2).

  185 Report on Britain, 17 November 1924, in MTUCDA P69/44 (366–9).

  186 AG to QMG 17 November 1924, in MTUCDA P69/138 (12–13).

  187 Hanley, The IRA, 1926–1936, p. 172; Pete Hughes to Frances Carty, 8 May 1925, in MTUCDA P69/62 (17–18).

  188 CS to OC. Britain, 23 July 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (144).

  189 CS to Comdt. S, 7 [or possibly 6] September 1926, in MTUCDA P69/47 (133).

  190 CS to OC Scotland, 9 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (322). CS to OC Scotland, 24 Feb. 1924 [1927] in MTUCDA P69/48 (296).

  191 OC Scottish batt [sic] to CS, 13 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/48 (320).

  192 CS to QM Scotland, 19 October 1926, in MTUCDA P69/41 (44).


  1 Bayor, R. and Meagher, T., The New York Irish (John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996), p. 485.

  2 Doorley, M., Irish-American Diaspora Nationalism: The Friends of Irish Freedom, 1916– 1935 (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2005), p. 160.

  3 Ibid., pp. 17–18.

  4 McGee, O., The IRB: The Irish Republican Brotherhood from the Land League to Sinn Féin (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2005), p. 133.

  5 Doorley, Irish-American Diaspora Nationalism, p. 85.

  6 Ibid., p. 96.

  7 Ibid., p. 92.

  8 Ibid., p. 134.

  9 Hanley, B., ‘Irish Republicans in interwar New York’, unpublished paper, p. 2.

  10 Doorley, Irish-American Diaspora Nationalism, p. 134.

  11 Tarpey, M., The Role of Joseph McGarrity in the Struggle for Irish Independence (Arno Press, New York, 1976), p. 224.

  12 Quoted from an IRA document found on the arrested courier, Patrick Garland, New York Times, 1 May 1926.

  13 Hanley, ‘Irish Republicans in interwar New York’, p. 165.

  14 To Mr O’Sullivan from M O’Connor, 18 June 1926, in MTUCDA P69/182 (31).

  15 Report of the foreign relations committee, no date, in MTUCDA P69/183 (136).

  16 Chairman to An Timthire, 9 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (113–14).

  17 An Timthire to [no name], 1 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (129–31).

  18 An Timthire to Mr Smith, 20 April 1927 in P69/183 (48–51).

  19 Hanley, ‘Irish Republicans in interwar New York’, p. 11.

  20 Ibid., pp. 7–8.

  21 An Timthire to [no name], 28 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (98–9).

  22 An Timthire to [no name], 1 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (129–31).

  23 McGee, The IRB.

  24 An Timthire to [no name], 1 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (129–31).

  25 HS to MD, 20 June 1924 [1927], in MTUCDA P69/48 (2).

  26 Bayor and Meagher, The New York Irish, pp.337, 396.

  27 MacEoin, U., Survivors (Argenta Publications, Dublin, 1987), p. 52.

  28 The Advocate, 1 January 1927.

  29 The Advocate, 19 March 1927.

  30 Hanley, B., The IRA: 1926–1936 (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2002), p. 163; Irish World, 28 May 1927. Hanley, ‘Irish Republicans in interwar New York’, p. 12; An Timthire to Mr Smith, 20 April 1927 in P69/183 (48–51).

  31 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40).

  32 An Timthire to Mr Smith, 20 April 1927 in P69/183 (48–51).

  33 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40).

  34 The Advocate, 15 January 1927.

  35 An Timthire to [no name], 28 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (98–9).

  36 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40); Hanley, ‘Irish Republicans in interwar New York’, p. 11.

  37 Hanley, ‘Irish Republicans in interwar New York’, p. 12.

  38 Chairman to An Timthire, 3 June 1927, in
MTUCDA P69/183 (3–4).

  39 Hanley, The IRA, 1926–1936, p. 162.

  40 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40); chairman to An Timthire, 3 June 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (3–4).

  41 An Timthire to Mr Smith, 20 April 1927 in P69/183 (48–51).

  42 Bde adj North Mayo brigade to DI, 23 December 1923 [1926], in MTUCDA P69/193 (47–8).

  43 Chairman to An Timthire, 8 April 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (74–5).

  44 Hopkinson, M., Green Against Green: The Irish Civil War (Gill & Macmillan, Dublin, 1988), p. 159.

  45 MacEoin, Survivors, pp. 446–7.

  46 MD to Mr Brown, 15 January 1927 in P69/183 (132–3).

  47 Chairman to An Timthire, 3 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (123–5).

  48 An Timthire to [no name], 28 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (98–9); An Timthire to [no name], 21 December 1926 in P69/183 (159–60).

  49 An Timthire, 3 June 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (3–4); An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40).

  50 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40).

  51 Ibid.

  52 Ibid.

  53 Chairman to An Timthire, 24 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (106–7).

  54 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40); An Timthire to [no name], 28 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (98–9).

  55 An Timthire to [no name] 13 January 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (129–31).

  56 S to Mr Jones, 10 November 1926, in MTUCDA P69/183 (173–4).

  57 Neenan frequently uses American-style spelling, such as ‘emphasize’ here; An Timthire to [no name], 28 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (98–9).

  58 An Timthire to Mr Smith, 20 April 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (48–51).

  59 Hanley, The IRA: 1926–1936, p. 164.

  60 McGee, The IRB, p. 119.

  61 Lee, J. and Casey, M., Making the Irish American (New York University Press, New York, 2006), p. 468.

  62 An Timthire to [no name], 18 May 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (38–40).

  63 An Timthire to Mr Smith, 20 April 1927 in P69/183 (48–51).

  64 Unsigned to Mr Browne, 2 December 1926, in MTUCDA P69/183 (165).

  65 The Advocate, 15 January 1927.

  66 An Timthire to [no name], 1 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (129–31); The Advocate, 15 January 1927.

  67 MD [sic] to Mr Brown, 15 January 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (132–3).

  68 Chairman to An Timthire, 3 February 1927, in MTUCDA P69/183 (123–5).


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