Love and Misfortune

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Love and Misfortune Page 18

by Kitty Parker

  "Parker, I don't know where she is!" Sadie said, suddenly frantic. "She doesn't have any money to spend so she wouldn't have stopped at the grocery, and she knows better than to be on the streets after dark by herself."

  "Don't worry, Sadie, I'll find her. Perhaps she and Mrs. Bruner were having a conversation and lost track of the time. I'll walk over to the library and see if she's there."

  "Thank you, please, bring her home the second you find her," she pleaded. Parker nodded then pulled Sadie in for a reassuring hug. "Gosh, now I know how Tessa feels when we aren't where we're supposed to be!"

  Parker managed a quick chuckle then left Sadie to continue with the table. He didn't bother telling anyone else where he was going, knowing that Sadie would fill them in. He grabbed his coat from the hook and raced from the house. Without hesitation he ran in the direction of the library, trying to keep his unease at bay.

  Chapter 27

  "Tessa," Mrs. Bruner whispered from behind, pulling Tessa's attention from her book.

  "Yes Mrs. Bruner?" she asked, placing a thumb in the book to hold her place.

  "I'm sorry to bother you dearie, but it's time to close up. It's just about to get dark and I don't like to be out once that time of night comes."

  "Oh, of course!" Tessa said, quickly rising to her feet. She pulled herself up on her toes, stretching after the hours of sitting curled up in the oversized chair. "I'm sorry; I didn't realize it had gotten so late.

  "No problem dear, I let you go for as long as I could, but I've got to be locking up. Why don't you take that book with you, I trust you'll bring it back in one piece. And here, I've written down my address, I'd like for you to bring those kids of yours over for some lunch next week. I can only imagine how big Emma has gotten since I last saw her." Mrs. Bruner extended a small slip of paper with her name and address written neatly on the front. Tessa smiled and slipped the piece of paper into her book to mark her place.

  "Thank you, we would love to come." Tessa gathered the rest of her things and started to leave the building, Mrs. Bruner followed behind her only to explain that she had one more thing to finish at the circulation desk before she could leave. She encouraged Tessa to go without her, reasoning that Tessa had a longer walk, and it wasn't safe to be out at night. Tessa agreed and left through the glass door with the book carefully tucked under her arm.

  She had reached the side of the building when someone ran out from the alley that sat beside the library. Having lived in the shanty town, Tessa was used to the evening nonsense of young boys, so she didn't pay any attention to what was going on behind her. Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and someone's hand was around her neck, holding her tightly. She dropped the book in panic and tried to swing around to see who had her, but to no avail, he was far too strong for her. She screamed and flailed, trying to free herself, but was unsuccessful. Then her captor pushed his head against her ear and neck, covering her mouth with a hand that stank of stale alcohol.

  "I knew you'd be back to the library at some point. I've been waiting here every Thursday for the moment you'd come back. I don't know if you thought you'd get away from me, Tessa Evans, but you won't. I've got you now and I'm not letting you go."

  "Jerry?" she asked, filled with terror. "I don't know why you're doing this, but please let me go!" She didn't recognize her voice as it came out in a high pitched squeal, revealing the panic she was currently experiencing.

  "You don't know why I'm doing this? I'm doing this because I need someone to take care of me, I need a wife, and I've had my eyes set on you for a long time. I bade my time, watching you take care of your siblings, helping when you needed help, and I was there with my extras whenever I had them."

  "Jerry, you can't possibly think I'm going to marry you, not now, not after you attacked me!" As she spoke she tried to make her voice sound calmer than she felt. If fear was what he wanted, she certainly wasn't going to give it to him, even if that was exactly how she was feeling.

  "Oh yes I can."

  With his words, Tessa felt Jerry's arm come around her throat, and he had something in his hand. It didn't feel terribly sharp but she knew by the way he held her that it was a knife. Despite the dull blade, her terror increased instantly, with enough pressure she knew the knife could cause more damage than she was willing to risk. At this point, she wasn't sure what Jerry would do. "Now, I believe you know the way," he slurred.

  Tessa understood his meaning and began walking slowly toward the shanty town that had been her home for three years. Jerry had removed the knife from her throat and held it to the small of her back as he followed behind. No one appeared to notice that he was holding her against her will, and she didn't have the courage to scream, fearing what might happen if she did. Fighting tears, she kept her thoughts away from all that she held dear, thinking only of how she might escape Jerry's grasp this time. She was certain that no one would come to her rescue this time, because no one would know where she was.

  * * *

  Parker continued to run toward the library, he could see it in front of him, all of the lights were off, confirming his greatest fear, Tessa was not inside. He slowed as he reached the doors and noticed the sign that displayed the hours of the establishment. Sadie had been right, they closed at five o'clock, just before dark.

  He decided his time would be well spent to look around the library, perhaps something had caught Tessa's attention, or he might gain some idea of where she had went. When he was just about to walk into the narrow alley separating the library from the building next to it, he stumbled on something lying in the middle of the sidewalk. It took a great deal of effort to keep himself steady, but when he had regained his stance, he bent down to discover what the culprit was.

  It was a book; he took it in his hands only to realize that it was in fact a book from the library. There was a marking on the side that would lead readers to find it amidst the thousands of books that remained in the library. It was too dark to make out the title, but Parker opened the book. The pages fell open to a place marked with a slip of paper. This, Parker decided, would be important to read, it might tell him something about the person who had checked it out, it might tell him if that person had been Tessa.

  Finding his way to a street lamp, he held the paper under its glow. It was an address, that much was obvious, but he didn't recognize the location as anywhere Tessa would travel. Then he saw the name neatly written across the top of the paper, Mrs. Alice Bruner. "The librarian!"

  Parker was on his way before he managed to put the slip of paper back into the book. He knew this part of town quite well, having made several house calls in the area. Weaving through the narrow streets, he found himself at Mrs. Bruner's home rather quickly. Before knocking, he prayed that he would find Tessa safely inside, sharing a cup of tea with the librarian who had been kind to her during the most difficult part of her life. He brought his hand up to the door and knocked loudly.

  After a moment, an older woman opened the door, a surprised expression on her face. "May I help you?" she said cautiously, keeping the sturdy door between them.

  "Yes, I was wondering if Miss Tessa Evans was here."

  "Tessa? Why would she be here? I'm afraid you have the wrong house." She began to close the door.

  "I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am, and I mean no harm, but I am a friend of Tessa's. She has been staying with my family for a few months now. Her sister told me that she went to the library today, and mentioned your name as well. I have just been to the library and see that it closed at five o'clock."

  "Yes, of course, that's what time we close in the fall."

  "I realize that ma'am, but Tessa did not return home. I came in search of her, hoping that you two had fallen into conversation and forgotten about the hour. When I arrived, the lights were out, and Tessa was no where in sight. Then, I found this in the alley near the library." He offered the book to Mrs. Bruner when she opened the door wider to see what he had found.

  "It's the book Tessa check
ed out; I let her take it because she always brings things back," the woman said slowly.

  "I found your address inside and was hoping you had invited her for dinner or tea..."

  The woman pulled the door completely open and Parker saw the one thing he wished he did not, the terror on her face. "I did invite her for dinner, but not for today. Oh Tessa! What do you think happened to her?"

  "I don't know," Parker said quickly, now in a hurry. "I'm sorry to leave in such a rush, but now I need to find her."

  "Of course, please come and tell me when you find her, I'll be just sick with worry until you do."

  "I will, thank you, Mrs. Bruner."

  Parker practically leapt from the three stairs that lead to Mrs. Bruner's front door. He ran back to the house, his mind on one thing -Tessa and what might have happened to her. In his mind, there was only one possibility and that was Jerry Poteck. He would go and check with Sadie as quickly as he could, and then call Uncle Quinn to help. They had to find her, and fast.

  It seemed to take much longer to get back home, but once he arrived, Parker flew through the front door. "Sadie!" he called with barely enough breath to support his voice.

  He heard her feet before he saw her face come into the parlor, "Tess?!" Her face dropped when she realized Parker was by himself.

  "She wasn't at the library, but I had to ask you something. Would Jerry have known that your sister might be at the library today?"

  "Yes, definitely. We always went to the library on Thursdays, and we never missed a Thursday, until Tessa got hurt that is. Jerry definitely knew we went. Tessa talked about it all the time, in fact, most of our neighbors knew where we were that day."

  "I think he's taken her," Parker said quickly. "Can you tell me where his shanty is?"

  "I think so, it might not be exact, but I know about where he lived, I can tell you where."

  "Perfect, I'm going to call Uncle Quinn and he and I will go look for her."

  Sadie began and Parker listened intently as she described the twists and turns of the shanty town. It was obvious that she had lived there for three years, explaining, in detail the features that Parker would need to find Tessa. Parker only hoped that he would be able to see such features in the dark. When she had repeated the directions three times, Parker was ready to go.

  "Sadie, I'm going to leave right away, who knows where Tessa is, she needs all the time we can give her. Would you please get my dad and go to my Aunt Olivia's? Ask Uncle Quinn and Keith to meet me at the shanty town, give them the exact directions you've given to me. If Tessa isn't there, we'll figure out to what to do."

  Sadie shook her head, nervous with worry.

  "Don't worry, Sade, we'll find her."

  "I know you will," she said confidently, attempting a smile.

  At the sight of it, Parker gave her shoulders a quick squeeze, then left as quickly as he had arrived. Taking her confidence with him, he ran toward the shanty town. Praying that he would reach Tessa sooner than he had when he had last gone to save her, praying that she was still alright.

  Chapter 28

  Parker finally reached the shanty town, taking off in the direction Sadie had instructed him. He slowed briefly, watching carefully as he wound through the small shanty town. The streets were almost like a maze, jutting out in strange places. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for, but he didn't want to miss anything as he combed through the dilapidated area. He hoped he was following the correct path in the labyrinth of beaten down houses when he heard a scream that filled the air. There was no doubt in his mind that it had come from Tessa. In an attempt to gain his bearings, he stood still for just a moment as another screech echoed off the makeshift houses. He took off in the direction of the scream, knowing that at the very least, Tessa was still alive.

  He continued to run, pushing his body to the limits. He wasn't sure that his legs would carry him any faster, but he urged them to. His limp, which he could conceal when walking, was magnified by the faster pace and made the run more difficult. But it wouldn't stop him, nothing would, he had to get to Tessa. As he flew down the small roads that made up the little town, he paused to catch his breath, fearing that he had lost his way. He hadn't heard another scream since the one that had started his run, and he had lost track of Sadie's directions. He needed something else to follow. As if someone had sensed his need and his nearness a shout broke through the darkness. "Parker, help!" Everything whet back to its previous silence, but Parker had what he needed and he took off toward the east end of town.

  * * *

  Jerry had moved into the corner of the shanty and his back was toward her. She had managed to get a few screams out while he was throwing her around, but now, she had to do something. She screamed with everything in her and her throat felt raw as the words ripped from her lungs, "Parker, help!" She didn't know where Parker was, or if he even knew she was missing, but it was the thing that managed to come out. Jerry turned the moment her voice sounded and growled at her. He pulled something out of an old coffee can that sat on the stove and wheeled toward where Tessa was huddled on the floor.

  She shrunk back into the corner, but Jerry pushed forward. When he was as close as he could be, he shoved something in her face. Tessa closed her eyes, waiting for a blow of sometime, but when nothing came, she opened them slowly. When she did, she was staring down the barrel of a small gun. She had no idea where Jerry had gotten it, or how he had afforded it, but she didn't doubt that it was filled with bullets. Her panic became more intense as she cowered at his touch.

  "Please Jerry, don't do this, you don't have to do this." She started to stand, trying to get further away from him, and appeal to any sense of decency that might reside within the drunken man.

  He grabbed her by the hair and smashed her head against the wall, causing her vision to blur. She crumpled against the wall and fell back into her previous position. Jerry waved the gun around her taunting her with the power he currently held over her.

  "I told you I had already lost everything! I told you I couldn't stand to lose you and the kids as well, and you took them from me anyway! You went to live with that rich doctor in that fancy house. Don't you think I know why you chose him over me? I know Tessa, money. You're just like every other woman in this horrible place, trying to get their hands on money any way they can. Well it's over now. You'll never go back to that doctor of yours, and you'll never see your brother and sisters again, because if I can't have you, no one can."

  There was a strong smell of alcohol on his breath. In the time since Tessa had seen him last, he had put on a lot of weight, and it looked like he hadn't used a razor in months. His eyes were heavy and lined with dark circles. She believed that he was grieving, but she didn't feel sorry that it was over her. Since moving to the Sullivans her life had gotten a thousand times better, and she didn't regret leaving at all.

  "What is that?" Jerry asked in a husky voice.

  At first, Tessa had to strain to hear. She hadn't heard anything over Jerry's drunken speech. Now it was clear, it sounded like someone was tampering with the lock on Jerry's door. Tessa's heartbeat quickened as she wondered what might happen to her now. Surely Jerry wouldn't let anyone take her away from him, and with his gun, he certainly held the power. After another moment, she felt the entire shanty shake around her; whoever was on the outside was trying to break down the door.

  "Tessa!" a voice called.

  It was Parker, in the same moment Tessa felt her heart jump and plummet. Jerry had a gun, and Parker was about to throw himself into the shanty with no way of knowing or protecting himself. Jerry moved quickly, forcing Tessa behind him, holding the gun out in front of him in surprisingly steady hands. She had to warn Parker! She had to stop him; he wasn't going to be able to save her and was only going to get himself hurt.

  Not caring about the consequences, she screamed, "Park, he has a gun!"

  At the moment she yelled the last word, Parker came barreling through the door, shoulder first. He gai
ned his footing, and looked blankly at Jerry, then back toward Tessa. It seemed like a minute or more went by, but in reality it was nothing more than a second. After Tessa held onto his eyes with her own, she heard a shot that nearly stopped her heart. As the smoke cleared from the barrel, she watched as Parker collapsed to the floor. Tessa panicked, she didn't care about herself anymore; she had to get to Parker.

  Jerry seemed to be in shock of what he had just done, so Tessa took the opportunity and found a cast iron pan that was settled on a small table near her. She held the pan over her head and wailed on Jerry with all of her might. He fell in a heap at her feet. From what she could tell, he was unconscious. She stepped over him to get to Parker. She knelt down beside the man who had just come to rescue her for the second time and prayed he was still alive. There was blood all over his shirt, but it seemed like he had taken the bullet in his shoulder. His chest was rising and falling much to her relief, but he was in bad shape.

  Crawling along the floor, she ripped the hem of her skirt to press onto Parker's shoulder. When she put pressure on the wound, he cried out in pain and opened his eyes. "Tess?" he gasped.

  "Yes Parker, it's me," she said softly, brushing his dark hair away from his eyes.

  "Where's Jerry? Are you okay?" he asked, brining his hand up to her face.

  Tessa giggled at his concern, he was the one injured, and yet, he was worried about her, "I'm fine, but you're not and I don't know what to do," she said, sobering quickly as the blood started to saturate the piece of cloth she was holding.

  "Sadie was supposed to go get Uncle Quinn and maybe Keith. Do you think you could go outside and yell for them?" Parker rasped.

  "I don't want to leave you, what if Jerry wakes up? He's already shot you, and you can't really move; he could kill you."

  Parker closed his eyes, which terrified her, but after a moment, he opened them again and looked at her intensely. "I'm sure Uncle Quinn heard the gunfire. He's probably on his way right now. Just go to the door and call him."


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