Mafia Princess (The Manning Sisters #2)

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Mafia Princess (The Manning Sisters #2) Page 10

by Christina Escue

  He paused for a second and looked at the woman who had stolen his heart. He hated telling her this, but knew he needed to for her to understand his fears. “We dated for a couple months before I tried anything with her. The first time we made love I found out she was a virgin. I had never been with a virgin and was absolutely thrilled, and slightly in awe, that she had chosen me for her first. Over the next month everything was great between us. Making love to her, watching her reaction, knowing I was the only one who had made her feel those things, was so fucking wonderful. But, after a while, things started to change. She seemed to enjoy lovemaking less and less so I asked her about it. She told me that she loved sex, but didn’t have any basis for comparison. She wanted to explore other sexual partners.”

  “James, I am not her and it really hurts that you’d think I could ever do that to you.”

  “I know you’re not her, but the situations are sort of similar so I worry a little,” he told her and sighed. “I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. She broke me when she walked away, but if you were to leave it would completely eviscerate me.”

  “James, I love you. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. Me loving you like I do is why giving myself to you completely was as easy as breathing. I would never willingly walk away, but pushing me away because you’re afraid I will, is counter-productive.”

  “I’m sorry, Rachel. I know you love me and I know that you’d never do what Carmen did, but I can’t help but wonder if I had been a better person would she have stayed.”

  “She didn’t leave because you were a bad person. She left because she didn’t love you the way you deserved to be loved.”

  “At the time, I didn’t think I deserved to be loved at all.”

  “You were wrong,” Rachel informed him as she sat on the bed beside him. “Everyone deserves love.”

  “Even now, I don’t understand why you love me the way you do.”

  “I love you because you’re you, James. You are a loving, kind man with a heart of gold. You are my match in every way. You are the other half of me, the missing piece to my puzzle, the beat of my heart. I love you and losing you would eviscerate me as well.”

  “I’m sorry, Rachel.”

  “You don’t have to be afraid with me. I’m yours, James. Only yours, forever yours,” she told him and brushed her lips across his.

  “And I am yours, Rachel. Only yours, forever yours.”

  “Good, now we need to get dressed and head downstairs to see what’s going on today.”

  “We do, but I need to hold you for a moment first.”

  “I’m right here, love, and I will always be available for you to hold,” she told him and curled into his lap.

  His arms tightened around her and he inhaled deeply, taking her scent in and letting it wrap around his heart. “I love you.”

  “And I love you,” she replied and sighed. “You’re my home.”

  “And you are mine.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  When Rachel walked into the kitchen a little while later, Lis, Dakota, Chris, and David were all sitting at the table drinking coffee.

  “Anything important on the agenda today?” She asked as she walked to the cupboard and grabbed a coffee cup.

  “We are going dress shopping today,” Lis answered and Rachel smiled.

  “I thought you were ordering that dress from the website,” Tiffany said as she walked into the room.

  “I was going to, but they can’t guarantee it will be here in time so I am going to find one in a local shop.”

  “Sounds like a blast,” Tiffany said dryly and everyone chuckled.

  “I’m glad you think so because you and David are going to be our security today,” Lis countered and grinned when Tiffany growled.

  “Why me?” She asked and rolled her eyes toward heaven.

  “Because, not only am I shopping for my dress, but you and Rachel will be getting yours as well. James, Dakota, and Chris will be setting things up at Dakota’s parents’ house to catch Piero so you two are with us.”

  “Wait, what?” Tiffany asked and looked at Lis. “I’m getting a dress? Why am I getting a dress?”

  “Because, you, dear, are going to be my bridesmaid.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because you’ll look stunning in a blue dress. Now get ready so we can go. I want to be back before lunch.”

  “Then let’s go already,” Tiffany told them and grinned when Lis rose to her feet.

  “I was waiting on you two to have coffee and breakfast, but if you’re ready then let’s go.”

  “We’ll stop on the way, Lis,” Rachel told her and grinned.

  “Excellent.” David said sarcastically. “Dakota, you will pay for this one, bro.”

  “Have fun, bro,” James said with a grin. “See you in a few hours.”

  “You’ll pay for this too, O’Brien,” David added and shook his head.

  “It won’t be so bad, David, and just think, you get to pick out the guy’s shirts,” Lis told him and watched the smiles fall off Dakota and James’ faces.

  “Sweet revenge,” David told them and grinned.

  “Remember that whatever you pick out, you have to wear too,” Dakota shouted as they walked out of the kitchen.

  “True, but I look fucking amazing in pink,” David shouted back just before he shut the front door.

  “Ah, shit. Think he’d really pick pink?” James asked and cringed.

  “If Lis would let him, definitely. Lis wants blue though so Lis will have blue. Wouldn’t put it past him to pick something with ruffles though,” Dakota answered and laughed.

  “She’d let him too,” James acknowledged and laughed. “Oh well, we have other things to worry about. Let’s get this done.”

  “Yep. Let’s get our trap set and hope Piero takes the bait.”

  While James, Dakota, and Chris worked, David and the girls drove to the heart of Cape Cod to a little boutique Lis had found on the internet.

  “That’s it,” Lis told David as he drove slowly down the narrow street. “That’s the boutique I want to go to first.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” David told her as he pulled into a parking spot in front of a bakery. “You girls want some pastries?”

  “Yes, let’s get a box and some coffee before we look at dresses,” Rachel suggested and everyone agreed.

  As soon as they entered the bakery, the smell of coffee hit them and Tiffany groaned audibly.

  “That coffee smells like heaven,” she told them and walked to the counter. “And those pastries look delicious.”

  “Let’s get what we’re getting and go. I want to find our dresses and get back to the house. I need to find the perfect spot on the beach for the wedding,” Lis reminded them and grinned.

  “You sound like a little girl going to her first dress-up party,” Rachel commented before turning to the cashier and placing her order.

  When Lis stepped up to the counter and ordered her coffee, David stepped to her side and placed his hand protectively on the small of her back.

  “Don’t turn around,” he whispered in her ear. “Tiffany, get Rachel out of here, I’ll get Lis. Morrison is outside with a group of men. They are surrounding our SUV at the moment, but haven’t looked in here yet. I am assuming they are just checking the area, but I can’t be sure.”

  “Rachel, come on,” Tiffany ushered her away from the counter and toward the back of the bakery.

  “We will be right behind you,” David told them quietly as he grabbed the four coffees and the box of pastries off the counter. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Twenty-four fifty,” the cashier answered and David handed her the cash. “Keep the change.”

  “Thank you, sir,” she told him with a smile. “If you go through the door to the right, just past the restrooms, it will lead to an employee lounge with a back door that leads into the alley. I will distract those guys if they come in here.”

ks, beautiful,” he told her and smiled as a soft blush creeped up her neck.

  “You’re welcome,” she replied and turned her focus on the front door as David led Lis down the hall to the restrooms.

  “Tiffany, Rachel?” Lis whispered as she poked her head through the restroom door.

  “Right here,” Rachel answered and stepped out of the stall.

  “Come on, we found a way out,” David told them and stepped back as they exited the small room.

  “Good, lead the way,” Tiffany told him.

  “This way,” Lis said as she pushed past David and entered the small employee lounge. “This door should lead to the alley.”

  “I’ll look and of it’s clear you three can follow me,” David told them as he pulled his gun from its holster.

  “And if it isn’t, everyone watch yourself,” Lis told them as she reached down and pulled a small pistol from her boot.

  David looked at the three ladies in awe when he saw they all have similar pistols in their hands.

  “What? Did you think any of us would leave the house unarmed?” Tiffany asked and grinned. “We may be girls, but we aren’t helpless. Let’s go.”

  David shook his head before he opened the door and peeked out. The small alley was empty, so he stepped out and waved the ladies through. “Morrison and his men are that way, so we will go this way and hopefully avoid them.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Lis agreed and smiled. “Plus, the dress shop is this way.”

  David rolled his eyes and led the way down the alley. When he got to a side alley, he stopped and peeked around. “All clear,” he told them and smiled. “Your dress shop, Lis?”

  “Yes it is,” she replied as she opened the side entrance and walked into the boutique, smiling.

  “Women,” David muttered under his breath as Rachel and Tiffany followed Lis.

  By the time David walked through the door, the ladies had put away their guns and were already combing the racks. He shook his head and carried the box of pastries and the coffees to the front of the boutique where he could watch Morrison’s men and keep the girls in sight.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Dakota, we have a problem,” David announced as soon as his twin answered the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” Dakota asked as he waved James and Chris over.

  “Does Morrison have any businesses in this area?”

  “Not that I’m aware of, but anything is possible, why?”

  “He and about five of his men are at the bakery next to the boutique we’re in. We were in the bakery when they pulled up. They looked around the SUV, but I didn’t stick around inside the bakery long enough to see if they did anything to it.”

  “He didn’t see any of you, did he?” James asked, fury filling him.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t figured out that is one of our SUVs, or that he won’t look in the other shops for the owners if it.”

  “We will be there just as quickly as we can get there. Keep the girls in the boutique if you can. I don’t want a shootout with Morrison in the middle of town if I can help it.”

  “The girls are in dress shopping mode; I think they’ll be fine in here. Morrison and his men are in the bakery, at the moment, so I think we have a little bit of time.”

  “Okay, good. We will be there as soon as we can get there,” Dakota told him and ended the call.

  “Any sign of Morrison?” Tiffany asked as she grabbed her coffee from the tray.

  “They’re in the bakery,” he answered and sipped his own coffee.

  “We’re good as long as they stay there,” she commented and signed. “Think they messed with the SUV while we couldn’t see them?”

  “Anything is possible. I called Dakota and they’re on their way. Not sure what’s going to happen when they get here, but I don’t want a shootout with Morrison. Not here anyway.”

  “I agree,” she told him and opened the box of pastries. “I’m also hungry and these do look delicious.”

  David chuckled as Tiffany raised the chocolate croissant to her mouth. When she slid her tongue out and licked the frosting off the top before wrapping her lips around it, the chuckle died in his throat and his mouth went dry. Images of her soft lips wrapping around him popped into his head and he had to look away before he started drooling.

  “Fuck, this is delicious,” she told him around a mouth full of pastry. “Want a bite?”

  “Umm, sure,” he replied and took a bite of the croissant she held up to his mouth. “Delicious,” he agreed, knowing full well the croissant is not what he wanted to be tasting at that moment.

  “Coffee,” Rachel said as she walked toward them, derailing the train of thought David’s head was traveling on.

  “You should try one of the croissants. They’re amazing,” Tiffany told her and handed the half eaten one in her hand to Rachel.

  “Oh my God, that is delicious,” Rachel agreed and looked over to where Lis was combing through the racks of dresses. “Lis, come try this.”

  Lis rolled her eyes and walked to where they had gathered by the window. “Any sign of Morrison?” She asked before taking a bite of the croissant Rachel held out.

  “We have five more of those,” David informed them and smiled. “And no, he’s still in the bakery.”

  “That’s like a fucking orgasm in your mouth,” Lis told them after swallowing the bite she’d taken.

  “Perfect description,” Tiffany told her as she snagged another one from the box.

  “I think I found some dresses I want to try on. David, I know you called Dakota, but you better make sure he keeps his sexy ass out of this shop once he’s here. I cannot have him seeing my dress before the wedding.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” David told her and grinned. “Wouldn’t want you pissed off at me. You can probably kick my ass.”

  “I can and don’t forget it,” she teased him before she walked back to the dress racks and pulled three out. “Rachel, come help me.”

  Rachel smiled and wiped her hands on a napkin before she walked over to Lis and took the dresses out of her hands. “You grab the rest, because I know you have at least two more options, and meet me in the fitting room.”

  “I love you, sis,” Lis told her as she snagged the other three off the next rack.

  Rachel laughed and walked to the fitting room. When Lis entered a second later, Rachel took the dresses out of her hands and hung them on the small rack in there. “This one first,” she said and handed her a soft pink, spaghetti strapped dress.

  “That and the soft blue are my favorites,” Lis admitted and Rachel smiled.

  “Mine too,” she told her.

  “We are so much alike.”

  “Yes, but very different too.”

  “True. Now let’s see which ones we like best.”

  While Lis and Rachel tried to decide which dress they liked best, David and Tiffany watched the SUV through the small window of the boutique.

  “They’ve been in there for a long time,” Tiffany mused.

  “I’m not complaining. The longer they’re in there the safer we are,” David replied.

  “Very true,” Tiffany agreed. “Do you think they know we’re here?”

  “No. I think Morrison may own, or is looking to buy, a business in this area and they are just here checking things out.”

  “That would make more sense than them just happening to be here.”

  “Yes, and it’s the only logical explanation I can think of.”

  “I guess all we can do is watch them and make sure those two stay safe.”

  “I want you to stay safe, too, Tiffany. Lis and Rachel are fighters, like you, and would knock me the fuck out if I tried sheltering them too much. We will all keep each other safe.”

  “Yeah, true,” Tiffany replied and nodded toward the SUV. “They’re out of the bakery.”

  “What are they doing?” David asked and looked closer.

  “Looks like they may be leaving.”

/>   “Possibly,” David replied and shook his head. “No, they’re pretending to leave. Look.”

  Tiffany followed his gaze and grinned when she saw Morrison disappear into a shop across the street as one of his men left in their SUV.

  “Idiots,” she muttered and pulled her phone from her pocket.

  “O’Brien,” James answered on the first ring.

  “Morrison and his men are scattered up and down the street, be careful,” she told him.

  “We will be. We’re two blocks from you guys. Leaving the SUV one street over and coming in on foot. Make sure Rachel and Lis stay inside that boutique no matter what.”

  “Yes, sir,” Tiffany responded and ended the call.

  “I heard,” David told her before she could relay what James had told her. “Shouldn’t be a problem as long as they don’t hear any gunfire.”

  “And if they do, we won’t be able to keep them inside,” she stated and he nodded. “I’m going back there with them and will try to keep them occupied with wedding dresses.”

  “Good luck,” he told her and grinned when she grumbled.

  “Yeah, you too,” she replied before walking away and leaving him to watch the street.

  When he saw movement in the alley beside the shop Morrison was hiding in he smiled. “Cavalry is here,” he whispered and pulled his phone from his pocket.

  After sending Tiffany and Dakota a text, he sat back and watched the fun begin.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Morrison is inside this shop,” Dakota whispered to Chris and James as they creeped through the narrow alley.

  “Interesting,” James commented and grinned. “He’s in an antique shop.”


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