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Infidelity: Insider (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 1

by Jillian Jacobs

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About the Author

  Connect with Jillian Jacobs


  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Romig Works, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Infidelity remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Romig Works, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:


  Jillian Jacobs

  INFIDELITY WORLD : The Infidelity Corporation will broker relationships—for a price. Their clients are exclusive and successful, their employees confidential and classified. Infidelity ensures that CEOs, politicians, and high-profile artists find love, with their friends and relatives none the wiser about how the happy couple met. But twists and turns abound in a world where old money, new money, and no money clash, from West Coast to East Coast and beyond. Enter Infidelity’s world of entrapment, betrayal, and deceit, where you decide whose relationship is real and whose is just an agreement.


  Infidelity insider Imina Lesedi is forbidden to share her employer’s secrets—and her own. Only one man understands the delicate nature of working for a company that provides companionship for the elite, but his social and financial status make him unattainable, even though Imina craves a visit to his darkroom.

  Award winning photographer Aiden Maxfield views life from behind the camera. A charmer by nature, he relishes the moments he makes the elusive Imina smile—but he would much rather picture the exotic beauty on his rumpled sheets.

  When the two are trapped together, the enticement proves too strong to resist. Raw passions are exposed, and their years of denial culminate in an insatiable desire for more.

  But not everyone celebrates their newfound bliss. A malicious foe is threatened by Imina’s knowledge of a dark secret from their shared past. When that truth is exposed, Imina and Aiden must fight for their love before it becomes shuttered by lies, deception—and Infidelity.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About the Author

  Connect with Jillian Jacobs


  To Readers:

  Because of you, I get to escape into different worlds for a time. Thank you.


  Greatest appreciation to Aleatha Romig for welcoming me into the Infidelity World.

  Chapter 1

  Whistling along with the instrumental playing through the overhead speakers, Aiden Maxfield gently placed his camera into its hard plastic case before laying it in his bag.

  Today’s photo shoot had gone well. The woman, Alexandria, held her chin high, yet he sensed a slight undercurrent of anxiety. Her conflicting emotions were completely understandable. After all, something had led the woman to Infidelity’s doors.

  The woman would soon be paired with an obscenely wealthy Infidelity client. Infidelity. Aiden shook his head over the word. He’d never understood the company’s name. A company that assigned two people to a year-long contract should be titled Fidelity. Although, the possibility existed that some clients were married, he couldn’t say, as he’d never met them. However, the company’s purpose was companionship. If that hadn’t been the case, he wouldn’t have agreed to work here.

  Speaking of companionship, he wondered if today would be the day Ms. Imina Lesedi would agree to a drink after work. He’d only been able to wave a brief hello, before heading back to set up the photo shoot.

  As he stepped into the hallway, he slung his camera bag over his shoulder and hummed along to the tune still playing overhead. Setting his bag against Imina’s desk, Aiden flicked a glance at the tawny-skinned beauty. Each time he saw her, his behavior reverted to that of a grade-school boy at recess. He mentally shrugged. So what if he delighted in seeing the flare in her deep brown eyes? Placing his hand over this heart, he sang the words to the song. “And we rocked all night long.”

  Imina rubbed a hand over her mouth, covering the slight upward curve of her lips. “What are you doing?”

  “Serenading you.” He bopped his head back and forth and belted out the lyrics, keeping his eye on Ms. I’m-Pretending-You-Don’t-Exist the entire time. “Yeah, yeah, all night…we rocked it, yeah, we rocked it.” He’d just begun his air-guitar solo when Imina bolted out of her office chair.

  “That’s enough for today.” Rolling her eyes, she grabbed her cell phone off the desk. “Time for you to go.”

  “As you wish.” Holding back a grin, Aiden swept a hand before him. “Lead the way.”

  In her black leather shoes, likely designer, Imina rounded her art-deco desk and stepped toward the elevator.

  As always, when walking through Infidelity’s front lobby, he considered again what led clients here? Located within a blue glass building with a distinctive curved façade in downtown New York City, Infidelity serviced lonely hearts out of the top two floors. Imina greeted each candidate before they met with Karen Flores, the intake representative.

  Imina was never any help with his contemplations. She’d never revealed anyone’s secrets, including her own. Sure, he could get her to talk weather, politics, current Broadway shows, but anytime he tried to go deeper, asking about her family or her love life—even a possible love life with him, she clammed up. Her icy attitude hadn’t stopped him from asking though.

  He admired her fidelity even when it drove him crazy. Her professionalism. Her protective stance for her employer, Karen. Her quick wit. Her beauty. All added up to an incredible woman.

  Over the last three years, he’d learned what made her smile, laugh, frown, but he’d come to crave something more. Imina wasn’t indifferent to his presence, or she wouldn’t rant and rage—eyes lit and tongue sharp. Still, no matter how often he asked, he couldn’t even get her to agree to a cup of coffee.

  Yet, even with her continual denials, he’d follow her petite body, currently swishing across the gray carpet in a black skirt and white button-down top, anywhere. He imagined sliding up behind her and caressing each soft curve, but he appreciated having all his teeth.

  Not happening, Maxfield.

  Sighing, he followed, checking the time on his phone. An hour of travel remained before his next appointment. In a city like New York, he never knew what might hold up a cab, so he always left a buffer between appointments. Right now, he had a little more time to dig under Ms. Lesedi’s skin—one of his favorite past times. “Let me guess, the lady who just left…Alexandria, right? Sh
e’s from where? Mississippi? Her Southern accent was barely discernible but still there. Everything about her screamed money, so why was she joining the Infidelity line-up?”

  “After three years of questions about our new employees, why would you believe I’d answer now?” Arching a perfectly-sculpted brow, Imina glanced over her shoulder. “You know I can’t talk about them. At all.”

  Alexandria Collins, looked completely different from the caramel-skinned, brown-eyed, dark-haired spitfire standing before him with both arms crossed against her chest. Imina’s typical stance when facing him. He chuckled again. “When do you ever want to talk about anything?”

  “Exactly.” She flashed a fake smile—tongue firmly in cheek.

  Tucking his phone in his leather satchel, Aiden followed his nemesis to the private elevator.

  Once inside, she hit the button for the 37th floor.

  Aiden stepped in behind her and remained at her side, even though they were alone. A special passkey was necessary to get to Imina’s floor, but he didn’t need anything special to stand next to her. “Go ahead and take me to the lobby. I have another shoot across town.” He adjusted the shoulder strap on his bag.

  “You can go down from thirty-seven on your own.” Imina leaned against the elevator’s brass railing. “I don’t have time to hold your hand.”

  “Ah, but I want you to.” He grinned.

  She rolled her eyes. “Ply your wares elsewhere.”

  “One day I’ll stop asking, and you’ll wish you’d said yes.”

  “Doubtful.” She bit her lower lip and shook her head. “I think you should—”

  The elevator lights blinked off and on.

  Their downward motion slowed then lurched to a hard stop.

  Imina wobbled on her heels, stumbling forward.

  “What the….” Aiden caught her before she fell, holding her against him. “What happened?” He breathed in the scent of vanilla with a hint of cinnamon from the gum she always had on her desk.

  Imina stiffened. “Are we going to drop?”

  “We won’t drop.”

  “How can you know?” She turned in his arms, eyes wide. “We could fall to our deaths.”

  “Give it a second. The elevator will power back on.”

  “I just had maintenance on this a month ago.” She frowned at the panel before pressing a few buttons. “What do you think happened?”

  “Imina.” Aiden clutched her face between his hands. “It’s okay. During New York’s World Fair back in like…I think 1854, Elisha Otis created the “safety” elevator which is why elevator occupants no longer fall to their doom.”

  “I don’t have time for your history lessons. Save them for your picture books.” Imina flicked a strand of slightly wavy hair over her shoulder. “I’m calling Karen.” She punched in numbers on her cell phone. “Come on, come on. Hello…Karen, the elevator’s stuck. Can you contact maintenance?...What?...Oh, they know…well, what are they doing?...That’s insane…what’s their number?...No, it isn’t dark in here…the cameras aren’t working, either?...Fine…Aiden’s with me.” She cleared her throat, and then her cheeks turned a little pink. “No, Karen…I’ve told you why…He’s standing right here, so call back when you know more.” Disconnecting from the call, Imina huffed out a sigh. “Karen says maintenance is aware of the issue, and they should have things up and going in about an hour.” She jabbed all the panel buttons with her manicured finger. “She says the camera’s out. All they see is a blank screen.” Imina pressed and held her finger against the red Emergency Call button. “We’ll probably plummet to our deaths.”

  “I explained why we won’t die. Now stop.” Aiden pulled her hand from the panel. “You’ll poke a hole in that thing. Quit pushing the buttons.”

  “I don’t understand why the back-up generators aren’t kicking on. This makes no sense.”

  “Imina, nothing we can do.” Aiden shoved both hands in his jeans pockets. “Just relax.”

  “Don’t tell me to relax.” Imina poked a finger against his chest. “Karen is up in her office all alone. Part of my job is security. I’m the front line.”

  “First off, quit trying to injure objects with your finger.” Aiden grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest. “No one can access her.”

  “If someone wanted to, they could.” Imina yanked her hand free then ran her fingers through her hair.

  Aiden furrowed his brow. Infidelity had extreme security measures in place. No one could even access the offices without a keycard, so why was she so concerned? He did know Imina took a boxing class. Maybe she even carried a gun. And why was the vision of her wearing nothing but a gun holster so hot? He blinked and shook his head. “Why are you worried? Unhappy clients?”

  “Shhh…” Imina placed a finger against her mauve-colored lips. “We are not discussing Infidelity in this elevator.”

  “You started it.” Aiden grinned. His Imina was a paranoid one, probably because she’d ordered the surveillance and knew who was listening. “If I were a client, I’d pick you.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m not an employee. Well, I am but not in that way.”

  “You could be.”

  “No.” She averted her gaze then punched the Intercom button, which did nothing.

  Interesting. Why was she so against being on the client list? “Since we’re stuck here, why don’t you tell me how you came to work for Infidelity?”

  “No.” She’d given up on the panel and had her fingers locked on the edge of the elevator doors. Trying to wrench them open, she grunted and her sculpted arms tightened as she tugged.

  “All right.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her away. “Stop. You’re fidgeting.”

  “Remove your hands from my person.”

  “Oh, the haughty-voice. I love that one.” He leaned down and breathed in her sweet vanilla scent. “I think about that voice sometimes when I’m—”

  She shoved away. “Shut it, Maxfield. I’m not one of your fawning women.”

  Leaning against the elevator wall, he crossed one ankle over the other, noting a black scuff on his brown dress shoes. He wasn’t overly particular about his appearance. Like today, jeans and a button-up shirt were generally all he needed. “I’m not dressed to impress. I don’t know why you think I have fawning women?” He studied her for a moment. Now was a good time to clear the air between them. Maybe he could discover why she was so adamant about denying what they could be together. “As usual, you’re making assumptions that are completely unfounded.”

  “I don’t make assumptions.” She smoothed down her skirt. “I know everything about each person who walks through Infidelity’s door.”

  He shrugged. “You know what’s on the surface.”

  “I don’t need to know the rest.”

  “Why not?”

  Imina glared. “Listen. Again. If I need a man, I’ll find one. You want to talk about Infidelity? Why it works? Because money makes things easier. People seek companionship because they’re tired of fitting into labels. Mother, daughter, sister, assistant…whatever. All those definitions mask who we are at our core. Infidelity creates a relationship with set parameters. No guessing games. No stressing over where the relationship is going. Everything is chosen for the client and the employee.”

  “Why would anyone want to know?” Frowning, Aiden flicked his wrist in the air. “That’s the beauty of falling in love. The anguish, the pain, the passion. Love isn’t easy. Shouldn’t be…if it’s real.”

  “Too much in life is hard.” Imina sniffed. “And love is never real.”

  Ah, now they were getting somewhere. The only people who didn’t believe in love were those who’d been hurt by it. Who’d hurt her? Instead of delving into that topic, he tossed out a dare. “If all you need is a man, I’m right here. I have been for years. No need to look any further.”

  “Too messy.” She pressed the down button again.

  “Yeah, it will be.” Aiden straightened, reached
out and pulled her hand from the panel then wrapped it around his waist. Inches from her luscious mouth, he halted, licking his lips.

  Her breath hitched.

  He angled his head and—

  Her phone rang.

  She gazed at his mouth for a moment before turning away and answering the call. “Karen…still an hour? Fine…yes, we’re okay… Thank you.” After she hung up, she met his gaze. “An hour.”

  “Well then, shall we continue?” He tucked her hair behind her ear.

  She leaned into his touch then, eyes-wide, she stumbled back a step and sighed. “You say I don’t know you, but I know the company you keep.”

  “The company I keep?” Aiden furrowed his brow. “What’s that mean?”

  “Forget I said anything.” Imina fiddled with the top button of her blouse. “It was a mistake.”

  # # #

  Oh, Lord, she’d almost slipped.

  Aiden Maxfield, a man who would know about money and class, leaned against the elevator railing in his usual slouchy, I’m-too-sexy-to-live stance. In his designer jeans and button-down teal shirt, he tilted his head and gave a half-smile. “I’ve got you hostage in this elevator, so let’s get down to some real truths.”

  “About what?” She’d love to get real with him. Something about his cocky smile always ratcheted up her libido. Plus, his dark hair, soulful brown eyes, sharp cheekbones, and full lips—the man would look amazing lying across her bed—or across the elevator floor. Hmmm…with an hour, that thought had some merit.

  “Let’s start with your comment about the company I keep. What did you mean?”

  “All right. Fine.” Imina did enjoy their little chats, not that she’d ever admit that to him. They were friends, of a sort. She could actually talk to him about where she worked. Every time he stopped by her desk, she inwardly cursed when her traitorous heart stuttered a little. Didn’t matter. A Maxfield had no business being with a nobody from Cape Town, South Africa, of Cape Coloured descent. She hated having those thoughts, but she did. “Aiden, where would you ever see us going? Your family and the company you keep is the old money crowd. The Upper-East-side crowd. The never-look-at-the-menu-prices crowd. Plus all your stylist friends, actors, actresses, and models. You like being in the spotlight, and I don’t. We might have a few hot nights in the bedroom, but I think you’re looking for more…and that’s not on the table.”


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