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Infidelity: Insider (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Jillian Jacobs

“You stupid bitch,” he sputtered, twisting his forearm in her tight grip.

  “Not stupid.” Still bent, she swung back with her free hand and bashed his nuts.

  Shards of agony shot through his groin, and he fell forward against her back. “I’ll to kill you for that.”

  “Don’t think so.” Imina elbowed him in the chest twice then faced him while twisting his arm.

  Due to the unnatural bend, he dropped the knife, and then scrambled to pick it up, holding a hand against his aching balls.

  While he was slightly bent, she punched him in the back of the head.

  Stunned by the blow, he faltered to one knee.

  “Stay away from me.” With a clear shot, Imina kicked him in the nuts. Twice.

  Instant pain seared from his balls to his stomach. He dry-heaved and then crumpled to the ground, clutching his waist, praying for the dull ache to end.

  She stomped on his hand then bent to yell in his ear. “You think you can frighten women? You think you can hurt them, and no one will know? Not anymore. Fuck the contract, and fuck you.”

  Fury and pain rising in equal measure through his body and mind, Kellogg watched her tennis shoes retreat. She wanted to get dirty. Play hard. Bring pain. Well, he knew all about pain. Next time, he’d bring a gun, and she’d pay. She’d bleed and she’d die.

  Chapter 9

  More than a little concerned, Aiden knocked on Imina’s apartment door. They’d been texting, and then she’d just stopped. Right in the middle of their conversation, and she hadn’t replied since. He wasn’t even sure where she was at the moment, because she hadn’t returned his calls, so he’d come here to find answers.

  The door swung open.

  Imina stood on the other side, a bottle of wine swinging from her hand. Her eyes and nose were red. A big bandage covered one side of her neck, and she had a tight grip on her right side.

  Aiden stepped forward, cupping her face in his hand. “What is it? What happened?”

  “What I always knew would happen.” Imina slurred out her words. Then she shuffled over to the couch. Bandage wrappers were spread across her coffee table, along with two bottles of pain relievers, rubbing alcohol, and an empty bottle of wine. Her hand remained pressed against her ribs as she wobbled over to the couch and slowly sat, leaning to one side.

  “Did you get mugged? What happened?” Aiden dropped to his knees, running a finger across the bandage on her neck. “Who did this?”

  “I got away, you know.” Imina sniffed, her eyes watery. “I took self-defense lessons. I go all the time. Heck, I could teach the class by now.”

  Aiden sank back on his heels. “And why do you take self-defense lessons?” He tried not to come across too boldly, but this information was monumental. This was a piece of Imina he’d been missing. Maybe after tonight, he’d have the puzzle completed.

  “I was beat down.” She averted her gaze, sticking her pinky finger in the wine bottle’s opening. “I was broken by the same man who tried to hurt me tonight. By the same man who hurt that girl. And I didn’t deserve any of it then, but I do now, you know?”

  “No. I don’t know. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.” Aiden tugged the bottle from her grip. “I was worried to death. Who hurt you?”

  Her lips pursed before she smacked them together, and then she patted his cheek. “Your friend. Mr. Kellogg Brown. Oops.” Eyes wide, she put a hand against her mouth. “Shhh…I’m not allowed to say that. There’re contracts. I signed ‘em.” Nodding, she pointed a finger against her chest. “I hate him. Really hate him, and I showed him tonight.” After grunting out a half-laugh, she met his gaze, eyes blazing. “He knows we’re together. Doesn’t like it.” She waved a single finger in Aiden’s face then suddenly straightened and looked side to side. “Hey! Where did my bottle go?”

  “Imina, look at me.” Aiden was doing his best not to shout at her to make sense. “Are you saying Kellogg Brown hurt you?”

  “I said it, didn’t I?” She hiccupped. “I never told no one before, but I’m saying it now. He thinks he can just shove a knife in me, and I’ll stand there and let him. But no, I’m not a victim. My therapist says that. I don’t know if it’s true, but tonight I got away from him…so maybe...”

  “I’ll kill him.” Clenching his hands into fists, Aiden shot to his feet. “I’ll kill him for hurting you. For hunting you down. What kind of psychopath does that? Who is this guy?”

  “What? Wait. What are you doing?” Imina followed him to the door. “No. You can’t tell. We have to get him another way. I’ve thought about it. You and me. We can do it together.” She clutched his arm. “Where are you going?”

  “I’ll destroy him.” Aiden hated to imagine what Imina had been through. What she’d endured at the hands of someone he’d believed was a friend. He’d been so wrong, and that fueled his anger even more. “He hurt you. He’s hurt others. He needs a little of his own medicine.”

  “No!” Imina cried. “Don’t leave. I already hurt him. I knocked him down and kicked him.” She wrapped both hands around her middle and fell to her knees. “He isn’t allowed to touch me. No one is.”

  “Imina.” Aiden crouched beside her then gripped her elbow. His strong Imina seemed so broken and unsure. He hated that Kellogg had put her in this state, so he’d stay for now and deal with the bastard later. “Come sit with me. We’ll talk this through. I’m still not clear on what happened.” He lifted her to her feet.

  She winced and grabbed her side.

  “Imina?” He jarred to a stop. “What is it?” Not waiting for an answer, he peeled away her sweatshirt and gasped at the size of the bandage on her side. “That motherfucker.” Never had he felt such a confluence of emotions. Rage. Pity. Fear. Her bandage was more red than white. “Imina, you’re bleeding through. We need to get you to a doctor.”

  “Yeah, he pricked me. That’s what he is… a prick.” Imina chuckled, but the sound came across as more of a sob. “Do you know where my wine bottle went?”

  “I think you’ve had enough. Now, how do you know Kellogg?” And where had he left his keys, because they needed to leave.

  “I work at Infidelity.”

  “I know that.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I meant…I worked for them. I was an employee. One of the first. You know how they have a phone number now? A way to call and break a contract? That was me. I’m the reason they have that.”

  “He was matched with you?”

  “Yeah. I thought the way he treated me was normal, you know? Hell, my parents hit me. Why shouldn’t some guy who was paying me a lot of money do the same?”

  “Oh…Imina.” Aiden led her back to the couch. What had this woman suffered? He’d thought he was falling in love with her, but he’d been fooling himself. His heart was already splattered on the ground at her tiny feet, willing to do whatever she needed.

  “Karen came to check on me after a pretty rough night, and she pulled me out. Kellogg tried to contest it, but Karen threatened to spill it all. So, we swept his abuse under the rug and implemented a new policy in case anything similar happened again. I’m sure it has, but so far, no one has called.” Imina sniffled. “Probably scared to. Like I was.”

  “All right. Tell me again what happened tonight?”

  “I was texting you. Distracted. Kellogg came up behind me and shoved me against a wall. He’s scared I’ll tell you about what happened between him and me, and apparently, he had a right to be.” She brushed at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I spilled, didn’t I?”

  “Imina.” He shifted forward to wrap her in his arms.

  She eased away. “Don’t. I hurt.”

  While certain she meant emotionally, he also knew she had to be in pain physically. Blood had seeped through the bandage on her neck, too. “Imina, we’re going to the emergency room.”

  She gripped his hand. “You’ll take me and stay?”

  “Of course.” He squeezed her hand then leaned over and kissed her cheek. “
I tried for three years to get us to this point. I’m not leaving now.”

  “No.” She gasped and pulled back, eyes wide. “After tonight, I can’t see you anymore. You know now why I’m not right for you. I let Kellogg use me, hurt me. That fact will always be between us, and I can’t look at you and see the disgust in your eyes.”

  “That isn’t what you’ll see.” Aiden trailed a finger across her wet cheek.

  “Yeah, that.” She pointed at his face, almost jabbing him in the eye. “That look of pity is just so much better.”

  “Come on.” Aiden tugged on her elbow. “I’ll call a cab and take you to the hospital.”

  “I mean what I said, Aiden. We can’t continue.” She remained seated. “Kellogg hurt me, and he’ll come after you, too. He only cares about his image. He’ll protect it at all costs.” She squeezed his hand. “We had a few good weeks. Let’s leave it at that.”

  “Imina, let’s go.” Unwilling to argue with her now, he pulled her to her feet. “We’ll discuss our plans when you’re sober and not in so much pain.”

  “Telling you the truth hurt worse than anything I’m feeling physically.” She frowned and held her side. “Well…mostly.” She sighed then huffed out a laugh. “It’s the emotional pain that never fades. Revealing the truth about who I really am and what I’ve done. Major ouch. Think the hospital has drugs that ease heartache? Something to help me forget all my regrets and sorrows?”

  “Let’s go find out.” Aiden led Imina out the door. Her hand was so small and frail in his. He wanted to protect her, yet at the same time he understood she could stand on her own. Still, how could he make her see that they were stronger as a team?

  Kellogg’s actions sickened him. Aiden would never turn away from Imina based on what that monster had done. He and Imina were not over. None of this was over. Not until Kellogg Brown paid and paid dearly. The man was a menace and, after tonight, clearly unstable and willing to inflict serious harm. Aiden would have to ramp up his efforts to bring down his former friend. Far down. Deep in the gutter down.

  At first, he’d thought to deal with Kellogg discreetly, but not after tonight. Not now that Aiden had mentally switched from his standard lens to his macro lens. With the macro, he could see minute details he hadn’t caught before.

  Aiden had spent his entire life exposing people, revealing truths through pictures, and so he’d do the same to Kellogg. He’d expose the man’s secrets to the light, ruining each picture Kellogg had created with his lies and his deceit. No more dark rooms. Only vivid truths.

  Chapter 10

  At a coffee shop just a block away from Imina’s apartment, Aiden weaved through the early morning crowd. He didn’t see anyone. Didn’t smell the bitter coffee aroma floating through the air. He only had one thing on his mind—revenge.

  Last night, the ER doctor had explained Kellogg only pierced the surface of Imina’s skin, but two inches deeper and he would’ve punctured her kidney. After loading her up with painkillers and settling her in bed, Aiden had called Karen and expressed his displeasure over the entire situation. She’d had the audacity to remind him Imina wasn’t allowed to discuss Infidelity business. He’d given his opinion of that response in a very colorful manner before hanging up.

  Furious and ready to seek justice, regardless of whatever papers Imina had signed, he’d called Tony and asked the cop to meet him here.

  Dressed in his city-cop attire, Tony waved him over.

  His pal was slouched in a metal chair too small for his burly frame with a to-go cup on the table in front of him. Aiden pulled out the free seat and plopped down. He hadn’t slept and hadn’t eaten. None of that mattered right now. “Thanks for meeting me today.”

  “I’ve got a shift coming on, so give me a brief run down of last night’s events.”

  Aiden nodded, and then gave a brief explanation.

  Tony tapped his paper cup against the table. “Is Imina willing to report her attack?”

  “She’s resting.” Aiden frowned then ran a hand down his face. “I’ll talk to her when I get back.”

  “Here’s what I’ve got on Kellogg so far.” Tony tossed a yellow envelope on the table. “My photography skills aren’t as good as yours, but I got the job done.”

  “Where were these taken?” Aiden quickly thumbed through the pictures of Kellogg hauling an Asian woman from his car into a building with a flashing red hotel sign.

  “Sunset Park. Just off Fifty-Ninth.” Tony shook his head. “Your uptown boy’s visiting Brooklyn’s Chinatown.”

  Aiden winced. “Did he hurt her?”

  “No.” Tony crumpled the cup in his beefy hand. “I called a few cops from the area. Informed them they had a live one at this hotel. I stuck around the parking lot until they knocked on the door. They took the girl with them.”

  “Good.” Aiden slid the photos back into the envelope. How many women had Kellogg hurt? How had he gotten away with his behavior for so long? The whole thing disturbed him on so many levels.

  “What are your plans for those photos?” Tony ticked his head toward the envelope.

  “I’m taking them to someone who can really fuck up Kellogg’s world.”


  He grinned. “His boss, Lennox Demetri.”

  # # #

  Aiden had met Lennox before at social events. Seemed like a decent man. He hadn’t seen him after his wife had died, because Lennox had become somewhat of a recluse, likely building his empire. He’d heard the rumors floating about regarding the mafia ties. Through his research, he’d discovered actual truth existed within those rumors. Lennox’s father, Oren, had married the sister of a known gangster. Everybody had skeletons in their closet, but the Demetri’s didn’t ever bring them out to play. Their business was aboveboard, but sometimes, when starting out, a man had to get a little help. Right now, he hoped Demetri was a little dirty—and a lot rough. They’d need it against a monster like Kellogg Brown.

  “Mr. Maxfield, Mr. Demetri will see you now.”

  The leggy blonde with her hair in a bun was the picture-perfect assistant for a man sitting at the top of the business world. Upon entering, Aiden stuttered back a step. He wasn’t meeting with the younger Demetri, but senior, Oren. Considering his thoughts on the man’s mafia ties, perhaps this was better. Oren Demetri had aged well. Salt-and-pepper hair, broad shoulders, and light blue eyes. A fit man, who looked as if he’d feel just as home on the docks as he did in the boardroom.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Oren directed Aiden to get to the heart of his visit.

  Aiden appreciated the man’s frankness and, once again today, explained the order of events as he knew them. Described the day outside the racquetball courts before handing over the photos he’d received from Tony. He hadn’t mentioned Imina yet, as he wanted to keep her secret for as long as possible. “As you can see, Kellogg hasn’t stopped.”

  “These photos do not show him actually hurting the woman.” Oren arched a dark brow. “You understand, I must know without a doubt that this man has hurt someone.”

  “He has.” Aiden straightened in his seat. “Last night, he stalked, stabbed, and threatened to rape a woman I care about, and…he has hurt her before.”

  “Her name?” Oren waved a hand before him.

  Aiden studied the older man for a moment then shook his head. “I won’t give it.”

  “Mr. Maxfield.” Oren cleared his throat. “Kellogg Brown is Vice President of Business Acquisitions and Development here at Demetri Enterprises. His reputation and work ethic are above par. I cannot simply release this man without absolute proof.”

  Everything Oren said made sense, and his request was fair. Aiden took a deep breath then said, “Imina Lesedi left Central Hospital not two hours ago with a cut against her neck and a knife wound to her side. I’m sure your people can get the records. I didn’t want her involved in any of this, so I’ll ask that you leave her alone.”

  Oren nodded and then steepled his fingers beneath his
chin. “Aiden Maxfield. I know your parents. Good people. And you, I understand, like history. I’ve bought both your photo books on New York.” Oren smiled and settled back in his large black leather chair. “We’re fascinated by the past, aren’t we? No matter how hard we try to escape, we inevitably get drawn back. This company, this Infidelity…it’s become a bit of a burr in my side recently.” He shook his head. “But that’s not the point, you were right to bring me this information. Please believe, I’ll deal with Brown. I am appalled by the man’s behavior. Shocked we’ve let such a beast work here. Disgusted we’ve funded his visits with these women.” Oren’s upper lip curled as he cracked his knuckles. “We never knew. Demetri prides itself on our security, within and without. This breach is inexcusable and will be remedied today.” He punched a couple buttons on the desk phone. “Mrs. Rye, ask the head of Human Resources to come to my office in ten minutes, please.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I will, of course, verify your words.” Demetri lifted a hand. “You know the old saying, trust but verify.”

  “Thank you.” Aiden leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he ran a hand through his hair. Grateful to this man. The bricks in Kellogg’s life were beginning to tumble. He needed to get back to Imina. He trusted Oren to take care of Brown. Something in the older man’s eyes spoke of pain, regret, and a steel will. If ever a person needed a champion, he believed Oren Demetri would fit the bill.

  “This woman. Imina. She means something to you, yes?” Oren rounded his desk then stopped and leaned against the front.

  “She does.” Aiden stood and settled his bag on his shoulder.

  “Then be worthy of her. Stay strong and remain at her side. Those are the women who change us. Make us better men. We’re nothing without them.”

  “I agree.”

  Oren patted his shoulder. “Just remember, don’t stay stuck in the past. It’s a nice place to visit from time to time, but sometimes it’s better to forget.”

  “That may be the case, Mr. Demetri, but one thing I will never forget is your assistance today. You have my gratitude.”


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